₹25 Lakh Personal Loan - EMIs Starting as low as 10.99%
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors
₹25 Lakh Personal Loan

Apply for ₹25 Lakh Personal Loan in India

Loan Amount
Interest Rate (% P.A.)
Tenure (Years)

Ready to take the next step?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get ₹25 lakh immediately?

If you're looking to get a ₹25 lakh loan immediately, understanding the Personal Loan interest rate is your starting point.

  • Check Eligibility: First, ensure you fit into our eligibility criteria. This includes your age, income, employment status, and credit score.
  • Prepare Documents: Have all necessary documents ready. While specific requirements may vary, generally, you'll need proof of identity, address, and income.
  • Apply Online: Head to our website and fill out the Personal Loan application form. Ensure you accurately fill in all details to avoid any delays.
  • Quick Approval Process: We pride ourselves on quick processing. Approval can be instant if all your documents are in order and meet our criteria.
  • Disbursal: Once approved, the loan amount will be in your account in no time. A good credit history can help secure a better interest rate, making the loan more cost-effective.

What will be the monthly EMI for ₹25 lakh?

Calculating your monthly EMI for a ₹25 lakh loan depends on several factors, including the document required for Personal Loan processing. Here is a simple breakdown to help you understand how EMI is determined.


  • Loan Amount: The principal amount you borrow, in this case, ₹25 lakh.
  • Interest Rate: Determined by your creditworthiness and current interest rates.
  • Loan Tenure: The time you choose to repay the loan.

Using Kotak's Personal Loan EMI Calculator, you can estimate your monthly EMI by inputting the loan amount, the applicable interest rate, and your preferred tenure. This tool is handy for effectively planning your finances.

How much interest will I get for ₹25 lakh?

The interest you pay on a ₹25 lakh Personal Loan, especially if you're considering it for debt consolidation, is influenced by several factors:

  • Interest Rate: This varies based on your credit score, income, and loan tenure. A higher credit score can help you secure a lower interest rate.
  • Loan Tenure: Longer loan tenures mean lower EMIs but higher interest outgo over the loan period.
  • Repayment Capacity: Your repayment capacity can affect the interest rate offered to you. It's calculated based on your income and existing debts.


We offer competitive interest rates, and by consolidating your debts, you might end up paying less interest overall compared to multiple high-interest debts.

I need ₹25 Lakh Loan Urgently; how can I get it?

Needing a ₹25 lakh loan urgently requires a fast response. At Kotak, we understand the urgency. Here's how you can expedite the process by focusing on Personal Loan fees and quick disbursal.


  • Online Application: Use our online application form for faster processing. Ensure all your details are correct to avoid delays.
  • Required Documents: Keep your documents - identity, address, and income proof - ready for quick verification.
  • High Credit Score: A high credit score not only increases your chances of quick approval but also helps you get favourable loan terms.
  • Direct Communication: Stay available for any queries from our side to clarify or provide additional information if required.
  • Fee Payment: Be prepared to pay any applicable processing fees upfront to avoid delays in loan disbursal.


Following these steps can significantly improve your chances of getting a ₹25 lakh loan disbursed to your account urgently.