Home Loan Down Payment: Is It Mandatory? Minimum vs. Higher Down Payment Options
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Is down payment mandatory for a home loan?

If you are doubtful about “Is a down payment mandatory for a Home Loan,” here is the answer.

What is a home loan down payment?

A home loan down payment is an upfront payment made by the homebuyer when purchasing a property. It is generally a percentage of the property's total cost and is a commitment to the purchase.

What is the minimum down payment for a home loan?

The minimum down payment for a home loan varies based on the loan amount, property value, and the lender's policies. It usually ranges from 10% to 20% of the property's cost in India.

Benefits of paying minimum down payment

Opting for the minimum down payment allows you to preserve your savings and maintain liquidity. It requires less upfront capital, making homeownership more accessible.

Benefits of paying a higher down payment

Making a higher down payment offers several advantages. It reduces your loan amount, resulting in lower interest costs over the loan tenure. It also leads to quicker loan approval.

Key Takeaways

While a down payment is often required, the amount can vary. Choosing between a minimum or higher down payment depends on your financial situation and long-term goals.

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