Terms and Conditions - Kotak Mahindra Bank
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors

Terms and Conditions

Following are the terms, conditions and rules ("Terms"), which shall be applicable to all Current (including Overdraft Accounts), Savings, Term Deposit and DEMAT Account(s) (collectively referred to as 'Accounts') with any of the branches of the Bank and the 'Services' offered by the Bank.

The Terms may be read as a stand-alone document or may be read with such other documents/terms as may apply to a particular Account/ Service/ situation/ circumstance/ transaction. These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions as may be specified in any document/facility documents etc. as may apply to a particular Account/ Service/ situation/ circumstance/ transaction. In the event of any of these terms and conditions being contrary to those specified therein, the terms and conditions as specified in such other document(s) in respect of a particular Account/ Service/ situation/ circumstance/ transaction as the case may be will prevail over these terms and conditions. The Terms shall be available at the Bank branches. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Bank may at its sole discretion add to, modify or amend the Terms (including the Charges) from time to time and such changes shall be communicated to the Customer by display in the Bank premises or on the website, but individual communication may not be sent to him. The Bank may publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to the Customers on Bank's Website or on its notice board or in any other mode as may be decided by the Bank. Such communication and notices would have the same effect as a notice served individually to each Customer. The Customer may within a period of fifteen (15) days from the issue of the notice close the Account or discontinue availing of Service, failing which he shall be deemed to have accepted the change from the effective date mentioned in the notice or from the date as may be specified by the applicable law. The Bank may be required to abide by the rules and regulations of self-regulatory bodies, to which the Bank is or maybe affiliated, statutory/regulatory authorities and the Customer agrees that he may also be required to abide by such rules and regulations as may be advised/specified.

Reserve Bank of India has a clear stance on Virtual Currencies (VCs) – that these currencies do not have any regulatory permission or protection in India. In its latest circular (dated April 6, 2018), the RBI has directed that the entities that it regulates shall not deal in VCs or provide services for facilitating any person or entity in dealing with or settling VCs. These services include maintaining accounts, registering, trading, settling, clearing, giving loans against virtual tokens, accepting them as collateral, opening accounts of exchanges dealing with them and transfer/receipt of money in accounts relating to purchase / sale of VCs. We at Kotak Mahindra Bank request you not to make any transaction involving virtual currencies from your bank account. However, if done so, under regulatory guidelines, the Bank would need to close your account without further intimation. 

The Customer agrees that opening and maintenance of the Account and availing of Services is subject to the rules and regulations introduced or amended from time to time by the Reserve Bank of India or any other authority.

The opening of the Account is subject to verification, and Bank reserves the right to reject the request of the Applicant to open an Account without providing any reason. In the event where the documents submitted by the Applicants or Customers for opening an Account and/ or availing the Bank’s products and services or for processing the transactions thereon are incomplete or discrepant, Bank may at its discretion contact the Applicant for rectifying such discrepancies and/or for certain additional verification/ documentation requirements. In case highlighted discrepancies remain unresolved or upon non-receipt of required documents within the stipulated time period, if any, Bank, shall have the right to reject the opening the account of the Applicant/ service request / application in accordance with its policies and procedures and retain the application forms and documents provided for account opening, including photographs in case of rejection of the said application. In such an event the Bank shall not be liable to pay interest on the amount of deposit and shall refund the money received, if any, to the source account/applicant.

Your account is governed by various policies of the bank and other important information which are amended from time to time as per directives from RBI. They can be accessed through our Customer Corner via the Kotak website i.e www.kotak.com


In the Terms all the capitalized words and phrases have the meaning stated hereunder unless indicated otherwise:

  • 'Account' includes all existing, new and future (including but not limited to any changed or altered form) Account(s), (in any form whatsoever including but not limited to usual Banking and DEMAT Services and any kind of Banking or Financial relationship), either held, operated and/or transacted single and/or jointly at the Bank.
  • 'Alerts' mean messages sent to the Customer over Electronic Media, triggered by occurrence of certain events in respect of Customer's Account, Services or otherwise.
  • 'ATM' Cash / Demand Draft Services' includes cash delivery service, cash pick up, cheque and documents pickup / delivery or any other Services offered by Bank at its sole discretion to Customer maintaining Salary account with Bank and / or persons availing these Services from the Bank for Customers of the Bank means an 'Automated Teller Machine' whether in India or overseas, whether of the Bank or of a shared network, at which the Cardholder can use his Card to access the funds in the Account(s), held with the Bank in India.
  • 'Authorized Signatory' means an individual expressly authorized by non-individual Customers to operate the Accounts/access Services, as per powers conferred by such non-individual Customer and/or as per the applicable laws.
  • "Bank" shall mean Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited and its branches and includes, unless it is repugnant to the context or meaning thereof its officials, employees, agents, contractors, consultants, representatives, successors, content providers and any such persons or entities, who are affiliated or associated with the Bank for any purpose, in relation to any of the Accounts or provision of Services or any other Bank operations, except where the Bank has itself excluded any such person or entity herefrom.
  • 'Bank Holiday' means all Sundays, national holidays and public holidays as declared under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 even though the Bank or any of its branches may be open on those days.
  • 'Business Hours' means the time period for which the Bank is open for business on the Working Days and the Business Hours may vary for each branch of the Bank, as notified from time to time.
  • 'Charges' shall mean all charges, fees, interest, costs levied by the Bank or any law with respect to any Account and/or Services and/or otherwise on the Customer and includes a Service Tax.
  • 'Cardholder' refers to a Customer or any other person, who has been issued and authorized to use the Global Debit Card.
  • 'Correspondent Bank' means and includes other banks which extend to the Bank, both at a domestic and the cross-border level, certain facilities including but not limited to maintenance of a nostro account, extending lines of credit, facilitating undertaking of trade finance activities and extending clearance and collections activity.
  • 'CRN' means the Customer Relationship Number that is allocated by the Bank to each Customer for the purpose of identification.
  • 'CIF' means Customer Identification File Number that is allocated by the Bank to each Customer for the purpose of identification.
  • 'Customer' refers to the person or person(s) (i) in whose name the Accounts(s) with the Bank are existing, may be opened (changed) now/any time in future; (ii) to whom the Services are made available; (iii) the Cardholder, wherever applicable, and includes both singular and plural, for purposes of reference to Joint Account holders, individually and collectively. The word 'Customer" includes juristic persons, partnership firm, association of persons, HUF (Hindu Undivided Family), company, co-operative society, Charitable Society or Trust, including a government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof - having an Account with the Bank. For the sake of convenience Customer is being referred to in the masculine gender.
  • “Electronic Banking” means all banking transactions including payment of Direct and Indirect taxes and facilities carried/availed by the Customer over any Electronic Media.
  • 'DEMAT Account' means the account offered by the Bank in its capacity as a depository participant.
  • 'Electronic Media' includes (though not restricted to) ATMs; Phone (including fax); Mobile; Internet; POS.
  • 'FEDAI' means Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India.
  • 'FEMA' means the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
  • 'Force Majeure' includes fortuitous event, fire, floods, storm, explosions, earthquake or any other acts of God, any acts of the government /semi-governmental/local authority including laws, decrees, ordinances and governmental regulations affecting the business of the Bank, civil disturbances, wars, war like situations, riots and insurrections, acts of public enemy, strikes and lockouts, transportation stoppages or slowdowns.
  • 'Global Debit Card' 'Card' refers to the International Debit Card, being issued by the Bank in association with Visa International under Visa Electron Program or in association with any other entity.
  • 'GOI' means the Government of India.
  • 'Home Banking Services' includes cash delivery service, cash pick up, cheque and documents pick up/delivery, foreign exchange delivery/pick-up or any other services offered by the Bank at its sole discretion.
  • 'Internet' refers to a network of computers and other electronic devices that share and exchange information and is at once a worldwide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location.
  • 'International Transactions' refer to the transactions carried out /entered into by the Cardholder using his Card outside the territories of India, Nepal and Bhutan.
  • 'Joint Account' means the Account held by more than one individual Customer.
  • 'Locker'/ 'Locker Facility' means an ancillary service provided by the Bank to its Customers to use its safe deposit lockers.
  • 'Mailing Address' is the address of the Customer recorded with the Bank (or as changed in the records of the Bank by the Customer from time to time in the manner prescribed by the Bank) as the address to which all correspondence is to be sent
  • 'Merchant or Merchant Establishment' It means any establishment wherever located which the Bank and or other VISA member Banks have approved and made arrangements with to accept and honour Cards for the sale of goods and services to Cardholders and includes among others, stores, shops, restaurants, airlines, advertised by the Bank, Visa International or the merchant as honouring a Card. It shall also mean any company, corporation, establishment, firm, association of persons or individual or any entity as may be declared by Bank from time to time, wherever located, which is designated as Merchant and / or with whom there is an arrangement with the Bank for rendering services to Customers of the Bank.
  • 'Net Banking' means the facilities offered by the Bank, at its sole discretion, to carry out various transactions including payment of Direct and Indirect taxes or avail of the information over the Internet.
  • 'NRI' means Non-Resident Indian, 'OCB' means Overseas Corporate Body, 'PIO' means Person of Indian Origin as defined under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and/or relevant rules and regulations framed by the GOI and/or RBI.
  • 'Operating Mandate' means the mode of Account usage as may be specified by the Customer at the time of opening the Account with the Bank and as may be changed by the Customer from time to time in the manner prescribed by the Bank.
  • 'Password' means and includes any randomly generated secret and confidential code, allotted by the Bank to the Customer and/or selected by the Customer and/or subsequently changed by the Customer as per his choice, for operating the Account and/or to avail specified Services through Electronic Media.
  • 'Payment Instructions' means instructions given by a Customer for effecting transfer of funds from the Customer's Account to any other Account of another customer held with the Bank or to an account in any other bank of a customer of such bank or to a Merchant Establishment.
  • 'Phone Banking Services' means the facilities offered by the Bank, at its sole discretion, to carry out various transactions or avail of any information over the phone.
  • 'Personal Identification Number (PIN)' means and includes any randomly generated secret and confidential code, allotted by the Bank to the Customer and/or selected by the Customer and/or subsequently changed by the Customer as per his choice, for operating the Account and/or to avail specified Services through Electronic Media.
  • 'POS' means Point of Sale Terminals whether in India or overseas, whether of the Bank or a shared network, at which amongst other things, the Cardholder can use his Card to access the funds in the Account(s) held with the Bank.
  • 'Reference market rate' shall mean the market rate, benchmark rate or such other rate (by whatever name called) as may be determined by the Bank for its foreign exchange (FX) dealing.
    Note: The Bank may take into account various factors such as Bank's cost, risks and potential volatility in the market while determining IBR/reference market rate
  • 'Registered Address' is any address other than the Mailing Address provided by the Customer to the Bank at the time of opening of the Account and as changed in the records of the Bank from time to time in the manner prescribed by the Bank.
  • 'RBI' means the Reserve Bank of India.
  • 'Salary Account' means the Account opened in the name of the Customer by virtue of his employment with an entity ('Employer') with whom the Bank has an arrangement in that respect.
  • 'Secure Mail' means email facility available to Customers availing the Net Banking Service after they log into the Bank's Website.
  • 'Services' includes Services through Electronic Media; Home Banking Services; Drop Box Service or any other services as may be offered by the Bank, from time to time, at its sole discretion, to all or some of its Customers in entirety or part thereof.
  • 'Services through Electronic Media' means the facilities or services offered by the Bank, at its sole discretion, over Electronic Media including but not limited to Phone Banking, Net Banking, Global Debit Card and ATM Network, to carry out various transactions or to avail the information and also includes the transaction processing basis email request from the customer / authorized signatory of the account at the point of transaction processing..
  • 'Standing instructions' are debit instructions given by the Customer to the Bank in the manner specified, which are to be executed on future dates during a period specified by the Customer at a time interval or upon happening of the event specified by the Customer.
  • 'Sweep facility' means facility of the Bank whereby automatic transfer of funds over a specified threshold from / to the Current/Saving(s) Account to / from Term Deposit Account(s) and the linked Term Deposit Accounts will be effected in a manner of LIFO or FIFO as the Bank may decide from time to time.
  • 'Technical Snags' includes any problems and difficulties arising due to routine maintenance requirements, excess demand, power and electricity failure, computer errors, programming errors, software or hardware errors, computer breakdown, Internet or network failure, faults in the telecommunications network, non-availability of Internet connection, communication problems between the Bank's server and Customer's computer network, shutting down of the Bank's server or Website, non-availability of communication links, corruption of the computer software, snags in the service providers infrastructure and telecommunication network, and arising due to any other technology related snags; any problems and difficulties for any reasons whatsoever including but not limited to natural calamity, floods, fire and other natural disasters, legal restraints or any other problem or difficulty beyond the control of the Bank.
  • 'Terms' shall mean Terms as may exist now and as may be amended from time to time.
  • 'User ID' means and includes code, allotted by the Bank to the Customer for operating the Account and/or to avail specified Net Banking Service.
  • 'Visa Electron' and 'Plus' are the trade marks ('Visa Marks') owned by Visa International and are displayed at Merchant Establishments of Visa International.
  • 'Visa /Plus ATM Network' means ATMs of Visa International displaying Visa Marks which honour the Card.
  • 'Website' means the website of the Bank.
  • 'Working days' means the days, which are not Bank Holidays.
  • MF Investment Account - MF Investment account means the account offered by the bank for investments into units of mutual funds


BHIM UPI (Unified Payment Interface)

BHIM UPI is a mode of fund transfer payment in 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application offered to customers and non-customers ("customer/User/s") by Kotak Mahindra Bank ("Bank") which facilitates to send & receive money. By using 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application customer/User hereby agrees to the terms & conditions which forms the contract between the customer/User and Bank for availing such facility. These terms and conditions form the contract between the Customer/User and the Kotak Mahindra Bank and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of other terms and conditions of any account or any other facility/services offered by the Bank and/or such other terms and conditions as may be specified by the Bank.


The following words and phrases shall have the meanings set out herein below in this document unless repugnant to the context:

  • "Application" or "Mobile Payment Application" refers to  '811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application' mobile application by Kotak Mahindra Bank which can be downloaded from Google Play store for Android and iOS  mobile operating systems to avail products and services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank through this mobile application.
  • "Account(s)" shall mean an operative bank account maintained by the User with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Account which User provide at the time of authentication process of Application, for availing the facility which is being offered.
  • "Account Holder" shall mean a User holding an Account, excluding Non-Resident Indians, Corporate Account Holders and Foreign Account Holders.
  • "Bank" and "Kotak Mahindra Bank" shall mean Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and licensed as a bank under Banking Regulation Act, 1949 having its registered office at 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400051.
  • "Debit Card" shall means and includes the debit card issued to the User in respect of an operative bank account maintained by the User with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Account.
  • "Facility" shall mean 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank to facilitate User to send or receive money via UPI platform, through said Mobile Payment Application.
  • "Issuing Bank" shall mean member banks participating in UPI network to identify the bank account basis Mobile No in case of customer is registering through any PSP App.
  • "Mobile Phone Number" shall mean the mobile number of the User used during registration for Mobile/ SMS Banking via secured channel with Kotak Mahindra Bank or for the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application, for the purpose of availing the facility. 
  • "UPI" shall mean unified payments interface is a service provided by NPCI that allows transfer of money using a Virtual Payment Address that is mapped to an account of the User after complete validation. 
  • "NPCI" shall mean National Payment Corporation of India. The funds transfer feature (send and collect) is provided using UPI service of NPCI. 
  • "Virtual Payment Address (VPA)" shall mean an identifier that can be uniquely mapped to an individual account using a translation service.
  • "Mobile Phone" shall mean a valid SIM card enabled smartphone (running on Android and iOS operating system), which is owned by the User.
  • "Personal information" shall mean any information about the User provided by the User to and obtained by Kotak Mahindra Bank in relation to the facility.
  • "Services" shall mean all the products and services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application.
  • "Transaction" shall mean the fund transfer service to send or receive money; offered under the said facility on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application; "User" shall mean an Account Holder of Kotak Mahindra Bank as well as any other person (not necessary having any relationship with Bank) who has downloaded the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application and who is eligible for availing fund transfer facility to send or receive money offered thereunder.
  • "User" shall mean and includes the existing Customer of Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Customer who has downloaded the Application.

For the purposes of this document all reference to the User in masculine gender shall be deemed to include feminine gender also.

Eligibility and Usage: 

This facility shall be available to the Users in India, subject to the condition that he downloads the Application, successfully installs it and thereafter authenticate himself with the applicable credentials and sets his MPIN "eligibility criteria". 

The User should have his/her Mobile Phone Number registered with his/her Bank for SMS/Mobile Banking and should have existing relationship with his/her Bank for availing this Facility and services thereunder, using this Mobile Payment Application. 

This facility shall be made available only to the Users satisfying the eligibility criteria and shall be provided at the sole discretion of Kotak Mahindra Bank and may be discontinued/suspended/withdrawn by Kotak Mahindra Bank at any time, with or without prior intimation to the Users.

The User understands, accepts and agree that any other condition that is a pre-requisite to access and avail the benefits under the facility, including, but not limited to a Mobile Phone, Data Connection, etc. will be the sole responsibility of the User.


The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to access his Account and the Personal details registered while authentication of Application for availing the service including effecting Banking or other transactions of the user through the facility. 

The User expressly authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to disclose to the service provider or any other third party, all user information in its possession, as may be required by them to provide the services offered under the said facility to the User. 

The authority to record the User’s details and transaction details is hereby expressly granted by the User to Kotak Mahindra Bank. All records generated by the transactions arising out of use of the facility, including the time of the transaction, beneficiary details, etc.; recorded shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and accuracy of the transactions. 

The User authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to send any message or make calls to his mobile phone Number or display banners or any other communication on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application to inform him about any promotional offers including information regarding Banks' new products either now available or which Kotak Mahindra Bank may come up with in the future, greetings, banners or any other promotional massages or any other message that Kotak Mahindra Bank may consider appropriate to the User. 

The User irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that such calls or messages made by the Kotak Mahindra Bank and/or its Agents shall not be construed as a breach of the privacy of the User and shall not be proceeded against accordingly. 

The User authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to send any rejection message or to reject any transaction/request, if it finds that the request sent by the User is not as per the requirements stipulated by Kotak Mahindra Bank for availing the facility. 

Kotak Mahindra Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the User’s information is kept confidential. 

The User expressly authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to carry out all request(s) or transaction(s) for and/or at the request of the User as are available to the User through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application without the Bank having to verify the authenticity of any request or transaction purporting to have been received from the User through Application. 

Kotak Mahindra Bank shall have the option to introduce any new services through this facility at any time in future and the User shall be deemed to have expressly authorized Kotak Mahindra Bank to register the User for such new services.

Liabilities and Responsibilities of the User:

  • The User shall be responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of any information/instructions provided by the user for availing the facility. 
  • The USER shall be solely responsible for fund transfer through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application to the correct Beneficiary/ Virtual Payment Address. 
  • The USER shall also be responsible to comply with the applicable Anti-Money Laundering (AML) norms governing such funds transfers as stipulated by Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”), from time to time.
  • The USER shall be liable and responsible in case of any discrepancy found in the information/details provided by him for availing fund transfer service offered through the Application.
  • If, the USER suspects that, there is an error in the information supplied to Kotak Mahindra Bank, he shall inform the Bank immediately. Kotak Mahindra Bank will endeavour to correct the error promptly wherever possible on a best effort basis.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be held liable for any loss suffered by the User due to disclosure of the Personal information to any service provider or third party by the Bank, for reasons including but not limited to participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network, in compliance with any legal or regulatory directives, for statistical analysis or for credit rating or for any legal or regulatory compliance.
  • The User shall be solely responsible for protecting his Mobile Phone and MPIN for the use of the said facility.
  • The User shall be liable to the Bank for any kind of unauthorized or unlawful use of any of the above mentioned MPIN/passwords or of the said Application or any fraudulent or erroneous instruction given and any financial charges thus incurred shall be payable by the User only.
  • The User accepts that for the purposes of the said facility any transaction emanating from the Mobile Phone Number registered by User shall be assumed to have initiated by the User at his sole discretion.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the User to request the Bank, to suspend the said facility due to change of his registered Mobile Phone Number or if his Mobile Phone has been lost or has been allotted to some other person. The User shall also be obliged to inform the Bank, if any, unauthorized transaction in his account, of which he has knowledge.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the User to update him with regard to any information relating to the services as Kotak Mahindra Bank may decide to provide certain other additional services under the said facility. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be responsible for any disregard on the part of the User.
  • The User shall be liable for all loss if he/she has breached the Terms and conditions contained herein and other applicable terms & conditions or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions or a failure on his part to advise Kotak Mahindra Bank within a reasonable time about any unauthorized access made on his behalf in the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application.
  • The User shall agree that by use of this facility, he shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to all the above terms and conditions and such terms and conditions shall be binding on me/us in the same manner as if he has agreed to the same in writing.


Terms of Service: 

These terms & conditions are in addition to the general terms & conditions of any account or any other facility provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank to its Customers.

  • This facility is available only to the User having a bank account with any bank in India providing Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), Unified Payment Interface (UPI), including the fund transfer service.
  • User shall register him for using the Application in such manner and through such modes as may be specified and made available by Kotak Mahindra Bank from time to time for availing and using the facility.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves right to charge the User for the services offered under the said facility. User agrees that charges, if any, for the facility offered by the Bank will be at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank is at the liberty to withdraw/modify/vary the same from time to time, without giving any notice to me/us.
  • This facility will be provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank at the request of the User to enable them to Send or receive the funds through Application to the accounts/Virtual Payment Addresses added in the application based on the instructions received from User.
  • The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to debit or Credit his account/s with the Bank registered for availing the facility.
  • For the purpose of availing this facility, User shall take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized and illegal use of Application and services offered through the facility. 
  • The User will be required to register his details including bank account details after downloading the Application to Send and receive the funds through said facility and all linked bank account will also be reflected in BHIM Kotakpay (with same VPA). 
  • The User shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of MPIN/ OTP/Code/password and for all the consequences which may arise due to use or misuse of such MPIN/OTP/Passcode/password.
  • The User shall be responsible and liable for any and all the fund transferred to beneficiaries at their request or received by using the Application.
  • The User shall be liable for all loss caused due to negligent actions or a failure on his part to immediately notify Kotak Mahindra Bank within a reasonable time, about any unauthorized use/access made on his behalf in the Application or misuse of MPIN/ OTP/Passcode/password or any other breach of security regarding the facility, of which he has knowledge.
  • The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorise Kotak Mahindra Bank to access all the necessary information for effecting transactions executed by him under the facility and to share his necessary information with any third parties for the purpose of accepting/ executing such requests.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank may keep records of the transactions in any form it wishes. In the event of any dispute, Bank's records shall be binding as the conclusive evidence of the transactions carried out through the said Application.
  • The User shall not to use/access the Application and/or services offered through the same in any manner other than as authorized by Kotak Mahindra Bank. In case the User uses the Application for any purpose which is illegal, improper or which is not authorised under these terms /other specified terms & conditions then Kotak Mahindra Bank has a right to take all reasonable measures in order to prevent such unauthorised access by the User.
  • The User confirms that, any instructions given by him shall be effected only after validation of authentic MPIN/ OTP/Passcode/Password used by him for availing such facility.
  • The User agrees and confirms that, once the transaction is materialized, any stop payment instructions given by him cannot be accepted and acted upon by Kotak Mahindra Bank.
  • The User shall while utilizing the facility ensure that : 
    • He has authority to access and avail the services obtained and shall duly comply with the applicable laws and regulations prevailing in India.
    • He shall provide Kotak Mahindra Bank with such information and/or assistance as is required by Kotak Mahindra Bank for the performance of the service and /or any other obligations of Kotak Mahindra Bank under this facility.
    • He shall be responsible for providing the accurate and authentic information/instructions to Kotak Mahindra Bank for availing such facility.
    • he shall not at any time provide to any person, with any details of accounts held by him with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank including the passwords, account number which are allotted, from time to time.
  • The User acknowledges that, the services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility shall be availed by him at his own risk and these risks shall include the following risks:
    • Any technical error, failure, glitch, network failure, legal restraints and other reasons which is beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank and for which Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not hold in any manner
    • Any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred/suffered by User, for the reason that the information provided by him turns out to be wrong/incorrect/inaccurate, for which Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be held responsible.
    • For the performance of any service provider/other third party/entity involved in the process; and for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by User for any error, defect, failure or interruption of the service or consequences arising out of delayed fund transfer.
    • any loss of damage arising or resulting from delay in transmission delivery or no delivery of online/electronic instructions or any mistake, omission or error in transmission or delivery thereof or in decrypting the instructions from any cause whatsoever or from its misinterpretation received or any act or even beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • The technology for enabling the transfer of funds and the other services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility over the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, program or macro. It may be possible that the said Application/ server of Kotak Mahindra Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request/transaction of the Users. This could result in delays in the processing of instructions or failure in the processing of instructions and other such failures and inability. User understand that Kotak Mahindra Bank disclaims all and any liability, whether direct or indirect, whether arising out of loss or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honour any User instruction for whatsoever reason.
    • The User shall be entering all his sensitive information including such as account details, debit card details, OTP or MPIN and any personal information in NPCI library for authorizing any transaction initiated by the User and the final authorisation of any such transaction which will be done by the Issuing bank only after confirmation received from the Issuing bank from the User. User agrees and confirms that, he shall be alone responsible for use/disclosure of his details as mentioned herein, for initiating/authorizing any transaction through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application via NPCI and the Issuing bank and shall keep Kotak Mahindra Bank indemnified, harmless and absolved from any liability in this regard including from any loss, cost, penalty, charges, including legal fees/charge, etc; which may cause to Kotak Mahindra Bank due to use/disclosure of User's details mentioned herein by User, over NPCI Library and to the Issuing bank for seeking their confirmations, in respect of any transaction initiated/authorized by the User. Therefore, the User shall be solely liable and responsible, in such case if any loss, cost, penalty, charges, including legal fees/charge, etc; incurred to the User, in any manner whatsoever in this regard.
  • The User agree that Kotak Mahindra Bank shall assume no responsibility in respect of:
    • Transactions carried out under the service in good faith relying on User's instructions and information provided.
    • Not carrying out transactions where Kotak Mahindra Bank has reason to believe in its sole discretion that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague or doubtful.
    • For any loss or damage incurred or suffered by User for any error, defect, failure or interruption of the service or consequences arising out of delayed transfer/remittance and for any reason which is beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • User acknowledge and agree that Kotak Mahindra Bank remains a mere facilitator for this service and that Kotak Mahindra Bank does not warrant or claim any responsibility for this facility nor does Kotak Mahindra Bank endorse any such service and/or its standing or reputation whatsoever and Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not liable for any deficient or bad services in any manner whatsoever and for any loss, whatsoever that User may suffer. The risk in this regard is entirely on the User.
    • Unauthorized access of any third party to the information/instructions given by user to third party using said facility.
    • For any direct, indirect or consequential damages occurred to User while availing this facility, arising out of any error in the facility and which are beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • When Kotak Mahindra Bank acted in good faith.
    • Any loss, damage, liability caused or suffered by User due to disclosure of all information of confidential nature
  • in respect of UPI System, as the connectivity to UPI System is extended to the Kotak Mahindra Bank only and any/all secure credentials that are required to process the transaction shall be provided by the User which will be captured and encrypted as per the construct and requirement of UPI only, by NPCI. Therefore, the secure mechanism or interface will be extended by NPCI through UPI system to Kotak Mahindra Bank including but not limited to secured credentials or sensitive information such as User's MPIN, Account details, Debit card Number, Expiry date, OTP, etc. in encrypted manner. User agree that, charges if any for the facility offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank will be at the sole discretion of Kotak Mahindra Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank is at the liberty to withdraw/modify/vary the same from time to time, without giving any notice to me/us.
  • The Bank at its sole discretion reserves the exclusive right to block, temporarily or permanently, virtual payment address (es) of the User, if it identifies that the user-name or words used in the virtual payment address (es), as misleading, offensive, prohibited, promotional or brand-names, trademark or copyright pertaining to any third party, with or without prior intimation to the User, for which the Bank shall not be held liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever.
  • The User agree that, if his bank account is closed/ blocked pursuant using the facility, for any reason whatsoever, user shall settle the issue directly with his Bank and shall not hold Kotak Mahindra Bank any way responsible for the same.
  • The User shall remain responsible for any and all the transactions made through the facility. Kotak Mahindra Bank may withdraw or terminate the facility anytime or in case of breach of terms by me/us without a prior notice; or if Kotak Mahindra Bank learns of demise, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the User or for any reason whatsoever.
  • The User agree that, User is not entitled to consolidate amounts available in his different bank accounts maintained with his bank(s) for making payments using said Application. Therefore, at one given point of time User is entitled to use funds available in particular bank account which he has chosen for making payment using the said Application.
  • The Bank may at any time add/modify/vary these terms and conditions from time to time, without giving any notice to the User and the same shall be binding on the User.
  • The User agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Kotak Mahindra Bank and its directors, officers, owners, agents, co-branders or other partners, employees, information providers, licensors, licensees, consultants, contractors and other applicable third parties (collectively "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, debt or liability, including reasonable attorney's fees, and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties arising out of, related to, or which may arise from :
    • any breach or non-compliance by User of any term of these Terms of Service or any other additional terms & conditions and policies of Kotak Mahindra Bank;
    • any dispute or litigation caused by Users actions or omissions;
    • any negligence or violation or alleged violation of any law or rights of a third party by the User.

Kotak Mahindra Bank may provide the any services through this Application, directly or through its associates or contracted service providers on its behalf.

Limitations on transactions:

There will be transaction limits as mandated by NPCI from time to time and also subject to limits as may be prescribed from time to time by other banks where the user holds a bank account and have linked the said Bank account in the Application. 

Any inaccurate, incomplete or false disclosure of statement of financial transaction or reportable account by me would lead to penal consequence on the Bank under applicable law. The Bank shall be entitled to recover from me such amount levied due to such inaccuracy, incompleteness or false disclosure. I will indemnify the Bank in respect of all or any liabilities incurred by Bank, by reason of any of the information or particulars given by me, being incorrect or false or being suppressed or omitted

As per RBI master direction of KYC, in case of any update in the documents submitted by me at the time of establishment of business relationship / account-based relationship and thereafter, as necessary; I shall submit to the Bank the update of such documents. This shall be done within 30 days of the update to the documents for the purpose of updating the records at Bank’s end. 



The Customer acknowledges that he has read, reviewed and understood these Terms and conditions. The Customer unconditionally agrees to abide by the Terms and conditions and all the applicable laws including FEMA, rules and regulations of the RBI or any other regulatory/statutory authority, as may be prescribed and as may be amended from time to time. The Customer also acknowledges that the Account or Services that are offered to the Customer are not assignable/ transferable to any third party under any circumstances and shall be used only by the Customer.


The Customer is responsible for the correctness of information supplied to the Bank from time to time. If the Customer has reason to believe that there is an error in the information furnished to the Bank he shall immediately advise the Bank in writing. The Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of erroneous or misleading, incorrect, untimely or incomplete information furnished by the Customer.


Bank may use the service of Correspondent Banks to provide certain Services or facilities. Bank will take due care to protect the interest of the Customer, but the Bank will not be responsible if there are any losses/liabilities which arise as a result of any act or omission of the Correspondent Bank and/or any delay in realization of cheques deposited.


Customer hereby irrevocably agrees to and consents that the Bank may disclose at any time and share with or in any manner make available to any agencies, bureaus, affiliate companies, firms, associations, corporate bodies and other persons including any outside agencies any information of the Customer as may be required in strict confidence.

Customer further agrees that the Bank may hold and process his personal information on computer or otherwise in connection with any Service for statistical analysis and credit scoring. The Customer also agrees that the Bank may disclose in strict confidence to other institutions such personal information may be necessary for reasons inclusive but not limited to (i) participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network (ii) in compliance with a legal or regulatory directive/instruction (iii) for credit rating by a credit rating agency (iv) for fraud prevention purposes.


Customer represents and warrants that (i) he has the authority and/or he is lawfully entitled to accept the Terms and that he is not under any disability, restriction or prohibition which shall prevent him from performing or adhering to any of his obligations under the Terms; (ii) the execution of the Terms or any part therein is not, directly or indirectly, in conflict with any other agreement or document that the Customer has executed or entered into; (iii) there are no liabilities against, relating to or affecting the Customer, which individually or in aggregate, are material to the business of the Bank; (iv) the personal information provided by the Customer to the Bank at the time of registration is true and accurate and any other information provided thereafter shall be true and accurate; (v) there are no legal proceedings, or injunctive or stay orders pending against or likely to arise against the Customer that may violate the Terms or materially affect the Customer's fulfillment of these Terms.


The Bank shall take all care to provide secure and error free services to its Customers on best effort basis. The Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any damages, loss, harm, expense, liability and the like arising to the Customer or any third party for any reasons whatsoever whether attributable to the Bank or not.

Without prejudice to the above, the Bank shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any loss or damage suffered due to the following reasons: Any action carried on by the Bank in good faith, based upon the instructions of the Customer, by exercising due diligence, or taking reasonable care; Any unauthorized, unlawful and illegal transactions occurring through the use of Account(s) and/or Service(s), which can be attributed to the fraudulent or negligent conduct of the Customer and/or any third party; Intrusion or hacking into the computer systems/network or communication network of the Bank; Failure to carry out any instructions of the Customer due to insufficiency of balance in the Customer's Account(s); Failure of the Customer to access the Bank Account or avail of any Services due to any Force Majeure Event or any Technical Snags or any other reason beyond the control of the Bank; Failure of the Customer to inform the Bank when the Customer's Bank Account is being illegally used or Services illegally availed of by third parties; Failure of the Customer to keep confidential and secure, any Passwords, or other identification marks or any Card or token given to the Customers for operating the Accounts or availing of any Services; Failure to provide or provision of inaccurate, incorrect information by the Customer whether personal or in respect of any Account or Service; Any stop payment instructions or such instruction of the Customer being/not being carried out or any delay thereof; Violation of any Indian law or foreign law; or Breach of any of the Terms by the Customer or any other person with/ without the Consent of the Customer.

In the event that the Bank is held liable for any loss or damage to Customer as a result of use of any Service provided by the Bank, Bank shall only be liable for direct loss or damage which, in the ordinary course of events, might reasonably be expected to result from the circumstances in question and only if such loss or damage is caused by Bank's gross negligence or willful default and Bank shall not be liable for any incidental, indirect, remote, consequential, special loss or damage in this regard.

Customer should not hand over cash to any bank official outside the bank premises. Customer should tender cash only at the cash counters during working hours of the bank. Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any such loss or harm arising to the customer due to handing over the cash outside the bank premises.  However cash can be handed over to the authorised agent of the bank at the registered address of the customer, in case a cash pick up request is placed by the customer. For Cash Pick up facility please refer Terms & Condition governing the Home Banking Facility.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing herein shall apply if the Bank is prevented from discharging any or all of its obligation herein or otherwise due to any cause arising out of or related to Force Majeure or Technical Snags or for any reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank.


The Customer agrees to and shall indemnify and hold the Bank and each of the employee agents, consultants contractors, content providers or representatives of the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, liabilities, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees and court/ adjudicating body costs whatsoever, which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of (i) breach of the Customer's representations and warranties;(ii) improper use of the Account and/or Services by the Customer or any other person with/ without the consent of the Customer; or (iii) breach by Customer or any other person with/ without the consent of the Customer, of any of the provisions of the Terms or any other agreement with the Bank or, (iv) by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on any instruction given by the Customer due to acts or omissions of the Customer, including but not limiting to: (a) Failure to intimate/inform the Bank when he/it suspects or knows that his/its Passwords are known to third parties or when third parties use his/its Passwords for carrying out unauthorized, unlawful or illegal transactions; (b) Failure to keep confidential and secure the Passwords from third parties; (c) Failure to inform the Bank regarding any changes in his/its personal information or Account information; (d) Unauthorized, unlawful or illegal access to the computer system/network and/or data of the Bank by using a Customer's Passwords; (e) Failure to comply with the law; (f) Failure to comply with the usage guidelines issued by the Bank in respect of Accounts or Services as may be applicable at the relevant time; (g) Failure to comply with these Terms and any agreement between the Bank and the Customer.


These Terms, Accounts/Services and obligations of the Bank shall be governed and be subject to laws and guidelines as may be issued by RBI from time to time. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for noncompliance with the laws of any country other than that of India. The mere fact that the Account or Services can be accessed through Internet or by phone or mobile in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of that country govern these Terms, and/or the operations of the Accounts of the Customer.


All Customers must be either by himself or through legally authorized representative eligible and capable by law to open and operate the Account or avail of the Service, as the case may be. The Bank shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any loss or damage suffered due to the ineligibility or incapacity of the Customer.

All the Customers agree that they are aware of and shall comply with any law that may be applicable to any of the transactions they carry out, in India or abroad, through their Accounts or Services. The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to any third party for the Customer's violation of any law.

Know Your Customer (KYC) /Central Know Your Customer Records (CKYCR) Related :

As per RBI master direction for KYC, the customer understands and agrees that in case of any change in the documents submitted at the time of establishment of business relationship / account-based relationship and thereafter, as necessary; the customer shall be required to submit to the Bank  updated documents within 30 days of the change for the purpose of updating the records at Bank’s end.

Customer agrees to and consents Bank to download KYC Records from the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR), for the purpose of verification of identity and address from the database of CKYCR Registry. Customer understands that, KYC Record would include Personal information such as name, address, date of birth, PAN etc. Further customer understands that this information shall be used to establish new relationship/s as well as for updation / periodic updation of the Bank records.

Customer agrees and understand that the Bank shall share  KYC records of the customer submitted during establishment of relationship / updation / periodic updation in the Bank records as per extant regulation of CKYCRR.  Customer agrees to and  consents Bank to download KYC records from CKYCR & authorize the Bank to update the KYC records / information received from CKYCR basis KYC identifier.


Remedy of arbitration as stated herein below, shall be resorted to only when the differences do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Debts Recovery Tribunal established under the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. In cases where the differences fall within the jurisdiction of the DRT, the Tribunal will have the jurisdiction over the matter.

The Customer agrees that he will, at all times, make all attempts to resolve all differences arising in respect of the Terms and conditions or any other agreement with the Bank by discussion with the Bank failing which, by arbitration, provided that the arbitration shall be by a sole arbitrator, nominated by the Bank. In the event of death, refusal, neglect, inability or incapability of a person appointed to act as an arbitrator, the Bank shall appoint another sole arbitrator. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and shall be conducted in English. The place of arbitration shall be Mumbai, India. The Customer waives any objection to such proceedings on grounds of venue. Notwithstanding the aforesaid provisions of this Agreement, in the event of any breach or apprehended/ threatened breach of the the terms and conditions herein or the respective facility documents by the Customer, the customers authorized representative/ representatives/employees the Bank shall be entitled, in addition to all other remedies, to an injunction, restraining any such breach, without recourse to arbitration. In the event of any breach or threatened breach of the Terms and conditions or any other agreement with the Bank by the Customer's authorized representatives/employees of the Terms and conditions or the respective agreements between them and the Customer, the Customer shall cooperate with the Bank in such manner as may be required to restrain such breach, including the pursuit of all legal remedies. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Courts of the city in which the branch of the Bank in which the Account is/was opened is situated shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to decide any dispute in respect of the Terms. Notwithstanding the above, the Bank has the right to bring /file a claim in any other competent court or judicial forum having jurisdiction, whether in or outside India.


Bank at its sole option and discretion shall maintain or destroy such records of transaction in respect of the Accounts or Services, as the Bank may deem fit or as mandated by law. The Customer shall not question the validity and correctness of the same. In case of conflict between the records kept by the Bank and those of the Customer, the records of the Bank shall be conclusive and binding.


The Customer agrees that Bank shall have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present / future on Fixed Deposits held in the Customer's Accounts whether in single/joint name(s), in any of the Accounts of the Customer maintained with the Bank, and over any and all securities of the Customer lying or that may come into the possession of the Bank from time to time, for safe keeping or otherwise, to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, and howsoever arising and this agreement shall be binding upon the nominees, heirs, executors, legal representatives and administrators of the Customer.

The Bank has the irrevocable right to reverse any entry (debit or credit) made in the Account with reference to any transaction carried out over the Electronic Media or otherwise, where in the course of any scrutiny, verification, checking, investigation, audit or otherwise it is found or determined that the entry was incorrect/not accompanied by proper supporting documents or authorizations/did not meet any rules or regulations or specifications including but not limited to those of the Bank. The Bank shall have a lien on the Account of the Customer to recover such costs/damages/liability that the Bank may incur and shall have the right to claim and recover any shortfall from the Customer.


Tax will be deducted at source, on the interest income as prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and as amended from time to time. Unless specified otherwise, the certificate for TDS may be issued by the Bank on a quarterly basis covering all interest accruals/payments for that quarter of the financial year consolidated for all deposits.

The amount mentioned on the Fixed Deposit Advice is not adjusted for tax, withholding taxes or any deductions on account of redemption and hence no liability is placed on the Bank to pay the amount specified on such advice and the said amount is subject to the applicable taxes. In the event the Customer does not furnish Form No.15 (G) / Form No.15 (H) / appropriate Income Tax exemption certificate to the Bank, wherever applicable, the Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Fixed Deposit Account with the TDS applicable on the interest on such deposits or Customer's other deposits or Bank Account(s) existing and/or to be opened in future. In case of Joint Fixed Deposits, the incidence of TDS would be on the Joint Account Holder whose name appears first in the application form. In the event the amount of tax to be deducted is less than the amount of interest available for deduction, Bank is entitled to recover the same either from another Account of the Customer and/or from the principal of the Fixed Deposit itself and for that purpose the Bank is also entitled to prematurely break the same, without any liability for the loss arising out of such premature encashment.


As per section 194A of Income Tax Act,1961, any person, not being an individual or a Hindu undivided family, who is responsible for paying to a resident any income by way of interest other than income by way of interest on securities, shall, at the time of credit of such income to the account of the payee or at the time of payment thereof in cash or by issue of a cheque or draft or by any other mode, whichever is earlier, deduct income-tax thereon at the rates in force. Accordingly, bank also deducts TDS on interest accrued but not due i.e. for period of last interest paid date till end of financial year and reports the same as per guidelines to Income Tax authority.

Non Resident:

As per section 195 of Indian Income Tax Act, 1961, where any interest is credited in the books of account of the person liable to pay such income, or paid to any account, the tax is required to be deducted at rates in force. Accordingly, bank also deducts TDS on interest accrued but not due i.e. for period of last interest paid date till end of Indian financial year and reports the same as per guidelines to Income Tax authority. On availing DTAA facility, the TDS rate would be applicable as per the country of residence based on the prevailing DTAA Agreement from time to time, subject to proper documents submitted for the same.


Customer should not hand over cash to any bank official outside the bank premises. Customer should tender cash only at the cash counters during working hours of the bank. However cash can be handed over to the authorised agent of the bank at the registered address of the Customer incase of a cash pick up request is placed by the customer. For Cash Pick up facility please refer Terms & Condition governing the Home Banking Facility.

Customer agrees that the Bank may sub-contract and employ agents, consultants, contractors, content providers or representatives to carry out any of the provisions of this Agreement. The Bank shall not be responsible for any negligent or fraudulent acts of such persons or any acts done outside the scope of their authority.

Save and except as expressly provided in these Terms, no exercise, or failure to exercise, or delay in exercising any right, power or remedy vested in these Terms shall constitute a waiver by the Bank of that or any other right, remedy or power. If one or more of the provisions of Terms are unenforceable against one of the Customers, this will not in any way affect the enforceability of that provision against the other Customers. The Bank may decide to waive or relax any of the provisions of the Terms, at its own discretion on a temporary basis or as a special case only and this will not affect the Bank's right to enforce that provision strictly at any other time.

In the event that any provision of these Terms and conditions is held to be in violation of any applicable law or if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Terms or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of these Terms and conditions, and the remainder of these Terms and conditions shall continue in full force and effect.

Bank reserves to right to amend, modify or withdraw, without attracting any claim/s, any or all services if it finds them to be unviable or prone to unacceptable risks.


Bank may at its absolute discretion, close any Account or terminate any of the services by giving such days notice to the Customer as it may deem fit with / without assigning any reason. Notwithstanding the above, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that Bank may at any time without notice as the circumstances in the Bank's absolute discretion may require, discontinue /modify/cancel/terminate the services, if the Bank is of the opinion that continuation of services is prejudicial to Bank's interests. Bank shall not be made liable for any consequences arising out of such closure of Account or termination of Services.

Bank may its discretion, and without prejudice to the above and in addition thereto close the Account of a person having a Current, Saving or Overdraft Account if such person's cheques valuing Rupees One Crore and above have been dishonoured on four or more occasions in a financial year for want of sufficient funds in that Account. Bank will however issue a notice to such person whose account it may close, after dishonour of the third cheque.

The Bank shall also be entitled to freeze operations in the account of a customer with or without notice, if the Bank suspects any fraud/mischief/im-personification etc., for such period as it may deemed fit until it has received full clarification sought from the customer and/or until it is convinced that operations in the account can be re-permitted. The customer shall provide all clarifications if any sought by the Bank and the Bank shall not be held responsible or liable for any losses, expenses, cost etc. suffered or incurred by the customer by reason of freezing of the account. The Bank pursuant to any notice received from any statutory authority including Income Tax/PF/Excise etc. is entitled to mark a freeze in the account/remit the amount standing to the credit of the account(s) whether jointly or singly as the case may be to the concernced authority without any notice to the customer.

Customer may close his Account or discontinue availing of any Service at any time. Bank shall be entitled to refuse the closing of the Account till such time that all Charges payable by the Customer to the Bank have been paid in full. The Bank may notify the Customer the date on which his Account would be closed and the Service would be discontinued. Upon closure of any Account, the Services associated with such an Account would be automatically terminated. At the time of closing of the Account, the Customer shall return to the Bank and/or confirm destruction of all unused cheque leaves / Card / Demat instruction slip, as applicable, to the Bank.

Without prejudice to the Bank's right to claim from any of the Customer's funds/ assets/ Account(s) in the Bank's possession or care, the Customer hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and without demur agrees and undertakes to immediately pay the Bank, in such manner as specified, upon the Bank's written demand and without cavil or argument any sum or sums so claimed without needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for the Bank's demand for the sum specified therein.

The Bank may at its sole discretion levy a Charge on the Customer if the Account is closed by the Customer within a period of 6 months from the date of the opening of Account.

The Customer shall indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified against any loss or damage that the Bank may suffer on account of dishonour of cheque after the closure of the Account.


All holders of Joint Accounts shall be jointly and severally bound by all actions, omissions and transactions arising from the use of the Joint Account, irrespective of Operating Mandate.

Communications, including but not restricted to Account Statements, in respect of Joint Accounts shall be sent to the Mailing Address of the first mentioned Account holder. In such a case, all such communications shall be deemed to have been received by all the holders of the Joint Account.

Bank shall, at all times, have the right to set-off the whole amount lying to the credit of any Joint Account of the Customer against outstanding of any of the holders of such Account. If any holder forbids payment from the Account, no amount shall be paid from the Account except on discharge from all holders/survivor(s).

Joint Fixed Deposit/ Recurring Deposit Accounts can be operated by all the holders as per the operating instruction provided by holder(s) at the time of creation of Deposit or any valid subsequent request submitted to bank. It is clarified that operating an Account shall mean and include without limitation, (a) premature breakage's (partial or whole) (b) change of the maturity instructions from auto renewal to single maturity and vice versa (c) premature renewals (d) change of interest disposition instruction from credit to an Account to reinvestment and vice versa (e) change in principal disposition instruction from credit to an Account to pay by Cheque and vice versa.

In the event the Account holders have given an Operating Mandate (Applicable for deposits with mode of operation Either / anyone or Survivor / Former or Survivor), the Bank at its sole discretion may permit operation in the account/all or any of the above transactions based on the consent by any of the Account holder. In case the transaction is processed based on a single signature (single holder consent) and as per the operating mandate, the same shall be binding on all the Joint Account holders.


Accounts held by non-individuals entities shall be operated as per the laws applicable to them and by the Authorized Signatory as per the Operating Mandate or as may be required by the Bank. The Customer agrees that all cheque(s) / payment instruction(s) / other instructions received by the Bank from alternate channels, which are executed and issued by the Authorised Signatory (ies) whose name(s) is / are sought to be deleted, shall be honoured by the bank in ordinary course till the deletion of name(s) in bank records and that the customer shall not hold the bank liable or responsible for the same.

Accounts of non-individual entities can be operated as per mode of  operation (MOP) provided at the time of opening of account or any valid subsequent request submitted to bank.  It is clarified that operating an Account shall mean and include without limitation, closure of account.

In the event of request of closure of account as per Operating Mandate, the Bank at its sole discretion may permit closure of account based on the consent as per MOP of the account and same shall be binding to all.


Foreign Currency denominated Account(s) of residents/ non-residents and rupee denominated Account(s) of Non-residents shall be governed by regulations of RBI/GOI and these regulations shall prevail in case of any conflict with the Terms and conditions.


The NRI Customer undertakes that he shall (i) intimate about his return to India for permanent residence; (ii) abide by the NRE/NRO or any other applicable scheme/directions laid by the RBI from time to time (iii) ensure, in case of debits to NRO/NRE Accounts for the purpose of investments in India and credits representing sale proceeds of investments, such investments/disinvestments would be covered by the general or specific permission of the RBI.

The NRI Customer hereby agrees to indemnify the Bank against any losses, claims, costs, charges and expenses arising from or suffered by the Bank by reason of non-compliance by him of the applicable laws.


The Customer acknowledges and agrees that in respect of his Salary Account, at the sole discretion of the Bank ;

(i) he may be entitled to certain facilities only during currency of his employment with the Employer

(ii) any of the said facilities in respect of the Salary Account may be discontinued, completely or partially,

(iii) the Salary Account may be closed or redesignated, as deemed fit by the Bank, to any of the Savings Account products as specified in the Bank's website www.kotak.com from time to time, if no amounts are credited by the Employer for a continuous period of two months or more and/or on the instructions of the Employer that the Customer has ceased to be in the services of the Employer for any reason whatsoever. The customer hereby agrees to maintain Average Monthly Balance applicable for the Savings Account scheme, where the account is redesignated. In the event of failure to maintain Average Monthly Balance as per the prevailing product parameters of the redesignated savings account product, the customer hereby authorizes the Bank to recover the non maintenance charge as defined by the Bank from time to time, by making a demand on the customer/by appropriating from any other amounts/accounts of the customer held singly or jointly with or without notice to the customer. The Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes the Bank on the request of the Employer to recover by debiting/ reversal of credit, any excess amount credited by and/or on the instructions of the Employer into his Account, without any reference to or recourse to him. The customer further irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes the Bank to debit/reverse any amount on the instruction of the Employer by reason of fraud if any committed by the employer and/or without any reason. The Bank shall not be held responsible or liable for any of the acts mentioned hereinabove.


The minimum amount and term for with which the TD can be opened by the Bank, and the interest thereon, shall be as, notified by the Bank from time to time.

The effective date of TD shall be the date on which the Customer/ depositor deposits the cash with the Bank or the date on which the cheque deposited with the Bank is realized or the fund transfer is effected on Net Banking, as the case may be.

Customer agrees that on maturity of the Fixed Deposit, in the absence of written instructions on disposal of funds, the Bank has the right at its discretion to renew the deposit along with accrued interest thereon on the same terms as that of the matured TD at the prevailing interest rates. If the TD is issued in name of more than one Customer, the renewal instructions should be given by at least one of the Customers.

The terms of the TD may be modified or revised only if Customer applies to the Bank by a written request signed by him; or in case of Joint TD - if a written application signed by all Joint Account Holders is filed with the Bank. However, the Bank shall have the sole discretion whether to modify or change such terms.

Premature withdrawal of Fixed Deposits would be permitted at the sole discretion of the Bank and on premature withdrawal of fixed deposit. The interest will be paid at the rate prevailing on the date of deposit for the tenure the deposit remained with the bank or at the contracted rate, whichever is lower.

Customers are aware that the premature withdrawal of deposit(s) will require signature and consent of all the Depositor(s) irrespective of the mode of operation.  Customers jointly may provide a mandate and authorize the Bank that in the event of death of any one of the depositors, the Bank upon receipt of written request from the surviving depositor(s), may allow surviving depositor(s) to prematurely withdraw the Fixed Deposit without seeking concurrence from the legal heirs of the deceased depositor(s).  Customer has been informed that penalty on premature closure of Fixed Deposits is not applicable in case of deposits that are Prematurely withdrawn on account of death of any one of the depositors.  This is applicable for deposits booked after 2012.

Premature Withdrawal Not Allowed Deposits:

- Premature withdrawal of this deposits is not allowed till maturity
- ActivMoney/ Sweep-in facility is not available on this deposit
- Auto Renewal option is not available on this deposit.
- Monthly payout option is not available on this deposit.

Further, the Bank will levy a penal charge from time to time for such premature withdrawals as prescribed below for fixed deposits booked/ renewed on or after 1st November, 2012 till 19th May,2022.

Tenure of Fixed Deposit


Less than 181 days


181 days and above


For erstwhile ING Vysya Bank customers the above premature withdrawal penalty slabs will be applicable for Tem Deposits booked/ Renewed on or after 1st April 2015 till 19th May,2022.

Further, the Bank will levy a penal charge from time to time for such premature withdrawals as prescribed below for fixed deposits booked/ renewed on or after 20th May, 2022.

Tenure of Fixed Deposit


Less than equal to 180 days


Greater than 180 days to less than or equal to 364 Days


Greater than or equal to 365 Days


Customer agrees that if the bank permits him to make a premature breakage of Fixed Deposit, the recovery of interest already paid may be recovered from the proceeds of the Fixed Deposit. Instructions for premature withdrawal of the Fixed Deposit shall be duly signed by the account holder(s) as per the 'mode of operation' of the Fixed Deposit.

Standalone Fixed Deposits of tenure 181 days and above linked to saving / current account will be treated as per the regular sweep deposit functionality and penal charge will be applicable as below mentioned in premature withdrawal penalty section.

  • For ActivMoney (2 way sweep Deposits) Regular Fixed Deposit rates will be applicable for all customers, including Senior Citizen's / Bank Staff.
  • Interest on TD will be compounded at quarterly rests in case of reinvestment deposits subject to keeping the deposits with the Bank for a minimum tenor of 181 days and above.
  • For Fixed Deposits with tenure below 181 days, interest will be calculated at maturity as Simple Interest.

Interest on Fixed Deposit can be paid for a period of less than a quarter at the discounted interest rates as per RBI directives.

The calculation of interest is basis 365 days in a year for deposits booked in a non-leap year and 366 days in a year for fixed deposits booked in a leap (calendar) year.

Fixed deposits are governed by the terms and conditions of the Bank.

Nomination facility can be availed at the nearest Kotak Mahindra Bank branch

ACTIVMONEY: Minimum Thresholds for Current accounts and Savings Accounts

For Current Accounts, the "Minimum default Threshold" till 30th November'14 is as below:


Sweep Out Threshold (in Rs)

Sweep In Threshold (in Rs)

Ace Current Account



Elite Current Account



Pro Current Account



Edge Current Account



Neo Current Account



Classic Current Account



Synergy Current Account



Trader Pro Current Account



Trader Classic Current Account



For Current account, the "Minimum default threshold" effective 1st December'14 is as below:


Sweep Out Threshold (in Rs)

Sweep In Threshold (in Rs)

Ace Current Account



Elite Current Account



Pro Current Account



Edge Current Account



Neo Current Account



Classic Current Account



Synergy Current Account



Trader Pro Current Account



Trader Classic Current Account



For Current account, the "Minimum default sweep threshold" effective 5th January' 2016 is as below:


Minimum Sweep Out Threshold (in Rs)

Minimum Sweep In Threshold (in Rs)

Astra 5 Current Account (Rs.5 lac AQB)



Astra 10 Current Account (Rs.10 lac AQB)



Astra 25 Current Account (Rs.25 lac AQB)



Kotak Ace Plus Current Account (Rs.2.5 lac AQB)



Kotak Elite Plus Current Account (Rs.1 lac AQB)



Kotak Pro Plus Current Account (Rs.50K AQB)



Note: These are the floor level (minimum threshold),the agreed ActivMoney in any account will be basis bank offer and customer acceptance and will finally be at the discretion of the bank subject to the minimum threshold.

* For Savings Account: Default Threshold will be "Two times of AMB for Sweep Out and 1x of the AMB for Sweep In".
For Privy league: Customers the default sweep in and sweep out limits as 1.5 Lac and 2 Lac respectively

*Sweep Out



Two times of Product AMB in multiple of Rs.10,000/-

One time of Product AMB in multiple of Rs.10,000/-

For Edge customer with AMB of Rs.10,000/-
Sweep out: Above Rs. 20,000/-
Sweep in below - Rs. 10,000/-


On account of part redemptions / liquidations, if the Fixed Deposit balance falls below the minimum amount required for opening of Fixed deposit, then the Fixed Deposit will be auto closed.


  • This Five Year Tax Saving Fixed Deposit is being made in order to avail benefit under sec 80C of Income Tax Act
  • No pre-mature withdrawal of principal or accrued interest is permitted under this scheme.
  • No lien can be marked on the Fixed Deposit receipt issued under this scheme.
  • In case the Tax Saving Fixed Deposit receipt is lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated or defaced, a duplicate receipt will be issued only on the applicant furnishing an indemnity bond in the prescribed form with one or more approved sureties or with a bank guarantee.
  • On maturity, the depositor is required to discharge the TD receipt issued by the Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. by signing on a revenue stamp and submit it to the bank.
  • This fixed deposit is governed by the Bank Fixed Deposit Scheme, 2006 by the Government of India vide it's Notification No. 203/2006 dated 28th July,2006, and amendments as published by the Government from time to time in the official gazette.
  • In addition to the above points, the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time in respect of fixed deposits shall also apply

Floating Rate Linked Term Deposit

Interest :

  • Interest shall be calculated on daily basis and on the basis of 365 days in a year for deposits in course in a non-leap year and 366 days in a year for deposits in course in a leap (calendar) year.  The payout is calculated at simple interest.
  • Benchmark Reset will be applicable on T+1 basis. Eg.  If there is a change in the Repo Rate today (T)  it will be applied to the deposit on the next calendar day (T+1).
  • The interest earned on TD shall be subject to the tax deducted at source as per the prevailing income tax laws and regulations.
  • All Deposits will be booked basis the prevailing deposit rates only.

Premature Withdrawals of the Deposit:

Minimum Notice Period of 35 calendar days is required to be given for all Premature Withdrawals.

  • Notice once given cannot be withdrawn.
  • Interest Pay out to be as follows in case of Premature Withdrawal
  • The interest would be paid at the original card rate corresponding to the tenor for which the deposit stayed with the Bank or the original contracted rate whichever is lower.
  • Auto Renewal and partial withdrawal is not available for TD.
  • Any requests that are unclear, incomplete or require additional information may be unable to be processed the same day
  • For deposits where maturity proceeds are to be paid out, in case of maturity falling due on a day which is not a business day, the maturity proceeds of the deposit will be paid on the next business day. Interest at the contracted deposit rate will be paid for such an additional period for which deposit remained with the Bank.
  • No claim can be made by depositor for any interest on the deposit for any period after the date of maturity in case the funds stay with the Bank for any reason including on account of incorrect, incomplete or invalid payment instructions.
  • The depositor will abide by the Bank’s rules, policies and prevailing RBI guidelines for deposits in force from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time and in accordance with prevalent regulatory guidelines without any intimation to the depositor.
  • By agreeing to place the deposit with the Bank on the terms hereof, the depositor shall be deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time. In case of any inconsistency between the terms hereof and the general Terms and Conditions, the terms of hereof shall prevail over the said inconsistent general Terms and Conditions.


Payment of interest

  • Interest on RDs will be calculated by the bank in accordance with the methodology advised by Indian Banks' Association.
  • The interest rates for RDs will be the corresponding rate as applicable for a Fixed Deposit as on date of booking of RD.
  • The interest on the RD is compounded at quarterly intervals, at the applicable rates.

Payment of installment:

  • The installment amount once fixed will not be allowed to be altered at a later date.
  • In case of more than one installment being overdue at the time of payment, the paid installment if sufficient to cover only one installment will be appropriated towards the first/ earliest installment overdue.
  • Partial / Advance payment of installments will not be permitted.
  • The Bank shall not be responsible for informing the depositor(s) to maintain adequate balance in his/her/their account to pay the installments.


  • Resident individuals (Including Minors) and HUF.


  • The Deposit shall mature on completion of the contracted tenure even if there are installments due to be paid and shall be due for repayment post deducting the applicable penal interest charges for such nonpayment.
  • In case of premature closure of this deposit within a month, no interest shall be paid and only principal amount will be returned.
  • The maturity amount mentioned on the RD advice is subject to payment of all installments on time

Penalty on delay in payment of installment:

  • In case of delay in payment of any installment post grace period of 5 days, penal interest at the rate of RD interest rate (contracted rate of interest at the time of booking of the RD) + 2% p.a. or such other rate as may be specified by Bank from time to time, will be charged for the month of delay.
  • Fraction of a month will be treated as full month for the purpose of calculating such interest.
  • Even if the payment for the month is honoured, but the standing instruction towards installment recovery has failed, the Bank will recover a standing instruction failure charge from the current / savings bank account as per General Features and Schedule of Charges (GFSC)
  • The total penal interest chargeable shall be recovered from the total amount of interest payable by the bank and shall be recovered only at the time of maturity or premature closure of the account as the case may be.

Premature Withdrawal of RD:

  • In case of premature closure of this deposit within a month, no interest shall be paid and only principal amount will be returned.
  • On premature withdrawal of RD. The interest will be paid at the rate prevailing on the date of deposit for the tenure the deposit remained with the bank or at the contracted rate, whichever is lower post deducting penal charge of 0.5% on premature withdrawal of deposit


The overdraft facility extended to applicant(s) against the security of the Fixed Deposit(s) shall be automatically renewed by the Bank unless Bank decides otherwise at its sole discretion. A notification with regard to renewal shall be sent by the bank and If no request for cancellation is received from the applicant(s) within 30 days from the date of such notification by the Bank, the applicant(s) shall be deemed to have accepted the modified rate from the effective date mentioned in such notification. The rate of interest chargeable for the overdraft utilised will be as per the sanctioned rate of interest above fixed deposit rate (Spread) or such other modified rates as notified by the Bank from time to time for the overdraft facility and the applicant(s) agree to abide by such modification. The validity of the Overdraft Facility will be for the period as may be stipulated by the Bank from time to time.

Till full and final repayment of the Overdraft utilised, charges payable in respect of such availment and cancellation of the Limit being effected, the Fixed Deposit(s) shall be held as security by the Bank and will be renewed from time to time at the sole discretion of the Bank at the rates prevailing at the time of renewal and without any reference to the Deposit Holders and such renewed Fixed Deposit(s) will continue to be held as security against the Overdraft. The Bank may, in its absolute discretion, discontinue, cancel and/or terminate an Overdraft already allowed and utilised, apply, set-off, appropriate and adjust the principal sum and all interest standing to the credit of the Deposit Holders, in relation to any or all of the Fixed Deposit(s) in or towards full or part satisfaction and liquidation of the balance outstanding under or in respect of the Overdraft. The Bank may at its sole discretion modify, reduce the OD limits and the applicants on being so communicated, be required to pay such amounts to the Bank to bring the facility within the new limit and Bank will have the right to appropriate such amounts from the Fixed Deposits if required.

The applicants shall not, subject to the extent as permitted make or assert any claim on the Bank, based on any theory of liability and In fact waive all their rights thereto in respect of any special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages as opposed to actual and direct damages arising in any way or connected with the Overdraft Facility or for any damage whatsoever caused by or arising from, directly or indirectly, the error, failure, negligence, act or omission of any other person, system, institution or payment infrastructure.


If the Customer wishes to appoint an attorney to operate the Account or avail of the Services on his behalf, he shall forward the certified true copy of the duly notarized Power of Attorney/ letter of mandate to the Bank (in the format approved by the Bank) along with the original for the purposes of verification. The Bank may at its absolute discretion accept such Power of Attorney / letter of mandate and allow such Power of Attorney/ mandate holder to operate the Account or avail of the Services on behalf of the Customer in the manner acceptable to the Bank. In the event of revocation of the Power of Attorney the Customer shall immediately inform the Bank in writing of such revocation and submit the documents in support of revocation.


Bank shall send all communications, correspondences, Account Statements, cheque books, drafts, etc. to the Customer at the Mailing Address, except in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Bank.

The Customer must promptly notify the Bank any change of his Mailing Address/Registered Address in writing. However, if any Registered Address is to be changed as the Mailing Address or vice- versa the communication could be sent by any other mode acceptable to the Bank. Change of any of the addresses will be applicable to all the Accounts of the Customer wherein he is the sole or the primary holder, unless otherwise indicated. In case of Joint Account with joint Operating Mandate no change in Mailing/Registered Address shall be effected unless communicated by all the holders.

If the Customer does not receive any mail posted/couriered by the Bank at such address due to any reason whatsoever the Bank shall not be responsible. The reasons may include (but not limited to) fault of the postal/courier agency, mail being delivered at the given address but being not received by the Customer and/or mail not being delivered at the given address due to the Customer not being available thereat.. In case of non- delivery or non-receipt of the mail, Bank will not be responsible or liable to re-deliver the same.


The Customer should communicate with the Bank only via the mode that is specified and no other. Bank is not bound by communication received via any other mode. Specifically, if certain kinds of transaction requests are not allowed through phone or email, the same should not be used. The Customer should not use Secure Mail for time critical instructions e.g. stop cheque or hot listing of the Card. All communication whether in writing or otherwise shall be valid only if the same is sent in the format (if any) prescribed by the Bank.


All instructions to the Bank shall be complied within such time as may be advised by the Bank at the time of receipt of the instruction and as is permissible by applicable laws. Instructions received by the Customer may be reversed anytime before the Bank acts on the same. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss/liability incurred by the Customer if he fails to give such reversal instructions before the Bank acts on it. Any transaction directly effected by the Customer on Net Banking cannot be reversed.

Bank may refuse to honour a request to withdraw funds in cash from a Customer's Account or carry out any other request if it believes that (i) it is required by law to do so, (ii) the amount is unreasonably large, (iii) raises reasonable suspicion in the mind of the Bank, (iv) honouring the request could cause the Bank undue hardship, or (v) security risk and the Bank may communicate the reasons of such refusal to the Customer.


Any transactions on a Bank Holiday or after Business Hours shall be shown in the Account, at the sole discretion of the Bank, as having taken place on the succeeding Working Day and not the actual day of the transaction and all deductions/accretions on such amount shall be deducted/accrued as of such Working Day. Bank shall not be responsible for any loss of interest or liability incurred/suffered by the Customer including but not limited to return of cheques, loss of interest arising due to such transaction being not shown on the day the same actually occurred. Exchange rate for any transaction including but not limited to FCNR placement shall be applied on the basis of Bank determined/applied rates subject to next Working Day requirements or as otherwise may be made applicable by RBI.


Bank may, at the request of all the joint account holders, allow the addition or deletion of name/s of joint account holder/s if the circumstances so warrant or allow an individual depositor to add the name of another person as a joint account holder. The Joint Holders/individual depositor as the case may be shall provide such information and documents as may be required by the Bank. However, in no case should the amount or duration of the original deposit undergo a change in any manner in case the deposit is a Fixed Deposit. The Bank may, at its discretion, and at the request of all the joint account holders of a deposit receipt, allow the splitting up of the joint deposit, in the name of each of the joint account holders only, provided that the period and the aggregate amount of the deposit do not undergo any change.


Nomination facility is available in accordance with applicable laws including the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985. Customer is advised to designate a nominee while opening the Account.

In case of Joint Accounts or in case of non-individual Account, the Customer agrees and undertakes to notify the Bank promptly if any Joint Account holder or Authorized Signatory/ of the Account, as the case may be, dies or is declared incompetent by a Court or any other competent authority. Bank may place a hold on the Account and stop all operations when any Account holder dies or is declared incompetent or it is revealed that he is of unsound mind or a restriction is placed on its operations, although the Bank can continue to levy Charges on such Accounts and claim such amounts as are due to it under any bankers lien or otherwise.

In case a nomination facility has been availed by the Customer, Bank will be discharged of its liability by making the payment to the nominee upon the terms and conditions as may be specified by the Bank at the relevant time, unless specifically prohibited by an order of the Court. In the absence of any nominee, the Bank may retain any and all funds in the Account until it establishes the identity and credentials of the successor to the Account holder to its satisfaction, which may include insisting on a succession certificate/probate of a will or any other evidence as may be required by the law for the time being in force.

Account shall be closed and the balance thereof shall be given to the surviving Account holder. On the death of the Account holder other than the first mentioned Account Holder, the Account shall continue to operate in the name of the surviving Account holder.

Notwithstanding anything stated above, in the event of surviving holder(s)/nominee/claimant approaching the bank claiming the amount lying in the account of the deceased Account Holder, Bank shall be at liberty to first deduct all the dues payable by the deceased Account holder under any loans/credit cards/credit facilities availed by him/her from the Bank whether it is in default or not and then release the payment if any available in the account of the deceased Account Holder to the surviving holder(s)/nominee/claimant.


Cheque books may be issued by the Bank to persons having Savings, Current or Overdraft Accounts at such Charges as may be indicated by the Bank. The cheque book shall be sent to the Customer at his Mailing Address. The Bank may at its discretion offer 'at par' cheque books to certain Customers as per the law.

Bank shall deny issuing a fresh Cheque Book to any person having a Current, Savings or Overdraft Account if such person's cheques valuing Rupees One Crore and above was dishonoured for four or more occasions during a financial year for want of sufficient funds in the account of such person. Also, the bank may at its discretion consider closing the current account.

Bank also reserves right to discontinue Cheques Book in event of frequent dishonor of cheques / Exceeding bank defined cheque-book threshold in a month (Individual Account – exceeding 100 leaves, Non-Individual - exceeding 500 leaves.

The Customers must draw cheques in such a way as to prevent alteration after issue and the Customer's signature should confirm with the signature in the Bank's record. Any alteration on the cheques must be authenticated by the Customer's signature against each such alteration. The Bank reserves the right to refuse payment of cheques that have been altered in any way unless the alteration is authenticated by the Customer under full signature as per specimen on record with the Bank.


Bank may accept a cheque/ draft/ payorder (hereinafter referred to as an 'Instrument' for the purpose of this section) for deposit to the Customer's Account from anyone. Bank is not required to or obliged to question the authority of the person making the deposit, unless otherwise mandated by applicable law.

Customer is advised to check with the Bank for the prevailing clearing timings in respect of the Instrument. Local Instrument will be presented to the drawee bank on the next working day. Non-local Cheques (drawn in India or outside) will be sent to the Correspondent Banks/own branches on collection basis or directly to the drawee bank and the proceeds of such Instrument will be credited to the Account upon realization of funds. Bank will try on a best effort basis to meet the next applicable clearing time and shall not be liable for any losses/liabilities incurred as a result of a delay. Credit of foreign currency Instrument to the Account shall be subject to all the applicable laws including FEMA, and such exchange control and other regulations as RBI or any regulatory authority may direct from time to time.

The Bank will consider the clear balance available in your account at the beginning of the day to process cheques in Inward Clearing.

The Bank shall take all due care to ensure that the Instrument reaches the Correspondent Bank/own branch, however the Bank shall not be responsible in case the Instrument sent to the Correspondent Banks/own branches on collection basis are either lost in transit or the funds are not received by the Bank. In such a scenario, Bank is not under any obligation to follow up with the Correspondent Bank/drawee bank and the Customer needs to contact the issuer of the Instrument for further action.

In case the Instrument have been returned by the Correspondent Bank /drawee bank/own branch after the funds for the same has been credited to the Account, Bank will debit the Account for the Instrument amount and charges, if any, without prior notice.

Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any contractual obligations, which were honoured by the Customer based on earlier crediting the proceeds into the Account. Customer may deposit a high value Instrument drawn on a branch participating in high value clearing for same day clearance. While depositing an Instrument meant to be sent for high value clearing, the Customer should state the same on the deposit slip to assist the Bank in identifying the accompanying Instrument as meant for high value clearing. The Bank shall take all reasonable steps to follow such instructions. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Customer, if the Bank, due to reasons beyond its control, is unable to comply with the instructions. Customer should inquire at the Bank for prevailing guidelines for this Service.

Bank will not be liable or responsible for any loss, including but not limited to, consequential loss due to: (i) crediting the amount of the Instrument in an Account other than the Account of the depositor due to lack of clarity/overwriting of the Account number written on the deposit slip; or (ii) due to delay in forwarding the Instrument for clearing due to any reasons whatsoever. In case of any dispute on whether an Instrument was attached to the deposit slip or not, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding.

Bank is entitled to refuse acceptance of a Instrument drawn on a non-local clearing, in case the proceeds of the Instrument is less than the collection Charges to be levied and/or with respect to such location where the Bank has no arrangement with any bank thereat.

Cheques drawn by customer and payable at any branch of the Bank, as per the arrangement between the Bank and the Customer, the presentment of such cheque at any branch of the bank at the time and date of such presentment shall be deemed to be effective presentment of the cheque at the drawee branch at such time and date.


Bank will not be liable for returning any cheque, if the Account has insufficient balance to debit the entire cheque amount as per the balance amount shown in the record of the Bank at the time cheque is presented to the Bank for clearance, even though, on the same date, the Account may have sufficient balance at some other time, due to receipt of clearing, deposit of cash, etc. Bank is not liable or obliged to inform the Customer about cheques, which are returned unpaid due to any reason, whatsoever.


Customer is required to maintain a minimum of average quarterly/ monthly balance in his Account as per the limits as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time. Average quarterly balance is computed by adding the daily ending balance of the Account and dividing the sum with the total number of days the Account is active from the first day of the calendar quarter to the last day of that calendar quarter. Average monthly balance is computed by adding the daily ending balance of the Account and dividing the sum with the total number of days the Account is active from the first day of the calendar month to the last day of that calendar month. Service charges, as may be prescribed or notified by the Bank are computed based on non-maintenance of minimum Average quarterly / Monthly balance required.


Customer(s) shall be liable and undertakes to pay all Charges in respect of the Account or for any Services as may be indicated from time to time.

Interest payable on Saving and Fixed Deposit Accounts shall be at such rate or rates as may be determined by the Bank, from time to time, at its absolute discretion and as per the applicable laws. It may vary (both upward and downward) from time to time.

In case of insufficient balances in the Accounts of the Customer, the Bank shall have a lien to the extent of the Charges over the amounts that may be credited in the Account. The Bank reserves the right to recover (partially or fully) this amount from subsequent credits either into the same Account or from any other Account of the Customer. The Bank will be entitled to recover its Charges from any credit balance lying in any of the Accounts of the Customer, without any prior or post notice to the Customer, and the Bank shall also not be liable for any return of cheques due to such recovery.

Any Charges, government charges, duty or debits or tax payable as a result of the use of the Card shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer and if imposed upon, the Bank shall debit such Charge, government charges, duty or tax to the Account. Customer hereby authorizes the Bank to make deductions from the Account and undertakes to indemnify the Bank against any expenses the Bank incurs in collecting money that the Customer may owe in connection with the Card (including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees to the extent permitted by law).


The Customer shall not attempt to transfer funds without sufficient funds in the concerned Account or without a pre-existing arrangement with the Bank for the grant of an overdraft.

The Bank may, at its discretion, carry out the instructions notwithstanding inadequacy of funds/credit facility without prior approval from or notice to the Customer and the Customer shall repay with interest the resulting overdraft/advance/credit and all related Charges and interest on the excess amount, at such rates as the Bank may levy.

Requests for funds transfer not received directly from the Customer in person must be accompanied by a cheque signed by the Authorized Signatory/Customer.

The Bank shall not be liable for any omission to make all or any of the payments or for late payments due to any reason whatsoever.


The Bank may at its sole discretion provide its Customers the facility to give Standing Instruction via the branch or Electronic Media. For each instruction the Customer has to specify the amount that shall be debited from his Account for transfer to another Account held with the Bank or by way of a draft. The Customer is responsible for making sure that concerned Account has sufficient funds on the date when the standing instructions are to be executed. The Bank may, at its discretion, carry out the Standing Instructions notwithstanding inadequacy of funds/credit facility without prior approval from or notice to the Customer and the Customer shall repay with interest the resulting overdraft/advance/credit and all related Charges and interest on the excess amount, at such rates as the Bank may levy. The Bank shall not be liable for any omission to execute all or any of the instructions or for late instructions due to any reason whatsoever. The Customer agrees to pay the Bank the Charges levied by the Bank.


If for whatever reasons the Account has a debit balance, Customer shall pay and undertakes to pay interest and other Charges in accordance with the Bank's prevalent rate and practice and shall regularize the Account on the same day, unless the Bank specifically makes an exception. Overdraft facility to NRI/PIO/OCB clients shall be subject to such further regulations as RBI has or may stipulate from time to time.


When the Customer does not have sufficient funds in the Account to cover a cheque drawn by him or for any other debit, Bank may consider the cheque or debit an insufficient funds item regardless of any notification to the contrary that may be issued by the Customer.


Account Statements for each Account shall be issued on a frequency as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion for each Account. The Customer acknowledges that the statements of Accounts sent to him by the Bank may not be signed on behalf of the Bank.

If the Customer notices any error in the Account information supplied to him by the Bank he shall intimate the Bank accordingly within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the statement of Account, failing which it would be deemed to have been accepted by the Customer. If the Customer becomes aware of any transaction on any of his Accounts that has not been validly authorized by him, he shall inform the Bank immediately. Bank will endeavour, but is not obliged, to correct the error promptly and adjust any interest or Charges arising out of such error. Bank reserves the right to rectify discrepancies in the Account Statement, if any, at any point of time. Bank shall not be liable for any consequence arising out of any delay, lapse, omission, or neglect on part of the Customer to notify the Bank about any such doubtful debit/withdrawal and the Customer solely is liable for the any consequences or losses that may occur. If Customer delays in examining the statement or in reporting a problem, it may affect Bank's ability to resolve the problem. The Customer authorizes the Bank to engage and utilize the services of third parties/vendors to prepare and mail the statements and/or other documents/material. Bank is not responsible for statements lost in mail.

The Customer should contact the Bank for duplicate statements, if required. Statements or messages sent from the Bank to an e-mail account or other electronic receiving communication systems/ servers, is at the entire risk of the Customer and if the same is lost, incorrectly received, or sent to the incorrect e-mail or are accessible to third parties, the Bank is not and cannot be responsible or made liable for such transmission. In the event that the statements/ messages as sent to the Customer over any Electronic Media (including but not limited to Net Banking or e-mail) do not tally, for whatever reason, with the records available at the Bank, the latter shall prevail. The Customer agrees to pay any Charges levied by the Bank for issuing duplicate statements.

Terms and Conditions governing the Bank's Passbook

1. Customer should carefully examine the entries made in their passbooks immediately upon such entries being made and draw Bank's attention to any errors / omissions/discrepancies that may be discovered on the same day or on the next bank working day.

2. Bank will not accept any responsibility for any claim arising out of Customer's failure to carry out examination of entries and promptly bringing them to the bank's notice.

3. The Customer should ensure that their passbooks are presented at regular intervals for updating. Whenever, the quantum of the update required is substantial the Bank reserves the right to retain the passbook overnight and the Customer may be required to comeback the next day to collect the passbook.

4. The passbook is to be stored in a place of safety by the Customer. The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss or incorrect payment attributable to the neglect of this rule.

5. If a passbook is lost or spoilt a charge of Rs. 250/- (+applicable Service Tax) will be levied for a duplicate passbook, which will be issued only after due enquiry. The Bank shall have the discretion to revise the said charge without any prior notice to the Customer.

6. The Customer should not fill up the passbook in his own hand and any such entries made by the Customer would not be accepted by Bank.

7. The Customer shall not create any security including but not limited to bailment or pledge on the passbook with Bank or any other person.

8. Any change in the Customer contact details has to be immediately brought to the notice of the Bank and the same shall be updated in the passbook by the Bank.

9. The Bank reserves the rights to make any changes, alterations, cancellations in the above terms and conditions.

10. These terms and conditions shall be read in conjunction with the general Terms & Conditions which governs the conduct of Savings Bank Account.


It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that stop payment instructions are to be advised to the Bank directly through Phone Banking, at the branch counter or through the Stop Payment feature on Services over Electronic Media before the cheque is received in clearing by the Bank. Stop Payment instructions in any mode will not be acted upon if the cheque has already been received in clearing by the Bank.

For stop payment instruction(s) communicated to the Bank through any other mode, the Bank shall not be responsible or liable for non-processing or delayed processing of such stop payment instruction(s) and consequential losses, if any, and for clearance of the cheque(s) covered by such stop payment instruction(s). Any Account, which has an Operating Mandate for joint operations, the stop payment instructions must be signed in the same manner as applicable to the operations of the Account.

While the Bank may at its sole discretion accept all stop payment instructions through Electronic Media, it may insist for written instructions from Customer. However, in the event, the Bank honours the stop payment instructions without receiving any written instructions, which results in any damage or loss to Customer or the third party, the Bank shall not be liable for the same. Bank shall not be liable or responsible for clearing of Cheques, or any consequences thereof, for which stop payment instructions have been received by the Bank - if such instructions are not through acceptable modes and/or have not been signed as per the Operating Mandate.

Customer agrees that a stop payment instruction once accepted cannot be revoked.


All transactions conducted in the Account involving foreign exchange including the applicable exchange rate will be as per the regulatory guidelines issued by the RBI/GOI/FEDAI and the Bank's decision in this regard will be final and binding.

The Bank will execute foreign exchange (FX) transaction at the applicable exchange rate. The Customer shall note that the Bank may quote the exchange rate upon considering various factors including Bank's reference market rate (at its discretion).

Note: "applicable exchange rate" will be a foreign exchange rate quoted by the Bank after taking into account inter-alia, reference market rate, risk factors, costs and spread, as may be determined by the Bank. There could be variations in Customer's assessment on the FX rate vis-a-vis Bank's quote. The Customer shall independently assess whether the exchange rates quoted by the Bank are suitable for the Customer, prior to booking any FX deal with the Bank. The Customer shall not dispute or raise any objection after booking a FX deal with the Bank.


On any remittance made in any Account from outside India, the Customer should, without any notice from the Bank, state the reason/purpose for the same to the Bank, with such proof or evidence as may be required by the Bank.


Bank may, at its discretion, make available the service to the Customer to make payment from his Account with respect to certain bills/outstanding of bills of certain service providers/vendors/utilities ('Billers') by receiving request through Bank branch or over Electronic Media, with or without the ability for the Customer to know the details of such bills. However, the Bank shall not be liable or responsible for (i) the timeliness of payment to or receipt of payment by the respective Billers; (ii) the accuracy of such bills/outstandings and/or details thereof or whether the bill was made available over Electronic Media in time or not; (iii) to check whether or not the Customer has made payments through channels other than the Bank channels;(iv) any short/excess payment made to Billers (the Customer is solely liable to follow up and settle the shortfall and or for refunds); (v) the discontinuation/suspension/partial suspension/cancellation of the service/ goods/ utility, for any reason whatsoever, and any consequences thereof; (iv) the quality of the service/goods for which the payment is intended/made or delay/non-delivery of the same due to any reason whatsoever including but not limited to the fault of the creditors or the creditors going into bankruptcy/suspending/ceasing to do business.

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Bank remains a mere channel and facilitator for this service and that the Bank does not warrant or claim any responsibility for this service nor does the Bank endorse any such service and/or its standing or reputation whatsoever, and is not liable for any deficient or bad services in any manner whatsoever and for any loss, whatsoever that the Customer may suffer or incur. Risk in this regard is entirely on the Customer and he is required to do his own survey. The debits or credits to the NRI/PIO/OCB Customer Account are further subject to restrictions and limits as are specified for NRI/PIO/OCB operated Accounts as also by the Bank and the RBI.


The Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) facility provided by Kotak BillPay through the Website of the Bank is extended to Customers through Branches (Service) via Bill Pay Service Form ("Form") and is governed by the following Terms and Conditions.


"Billing Company" means various merchants / shoppers /service providers, with whom the Bank has entered into a Collection arrangement to enable the Customers to make the payment of Utility Bills /insurance premia/ donations / subscriptions and Visa Money Transfer by payment instructions through branches.

"Customer" means a resident of India who is the sole or first holder of Kotak Bank Account, and who has accepted these Terms and Conditions.

"Information/Instructions" shall mean the form containing information relating to and/or in respect of and/or pursuant to this Service received by Bank from Customer thereby authorizing Bank to register the Customer for Kotak BillPay Services or/and to make payments.

"AutoPay" means an automatic debit instruction to make payment for the Utility /Services used/ availed by the Customer for the entire amount or the amount specified by the Customer

"Due Date" means the date on which the payment for the Utilities/Services becomes due as determined the Billing Company(ies)

"Effective Date" means 4 (four) days prior to the Due Date or the date specified by the Customer for effecting AutoPay.

"Customer" means a resident of India who is the sole or first holder of Kotak Bank Account, and who has accepted these Terms and Conditions

"Operator" shall mean and include the mobile operators/Direct to Home(DTH) operators.

"Payment" means the payments that the Customer is required to make for the Utilities / services used / availed of / to be used / availed of by the Customer, which payment the Customer intends to make by using this Service through charge / debit to the Customer's Account through a written instruction to a branch.

"Terms and Conditions" means these terms and conditions and any and all annexures, schedules, exhibits, appendices attached to it or incorporated by reference from time to time. Terms and Conditions are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Bank

"Utilities" shall mean the goods, utilities and services offered by Billing Company / Bank under the purview of Kotak BillPay, from time to time, which the Customer may avail of and/or make Payment for, as the case may be.

"Recharge" will allow customers to do a top up for prepaid mobile phone or DTH service instantly anytime from anywhere and pay directly from his Bank account

"Website" means the website presently with the domain name http://www.kotak.com owned and controlled by the Bank.

The Customer acknowledges and confirms that the Customer has read and has unconditionally accepted and will unconditionally accept and be bound by the following:

  1. The maximum limit for payment per transaction may vary with each billers.
  2. There are 3 types of Bills which are accepted in Kotak Bill Pay:
    1. Instapay - User can do the payment without doing bill registration on Kotak Bill Pay system
    2. Register & Pay - User can do the payment after doing registration on Kotak Bill Pay system
    3. Autopay - Doing registration, user can opt for Auto payment and whenever bills get generated for that biller, Autopay will get executed
  3. Currently, user can make the payment through Kotak Bank Account or Kotak Credit Card
  4. Helpline number & customer email ID will be updated on the Kotak Website and you can contact our call centre through these contact details
  5. In case of any complaint, you can connect with our customer care executive or raise an complaint through Kotak Bill Pay section of Net Banking or Mobile Banking App
  6. If the Bill Pay transaction has failed and amount has been debited then it will get refunded within 2 working days
  7. The Customer shall furnish the required information as specified by the billing company and other essential data pertaining to the Bills through the form so as to identify the same and confirm that information provided is/are in relation to the service, and is/are owned/in the control of the Customer.
  8. Bank shall be entitled to rely upon all Information/Instructions provided to the Bank through the Form and Bank shall not be obliged to verify or make further inquiry into the authenticity or correctness or accuracy of the information/instruction and the Customer shall in no circumstance dispute such reliance by Bank. Further the Bank shall not be held liable for any loss or damage of any nature that the Customer may incur/suffer in the event such billing details and/or information turns out to be inaccurate / incorrect.
  9. The Customer acknowledges that the information so furnished through the Form is subject to authentication by the billing company so as to register the user in its system, and this process may take anywhere from 5 – 45 working days. Customer understands that at times billing company(ies) do not confirm if the application for registration has been honoured / attended and if the registration is successful / failed and the role of Bank is merely to facilitate the payment of the bills of the Customer once the registration is successful.
  10. The Customer understands that though the payments towards utilities / services are made and account is debited towards such payment, the status of the payment may be displayed as ‘pending' until the next billing cycle. Further Customer has the sole responsibility to update himself/herself on the status of registration/payment made or attempted to be made and Bank has no obligation to inform / update the Customer about the same.
  11. The Customer understands, agrees and confirms that Bank may, at its sole discretion, record in such mode and manner and retain and use in any manner for such period of time as deemed fit by Bank, any or all Information / Instructions received from the Customer. The Customer further confirms and agrees that Information / Instructions as well as the data provided through the Form may be used and relied upon by Bank as conclusive proof and binding for all purposes, may be given as evidence to any persons who may reasonably require the same, including to courts and regulators and government authorities, and/or relied upon in any legal proceedings. In the context of this clause, the Customer shall not hold the Bank liable in any way whatsoever.
  12. Bank does not warrant that Payment will not be delayed, including for reasons beyond its control. As the Instructions/Information would depend on various electronic technology used from time to time, there could be delays and snags in transmission of the Information/Instructions to and from Bank, the Customer, Billing Companies. Further, Bank does not warrant the receipt of Instructions/Information. Bank shall not be held liable or responsible for any failure or delay, whether directly or indirectly caused by any circumstances beyond the control of Bank, including, but not limited to, acts of God, systems and communications breakdowns, failures or disruptions, orders or restrictions, war or warlike conditions, hostilities, sanctions, mobilizations, blockades, embargoes, detentions, revolutions, riots, looting, strikes, stoppages of labor, lockouts or other labor troubles, earthquakes, fires or accidents. Bank shall not be liable or responsible to the Customer for any loss, damage whether direct or indirect, costs, charges or expenses, due to or occasioned by delay/inability, under any circumstances.
  13. Bank may, at its discretion, not make a Payment and shall communicate such decision to the Customer at the time of submission of the form and the Customer agrees to not hold the Bank liable for such refusal.
  14. In the event that the Bank makes a Payment on basis of instruction given by the Customer through the Form and such payment is rejected or returned by the Billing Company for any reason whatsoever, Bank shall refund the amount of the Payment to the Customer by credit to the Bank Account, upon receipt of the same from the Billing Company, and shall not be liable for any late charges, penalty, loss, damage whether direct or indirect, costs, charges or expenses incurred by the Customer in this regard.
  15. Billing Companies may from time to time and in particular instances specify the date on which Payment is to be made and, notwithstanding any Instructions given by the Customer in this regard, Bank shall have the authority from the Customer to cause Payment only on the date specified by the Billing Company.
  16. Without prejudice to the generality of these Terms and Conditions, processing of all the Instructions is subject to the availability of free, clear and available funds in the Customer's Account, as the case may be. In the event of clear funds not being wholly available, Bank shall not process the Instructions and shall not make Payments.
  17. Bank neither endorses any of the Utilities/Services offered, nor makes in any manner recommendations and/or warranties, representations or assurances in respect of the same and/or Billing Company. Bank is not in any manner a party to the contracts or agreements or understandings that may be executed and/or arrived at between the Customer and Billing Company. Customer understands that the Billing Company shall be solely responsible to the Customer to render the Utilities/Services for which Payment is to be made under these Terms and Conditions and Bank shall not be responsible and liable for any deficiency or defect in the same including, but not limited to, delayed, deficient or defective quality, delivery, quantity etc., and shall not be made party to any disputes between the Customer and any Billing Company.. The Customer shall not hold Bank liable for any non-service, delayed service, faulty service rendered by Billing Company, and shall not contact, communicate in any manner whatsoever, with Bank in this regard.
  18. The Customer may delete a biller at any time by giving a delete instruction through the Form. The Customer shall remain responsible for any transactions made through the form until the time of such de-registration.
  19. Bank reserves the right, but shall not be obliged, at any time, without any specific or prior notice to the Customer in this regard: to suspend for any duration/terminate to make changes, enhancements, and/or modifications any or all of the services offered by Bank.
  20. Bank reserves the right to, from time to time at its sole discretion, but with prior intimation to the Customer either by way of personal intimation and/or by display on its website/branch premises, charge fees in consideration for the provision of any and/or all of the Services.
  21. In consideration of Bank agreeing to provide to the Customer the facility of Kotak BillPay, the Customer hereby irrevocably agrees, to indemnify and keep Bank indemnified and harmless, at all times hereafter, from all losses, damages, costs, charges and consequences, legal fees and expenses, whatsoever, suffered or incurred by Bank on account of any claims, actions, suits or otherwise instituted by the Customer, or by any third party whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with any and all transactions initiated by the use of the service, Instructions/Information, deletions, messages and communication whether with or without the knowledge of the Customer, or whether the same have been initiated bonafide or otherwise. The Customer further agrees and confirms that this indemnity shall remain valid and subsisting and binding upon the Customer notwithstanding any withdrawal, either partially or in totality, of and from the service.
  22. Without prejudice to any other provisions hereof, Bank shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with the service and/or these Terms and Conditions.
  23. To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, Bank shall be entitled to transfer any information relating to the Customer and/or any other information given by the Customer for utilization of the Services including any Information/Instructions, to and between its branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates, representatives, auditors and agents of Bank, and other third parties selected by Bank, wherever situated, for confidential use in and in connection with the Bill Pay Services, and
  24. The construction, validity and performance of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts at Mumbai, India which courts shall have jurisdiction in the matter to the exclusion of any other courts, irrespective of whether such other courts have similar jurisdiction in the matter.

These Terms and Conditions shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions applicable to other services offered by the Bank.


Home Banking Services may be offered by the Bank as per the product offering at the relevant time and only to the Customers approved by the Bank as per applicable laws including the existing RBI guidelines, Bank guidelines. Bank may levy such Charges for these services, as the Bank may at its absolute discretion decide. These Services would be made available to the Customer at his Mailing/Registered Address. Acceptance of any other address for delivery/pick up requests shall be at Bank's sole discretion ('Mailing/Approved Address'). To avail of these Services, the Customer may convey his request to the Bank by any Electronic Medium acceptable to the Bank. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Bank shall not, nor shall it be obliged or be bound to authenticate the Customer's instructions received over Electronic Medium, mail or courier; or to verify whether the person conveying instructions and using the Customer's PIN/Password/User ID or other identifying details is the Customer or not. Bank may retain record of instructions received from the Customer by Electronic Medium, as the Bank may deem proper.

While the Bank shall use reasonable precautions, these Services are provided on a 'no warranty no risk basis'. These Services are offered and provided on the express condition that the Bank does not warrant that the Services would be provided at a specified time (whether by the Bank, Delivery Person or otherwise) and the Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any loss arising there from any delay or misuse of the Services. Customer agrees that Bank shall have no liability to Customer or any other parties for any costs or damages arising out of Services and Customer further agrees to keep the Bank indemnified in this regard.

These Services may be provided by the Bank through a courier/ messenger/ mail and such medium as the Bank may deem fit ('Delivery Person'), except where Bank may have specified a mode or where the Customer may have requested for a specified mode (with or without any additional Charges) then through such specifically specified / requested medium. For the purpose of identification, Customer shall carefully check the identity card of the Delivery Person.

The Customer may be required to show or provide copy of any authentication document as specified by the Bank to the Delivery Person. However, Delivery Person is not bound to insist upon or verify the identity of the Customer or verify the signature of the Customer.

Cash/Draft Delivery

Cash/Drafts within limits as prescribed by the Bank, from time to time, will be delivered at Mailing/Approved Address upon receiving Customers request. The Customer shall convey to the Bank the cheque number against which the cash/draft is to be delivered to the Customer. On receipt of instructions, Bank will immediately debit the Customer's Account for such amount and then arrange for the delivery of cash/draft.

The Delivery Person is not bound (i) to verify whether the signature on the cheque is that of the Customer, or (ii) to complete the delivery in case of any differences in the amount in words and figures of the cheque amount, or in case the cheque amount is different from the original request of the Customer as received by the Bank. The Customer needs to ensure that the cheque is not post dated or stale. Additionally in case of any material alteration in the cheque details the Customer is required to sign in full authorizing the alteration. In the event of any discrepancy on such cheque, the Bank shall still be entitled to honour the debit instructions earlier given by the Customer.

Bank shall not be liable for non-delivery of the cash/draft to the Customer for any reason including but not limited to non-presence of the Customer at the Mailing/Approved Address at the time of delivery. In case of non-delivery of cash/draft, the credit for the same and the Charges shall be processed by the Bank on the same day or on the following working day, at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank shall not be liable for any return of cheques due to delay in credit in the Account.

Physical currency (in cash or other defined form as is excluded) cannot and will not be delivered outside India and shall be subject to-such geographical limits as the Bank may impose. Without limiting the Bank's rights, it shall also be subject to such physical presence requirements for NRI's as the Bank may deem fit, for each specific request received.

Cash/Cheque Pick Up

Cash within such limits as prescribed by the Bank, from time to time, will be picked up from Mailing/Approved Address upon Customers request and at the discretion of the Bank.

Upon receiving the instructions from the Customer for PickUp the Bank will organize the Delivery Person to visit the Mailing/Approved Address. The Customer is required to give the Delivery Person the Cash/Cheque(s) and completed Deposit Slip. The Delivery Person will issue a temporary receipt acknowledging receipt from the Customer and will thereafter hand over the Deposit Slip and Cash/Cheque to the authorized officials at the Bank.

The amount of the deposit of cash or cheque will be subject to verification by the Bank and this verified amount shall be final and binding on the Customer. The credit for deposits will be available to the Customer on the following Working Day in case of cash deposits, and in case of cheque deposits after the same has been duly paid by the payee Bank.

The acknowledgement given by the Delivery Person at the time of deposit only represents what the Customer purports to have deposited and will not be binding on the Bank. If there are soiled, mutilated notes in such deposits, the acceptance of such deposits shall be subject to final acceptance and reimbursement by RBI as per the Currency Note Refund Rules. Deposits of foreign currency cash/ cheques or any other deposits, which are unacceptable, shall be returned at the Customers cost, risk and responsibility.


Upon Customer's request the Bank may at its discretion, as advised to the Customer arrange to deliver/pick-up Forex in cash and/or travelers cheques to/from the Customer subject to the laws including FEMA, RBI guidelines and such terms that may be specified by the Bank from time to time. This Service may be provided to Customers, either through Bank's authorized agents or independent service provider duly authorized by RBI to function as a moneychanger.


The Bank may, at its sole discretion offer/ withdraw the Locker Facility to its Customers and may levy such Charges as it may deem fit and the Customer shall enter into a separate agreement (Locker Terms & Conditions) with the Bank for the purpose of availing the Locker Facility. The Customer shall abide by these Terms and Locker Terms & Conditions for the Locker Facility. In the event of any locker dues remaining outstanding, the Bank shall at its discretion be entitled to recover the outstanding amount from any amounts held with the Bank either in term deposits/time deposits etc. held singly or jointly as the case may be.


The Bank, at its sole discretion may offer/ withdraw the facility of the DEMAT Account and may levy such Charges as it may deem fit and the Customer shall enter into a separate agreement with the Bank for the purpose of DEMAT Account. The Customer shall abide by these Terms and separate agreement for the DEMAT Account.


Through this Service the local currency cheques and instructions are accepted at drop boxes located at Bank sites. This Service is provided only for the convenience of the Customer and he should inquire about the guidelines for this Service before availing of the same.

The instrument deposited in the Drop Box should be executed properly and should be deposited with the deposit slip attached to it. The Bank may refuse (with no liability to the Bank) any credit with respect to any instrument deposited in the Drop Box, and/or reverse entry, when the instrument is incomplete, not properly executed or not supported with adequate proof or documentation as per RBI regulations or is found to be discrepant or inadequate by the Bank. In case of any dispute in respect of this clause the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. Customer undertakes to bear all costs for communication with and by the Bank and indemnify the Bank from any loss or damage suffered by the Bank arising out of Customer's act or omission.

The Bank does not accept any liability for any loss or damage that the Customer or any third party may suffer due to non-processing or delayed processing of any instrument or cheque deposited into the Drop Box; or crediting the amount of the instruments in an Account other than the Account intended, due to lack of clarity/overwriting of the Account number on the deposit slip or otherwise.


Services through Electronic Media are provided by the Bank at its discretion and only as a convenience to the Customer. The Customer may avail the Service at his own risk. In addition to Terms, Customer shall comply with the guidelines for the use, access and operation of the Services through Electronic Media as may be issued by the Bank from time to time.

Availing of any Services through Electronic Media shall constitute the express consent of the Customer to the terms and conditions prevailing at the time of use. The timings for the provision of the Services through Electronic Media would be subject to the applicable laws and at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank without any prior intimation may effect any change in timings.

Customer Identification and Authentication

Electronic Banking is permitted only after authentication of the Customer by means of Password/PIN/User ID or other identifiers of the Customer as issued by the Bank. The Customer hereby grants express authority to the Bank for carrying out any transaction received by the Bank through Electronic Media (using his Password/PIN/User ID), post authentication and the same will be deemed to have emanated from such Customer. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received through Electronic mode including Email or purporting to have been sent by the Customer other than by means of verification of the Password /PIN / User ID. The Bank will not be liable for acting in good faith on such instructions.

If the Bank believes that an instruction over Electronic Media may not have been properly authorized by Customer, the Bank may after making reasonable efforts to check whether it was properly authorized, refuse to carry out such instruction or to take steps to reverse any action taken on the basis of that instruction. The Bank may at its sole discretion decide not to carry out any instruction/s through Electronic Media where the Bank has reason to believe that the instruction/s are not genuine or otherwise improper or unclear or raise a doubt. Bank will not be responsible for any loss to Customer / third party that results from such refusal to carry out instructions or reversal.

At the Customer's request, the Bank may send the Customer by facsimile ('fax') (at a fax number given by the Customer), financial information (sought by the Customer) regarding the Customer's Account(s) which may be of a private and confidential nature and the Customer shall not hold the Bank liable in any manner whatsoever, should such information come to the knowledge of any third party.

Instructions through Electronic mode including Email

The Customer may send the written and signed instructions via Electronic mode including Email. The Bank may act upon these instructions at its own discretion. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the Electronic mode including Email instructions shall be followed by the hard copy of the communication.

The Customer acknowledges that the Electronic mode including Email is not a secure medium and before sending the Electronic mode instructions including Email, the Customer should ensure that the Electronic mode instructions including Email is being sent to the correct coordinates and call at the Bank to verify that the instructions has reached the intended recipient. The Customer also acknowledges and confirms that he shall send instructions via Electronic mode including Email at his own risk and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer by use of the Electronic mode communication .

Record of Transactions

Only the Bank's own record of transactions over Electronic Media maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be accepted by the Bank as conclusive and shall be binding on the Bank and the Customer for all purposes and the Customer recognizes, undertakes and agrees to accept such record of the Bank without demur or protest. Due to inherent features of some of Electronic Media, the Customer may be able to take out a print of the transaction attempted to be effected by the Customer over Electronic Media. However, only the record maintained by the Bank shall prevail. The Customer unconditionally acknowledges and agrees not to contest any transaction carried out or not carried out by the Bank upon requesting for the same over Electronic Media.


The Customer will be allotted Passwords/ User ID by the Bank to avail of the Net Banking Services. The Bank shall send the same in a tamper proof sealed envelope ("Mailer"). The Customer shall ensure that the Mailer is received in a sealed envelope with out any tampering, and if not, the Customer shall forthwith inform the Bank immediately in writing or by phone.

After the first successful login, the user may change the password and create a Nick Name which may be used to Login into Net banking. The Terms and Conditions governing User ID are also applicable for Nick name.

Customer's access to Net Banking will be disabled if wrong password is entered successively three times (or number of attempts as decided by the Bank from time to time). In such event the Bank may automatically reactivate access after a specific interval.

The Bank may decide to disable password in case the Services are not used for a continuous period as decided by the Bank. The Customer may also request for temporary disabling of access. To reactivate access to Net Banking, the Customer must intimate the Bank by way of a letter, phone or such other mode as may be prescribed by the Bank, providing certain details as may be required or prescribed by the Bank and the information so sent shall be deemed to be correct.

Security and Confidentiality of Password/PIN

Customer agrees and acknowledges that he shall be solely responsible for maintaining secrecy of his Account details and Passwords/PIN. Customer must comply with any other requirements designed to protect the security of his use of the Electronic Media, which are set out in the guidelines or notified to Customer from time to time.

To ensure that the Customer alone is able to access and give instructions through Electronic Medium, he must all times comply with the following security procedures. (i) Customer shall change his Password/PIN regularly or if so required by the Bank; (ii) not choose a Password/PIN, which he has used before or which is likely to be guessed by anyone; (iii) to safeguard his Passwords/PIN at all times and not to disclose any details of his Password/PIN to anyone else (including to Joint Account Holder or a member of the Bank staff; (iv) not record Passwords/PIN in a way whereby it will be legible or accessible to any third party; (v) preferably memorize Passwords/PIN and then destroy any record of it; (vi) not allow anyone to operate the Services through Electronic Media on his behalf; (vii) not leave any system unattended while he is logged on to the Electronic Media and each time he goes away from such system to log-out from Electronic Media; (viii) not access the Electronic Media from any equipment or device connected to a local area network (or LAN), such as an office environment, without first ensuring that no one else is able to observe or copy his Passwords/PIN. The Customer shall indemnify the Bank if any loss is suffered by the Bank due to failure to comply with the above security procedures.

If Customer discovers or suspects that his Password/PIN or any part of them are known to someone else, he must immediately change the Password/PIN himself through the Electronic Media. If this is not possible, Customer must notify the Bank immediately at the Bank branch during Business Hours or through the phone. The Bank may suspend use of the Services through Electronic Media until new Passwords/PIN have been set up. Any transaction done prior to such a notification shall be entirely at Customer's risk and cost.

Loss of Password /PIN / User Id:

If the Customer forgets or loses the Password/PIN he shall inform the Bank in the manner prescribed by the Bank, who shall at its sole discretion arrange to regenerate and send a new Password/PIN to the Customer.

Liability of the Customer / Rights of the Bank:

The Bank may apply such technology as it deems fit to ensure the security of and prevent unauthorized access to the Services through Electronic Media. The Bank shall endeavor to use the best technology, but the Customer understands that due to the nature of technology, it may not be possible to keep the system foolproof and tamperproof at all times.

The Customer acknowledges and unconditionally accepts and agrees that in no way shall the Bank be/held responsible if the Customer incurs a loss as a result of misuse/unauthorized use of the Services through Electronic Media and/or Passwords/PIN or as a result of information being disclosed by the Bank regarding his Bank Account/s to any person or carrying out the transaction or instruction received through Electronic Media by use of Passwords/PIN. If the Customer fails to observe the security and confidentiality requirements he may incur liability for unauthorized use. The Bank does not assume any responsibility on this behalf under any circumstances.

Processing of Transactions

Time of processing of transactions through the Electronic Media may vary depending on whether they are processed manually or electronically and or whether they can be updated immediately or whether they are processed after the close of Business Hours. For Stop Payment instructions and other urgent/important request, the Customer should follow up with the Bank and ensure that the same are physically recorded/ carried out by the Bank.

Once Customer has given an instruction through the Electronic Media, Customer will not be able to reverse it. Bank is under no obligation to reverse an instruction Customer has given; or to accept an instruction that is conditional or reversible or which requires Bank to pay a third party sooner than it would been able to pay following normal banking practices. Bank may at its discretion try to reverse entry to the extent that this is possible under the rules and practices of the banking system at a cost to the Customer.

Customer hereby confirms and acknowledges that payments through electronic transfer of funds are subject to Sec.40A (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The financial information available by means of the Service through Electronic Media is for reference purposes only. Account information available through this Service will not reflect transactions that may be in the Bank's hands but which have not been processed or which still have to be verified for payment. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss incurred or damage suffered by the Customer or third party by reason or in consequence of any such financial information.

The Bank shall endeavor to effect fund transfer and payment transactions received through the Electronic Media provided there are sufficient funds available in Customer's Account(s) and the Bank shall not be liable for any omission to make any of these payments or for late payments due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank.

Bank shall execute instruction received basis various channels like electronic confirmation via registered email of all the authorised signatories/customer basis email Indemnity executed by customer and registered with Bank and post due-diligence to validate the authorised signatories/customer & authorised signatories/customer will not be required to submit any physical document to bank for such transactions at the point of transaction processing and such email instructions shall be followed by hard copy of the communication to be submitted to Bank as per process of Bank.

Customer understands and agree to that any change in authorised signatories and powers assigned to them in respect to account and services availed on such account, shall be intimated to Bank immediately. Bank shall not be liable for any delay or rejection of instructions due to non- intimation of such changes.

Software and Hardware

The Customer shall at its cost, procure, maintain and update/upgrade all such software and computer and communication systems, as applicable, from time to time, to avail and use the Services through Electronic Media which are compatible with the Bank's system. The Bank shall be at liberty to change, vary or upgrade its software, hardware, operating systems, Software Development kit (SDKs), etc., from time to time and shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems of the Customer and that the same shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer.


The Bank will, at its sole option, set and reset, minimum and maximum limits for any transaction that may be carried out by the Customer over Electronic Media or otherwise and any such limits would be subject to the availability of balance in the Account. Such limits may be based on parameters as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time

Daily minimum/maximum transaction limits shall apply to all ATMs and may vary between different ATMs belonging to different banks' networks, country to country and from time to time. The Bank would not be responsible for any loss or inconvenience that the Customer may suffer due to lack of uniformity in these limits for transactions through different ATMs/networks.

Access to Services through Electronic Media

Access to Services through Electronic Media shall be made available at the Customer's request and at the Bank's discretion. All Accounts linked to the Customer's CRN may be accessible through Electronic Media, subject to Bank's rules. However, the nature of transactions available on each Account that is accessible will depend on the Customer's Operating Mandate on that Account. In case of non-individual Customers, access will be provided based on the Customer's request to those individuals who are so authorized by the Customer's appropriate governing body.

In case of DEMAT Accounts access through Electronic Media will be given to any of the Account holders subject to written consent by all other holders

Sufficiency of Funds

The Customer agrees not to attempt to withdraw any cash from his Account using the Electronic Media unless sufficient funds are available in his Account. The onus of ensuring adequate Account balances is entirely on the Customer. In the event any attempt is made to violate the limit the Bank may withdraw the Services through Electronic Media to the Customer or take such other steps as the Bank may deem fit.

Excess Credit

In the event of excess credit by the Bank due to some technical error, inadvertenly or otherwise, the Bank is at liberty and entitled without notice to the customer to reverse the entry and recover the amount excessly credited into the account of the customer. In the event of their being insufficient balance in the account, the Bank is entitled to recover the same from any other amounts held with the Bank in any deposits etc. with or without notice to the customer. In the event of refusal by the customer to repay the excess amount on receipt of notice from the Bank, the Bank shall be at liberty to intiate such legal proceedings as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings.

DEMAT Accounts Statements:

The Bank may provide a facility to its Customers having DEMAT Account for receiving statements on email. These statements may include but are not restricted to transaction statements, holding statements and billing statements. The Customer by requesting the Bank to furnish such particulars and details and statements by e-mail declares and confirms that he is aware of the risks concerning the e-mail and will not hold the Bank liable. The Customer undertakes to keep the Bank informed about his email id changes.

Intellectual Property

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that all the intellectual property rights in the software underlying any of the Services as well as other software which is required for availing Services accessing Account through Electronic Media are the legal property of the Bank or the respective vendors. The permission given by the Bank to access the Bank Accounts and utilize the Banking Services shall not convey any proprietary or ownership rights in the intellectual property of the software. The Customer shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, de-compile or reverse engineer the above-mentioned software or copy the source code of the software or create any derivative product based on the software.


The Bank may offer the facility of Alerts to all or any of the Customers for information only and may discontinue the same at its own discretion. Transactions on Accounts will continue to be guided by prevalent Banking practice and the Bank on best effort basis may display certain pre-defined Alerts. However the Bank shall not be responsible or liable for the timeliness, completeness, accuracy and successful delivery or receipt of the Alerts.


The Bank may offer, from time to time, various facilities under this service either through staff assistance or by dialing in choices on an automated phone banking system.

For security purposes and to protect Customers and its staff and also to help resolve disputes, if any, Bank may at its discretion tape or record telephonic conversations between Customer and the Bank, keep record of it, as also Customer instructions and listen to the same, and Customer accords his consent for the above.


The Bank will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that systems used by it for providing Net Banking Services contain adequate security safeguards; control and manage the risks in operating such systems, taking into account any applicable law, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars, codes of conduct and also prevailing market practices. Customer is aware of the risks, responsibilities and liabilities involved in Net Banking and has after due consideration availed of the same. Customer represents and warrants that he has a complete working knowledge of computers/electronic machinery, e-mail and the Internet, which will enable Customer to avail the Net Banking.

Transaction: Payment Instruction for effecting transfer of funds including payment of Direct and Indirect taxes may be in respect of transaction under taken by the Customer and which may not materialize or get completed by acts or omissions of the persons in whose favour such payment instructions have been effected. The Bank shall not be responsible and/or liable or in any way involved in such transaction of the Customer not materializing or getting completed.

Any transaction for transfer of funds including payment of Direct and Indirect taxes as per the instructions of the Customer may not materialize or get completed for any reason whatsoever and for such non materialization and/or non completion of the transaction the Bank shall in no way be responsible. The Customer understands that the Bank is only providing Services of transfer of funds including payment of Direct and Indirect taxes pursuant to Customer's instructions.

The terms and conditions applicable in respect of the Net Banking are made available at the Bank's Website and the Customer is required to read the same before availing of Net Banking Services. If the Customer avails of the Net Banking Services it would be deemed that he has accepted these Terms and terms and conditions for Net Banking Services.

Use of Digital Signatures/Smart Cards/Biometrics and Opening Online Accounts The Bank reserves the right and discretion to permit the use of digital signatures using the Public Key Infrastructure System as provided for under the Information Technology Act, 2000/biometrics for opening a Bank Account online and operating such Bank Account or the existing Account, as per Bank's policy or as and when the law authorizes and technology facilitates such transformation.

Protecting Against Viruses: Customer must take all reasonably practicable measures to ensure that Customer's system or any computer or other equipment or device from which Customer accesses the Net Banking is free of any computer virus or similar software/device including, without limitation, devices commonly known as software bombs, Trojan horses and worms ('Viruses') and is adequately maintained and secured in every way. Though the Bank will take steps to prevent introduction of virus and other such destructive materials on the Bank's Website, it does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the Bank's Website or the Content downloaded from the Bank's Website or Linked Websites do not contain such virus or destructive materials. Bank is not liable for any damage or harm attributable to such virus or destructive materials. The Bank does not warrant that the Bank's Website or functions thereof will be uninterrupted or free of any error or defect.

Extent of Liability for Loss Or Damage: Bank will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, consequential, remote or special, that may be suffered by the Customer as a result of making/not making the Net Banking Service available to Customer. Following are the illustrative list (but not exhaustive) of circumstances in which Bank shall NOT be liable to Customer: When such loss or damage arises out of Force Majeure or Technical Snags; any incompatibility between Customer's system and the Bank's system; any misuse of Customer's system by Customer or anyone else; any access to information about Customer's Accounts which is obtained by a third party as a result of Customer using the Net Banking; use by any third party of Customer's Password/ PIN; loss/distortion/ corruption of data during transmission or otherwise; any loss/delay due to circumstances beyond Bank's control, unavailability of Net Banking Services during the Business Hours.


The customer acknowledges and agrees that the Designated Representative for Cash / Demand Draft Delivery Services appointed as per terms of the Service prescribed by Bank will arrange for sending of request via Electronic mode including Email to Bank as per Bank's prescribed format, within prescribed time. The Bank and / or its agency shall wait at the customer location for a maximum of one hour for effecting the delivery of cash / Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque. Bank shall offer Cash / Demand Draft Delivery Services to Customers and persons availing the Services on the terms and conditions as may be prescribed by Bank from time to time in connection with the Services. For this purpose, 'Designated Representative' means a person appointed by the Customer / persons availing the Cash / Demand Draft Delivery Services from the Bank for the Customers of the Bank.

The Customer agrees to execute all documents that may be prescribed by Bank from time to time for availing these Services.

The customer acknowledges and agrees that Demand Draft delivery will also be effected only against a cheque for the requested amount made payable to 'Yourselves'.

The Customer Acknowledges that he is aware of the risks attendant to the transaction requests made through Electronic mode including Email and the Bank may (but shall not be obliged to) act on any transaction received through Electronic mode including Email even if there is any error / lack of clarity / authority or authenticity and the Bank may treat the same as fully authorized and binding on the Customer, AND the receipt of such request received through Electronic mode including Email from the customer by bank shall be deemed to be conclusive instructions from Customer of Bank, for the Bank to act upon the same.

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Bank shall not be responsible / liable for any loss / damage caused to the customer or its employees who avail of the Services, arising on account of non-delivery / delayed delivery of services in case of any failure of communication equipment at the Bank / Corporate Customer or receipt of illegible instructions through Electronic mode including Email or whatsoever reason.

The Customer agrees that Bank shall place complete reliance on all documents / instructions so given by Customer to Bank and that the Bank shall not be required to make any further enquiries into the veracity / authority and competence of the signatories / executants thereof.

The Customer shall give their consent in the format acceptable to Bank on the terms and conditions as prescribed by Bank and furnish the same to the Bank as and when required by Bank. The furnishing of Consent Letter is a condition precedent for the availing of these Services.

By availing of the Services, the Customer will be deemed to have agreed to and accepted all the above terms & conditions. While the Bank shall use reasonable precautions, the customer is acknowledges that these services are provided on a 'No Warranty or Risk basis'. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall have no liability to Customer or any other parties for any indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential costs, damages or otherwise with respect to the Bank offering these services and the Bank shall not be liable or responsible on account of any misuse of the Services. The Customer agrees to keep the Bank indemnified in this regard.

Customer agrees that in the event of breach of any of the terms by Customer and /or any Agent or Representative, the Customer shall be liable to pay damages and compensation to Bank. The Customer agrees that damages & compensation shall include all direct & indirect damages claims, costs, charges, expenses that may be caused to or incurred or suffered by the Bank (inclusive those on account of any actions or proceedings by or against the Bank) directly or indirectly consequent to or by reason of the breach.


Issuance: The Bank may at its discretion issue a debit card ('Card') to the Customer, which is valid for use in India and abroad. However the Card is not valid for foreign exchange payments in India, Nepal & Bhutan. An ATM PIN is allotted to the customer along with the Card. The Customer can access his Account/s at Bank's ATMs, NFS , Cashnet network ATMs in India and Visa network ATMs globally. The Card can be used for making purchases at merchant establishments. Further the Card can be used for Cash @ PoS at select Merchant Establishments. The Cardholder shall take all the necessary steps to prevent the misuse of the Card. The Card may be used only by the Cardholder in whose name it is issued and is not transferable under any circumstances. Cardholder shall be solely responsible for any use or misuse of the Card.

Validity: The Card is valid upto the date specified on the face of the Card. Upon expiry of the validity period, the Bank may replace the card having new validity period if the account is active and not having negative balance. After the expiry of the Card the Cardholder shall destroy the Card by cutting / breaking the same in a manner such that the same cannot be used on any ATM.

Loss of Card:

(A) If the Card is lost / stolen, Cardholder must immediately inform the Bank by calling the Phone Banking number and report loss or theft of the Card. Customer shall request the Bank Officials to block the card so that it cannot be used / misused after such reporting to the Bank.

(B) In case of loss of Card abroad, the Cardholder shall either call the Phone Banking number of the Bank or the Visa Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS) number and inform about such loss or theft of the Card and shall request the VISA officials to block the card so that it can not be used / misused after such reporting. The Visa GCAS call in numbers are available in www.visa.com. The Bank or Visa GCAS upon receipt of intimation and after adequate verification of the Cardholder’s identity shall hot list the Card

(C) Additionally the Cardholder should also file a report with the local police and send a physical true copy thereof to the Bank.

(D) The Customer shall be liable for all Charges incurred on the Card till receipt of intimation of loss through above prescribed modes. Further, the Customer understands that Customer shall continue to be liable to pay for the expenses, if any, incurred by use or misuse of the card post sending intimation to the bank by any mode other than the prescribed modes till the same reaches the Bank and card is hot-listed by the Bank.

Any instruction received by the Bank for hot listing of a Card cannot be revoked, even if the Card reported lost is subsequently found. In such a case, the Cardholder shall destroy the Card and shall indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered due to the failure to do so.

Authority to Debit the Customer's Account: The Customer authorises the Bank to debit his Account with the amount of withdrawals, transfers or any other cash transaction effected by the use of the Card as per the Bank's records and the Charges, which may be levied from time to time for the services rendered. All such transactions and related Charges will be binding on all Customers of the Account. In case of Non-individual Accounts the use of the Card by the user who has been duly authorised by such a Non-individual Customer shall be binding on the Customer and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or expense suffered by the Customer by the use /misuse of the card by the card holder.

Supplementary Cards: At the request of the Customer, the Bank at its sole discretion may issue more than one Card to the same Customer. Every such Supplementary Card shall be linked to the account of the Customer. All transactions on all the Cards issued with respect to an Account shall be binding on the Customer absolutely and he shall not be entitled to claim that a transaction on any of the Cards was not authorised by him. The Bank reserves the right to debit additional fees for the issue of Supplementary Cards.

Add on Cards: At the request of the Customer, the Bank at its sole discretion may issue Add On Card. The Add On Cardholder can avail of all the facilities (upto specific limits set by the Customer within the prescribed limit as set by the Bank). All Charges incurred by or as applicable for the Add-On Card will be deemed as Charges incurred by Customer who will be fully liable for discharge of all obligations in respect of all the transactions performed by use of Add On Card or by the Add On Cardholder.

On Upgrading to a new Debit Card, existing Debit Card will continue to remain active.

Ownership: Card shall be and always remain the property of Bank and the Cardholder must return the same to the Bank forthwith or have the same returned to the Bank, on demand made by the Bank in this regard or closure of the Account. In the event of any misuse of the Card, the Bank reserves the right to seize/capture/hotlist/deactivate the Card or withdraw the facilities connected with the Card without any notice to the Cardholder.

Linking of Accounts: All Accounts of the Customer, existing or opened in future, if eligible as per the Operating Mandate, will automatically be linked to the Card unless specifically instructed otherwise by the Customer. In case the Customer has more than one Account linked to his Card, the first Account opened by the Customer will be designated as the Primary Account. The Customer can designate any other Account as his Primary Account by way of giving instructions to the Bank in the manner prescribed by the Bank. The Customer can access all Accounts at any of the Bank's ATMs, however, only the Primary Account can be accessed on other Bank's ATM/ POS network.

ATM/POS Network: The Card is acceptable at any Visa Plus / Cashnet / NFS ATM network belonging to other banks and on all VISA accepting ATM’s overseas. However the Card is not valid for foreign exchange payments in India, Nepal & Bhutan. Bank may, at its discretion, make available to the Cardholder ATMs, POS, and /or other devices through shared networks for the convenience and use of the Cardholder. Bank will levy a separate Charge for such facilities that will be announced from time to time. The type of transactions offered at such ATMs may differ from those offered on the Bank's own network. The Bank will support only the minimum transaction set that will be offered at the ATMs belonging to other networks. The Bank reserves the right to change the transaction limit without notice to the Cardholder.

Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Visa/Plus / Cashnet / NFS ATM network establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with such establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.

In case of usage of a Non Kotak ATM, the transaction is the responsibility of the Bank owning the Non-Kotak ATM (herein after referred to as "Acquiring bank"). However in case there is a short cash dispensed at a non Kotak ATM, the cardholder may be given a credit to the account based on his request at the Bank’s discretion. In case if the acquiring bank disputes any such short / excess cash dispensing, the Bank shall debit the cardholders account to extent of the disputed amount. In case of the cardholder’s account not having sufficient funds for such debit by the Bank, the card holder undertakes to deposit such shortfall amount in his account within two working days of being contacted by the Bank.

Honoring the Card: The Bank shall in no circumstance be held liable to the Cardholder or any third party if the Card is not honoured in the desired manner, due to Technical Snags/ Force Majeure among other reasons or on account of any consequential or indirect loss or damage arising from such events. The responsibility of the Bank, if any, for non-execution or defective execution of the transaction is limited to the principal sum and the loss of interest subject to the provisions of the Indian law.

Use of the Card outside India: The use of the Card in jurisdictions other than India is subject to applicable regulations framed by Government of India and Reserve Bank of India (RBI), issued from time to time, and shall not in the ordinary course be permitted, except as may be specified by RBI and limits prescribed therein, from time to time. The onus of ensuring compliance with FEMA/RBI/GOI guidelines rests solely with the Cardholder. The Customer accepts full responsibility for wrongful use thereof by him in contravention of these rules and regulations and undertakes to indemnify the Bank to make good any loss, damage, interest, conversion, any other financial Charges that the Bank may incur and/or suffer on account of such wrongful use.

Merchant Location Usage: The Card will normally be honoured by all Merchant Establishments in India and abroad having POS Terminals, which display the Visa Marks. Any usage of the Card other than the electronic use will be considered as unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible for such transactions. Electronic usage is construed as the charge slip/transaction slip printed electronically from the POS Terminal. The Card will be honoured only when it carries the signature of the Cardholder. Transactions are deemed complete once the POS Terminal generates a sales slip and the sales slip is signed by the Cardholder. The amount of the transaction is debited immediately from the primary Account linked to the Card. The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used properly at the Merchant Establishment towards payment for a particular purchase. The sales slip will be retained by the Customer each time the card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of the Card at the Merchant Establishment.

The Bank will not accept any responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the Merchant including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Merchant Establishment or the goods purchased or service availed from any Merchant, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank immediately. The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment and debited to Cardholder's Account with the transaction amount. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the sales slip. Any other Charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card, except where the Card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the onus of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder. In case a Merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or an account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the merchant and copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained in his possession. All refunds and adjustments due to any Merchant/device error or communication link must be processed manually and the Account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa rules and regulations as applicable. The Customer agrees that any debits received during this time will be honoured based only on the available balance in the Account(s) without considering this refund. The Customer also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonouring the payment instructions.

Cardholder Information: The Bank reserves the right to disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions/agencies/local authorities, such information concerning the Cardholder's Bank Account/s as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with its participation in any ATM or Electronic Funds Transfer Network or on account of the Bank's statutory obligations.

Deposits Through ATM: The amount of the deposit of cash or cheque will be subject to verification by the Bank and this verified amount shall be final and binding on the Customer. The credit for (i) the cash deposits made in the ATMs will be available to the Customer on the following Working Day, and (ii) the cheque deposits will be available to the Customer after the cheque has been duly paid by the payee Bank. The statement issued by the ATM at the time of deposit only represents what the Cardholder purports to have deposited and will not be binding on the Bank. If there are soiled, mutilated notes in such deposits, the acceptance of such deposits shall be subject to final acceptance and reimbursement by RBI as per the Currency Note Refund Rules. Deposits of foreign currency cash/ cheques or any other deposits, which are unacceptable, shall be returned, at the Customers cost, risk and responsibility.

Global Cardholder Assistance Services (Visa Global Emergency Assistance Help lines)

Applicable to Kotak Gold, Platinum, Privy Platinum, Business Gold and Business Platinum Debit Cardholders.

A. Customer understands that the multi-lingual Visa Emergency Assistance Services Programme offers worldwide emergency referral assistance to Visa cardholders when traveling overseas. These include a wide range of legal, medical and other services. The communications and arrangements of services of the emergency card replacement and assistance program are provided by a third party service provider and are paid for by Visa International and the cardholder is responsible for the cost of any and all medical, legal or other services availed by him. The cardholder can also avail Emergency Card replacement through this process by satisfying about cardholder’s identification to Visa.

B. The Emergency Card Replacement can be issued by Visa when the cardholder looses his card abroad. The Emergency Card will work only at Point Of Sales (POS) and not at ATMs. Cardholder, after returning to India, will have to personally surrender the Emergency card so issued to the Bank. Save and except as mentioned here, all the terms and conditions regarding the use of the card shall apply to such Emergency card also.

C. Any instruction received by the Bank for hot listing of a Card cannot be revoked, even if the Card reported lost is subsequently found. In such a case, the Cardholder shall destroy the Card and shall indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered due to the failure to do so.

Visa Concierge Services -

Applicable to Signature and Infinite Debit Cardholders.

Services such as organizing a flight to Paris, recommending a restaurant in Hong Kong, arranging for opera tickets in Milan or even suggesting a reliable dry cleaner away from home are just some of the services available. All it takes is a phone call, any time, anywhere in the world. The Visa Platinum Customer Centre (VPCC) is manned by professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Kotak Bank and Visa shall not be responsible for, nor does it guarantee the quality of goods and services provided by or availed from the Concierge service provider, nor is Kotak Bank and Visa liable for any deficiency in the products or inadequacies of the services so obtained or availed of by the Cardholder.

Cardholders irrevocably agree that, any dispute, if any, arising out of or in connection with this offer or otherwise relating hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai only irrespective of whether courts / tribunals in other areas have concurrent or similar jurisdiction and such disputes shall be governed under the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (as amended up to date)

Fuel Surcharge

For Gold, Platinum, Privy Platinum, Business Gold, Business Platinum, Signature and Platinum Debit Cards, presently, Bank has decided to waive the Fuel Surcharge (presently 2.5%). Bank reserves the right to withdraw the Fuel Surcharge waiver in the future, with prior notice to the customer

Visa Card Offers

The Debit Card also has premium offering supported by Visa through tie-ups which entitles users of the Debit Card to receive discounts on services and products purchased or availed through Visa Debit Card. These are across various categories like lifestyle, fine dining, travel and health care. Cardholder understands that these offers are applicable on usage of Debit Card only and not on usage of any other card issued by the Bank.


Bank is offering complimentary Lost Card liability, Air accident, Lost baggage and Purchase protection insurance to Cardholders subject to the terms and conditions of the United India Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank.

Bank reserves its absolute right to withdraw or alter any of the terms and conditions of this feature at any point in time without prior notice to the Cardholder(s).

Account nominee will be considered as the default nominee for Debit Card and linked Insurance

Lost Card liability Cover -

In case of loss or theft, Cardholder gets benefit of Lost Card Liability insurance against fraudulent purchase transactions and for losses occurring on account of loss of debit card for up to 30 days prior to reporting and 7 days post reporting the loss of Debit Card to the Bank.

The loss or theft of the Debit Card issued by the bank should be reported to Phone Banking immediately.

Lost Card Liability cover is applicable only on fraudulent Point of Sale Transactions and not ATM transactions. This feature is not applicable to frauds related to delivery of Debit Cards.

  1. The Lost Card Liability Cover offering is valid for all Point of Sale transactions carried out on Kotak Debit Cards.
  2. In case of unsigned Debit Card (signature not present on reverse of card), Lost Card Liability Cover will not be applicable, and the Cardholder will be liable for the transaction.
  3. The liability per Debit Card is restricted to a minimum of Rs. 1, 00,000 and maximum of Rs. 5, 00,000 based on the Card Type.
  4. Cardholder must submit the required documents to nearest Kotak branch within 7 days of reporting the loss to bank.
  5. A claim cannot be made more than once on the same card.
  6. On receipt of communication regarding your lost or stolen Debit Card along with the requisite documents, bank is authorized to conduct its own investigation in respect of such lost or stolen card. If such investigation reveals any direct or indirect involvement of the Cardholder or Cardholder's relatives or employees or colluding with third parties, bank is authorized to take appropriate action against the Cardholder in addition to refusing to extend the benefit of Lost Card liability to the Cardholder. Bank shall not entertain any dispute in respect of the investigation done by it or by the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd.
  7. The findings, investigations and the decision of HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. in respect of any claim made to it shall be final and binding on the Cardholder and the Bank shall be no way responsible for the same.

The Cardholders shall be insured subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank.
Cardholder can also claim fraudulent transactions by using simple steps:
Contact HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. Call centre and mention your lost Kotak Debit Card no. to notify the claim.

Air accident

Complimentary insurance cover on Kotak Debit Card (except Classic and NRO Debit Cards) in any unfortunate event that leads to the death of the card-holder in an air accident.

Only Cardholder’s legal heir is entitled to the claim.

This insurance is applicable only in case of death while traveling by Air.

The Cardholders shall be insured in case of their death while air travel whether domestic or international subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank.

Legal heir needs to lodge a claim by submitting the documents as and when required by HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. The Insurance can be claimed only if the travel tickets have been purchased using the Debit Card.

Legal heir can claim by using simple steps:

Contact HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. Call centre and mention Kotak Debit Card no. to notify the claim.

The liability per Debit Card is restricted to a minimum of Rs. 15, 00,000 and maximum of Rs. 5,00, 00,000 based on the Card Type.

The Cardholders shall be insured subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank. Bank shall not be in any way responsible for processing/settling the claim and the legal heirs of the deceased cardholder need to directly contact the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd in respect of the claim.

The findings, investigations and the decision of HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. in respect of any claim made shall be final and binding on the legal heirs and the Bank shall be no way responsible for the same.

Lost baggage

Cardholder can enjoy complimentary lost baggage insurance cover on Kotak Debit Card (except Classic and NRO Debit Cards).

  1. Lost baggage insurance covers loss or damage due to accident or misfortune whilst on journey, anywhere in the world.
  2. The liability per Debit Card is restricted to a maximum of Rs. 5,00,000.
  3. Cardholder must submit the required documents to nearest Kotak branch within 7 days of reporting the loss to bank.
  4. Bank reserves the right to reject the claim if similar claim has already been made on the Debit Card earlier during the same calendar year.
  5. On receipt of communication regarding your lost baggage along with the requisite documents, bank is authorized to conduct its own investigation in respect of such event. If such investigation reveals any direct or indirect involvement of the Cardholder or Cardholder's relatives or employees or colluding with third parties, bank is authorized to take appropriate action against the Cardholder in addition to refusing to extend the benefit of lost baggage insurance to the Cardholder. Bank shall not entertain any dispute in respect of the investigation done by it or by the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co Ltd.
  6. The findings, investigations and the decision of HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. in respect of any claim made shall be final and binding on the Cardholder and the Bank shall be no way responsible for the same.

Cardholder can also claim fraudulent transactions by using simple steps:
Contact HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. Call centre and mention your lost Kotak Debit Card no. to notify the claim.

The Cardholders shall be insured subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank.

Purchase protection -

  1. Purchase protection insurance covers all consumer durable goods purchased using your Debit Card are insured against fire, natural calamity, burglary and housebreaking upto 60 days from the date of purchase subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd availed by the Bank.
  2. The liability per Debit Card is restricted to maximum of Rs. 5,00,000.
  3. Cardholder must submit the required documents to nearest Kotak branch within 7 days of reporting the event to bank.
  4. Bank reserves the right to reject the claim if similar claim has already been made on the Debit Card earlier during the same calendar year.
  5. On receipt of communication regarding your claim along with the requisite documents, bank is authorized to conduct its own investigation in respect of such event. If such investigation reveals any direct or indirect involvement of the Cardholder, bank is authorized to take appropriate action against the Cardholder in addition to refusing to extend the benefit of lost baggage insurance to the Cardholder. Bank shall not entertain any dispute in respect of the investigation done by it or by the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co Ltd.
  6. The findings, investigations and the decision of HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd. in respect of any claim made shall be final and binding on the Cardholder and the Bank shall be no way responsible for the same.

Cardholder can also claim fraudulent transactions by using simple steps:
Contact HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd Call centre and mention the Debit Card No. to notify the claim.

The Cardholders shall be insured subject to the terms and conditions of the HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd policy availed by the Bank.

Applicability of terms & conditions: The Customer understands and accepts that these terms and conditions are applicable to the customer in addition to the general terms and conditions governing the Customer’s relationship(s) with the Bank.

Governing Law: Mumbai court shall have sole jurisdiction of any dispute between customer and bank and this terms and conditions shall be subject to Indian Laws only.


A. The Customer hereby authorizes the Bank, at his / their risk and cost, all or any of the following:

1.     To subscribe to the units of the mutual fund & securities on his/their behalf and to pay for the units so purchased, on Customer's specific instructions;

2.     To purchase and redeem units of mutual funds on his/their behalf and to pay for the units so purchased, on Customer's specific instructions;

3.     To receive the account statement(s) and any other communication from the mutual fund pertaining to the above said units and/or to acknowledge receipt of the same;

4.     To redeem / sell the units held by Customer (whether solely or jointly with others) and to receive the payment of the redemption/ sale price and acknowledge receipt of the same, based on Customer specific instructions;

5.     To sign all such writings and do all such acts as may be required for redeeming any units;

6.     To collect, receive and give good and effectual receipts and discharges for any sum including dividend or income arising from the units and to sign and endorse dividend warrants;

7.     To collect and deposit monies in an account opened in Customer's name with the Bank and to make such debits in the said account as may be necessary;

8.     To correspond with and give notice to the mutual fund and the corresponding asset management company on behalf of the Customer;

9.     To instruct the mutual fund and/or the corresponding asset management company to make note of instructions with regard to nomination/change in investment plan/any other changes.

10.   To do, perform and execute all such other acts, deeds, instruments, matters and things for and on Customer's behalf as the Bank may think fit in accordance with the Investment Scheme and any related writings about these premises as fully and effectually and to all intents and purposes as the Customer could do if Customer were personally present

Customer hereby agrees and confirms that all such acts and deeds done for and on behalf of the Customer shall be binding on him / them and their successors & legal heirs.

B. The customer further agrees and undertakes that:

1. The customer understands that the bank may not send any communication received from the AMC to him / them.

2. Transaction rights will be pursuant to the customer executing and granting a Power of Attorney (POA) or a mandate as the case may be in favour of the bank, in the manner and form as prescribed by the bank from time to time. POA or a mandate as the case may be will be applicable to all Investment Accounts whether presently existing or to be opened in future.

3. All purchase requests are subject to the threshold limits as set by the AMC. All redemption requests are subject to sufficient mutual fund unit balance and on final discretion of the AMC / RTA. The unit balance refers to minimum mutual fund unit balance to be maintained for the scheme/fund.

4. Save and except under conditions beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, all requests received by Bank prior to the cut off time shall be processed on the based effort basis on the same day & all requests received after cut off time shall be processed on next day. Such 'cut off-time' shall be communicated by the Bank to the customer from time to time.

5. All instructions including instructions for modification shall be given only by the Customer named in bank's records and shall be binding on the Customer personally.

6. The Bank may refuse to act on any instruction unless they are given in writing in a manner and form acceptable to the Bank or given orally in accordance with the telephone facility of the Bank subject to the Bank's absolute right to verify such instructions. Customer hereby authorizes the Bank to record all or any communication between Customer and the Bank's officials / agents. Further Customer agrees and understands that, the Bank shall have no responsibility to determine the authenticity of any instructions given or purported to be given by the Customer. The Customer shall not hold the Bank liable on account of the Bank acting in good faith on any of Customer's instructions or instructions purported to be given by the Customer.

7. The Bank may in its own discretion decide not to carry out the Customer's instructions where the Bank has reason to believe (which decision of the Bank the Customer shall not question or dispute) that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise improper or unclear or are in a manner that raise a doubt.

8. Customer agrees and undertakes that notwithstanding anything contrary contained anywhere, the Customer shall not hold Bank responsible and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss, claim or damages of whatsoever nature, if any instruction(s) of the Customer is not carried out by the Bank for any reason whatsoever nature.

9. The Customer agrees and understands that the Bank is required to receive clear written instructions from the Customer to enable the Bank to effect fund transfer activities on behalf of the Customer.

10. The Customer hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Bank against any loss, claim or damages of whatsoever nature which Bank and /or Customer may suffer on account of any improper / fraudulent fund transfer instruction purported to be received from the Customer.

11. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall not be obliged to accept from the Customer any oral or facsimile instructions. In order to, however, induce the Bank to act upon communications and instructions transmitted by manual procedures (Facsimile, Mail, Telephone only) he/they hereby irrevocably agree that, absent the Bank(s) gross negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct, as long as the Bank acts in compliance with such authorization / instruction, the Bank shall be indemnified for and held free and harmless from and against any and all responsibility for, any and all costs, claims, losses or liabilities of any nature (direct or indirect) resulting from any act or omission (or any delay) in response to instructions to the Bank to transfer funds or purchase, sell or otherwise dispose off units, together with any and all attendant costs and expenses including the Bank(s) reasonable legal fees and expenses, collectively referred to as losses.

12. The Customer also acknowledges that the security and control procedures provided by the Bank are designed to verify the source of communication and not to detect errors in transmission or content including discrepancies between names and account numbers and that the Bank, or any intermediary, may execute an instruction by reference to account number only, even if the name on the account is also provided. Nothing contained herein shall require the Bank to violate any applicable laws, rules or procedures/instructions. The Bank shall have no further duty to verify the content of any instruction and communications, whether or not authorized, sent in its name and accepted by the Bank.

13. The Customer confirms to have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Offer Document of the Mutual Fund. The Bank shall cause to make available to the Customer on the website of the Bank Offer documents of the schemes, annual reports, and addendums in respect of the Mutual Fund.

14. The Customer confirms that the Bank is not responsible in any manner for the execution of the transaction and that the RTA / AMC are solely responsible for any act or omission in respect of the execution of transaction.

15. Folios created through this route or existing folios used for this facility are deemed to be online folios by the AMC/RTA and that he/they understand(s), agrees and confirms that he / they shall not be directly serviced by the AMC for such online folios.

16. The Customer expressly agrees and acknowledges that any information contained in the Bank's brochure or other material or otherwise communicated by the Bank shall not be construed by him/them as investment and that all decisions to purchase or sell units made by him/them shall be on the basis of his/their own personal judgment arrived at after due consideration. He/they understand and agree that the Bank does not in any manner:

1.  provide any buy/sell or other recommendations; or

2. That all rights and privileges granted in the Mandate shall stand cancelled should the customer move to a country in whose jurisdiction these facilities cannot be extended, as informed by the Bank from time to time.

3. The NRI Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against any losses, claims, costs, charges and expenses arising from or suffered by the Bank by reason of non-compliance by the NRI customer of the applicable laws.

17.  The Customer is entitled to terminate this service by giving notice in writing to the Bank and the Bank shall require at least seven working days for giving effect to the same. The Customer agrees not to effect any transactions consequent to the receipt of such termination notice by the Bank provided that the Customer shall not be relieved of its obligations hereunder, notwithstanding such termination, incurred prior to the date on which such termination shall become effective. Upon termination of the services, the money and units with the Bank pursuant to thereto may be paid or delivered (as the case may be) by the Bank, after deduction of the Bank's dues if any, to the Customer and the same shall be a valid and complete discharge to the Bank.

18. In case the investment is made in the name of a minor with any of the guardians as joint holders, then the investments made in the above manner are for the sole benefit of the minor.

19. The value of the customer's units may fluctuate. If he/they redeem his/their units, he/they may receive more or less than he/they paid depending upon the market value of the securities in the fund or trust at the time of redemption. Past results are not a guarantee to future performance. Yield or performance fluctuates and reflects past results. Yield or a fund's past performance should not be considered as an indication or guarantee of future yields or results.

20. The Bank shall be under no duty to assess the prudence or otherwise of any instructions given by the customer(s) or to give any advice in relation thereto and would be justified in acting on his/their instructions irrespective of their prudence or otherwise.

21. The service is provided at sole discretion of the bank and may be withdrawn without prior notice. The bank may levy charges at its sole discretion in respect of these services.

22. Information displayed on the bank's website is based on data received from the AMC/RTA & subject to change without notice

23. For Non-Resident Indian (NRI) customers - Transaction rights will be pursuant the customer agreeing to: 

  1. undertaking to keep the Bank informed about the change in his country of residence forthwith;
  2. That all rights and privileges granted in the Mandate shall stand cancelled should the customer move to a country in whose jurisdiction these facilities cannot be extended, as informed by the Bank from time to time.
  3. The NRI Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against any losses, claims, costs, charges and expenses arising from or suffered by the Bank by reason of non-compliance by the NRI customer of the applicable laws.

24. The Customer is entitled to terminate this service by giving notice in writing to the Bank and the Bank shall require at least seven working days for giving effect to the same. The Customer agrees not to effect any transactions consequent to the receipt of such termination notice by the Bank provided that the Customer shall not be relieved of its obligations hereunder, notwithstanding such termination, incurred prior to the date on which such termination shall become effective. Upon termination of the services, the money and units with the Bank pursuant to thereto may be paid or delivered (as the case may be) by the Bank, after deduction of the Bank's dues if any, to the Customer and the same shall be a valid and complete discharge to the Bank.

25. In case the investment is made in the name of a minor with any of the guardians as joint holders, then the investments made in the above manner are for the sole benefit of the minor.

MF Investment Account - View Rights: This means the right to view investments into units of Mutual Fund effected by the Bank at the request of the customer. Such view rights are available to MF Investment Account customers at their request.

MF Investment Account Statements: The Bank may provide a facility to its customer for receiving statements on email. These statements may include but are not limited to transaction statement and holding statements. The Customer by requesting the Bank to furnish such particulars and details and statements by e-mail declares and confirms that he is aware of the risks concerning the e-mail and shall not hold the Bank liable therefore. The bank may also send a physical statement of the investment account to the customer at a frequency that it may decide from time to time. These statements may include but are not limited to transaction statement and holding statements. The customer undertakes to promptly inform the Bank in case any change to his email id or mailing address.

Customer agrees that in the event of breach of any of the terms by the customer and/or any agent or representative, the customer shall be solely liable to pay damages and compensation including all direct and indirect damages, costs, charges and expenses that may be caused to or incurred or suffered by the Bank. While the Bank shall use reasonable precautions, these services are provided on "No warranty No risk basis".


Rights and obligation of customer

  1. The customer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the particulars given in the NEFT Request and shall be liable to compensate the Bank for any loss arising on the account of any error in his NEFT Request.
  2. The customer shall ensure availability of funds in his account properly applicable to the NEFT Request before the execution of the NEFT Request by the Bank. Where however, the Bank executes the NEFT Request without properly applicable funds being available in the customer's account the customer shall be bound to pay to the Bank the amount debited to his account for which an NEFT was executed by the Bank pursuant to his NEFT Request together with the applicable charges including interest payable to the Bank.
  3. Customer agrees that the NEFT Request shall become irrevocable as & when it is accepted & executed by Bank.
  4. Customer agrees that he shall not be entitled to make any claim against any party in the RBI NEFT Scheme.
  5. Customer agrees that in the event of any delay in the completion of the Funds Transfer or any loss on account of error in the execution of the Funds Transfer pursuant to a Request by customer for NEFT, the Bank liability shall be limited to the extent of payment of interest at the Bank rate for any period of delay in the case of delayed payment and refund of the amount together with interest at the Bank Rate upto the date of refund, in the event of loss on account of error, negligence or fraud on the part of any employee of the Bank.
  6. The Customer shall be bound by any NEFT Request executed by the Bank if the Bank had executed the NEFT Request in good faith and in compliance with the security procedure.
  7. 1.The cut-off time for receiving instructions and the financial limits for NEFT transactions from the customer will be fixed by the Bank from time to time and will be informed to the customer. Requests received by the Bank after the cut-off will be processed the next working day.
  8. NEFT service Charges as decided by the Bank/ and or RBI shall be debited to the customer's account.
  9. The customer shall ensure that all transactions under the NEFT facility would be undertaken in compliance and in adherence with all laws applicable in India and / or otherwise but not limited to Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, (FEMA), Anti Money Laundering Law, including any rules, regulation, notifications there under and not use the NEFT facility for any transaction that is prohibited.
  10. Customer agrees that no special circumstances shall attach to any NEFT Request executed under the NEFT Facility and under no circumstances customer shall be entitled to claim any compensation in excess of the amount and that which is provided in clause (5) above.

Rights and obligations of the Bank

The Bank shall execute an NEFT Request issued by the customer duly authenticated by him as verified by the security procedure, unless:

1. The funds available in the account of the customer are not adequate or properly applicable to comply with the NEFT Request and the customer has not made any other arrangement to meet the payment obligation.

2. The Bank has reason to believe that the NEFT Request is issued to carry out an unlawful transaction.

3. The NEFT Request in incomplete or it is not issued in the agreed form.

4. The NEFT Request cannot be executed under the RBI NEFT Scheme.

5. The NEFT Request is attached with notice of any special circumstances.

No NEFT Request issued by the customer shall be binding on the Bank until the Bank has accepted it.

The Bank shall, upon execution of every NEFT Request executed by it, be entitled to debit the designated account of the customer, the amount of the funds transferred together with charges payable thereon, whether or not the account has sufficient balance. If the funds transfer is not initiated before the close of business of the third following NEFT business day the Bank shall advise the customer accordingly.


  • The Bank shall not be liable for any loss of damage arising or resulting from delay in transmission delivery or non-delivery of Electronic messages or any mistake, omission, or error in transmission or delivery thereof or in deciphering the message from any cause whatsoever or from its misinterpretation received or the action of the destination Bank or any act or even beyond control.
  • All payment instructions should be checked carefully by the Customer.
  • The Bank is not responsible for any charges/commission levied/charged by the Beneficiary Bank.

These terms & conditions are to be read in conjunction with those as stipulated in the NEFT Request Form, Terms and Conditions and Rules for Accounts and Services of the Bank.

Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA): Rights Issue

The Bank, being a Self Certified Syndicate Bank (SCSB), offers the facility of ASBA in Rights Issue subject to the terms and conditions mentioned hereunder which is to be read in conjunction with Terms and Conditions and Rules for Accounts and Services of the Bank and subject to the existing laws, regulations, guidelines etc governing Rights Issue and ASBA.

1. ASBA facility can be availed by the Bank's Savings/Current account holder who is holding shares in dematerialized form and has applied for entitlements and /or additional shares in the Rights Issue in dematerialized form; has not renounced his / her entitlements in full or in part; is not a renouncee to the Issue; applies through a bank account maintained with SCSBs and is a "Resident Retail Individual Investor" ("ASBA Investor").

2. Bidding under the ASBA facility shall be done only at the Issue Price, as the case may be, with single option as to the number of shares bid for.

3. Revision of the bids under ASBA shall not be permitted.

4. Applications under ASBA can be done by submitting a physical form for such purpose to the Bank or by submitting the form electronically through the Bank's internet banking facility.

5. The Demat account of the ASBA Investor availing this facility can be with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other DP.

6. If the bank account specified in the ASBA does not have sufficient and clear credit balance to meet the application money, the ASBA shall be rejected by the Bank.

7. The ASBA Investor has to necessarily hold a Savings and/or Current Account with the Bank although the Bank account earmarked in the ASBA for holding funds for applying to rights as the case may be, is held in some other person's name and not that of the ASBA Investor.

8. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to have authorized the Bank to do all acts as are necessary to make an application in the issue of the company, as the case may, including uploading of his / her bid, blocking or unblocking of funds in the bank account maintained with the Bank specified in the ASBA, transfer of funds to the issuer's account on receipt of instruction from the Registrar to the Issue after finalization of the basis of allotment entitling the said ASBA Customers to receive shares on such transfer of funds, etc.

9. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to have authorized the Registrar to the Issue to Issue instructions to the Bank to remove the block on the funds in the bank account specified in the ASBA, upon finalization of the basis of allotment and to transfer the requisite money to the issuer's account.

10. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to read and understood the Issuer Company's Letter of Offer.

11. The Bank shall entirely rely on the information given by the ASBA Investors in the ASBA and shall not be held liable for any non allotment of shares/rejection of application suffered by the ASBA Investor caused for any error/omission/incompleteness on the part of the ASBA Investor in filling up the ASBA.

12. Withdrawal by an ASBA Investor shall be by way of a duly filled up withdrawal request during the bidding period and not later than that.

13. The Bank being a SCSB merely facilitates its customers to avail this ASBA facility and it shall not be liable for non allotment of shares or for rejection of applications.

Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) : Public Issue

The Bank, being a Self Certified Syndicate Bank (SCSB), offers the facility of ASBA in Public Issue subject to the terms and conditions mentioned hereunder which is to be read in conjunction with Terms and Conditions and Rules for Accounts and Services of the Bank and subject to the existing laws, regulations, guidelines etc governing ASBA .

1. ASBA facility can be availed by the Bank's Savings/Current account holder who is a "Resident Retail Individual Investor" ("ASBA Investor").

2. Bidding under the ASBA facility shall be done only at cut off price of the Issue, as the case may be, with single option as to the number of shares bid for.

3. Revision of the bids under ASBA shall not be permitted.

4. Bidding under any reserved categories shall not be permitted.

5. Bidding under ASBA is applicable only in the case of book built public issue.

6. Applications under ASBA can be done by submitting a physical form for such purpose to the Bank or by submitting the form electronically through the Bank's internet banking facility.

7. The Demat account of the customers availing this facility can be with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other DP.

8. If the bank account specified in the ASBA does not have sufficient and clear credit balance to meet the application money, the ASBA shall be rejected by the Bank.

9. The ASBA Investor has to necessarily hold a Savings and/or Current Account(should hold a valid Customer Relationship Number -CRN) with the Bank although the Bank account earmarked in the ASBA for holding funds for applying to public issue as the case may be, is held in some other person's name and not that of the ASBA Investor.

10. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to have authorized the Bank to do all acts as are necessary to make an application in the issue of the company, as the case may, including uploading of his / her bid, blocking or unblocking of funds in the bank account maintained with the Bank specified in the ASBA, transfer of funds to the issuer's account on receipt of instruction from the Registrar to the Issue after finalization of the basis of allotment entitling the said customers to receive shares on such transfer of funds, etc.

11. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to have authorized the Registrar to the Issue to Issue instructions to the Bank to remove the block on the funds in the bank account specified in the ASBA, upon finalization of the basis of allotment and to transfer the requisite money to the issuer's account.

12. ASBA Investors shall be deemed to read and understood the Issuer Company's Abridged Prospectus and the Red Herring Prospectus.

13. The Bank shall entirely rely on the information given by the ASBA Investors in the ASBA and shall not be held liable for any non allotment of shares/rejection of application suffered by the ASBA Investor caused for any error/omission/incompleteness on the part of the ASBA Investor in filling up the ASBA.

14. Withdrawal by an ASBA Investor shall be by way of a duly filled up withdrawal request during the bidding period and not later than that.

15. The Bank being a SCSB merely facilitates its customers to avail this ASBA facility and it shall not be liable for non allotment of shares or for rejection of applications.



  • "Customer" shall mean any person who is an accountholder with KMB and investing through KMB in the Sweep Plan of KMAMC.
  • "Mandate" shall include Mandate/Power of Attorney executed by a Customer in favour of KMB to transact on his behalf, draft of which is attached to this Agreement. Any modification in the contents of the Mandate shall require prior consent of KMAMC, which shall not be reasonably withheld.
  • "Offer Document" shall mean a document issued by KMMF as amended from time to time (including by way of addenda), offering Units of the respective Scheme(s)/Plan(s) for subscription.
  • "Offer Document of the Sweep Plan" shall mean the Offer Document of Kotak Mahindra Liquid Scheme (as amended from time to time) under which the Sweep Plan is introduced.
  • "Terms and Conditions" shall mean the terms and conditions agreed to by the Customer for investing through KMB in the Sweep Plan of KMAMC
  • "Sweep" shall mean an activity whereby money shall be transferred from the CASA account of the Customer to the Sweep Plan or vice versa on receipt of instructions from KMB.
  • "Sweep Plan" shall mean and include the proposed Sweep Plan under Kotak Mahindra Liquid Scheme or any other Sweep Plan introduced in future under any Scheme offered by KMAMC at present or in future.
  • "Threshold limit" shall mean the minimum amount as defined by KMB from time to time and agreed to be maintained by the Customer in the CASA account.
  • "NAV" shall mean the net asset value as determined by KMAMC for the Sweep Plan.
  • "Haircut" Amount which not available to the customer for withdrawal as a % of investment into the Kotak Liquid Sweep Plan option, this is to cover the risk the Bank runs basis NAV movement on a daily basis.

Words and Expressions used in this Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning as in the Offer Document of the Sweep Plan.

1. The Terms and Conditions and Rules of Accounts and Services of Bank and words and expressions not specifically defined herein shall have the respect meanings assigned to them in the Terms and Conditions and Rules of Accounts and Services of Bank.

2. The Sweep Account is a combination of a Savings/Current Account ("CASA Account") with Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. ("KMB") and linked to Kotak Liquid Sweep Plan ('Sweep Plan')

3. KMB will sweep excess balance in Customers Sweep Account beyond the threshold limit defined by KMB and agreed by the Customer into the Sweep Plan, as subscription to Units of the Sweep Plan, subject to the minimum limit defined by KMB.

4. KMB shall initiate sweep out over and above the customer defined threshold limit or the KMB defined threshold limit. For this purpose, the Customer defined threshold limit shall always be more than the Bank defined threshold limit. The minimum amount for sweep out from Customer Account shall be Rs. 10,000/-. The minimum amount may change at the sole discretion of the Bank.

5. Customer agrees that KMB is acting as distributor of Kotak Liquid Sweep Plan and that the Facility is antedant to the Sweep Account maintained by Customer with KMB and further agrees to give instructions only to KMB to sweep excess amounts from his Account for this Facility.

6. The Customer agrees that the withdraw able balance reflected in the Sweep Account on any day is an aggregate of the actual balance in the Sweep Account and the value of the investments in the Unit Account of KMMF at purchase price or the previous day's NAV minus haircut. The Customer agrees that KMB shall not permit any debit in Customer Account if the funds / total amount available in his Account with the KMB constitutes an insufficient balance as per the terms of this Facility availed by Customer.

7. The Customer agrees that Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the Sweep Plan will be achieved. As with any securities investment, the NAV of the Units issued under the Sweep Plan can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting the capital and money markets.

8. Mutual Funds are susceptible to NAV movements and the available balance in the Account can change even without the Customer initiating any transaction. Thus if the Customer redeem(s) his/her/their units/shares, the Customer may receive more or less than what the Customer paid, depending upon the market value of the securities in the fund or trust at the time of redemption. Past results are not a guarantee to future performance. Yield or performance fluctuates and reflects past results. Yield or a fund's past performance should not be considered as an indication or guarantee of future yield or results.

9. The Customer agrees that KMB shall not process purchase instructions unless funds in the Sweep Account are in excess of the threshold. However, Customer shall not hold KMB liable in case excess funds over the threshold are not swept into the Sweep Plan by any event or circumstances beyond KMB's reasonable control. If for any reason KMB is unable to sweep amounts in the Sweep Plan, KMB shall at its discretion be entitled to sweep a lesser amount without notice to Customer and the Customer shall not hold KMB responsible for the same.

10. The Customer agrees that the facility of sweeping excess balances from the Sweep account into the Sweep Plan may not be effected in case the account is attached by any statutory Authority / Court of Law or if the Sweep Account is classified as dormant by KMB on account of loss of contact with the applicant for a period of at least six months or upon the death of the applicant in case of a single name account or by any of the applicants in case of a joint account.

11. The Customer agrees that two nomination forms, namely, one under SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996 and another under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, will be signed and submitted to KMB. Both nomination forms shall contain the same details. Any change made by Customer in respect of Nomination under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 shall also become applicable in respect of the nomination under SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996.

12. The Customer agrees that the security and control procedures provided by KMB are designed to verify the source of communication and not to detect errors in transmission or content including discrepancies between names and account numbers and that KMB, or any intermediary, may execute an instruction by reference to account number only, even if the name on the account is also provided.

13. The Customer agrees and accepts that action taken by KMB and instructions given by KMB to KMAMC are in pursuance to the Mandate of the Customer and further agree and undertake not to make any claims either against KMB or KMAMC on account of both KMB and KMAMC acting under the Mandate of the Customer.

14. The Customer agrees that all purchases and redemptions and all other acts done by KMB for the Customer pursuant to Sweep Account shall be at the sole risk and cost of the Customer and KMB shall only be executing the instructions given by the Customer vide the mandate letter/POA, in consideration of which limited role of KMB, the Customer agree(s) to pay to KMB charges as per KMB's schedule of charges. These charges are purely banking services related charges and not part of any expenses relating to the Unit Account. The investments in the Sweep Plan will be subject to the terms in its Offer Document as regards its recurring expense limits.

15. The Customer agrees that KMB shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reason of failure or delay by the KMMF to deliver any units purchased even though payment may have been made for the same or failure or delay in making payment in respect of any Units redeemed though they may have been delivered and the Customer shall save KMB harmless and free from any claim in respect thereof. The Customer agrees with the terms on which the Sweep Plan is offered and may be closed and therefore the Customer shall not hold KMB liable for in case of any closure of the Sweep Plan.

16. The Customer agrees that KMB shall also not be liable for any delay, failure or refusal of KMMF/any company/corporation or other body in registering or transferring units to the name(s) of the Customer or for any interest, dividend or other loss caused to the Customer arising thereof.

17. The customer agrees that KMB shall execute the transaction: 

  1. Purchases - Money swept out from customer Bank account at EOD day 0, purchase transaction executed with Kotak Mutual Fund after 1:00 pm on day 1, Applicable NAV Day 1.
  2. Redemptions - Money swept in to customer bank account at EOD day 0, redemption transaction executed Kotak Mutual Fund before 10:00 am on day 1, Applicable NAV Day 0.

18. The Customer agrees that KMB shall not be held liable for or by reason of any loss or damage or failure to comply or delay in complying with its obligations under these terms and conditions which is caused directly or indirectly by any event or circumstances beyond KMB's reasonable control.

19. The Customer agrees that KMB will not be liable for any error or inaccuracies in any of the publicly available information that may be provided to the Customer by KMB. KMB shall be under no duty to verify compliance with any restrictions on the investment powers of the Customer.

20. The Customer agrees that these terms and conditions will bind not only the Customer but also his/her/their respective successors and legal representatives in respect of the Services availed of by the Customer from time to time.

21. Failure by KMB at any time to enforce any obligation of the Customer or to claim a breach of any term or condition or to exercise any power agreed to hereunder or under any other document executed by the Customer in favour of KMB will not be construed as a waiver of any right, power or obligation under these terms and conditions and it will not affect any subsequent breach and will not prejudice KMB as regards any subsequent action.

22. The rights of the Customer hereunder shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by the Customer.

23. The Customer agrees that KMB shall always have the right to stop offering the sweep facility or make available such facility with regard to any other SEBI registered Mutual Fund. Provided however, that till such time the Customer shall have the discretion to terminate the Sweep Account or continue with the Sweep Facility with any other SEBI registered Mutual Fund that may then be available under the Sweep Account Scheme of KMB.

24. The Customer agrees that KMB shall be under no duty to assess the prudence or otherwise of any instructions given by the Customer or to give any advice in relation thereto and would be justified in acting on the instructions of the Customer, irrespective of their prudence or otherwise.

25. The Customer shall be obliged to intimate KMB if there is any discrepancy in the particulars or details of any transaction or account or statement, to KMB in writing within 15 days of the first Applicant receiving notice thereof, failing which such transaction, statement or account (as the case may be) shall be deemed to be correct and accepted by Customer and the Customer shall not be entitled to question the correctness or accuracy thereof.

26. Any notice or other correspondence addressed by KMB to the Customer may be addressed to the first Applicant at the mailing given by the Customer to KMB.

27. The Customer may instruct KMB to keep amounts in the Sweep Account in excess of the threshold limit by Bank and agreed to by the Customer for sweeping the funds from the Sweep Account.

28. The Customer shall not have any recourse to KMAMC/KMMF for any acts done by KMB.

29. The Customer agrees that KMB shall be entitled at its discretion to terminate the sweep facility and retain the Sweep Account or terminate both the sweep facility as well as the Sweep Account. In the event of termination of sweep facility for any of the reasons, the services of KMB in respect of existing customers shall be limited to handling redemption requests received from them. KMMF agrees to accede to such servicing requirements for redemption requests of the existing clients notwithstanding the termination of the agreement between the two parties. On termination, KMB shall forthwith inform its customers and continue to offer them the facility of redemption through the on line or offline mode as per the prevailing circumstances.

30. The Customer hereby agrees that:

  1. The Customer has read and understood the contents of the Offer Document of the Sweep Plan and the relevant addenda and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Sweep Plan.
  2. The Customer understands that there is no assurance on the returns of the Scheme.
  3. The Customer has neither received nor been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly, in making this investment.

31. The Customer agrees to abide by the relevant rules and regulations and any amendments there to.



  • 'Alerts' mean messages sent to the Customer over electronic media, triggered by occurrence of certain events in respect of the Customer's account, services or otherwise.
  • 'Alert Facility' shall mean the facility of sending Alerts provided by the Bank.
  • 'Mobile Banking Facility' shall mean access to Account information and transaction rights using a mobile phone.
  • 'Pre-Defined Events' shall mean the events, identified by the Bank from time to time, which will trigger the Alerts. These events can be in respect of the Customer's Account, Bank Services / Schemes or otherwise.
  • 'Messages' means the information provided on Alerts.


The Bank may at its sole discretion, without assigning any reason thereof, offer any or all its facilities to any or all of its Customers.

Customer Responsibility

The Bank will send Alerts / account information on the mobile phone number and/or email ID as provided by the Customer. The Customer shall be solely responsible for updation of correct mobile phone number and e-mail ID in Bank records. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the security of his mobile phone and email ID. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the consequences in case he fails to adhere to the above. The Customer must keep his mobile phone and email ID active to avail this facility. The Customer acknowledges that sending information by e-mail/mobile phone is not a secure medium and the Customer is aware of the risks involved. The Customer also acknowledges that the Customer has for the Customer's convenience and after being fully aware of, and having duly considered, the risks involved, requested and authorized the Bank to rely upon and act on Instructions which may from time to time be given by e-mail / mobile phone.
The Customer undertakes to provide accurate information wherever required and shall be responsible for the correctness of information provided by him to Bank at all times. The Bank shall not be liable for consequences arising out of erroneous information supplied by the Customer. If the Customer suspects that there is an error in the information supplied by Bank to him, he shall advise Bank as soon as possible. The Bank will endeavor to correct the error wherever possible on a best effort basis. The Customer shall be responsible for intimating the Bank any change in his mobile phone number and/or email ID on which he wants to receive the Alerts /Mobile Banking Services. Transactions on Accounts will continue to be governed by existing prevalent Banking practice and Terms, Conditions & Rules for Accounts and Services as may be applicable. Further the terms and conditions as applicable to Phone Banking and Net Banking services shall, to the extent applicable, apply to Mobile banking / Alerts Facility. The Customer can apply for availing the Mobile Banking / Alerts Facility, as per his eligibility as decided by the Bank, and specify the events which will trigger the Alerts by a mode as may be notified by Bank from time to time. The Bank shall have the right to reject the application of any person without assigning any reasons.

Limitation of Liability

The Customer agrees that in the event of non updation of correct mobile phone number and E-mail ID, the Bank shall not be held responsible for non-receipt  of transaction related alert in case of a fraudulent transaction in the account of the customer. The Customer also agrees and acknowledges that Bank will provide Mobile Banking / Alerts Facility, on best effort basis, through a Service Provider. The Bank may decide to discontinue the Facility without any notice, temporarily or permanently, at its discretion. While Bank and its Affiliates will take all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information supplied to the Customer, the Bank shall not be responsible or be held liable for the timeliness, completeness, accuracy and successful delivery or receipt of the Alerts / information or transaction requested or done through Mobile Banking. The Bank will not acknowledge receipt of any Instructions / information nor shall Bank be responsible to verify any Instructions/information given by the Customer while availing this facility. Bank and its Affiliates shall not be liable for non receipt / any inadvertent error, which results in the providing of inaccurate information. The Customer shall hold Bank harmless against any loss, damages etc. that may incurred / suffered by the Customer in case of receipt or if the information supplied to the Customer is incomplete or inaccurate and / or in connection with the use of he medium by the Customer.
The Bank shall endeavor to provide the Mobile Banking / Alerts Facility on a best effort basis and the Customer shall not hold Bank liable for non-availability of the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility or non-performance by service providers, if any, engaged by Bank or any loss or damage caused to the Customer as a result of use of the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility (including but not limited to relying on the information received through Mobile Banking / Alerts by the Customer for his commercial, investment or business purposes) and for other causes which are not attributable to Bank. Bank shall not be liable in any manner to the Customer in connection with the use of the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility. The customer shall be responsible for intimating the bank on non-receipt of the Alerts / Account Information on Mobile and / or E-mail provided to the Bank for receipt of Alerts / Account Information.
The Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Customer information is kept confidential. The Bank shall not be held responsible for the confidentiality, secrecy and security of the information sent through the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility. The Bank may provide any information or details relating to the Customer or to a third party to facilitate the providing of the Facility. The Customer accepts that each Alert / information received / sent through Mobile Banking request may contain certain Account information relating to the Customer. The Customer authorizes Bank to send any information, though not specifically requested, if Bank deems that the same is relevant.
The Bank may, from time to time, change the features of Mobile Banking/ Alert Facility and Customer eligibility for availing the same The Bank may levy charges for providing the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility and may revise the same from time to time at its discretion.


The records available with the Bank pertaining to the Mobile Banking / Alert Facility shall be conclusive and binding on the Customer. The authority to record the Mobile Banking / Alert details is hereby expressly granted by the Customer to Bank.

Revocation of Service for Joint Accounts

Services to Mobile Banking & Alert Services will be revoked only upon receiving a written request from all the account holders irrespective of the mode of operation

Kotak - VISA Money Transfer

1. Kotak - VISA Money Transfer offers the Kotak Mahindra Bank Account Holder/ User, online funds transfer from his Kotak Mahindra bank account to any domestic VISA Debit /Credit card.

2. Kotak - VISA Money Transfer is provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank at the Account Holder's/ User's request, which request shall mean the Account Holder's/User's authorization for debiting the Account Holder's/ User's account towards the amount of such transfer, together with the charges, if any.

3. To effect Kotak - VISA Money Transfer, the Account Holder/ User shall provide to Kotak Mahindra Bank all the information as required under the relevant screen including: beneficiary Card Number, Transfer Amount etc. in absence of which the Bank shall not be liable to effect the Kotak - VISA Money Transfer.

4. The Kotak - VISA Money Transfer service is only applicable for credits to VISA Cards issued in India. This service is not applicable for cards issued by any other issuing authority.

5. The Account Holder/ User agrees that the transfer shall become irrevocable as and when it is accepted and executed by the Bank.

6. While Kotak Mahindra Bank shall endeavour to ensure that transfers are not made to any card not issued in India, the onus shall lie on the customer to ensure that there are no violations being done by him of any laws applicable in India and/or otherwise but not limited to FEMA or Exchange Control violations, Anti Money Laundering Law, including any rules, regulation, notifications thereunder, and the Account Holder/ User shall be held liable for any liability arising in respect thereof.

7. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall transfer the funds only to the card number of the beneficiary. While the Bank may at its discretion obtain certain other details of the beneficiary like: Name, Address, Bank name etc. the Bank is in no way responsible to verify or authenticate the same.

8. While Kotak Mahindra Bank shall endeavour to effect the Kotak - VISA Money Transfer instruction at the earliest on receipt of the instructions, it does not guarantee and shall not be held responsible for performance hereunder.

9. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall process all valid transactions received till 5 pm on working days on the next working day; however the Bank is not responsible for the period within which the beneficiary Bank will credit the proceeds to the beneficiary card. Working day shall mean a day when the offices of the Reserve Bank of India are open in Mumbai.

10. All transactions shall be processed only on working days. Transactions done on Sundays and Bank holidays will be processed on the next working day.

11. The Bank shall assume no responsibility for:

1. Kotak - VISA Money Transfer transactions carried out in good faith relying on Account Holder's/ User's instructions.

2. Not carrying out Kotak - VISA Money Transfer transactions where the Bank has reason to believe in its sole discretion that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague, or doubtful.

3. For the performance of VISA or any other entity involved in the process; and for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Account Holder/ User for any error, defect, failure or interruption of Kotak - VISA Money Transfer service or consequences arising out of delayed payments.

4. Any loss of damage arising or resulting from delay in transmission delivery or non-delivery of Electronic messages or any mistake, omission, or error in transmission or delivery thereof or in deciphering the message from any cause whatsoever or from its misinterpretation received or the action of the destination Bank or any act or even beyond control.

12. Kotak Mahindra Bank may also make additions/ deletions to the services offered through any of its channels at its sole discretion. The availability/ non-availability of a particular service shall be informed to the Account Holder through email, web site of the bank or by written communication.

13. The Account Holder/ User is entirely responsible for providing the correct Card Number of the beneficiary. The Bank will process all transactions only on the basis of the information provided by the User. The Bank will not be responsible for any erroneous transfer/credit, if an erroneous card number is provided by the Account Holder/ User. The Bank will also not be responsible to reverse such a wrong transaction.

14. Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to withdraw the service at any time at its discretion.

15. These terms & conditions are to be read in conjunction with Terms and Conditions and Rules for Accounts and Services of the Bank.

Kotak "Best Compliments" Visa Pre-paid Card


In this document the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

  • 'ATM' means an Automated Teller Machine of the Bank in India at which the Cardholder can use his Card to access funds in the Card Account.
  • 'Applicant' in relation to a Card means a person who applies for and receives the Card from the Bank.
  • 'Available Amount' means in relation to a Card, the amount available at a given point of time for use on the Card, being a sum of amount(s) deposited in the Card Account as reduced by a) the amount(s) utilized by using the Card for Transaction(s); and b) charges, costs and expenses on the Card charged by the Bank to the Card Account.
  • 'Bank' means Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited, a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and a banking company within the meaning of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered office at 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 and includes its successors and assigns
  • 'Beneficiary' in relation to a Card means a person receiving the Card from the Applicant and assuming the obligations of and agreeing to the covenants of the Applicants. However, the Bank will not be liable or responsible in any manner to the Beneficiary.
  • 'Card' means a Prepaid Rupee Visa Debit Card issued by the Bank to a Cardholder in terms hereof.
  • 'Cardholder' means in relation to a Card, the Applicant or the Beneficiary of the Card.
  • 'Card Account' means an account maintained by the Bank in relation to a Card
  • 'EDC' means Electronic Data Capture terminal, printer, other peripheral and accessory and necessary software to run such device.
  • 'Electronic Media' includes (though not restricted to) ATMs; phone banking; POS.
  • 'Merchant' or 'Merchant Establishment means an establishment which has an arrangement with Card program member bank(s) to accept and honour Cards for the sale of goods and services by the Merchant to the Cardholder. Merchant shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, airlines, advertised from time to time by the Bank, Visa International or the Merchant honouring the Card.
  • 'PIN' means the Personal Identification Number and means and includes any randomly generated secret and confidential number, allotted by the Bank to the Cardholder and/or subsequently changed by the Cardholder as per his choice, required for using a Card on an ATM allocated by the Bank.
  • 'POS' means Point of Sale Terminals in India at which amongst other things, the Cardholder can use his Card to access his funds in the Card Account.
  • 'Terms' shall mean Terms as may exist now and as may be amended from time to time.
  • 'Transaction' means an instruction or an inquiry or communication as appearing in the Bank's records, given or made by a Cardholder using a Card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction, whether via ATM, EDC, POS or any other device of the Bank or of the Bank's shared network.
  • 'Visa' is the trade mark owned by Visa International and is displayed at Merchant Establishments of Visa International.

Application for a Card

  1. A person desirous of availing of a Card should apply to the Bank by submitting the Best compliment Card Application Form prescribed by the Bank duly filled in together with proof of identification and residence and the amount to be deposited in the Card Account along with issuance charges prescribed by the Bank.
  2. The Bank shall have the right to accept or reject any application at its discretion without assigning any reason.
  3. The Bank shall credit the amount(s) deposited by the Cardholder with the Bank in relation to a Card to the Card Account relating to the Card.

Card Security

  1. The Cardholder agrees and acknowledges that he shall be solely responsible for maintaining secrecy of the PIN. The Cardholder must comply with any other requirements designed to protect the security of his use of the Electronic Media, which are set out in the guidelines or notified to the Cardholder from time to time.
  2. To ensure that the Cardholder alone is able to access and give instructions through Electronic Medium, he must at all times comply with the following security procedures. (i) Customer shall change the PIN initially allotted by the Bank; (ii) not choose a PIN which he has used before or which is likely to be guessed by anyone; (iii) to safeguard his PIN at all times and not to disclose any details of his PIN to anyone else (including a member of the Bank staff); (iv) not record PIN in a way whereby it will be legible or accessible to any third party; (v) preferably memorize PIN and then destroy any record of it; (vi) not allow anyone to operate the Services through Electronic Media on his behalf; (vii) not leave any system unattended while he is logged on to the Electronic Media and each time he goes away from such system to log-out from Electronic Media; (viii) not access the Electronic Media from any equipment or device connected to a local area network (or LAN), such as an office environment, without first ensuring that no one else is able to observe or copy his PIN. The Cardholder shall indemnify the Bank if any loss is suffered by the Bank due to failure to comply with the above security procedures.
  3. If the Cardholder discovers or suspects that his PIN or any part of them is known to someone else, he must immediately change the PIN through the Bank's ATM.
  4. Loss of PIN: If the Cardholder forgets or loses the PIN he shall inform the Bank in the manner prescribed by the Bank.
  5. The Cardholder agrees and acknowledges that he shall be solely responsible for the security of the Card and ensure all steps towards the safekeeping and authorized use of the Card.
  6. The Bank will initially allot a PIN on a Card and Cardholder shall ensure that the Card and the PIN are received in a sealed envelope.
  7. The security of the PIN is very important and breach of any of the above requirement shall amount to unauthorized use of the Card without the Bank being liable for such use.
  8. The Card should be signed on the reverse of the Card. The signature on the reverse of the Card should only be of the Cardholder intending to use the Card. If the Applicant is gifting the Card to some one else then the Beneficiary of the Card needs to sign on the reverse of the Card on receipt of the Card to avoid its unauthorized use.

Card Validity & Use

  1. The Card shall be valid only in India.
  2. The Card shall be valid upto maximum of 3 years from the date of issue, which is marked on the face of the card.
  3. The Applicant in relation to a Card may use the Card personally or deliver it to the Beneficiary for its use by the Beneficiary.
  4. The Bank shall not be directly liable or responsible to the Beneficiary or any other person other than the Applicant and all communications to the Bank in relation to a Card or Transactions should be made only by the Applicant.
  5. The Card will be active for use within one working day of receipt of the clear funds towards amount deposited by the Cardholder towards the Card in the Card Account. In case of payments made via cheque the card will be activated only after the cheque has been cleared.
  6. The Card may be used at the Bank's ATM Network for balance enquiry, mini statement, cash withdrawal and PIN change and a Visa affiliated Merchant for Transactions via a Merchant.
  7. The Card may be used for Transactions upto the then Available Amount.
  8. The Card may be used by the Cardholder and no other person.
  9. Upon a Transaction utilizing an amount, such amount shall be reduced from the then Available Amount to arrive at a new Available Amount post such Transaction.

Merchant Location and Point of Sale Usage

  1. Cash withdrawal or deposit is not allowed at Point of Sale or Merchant locations.
  2. The Card will normally be honoured by the Merchants, who display the Visa logo.
  3. Card promotional material or the Visa symbol displayed on any premises is not a warranty that all goods and services available at those premises can be purchased with the Card.
  4. The Card is for electronic use only and will be acceptable only at a Merchant having an EDC terminal. Any usage of the Card other than electronic use will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder shall be only responsible for such transactions. Electronic usage is construed as the charge slip/transaction slip printed electronically from the EDC terminal.
  5. The Card will be honoured only when it carries the signature of the Cardholder.
  6. Transactions are deemed authorized and completed once the EDC terminal generates a Sales Slip.
  7. The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once for each purchase at Merchant Location. The Sales Slip will be printed each time the Card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of the Card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
  8. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the Merchant including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Visa Electron Merchant Establishments, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve the Cardholder from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank immediately.
  9. The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by a Merchant and debited to the Card Account.
  10. The Cardholder must sign and retain the Sales Slip whenever the Card is used at Merchant Establishment. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the Sales Slip. Any Sales Slip not personally signed by the Cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorized by the Cardholder, will be the Cardholder's liability.
  11. Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition was properly incurred at he Merchant in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card, except where the Card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the onus of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder.
  12. In case a Cardholder wishes to cancel a completed Transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the Merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained by the Cardholder in his possession. All Refunds and Adjustments due to any Merchant/device error or communication link must be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa rules and regulations as applicable. The Cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time will be honoured based only on the Available Balance on the Card without considering this Refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonouring the payment instructions.
  13. The Card is not to be used at hotels during check-in and also at locations where paying arrangements is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.
  14. The Card should not be used for any Mail Order/Phone Order purchases and any such usage will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder will be solely responsible.
  15. The Card should not be used for the payment of subscription to foreign magazines/periodicals and any such usage will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder will be solely responsible.
  16. Use of Card at any ATM/EDC/POS other devices may entail a service charge and/or Transaction fee and/or processing fee being levied on the Card.
  17. All such charges will be deducted from the Available Amount whether or not prior notice of such charges is given to the Cardholder.
  18. The Cardholder is advised to retain record of Transactions.

Cardholders Obligations & Covenants

  1. The Cardholder shall notify the Bank immediately in case of change of his address.
  2. The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the Card is kept in a safe place.
  3. 1.The Card is the property of the Bank and must be returned to an authorized person of the Bank on request. The Cardholder shall ensure that the identity of the authorized person of the Bank is established before handing over the Card.
  4. The Cardholder will be liable for all Transactions and for the related charges.
  5. The Cardholder accepts that at his request and risk the Bank has agreed to provide him the Card and accepts full responsibility for all Transactions recorded by use of his Card.
  6. An instruction given by means of the Card shall be irrevocable.
  7. The Cardholder shall, in all circumstances, accept full responsibility for the use of the Card, whether or not processed with his knowledge or his authority, expressed or implied.
  8. The Cardholder irrevocably authorizes the Bank to debit the amounts utilized by using the Card for Transactions to his Card Account.
  9. The Cardholder should hold the Bank indemnified and harmless for its action in good faith and in the normal course of business based on Transactions.
  10. The Bank will employ its best effort in carrying out the Transactions but will not incur any liability either to the Cardholder or any other person for any reason whatsoever including for its delay or inability to carry out a Transaction or an instruction.
  11. The Cardholder agrees to bring all disputes about a Transaction or entry in the Card Account to the notice of the Bank within 7 days from the date of such Transaction or entry, in absence of which all Transactions and Card Account entries shall be construed as correct and accepted by the Cardholder.
  12. The Cardholder shall return the Card to the Bank when not required or expired or upon its retrieval after being reported lost.
  13. The Card holder may use his Card to pay for purchases at retail establishments which have agreed to accept the Card and are equipped with a point of sale terminal that can process Visa transactions, if the Card holder has authorized that person to use his Card and the Card holder will be responsible for any transactions initiated by such persons with his Card. Upon any purchase via point of sale device or other purchase transaction the amount available on the Card will be reduced by the amount of such purchase.
  14. The Applicant agrees to pay the Bank all such amounts spent on the Card which exceeds the value paid by the Cardholder on purchase through the Card such as restaurant tips and other surcharges.
  15. The Applicant shall communicate and make aware the Beneficiary of these Terms. However, the Applicant shall continue to be liable to the Bank as per these Terms.

Card Loss

  1. If the Card is lost /stolen, the Cardholder must immediately inform the Bank in person or by calling the Bank's Customer Care Centre.
  2. The Cardholder must file a report of Card loss with the police and send a physical true copy thereof to the Bank.
  3. The Bank upon receipt of information and verification of Cardholder's identity hot list the Card.
  4. The Cardholder will continue to be liable for all transaction carried out on his Card till he reports the loss of his Card to the Bank through the above prescribed modes. The Cardholder however continues to be liable for charges, if any, incurred post sending intimation by any other mode apart from prescribed modes as above till the same is actioned /hot-listed by the Bank.
  5. In case of loss of Card no replacement Card will be issued but the Bank shall repay the Available Amount less applicable charges to the Applicant.
  6. Any instruction received by the Bank for hot listing of a Card cannot be revoked

Unutilized Card Amount

  1. The Bank will refund the Available Amount in the case of Cards reported as lost or captured or at the time of expiry of the Card basis a specific customer request and will be refunded only to the Applicant who had purchased the Card or his legal successors on such terms as the Bank shall deem fit less the applicable charges.
  2. The Applicant shall submit the duly filled in Refund Form to the Bank and the Bank shall refund the Available Amount by Demand Draft issued in favour of the Applicant or funds transfer in case the Applicant is an existing accountholder of the Bank after verifying the signature of the Applicant and after deducting the Bank's charges for the same.
  3. The Bank shall process any application for refund only after 10 days from date of reporting of loss/capture/hot listing or expiry of the Card.

Fees & Charges

  1. The initial issuance charges shall be payable upfront to the Bank.
  2. The Bank reserves the right at any time to charge the Cardholder any fees/charges to the transactions carried out by you on the Card. Details of applicable fees and charges can be obtained from the Bank and are subject to change from time to time.
  3. Any government charges, or debts, or tax payable as a result of the use of the Card shall be Cardholder's responsibility.
  4. The Cardholder authorizes the Bank to deduct from the balance on his Card, and agrees to indemnify the Bank against any expenses that the Bank may incur in collecting money the Cardholder owes the Bank in connection with his Card (including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees to the extent permitted by law).
  5. Amount due and payable by the Cardholder, if not paid separately, be recovered by the Bank from the Available Amount or to the debit of any other account with the Bank of the Applicant.

Change of facilities

  1. The Bank may at its discretion make available the use of a Card at more ATM's, EDC, POS and/ or other devices through shared networks. The Cardholder understands and agrees that such networks may provide different functionality, service offerings and different charges for different services and/or locations.
  2. The Bank shall in its sole discretion at any time, without notice to the Cardholder, be entitled to withdraw, discontinue, cancel, suspend and/or terminate the facility to use the Card and/or services related to it, at an ATM/other devices and shall not be liable to the Cardholder for any loss or damage suffered resulting in any way from such suspension or termination.
  3. Maintenance: While advance notice of maintenance work likely to affect the availability of services, shall be given, the Bank reserves the right to suspend, without any notice, access to ATM/other similar device or the provision of all or any of the services, at any time, if the Bank deems it necessary to do so, whether for routine maintenance or technical snags/force measure for any other reason.

Printed Transaction Records, Balance information Statement, Errors, Complaints

  1. The Cardholder may opt for a printed record of Transaction through an ATM and verify such record.
  2. The Cardholder must inform the Bank in writing within 7 days, if any irregularities or discrepancies exist in the Transactions/particulars on the Card. If the Bank does not receive any information to the contrary within 7 days, the Bank may assume that the statement and the Transactions are correct.
  3. All records maintained by the Bank, in electronic or documentary form, of the instructions of the Cardholder and such other details (including, but not limited to payments made or received) pursuant to this agreement, shall as against the Cardholder, will be deemed to be conclusive evidence of such instructions and such other details.
  4. The ATM machine may capture the Card, if responses sought from the Cardholder by the machine are not provided by the Cardholder within a specific time. In such an event, the Card may be returned to the Cardholder at the sole discretion of the Bank.

Disclosure of Information

1. The Bank reserves the right to disclose to other institutions, such information concerning the Card or the Cardholder as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with its participation in any Electronic Funds Transfer Network.

2. The use of the Card at ATM/EDC-POS/other devices shall constitute the Cardholder's express consent. To the collection, storage, communication and processing of identifying and Card balance information by any means necessary for the Bank to maintain appropriate Transaction records.

1. To release and transmission to participants and processors ATM network/other network details of the Cardholder's account and Transaction information and other data necessary to enable the Card to be used at an ATM/other device.

2. To the retention of such information and data by the said participants and processors in the Bank/other networks.

3. To the compliance by the said participants and processors in the Bank ATM network/other networks with laws and regulation governing disclosure of information to which such participants and processors are subject.

4. To the disclosure of information to third parties about the Transactions where it is so necessary for completing Transactions or when necessary to comply with law or government agency or court orders or legal proceedings or when necessary to resolve errors or question the Cardholder has raised or in order to satisfy the Bank's internal data processing requirements.

3. The Cardholder hereby expressly authorizes the Bank to disclose at any time and for any purpose, any information whatsoever relating to his personal particulars, Card transaction or dealings with the Bank, to the head office or any other branches, subsidiaries or associated or affiliated corporations of the Bank wherever located, any government or regulatory agencies or authorities in India or elsewhere, any agents or contractors which have entered into an agreement to perform any service(s) for the Bank's benefit, and any other person(s) whatsoever where the disclosure is required by law or otherwise to whom the Bank deems fit to make such disclosure.

4. The Cardholder agrees to provide the Bank information that the Bank requires from the Cardholder by law or regulation, or any other appropriate information that the bank may reasonably request from time to time.

Bank's Rights

  1. The Bank may at its sole discretion withdraw or suspend the Card or amend any of its features without notice to the Cardholder.
  2. The Bank shall have discretion not to carry out a Transaction where it has reason to believe that the use of the Card is not authorized or the Transaction appears not genuine or unclear or such as to raise a doubt or it cannot be put into effect for whatsoever reasons.
  3. The Bank may at its discretion, videotape or record on camera the Cardholder's access at ATM and rely on footage of such clippings as evidence in any proceedings.
  4. Should any instruction given by the Cardholder be capable of being executed by the Bank in more ways than one, the Bank may execute the said instruction in any one of the said ways, at its sole discretion.

Cardholder disputes with Merchants

  1. A sales slip with the Cardholder's signature together with the Card number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder.
  2. The Bank shall not be in any manner responsible for the quality, value warranty, and delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of any goods or services received by the Cardholder.
  3. It must be distinctly understood that the Card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail of services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, quantity, value, delivery or otherwise, howsoever regarding the goods or services ,and any dispute should be resolved with the Merchant Establishment directly. However, the Cardholder shall report to the Bank about the dispute with the Merchant, detailing the name of locations, date and time of the transaction and other details that will assist the Bank in its investigations.
  4. The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder's disagreement with the applicable charge indicated in the statement within two months of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including a copy of the sales slip or payment requisition along with charges if any.
  5. The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the Card.

Exclusion from Liability

1. Without prejudice to the foregoing the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Cardholder in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of.

1. Any defect in goods or services supplied.

2. The refusal of any person to honour or accept the Card

3. Any statement made by any person requesting the return of the Card or any act performed by any other person in conjunction.

4. The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure the surrender of the Card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or any person or computer terminal.

5. The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card.

6. Any injury to the Credit character and/or reputation of the Cardholder alleged to have been caused by the re-possession of the Card and/or any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the Card.

7. Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed to the Bank. Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant location ATM

2. The Bank accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage for any service failures or disruptions (including but not limited to loss of data) attributable to a system or equipment failure or due to reliance by the Bank on third party, products or interdependencies including but not limited to electricity or telecommunication.

3. The Bank accepts no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of the interruption of its business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections wars or any other causes beyond its control, or by any strikes or lockouts.

4. If an ATM or similar device malfunctions, resulting in loss to the Cardholder of some or all amount of a transaction, and such a loss is confirmed by the Bank through a verification of the Bank's records, the Bank will correct that loss by making any adjustments to the Card including any adjustments for service charges, if any.

5. The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the Card older by reason of any failure to comply with the Cardholder's instructions, when such failure is caused due to reason beyond the control of the Bank, the opinion of the Bank being final in this regard.

6. By applying for and availing the Card facility, the Cardholder grants express authority to the Bank or carrying out the Transactions performed by use of the Card. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of a transaction made other than by means of the PIN.

7. The Bank shall under no circumstances be liable for any claims for losses or damages whatsoever whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the Cardholder or any other person.

8. The Bank shall not be liable for non-availability of the funds credited to the Card due to restrictions on convertibility or transferability, requisitions, involuntary transfers acts of war or civil strife or other similar causes beyond the Bank's control, in which circumstance no other branch, subsidiary or affiliate of the Bank shall be responsible thereof.

Ability to refuse payment

  1. Except as otherwise required by law, if the Bank receives any process, summons, order, injunction, execution, distrait, levy, lien, information or notice which the Bank in good faith believes calls into question the Cardholder's ability to transact on the Card the Bank may, at its discretion and without liability to the Cardholder or such other person decline to allow the Cardholder to obtain any portion of his funds, or the Bank may pay such funds over to an appropriate authority and take any other steps required by applicable law.
  2. The Bank reserves the right to deduct from the Available Amount on the Card a reasonable service charge and any expenses the Bank incurs, including without limitation reasonable legal fees, due to legal action involving the Card.

Termination of Card

  1. In the event the Cardholder decides to terminate the use of the Card, the Cardholder shall give the Bank not less than 7 days prior notice in writing and forthwith return the Card to the Bank after cutting the card into 4 pieces and obtain a valid receipt thereof. Such termination shall also be deemed a termination of all facilities accorded by the Bank to a Cardholder.
  2. In the event charges are incurred on the Card after the Cardholder claims to have destroyed the Card, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable for the charges incurred on the Card whether or not the same are result of misuse and whether or not the bank has been intimated of the destruction of the Card.
  3. The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by canceling the Card with or without assigning any reason whatsoever and by giving 7 days notice and shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 7 days of posting to the Applicants address in India, last notified in writing to the Bank.


The Applicant agrees to and shall indemnify and hold the Bank and each of the employee agents, consultants contractors, content providers or representatives of the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, liabilities, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees and court / adjudicating body costs whatsoever, which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of

1. breach of the Applicant's representations and warranties;

2. the improper use of the Card by the Cardholder or any other person with/without the consent of the Applicant; or

3. the breach by Cardholder or any other person with/without the consent of the Applicant of any of the provisions of these Terms or any other agreement with the Bank by the Applicant or,

4. fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the Cardholder or his employees/agents

5. by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on any instruction given by the Cardholder due to acts or omissions of the Cardholder, including but not limiting to : (a) Failure to intimate/inform the Bank when he/it suspects or knows that his/its Passwords are known to third parties or when third parties use his/its Passwords for carrying out unauthorized or illegal transactions; (b) Failure to keep confidential and secure the PIN from third parties; (c) Failure to inform the Bank regarding any changes in his/its personal information; (d) Failure to comply with the Law; (e) Failure to comply with the usage guidelines issued by the Bank in respect of the Card as may be applicable at the relevant time; (f) Failure to comply with these Terms and any agreement between the Bank and the Cardholder.

Terms and Conditions and Changes

1. The Applicant shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted these terms and conditions by both signing the Card application form and acknowledging the receipt the Card in writing.

2. The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the Card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of such alterations in any manner it thinks appropriate. The Cardholder will be bound by such alterations unless the Card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.

3. These Terms form a contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By accessing the service, the Cardholder accepts these terms and conditions.

4. The Bank could make changes including (but not limited to) the purposes reasons listed below:

1. Impose or increase charges relating solely to the use of the Card.

2. Increase the Cardholder's liability for losses relating to transactions with his Card.

5. The Bank may also make a change without notice if the change is necessary to maintain or restore the security of the electronic system or equipment used for the Card transactions. The Cardholder would be notified within 30 days if such a change is made unless disclosure would jeopardize the security of the electronic system or equipment.

6. Notification of these and any other changes may be given by the Bank by posting it to the Applicants latest address recorded with the Bank or displayed at the Bank's branch or on the website of the Bank.. The Cardholder must notify the Bank of any change to his address promptly. Proof of posting to such last notified address shall be conclusive proof of the notification at the time when it ought to be delivered in due course by the post even if the notification may be returned through the post undelivered.

7. The balance on the Best Compliments Card shall be refunded to the Cardholder who had purchased the Card after deducting the applicable charges if a request for such a refund is made to the Bank 30 days before the Card expiry date. If the outstanding balance is not claimed in this period, it will be forfeited.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction These Terms/Transactions/Services and obligations of the Bank shall be governed by and be subject to Indian law and guidelines as may be issued by the RBI from time to time. The courts in Mumbai shall have the exclusive jurisdiction as regards any claims or matters arising out of the use of the Card.

Compliance with law The Cardholder must be either by himself or through legally authorized representative eligible and capable by law to avail of the Card. The Bank shall not be liable to the Cardholder or any third party for any loss or damage suffered due to the ineligibility or incapacity of the Cardholder. The Cardholder agrees that he is aware of and shall comply with any law that may be applicable to any of the transactions he carries out, through the Card. The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to any third party for the Cardholder's violation of any law.

Online Payment Services

1. I/We agree and accept the Online Payment Service provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. ("the Bank") at my/our request to carry out the Online Payment through Payment Gateway instructions on my/our account.

2. I/We have no objection whatsoever, to the Merchant / Service Provider providing billing details to the Bank.

3. I/We hereby acknowledge that I/we am/are utilising this service at my/our own risk. These risks would include the following risks:

3.1 While the Bank will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the payment details, the Bank is not liable for any error. I/We shall not hold the Bank responsible for any loss, damages, etc that may be incurred/suffered by me/us, if the information contained turns out to be inaccurate/incorrect.
3.2 The technology for enabling the transfer of funds and the other services offered by the Bank could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro. It may be possible that the site of the Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request of the customers. This could result in delays in the processing of instructions or failure in the processing of instructions and other such failures and inability. I/We understand that the Bank disclaims all and any liability, whether direct or indirect, whether arising out of loss or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honour any customer instruction for whatsoever reason.

4. 1.I/We agree that the Bank shall assume no responsibility for:

4.1 Transactions carried out under the service in good faith relying on my instructions.
4.2 Not carrying out transactions where the Bank has reason to believe in its sole discretion that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague or doubtful.
4.3 For the performance of any other entity involved in the process; and for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by me/us for any error, defect, failure or interruption of the service or consequences arising out of delayed payments.
4.4. Any loss of damage arising or resulting from delay in transmission delivery or non-delivery of Electronic instructions or any mistake, omission or error in transmission or delivery thereof or in deciphering the instructions from any cause whatsoever or from its misinterpretation received or the action of the destination bank or any act or even beyond control.

5. 1.Whilst utilising the Online Payment Service for making any payments for any goods purchased or any services obtained whether on-line or otherwise, I/we shall ensure that

5.1 I/We have the full right and/or authority to access and avail the services obtained and the goods purchased and I/we shall observe and comply with the applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction in applicable territories.
5.2 I/We shall provide the Bank with such information and/or assistance as is required by the Bank for the performance of the service and/or any other obligations of the Bank under this service.

6. I/We shall not at any time provide to any person, with any details of the accounts held by me/us with the Bank including the passwords, account number which may be assigned to me/us by the Bank from time to time.

7. I/We agree that any disputes on payment details will be settled directly with the Merchant and the Bank's responsibility is limited to provision of information only.

8. I/We agree that I/we will make the bill amount payments as required by the Merchant. I/We will not hold the Bank responsible for the Merchant rejecting the payment amount because of incorrect or incomplete entries.

9. I/We agree that the record of the instructions given and transaction with the Bank shall be the conclusive proof and binding for all purposes and can be used as evidence in any proceeding.

10. I/We agree that the Bank will not be held responsible for the delivery of goods and provision of services by him or the condition of the item when it is delivered or if the Merchant inadvertently delivers goods or services to some other customer. The Bank's role is restricted to provision of information and Payment Gateway Service only. All disputes regarding delivery/condition/quality of goods and services are to be taken up directly with the Merchant.

11. I/We agree that charges if any for the Online Payment Services will be at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank is at the liberty to vary the same from time to time, without giving any notice.

12. I/We agree that the Bank will be liable to reverse any debit to my/our account due to non - availability / non-delivery of goods/rejection of the goods / services or any other reason only upon my/our specific request made in this regard setting out the reason and on confirmation of the same by the Merchant / service provider. I / We shall not hold the Bank liable for any delay in reversing such debit entry(ies).

13. I/We agree not to use or permit the use of the Payment Gateway Service or any related services for any illegal or improper or unlawful purposes.

14. I/We agree that if our account with the Bank is closed/blocked for any reason whatsoever, I/we shall settle the transaction directly with the Merchant.

15. I/We confirm that in the event of any dispute with the Merchant, I/we shall not make the Bank a party to the dispute. All matters arising out of or in any way relating to this service shall be subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only.

16. I/We acknowledge and agree that the Bank remains a mere facilitator for this service and that the Bank does not warrant or claim any responsibility for this service nor does the Bank endorse any such service and/or its standing or reputation whatsoever and the Bank is not liable for any deficient or bad services in any manner whatsoever and for any loss, whatsoever that I/we may suffer. The risk in this regard is entirely on me/us. I/we agree that the debits or credits to my/our NRI/PIO account are further subject to restrictions and limits as are specified for NRI/PIO operated accounts as also by the Bank and RBI.

17. I/We agree that the Bank is at the liberty to withdraw at anytime the Online Payment Service, or any services there under, in respect of any or all or any of the accounts without assigning any reason whatsoever, without giving any notice.

18. I/We agree that the Bank may also make additions/deletions to the service offered through any of its channels at its sole discretion.

19. I/We may request for termination of the service any time by giving a written notice of at least '3' working days to the Bank. The termination shall take effect on the completion of the '3rd' working day. I/We will remain responsible for any transactions made through the service until the time of such termination. The Bank may withdraw or terminate the Online Payment Service anytime either entirely or with reference to a specific Merchant or user; or in case of breach of Terms by me/us without a prior notice; or if the Bank learns of my/our demise, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the user or for any reason whatsoever.

20. I / We understand and agree that I / We am / are not entitled to consolidate amounts available in my different bank accounts maintained with Bank for making payments against such transactions. Therefore at one given point of time I / we am /are entitled to use funds available in particular bank account which I / we have chosen for making payment against the transaction.

21. I/We agree that by use of this Online Payment Service, I/we shall be deemed to have agreed to all the above terms and conditions and such terms and conditions shall be binding on me/us in the same manner as if I/we have agreed to the same in writing.

22. These terms & conditions are to be read in conjunction with Terms and Conditions and Rules for Accounts and Services of the Bank.

Terms and Conditions for netc@rd provided by KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank Limited

Please read these Terms of Service (TOS) carefully before using netc@rd. The words, "Bank", "We" and "Us" refers to KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 36-38A, Nariman Bhavan, 227, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 India. The word "Account(s)" shall mean account of the customer with Kotak Mahindra Bank from which netc@rd shall be created. The terms / words not defined herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Terms & conditions applicable to the Account(s) agreed upon by the customer at the time of Net banking access. The words "we", "us' and "our" refer to Visa and the Bank as the case may be, and "you", "your" or "yours" refer to the account holders using netc@rd.

These TOS supplements and is in addition to the Terms and Conditions applicable to the Account(s).


netc@rd is a unique online secure payment solution, created through a direct debit to the customers account, provided by the Bank.

The key features of netc@rd are as follows:

  • It's a single use card with a limited validity period from time of creation.
  • The actual debit card number is not used on the merchant website.
  • netc@rd can be used at any merchant's website that accepts Visa Cards.
  • The exposure is limited only to the extent of the card value of netc@rd card created and subject to a limited defined validity.

netc@rd offers a unique security feature, wherein the actual card number is not revealed on the Internet. Instead, you will have the option of generating a virtual (netc@rd) card number/s, drawing funds from your account. You can then use this virtual card number at any online merchant site and complete your transaction with security and ease.


1. netc@rd is subject to the TOS and the Terms and Conditions applicable to the Account(s). The TOS may be revised from time to time without notice to you. Use of the service for generating netc@rd constitutes your acceptance of the terms and you agree to abide by it. You can review the most current version of the TOS at any time at http://www.Kotak.com/ . In addition, when using netc@rd, you shall be subject to any guidelines or rules applicable to netc@rd that may be posted from time to time at the same web site.

2. You agree that continued use of netc@rd after revisions to this TOS shall constitute your agreement to such revised terms and any applicable posted guidelines or rules.

3. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment, enhance or otherwise change netc@rd shall be subject to these TOS.

4. The Bank reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify, recreate, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently netc@rd (or any part thereof) with or without notice.

5. The Bank shall not be responsible for interception/ misuse of netc@rd. Therefore creation and usage of the card will be tantamount to creation and usage of netc@rd card by you. The Bank is not liable if netc@rd falls into wrong hands due to any reason whatsoever and/or if the terms and conditions relating to use of net banking user id and password are not complied with.

6. This functionality is available to only those customers who have signed up for net-banking channel access and have independent operating rights to at least one account.


You agree to (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by netc@rd registration form ("Registration Data"), and (ii) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any Registration Data that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that your Registration Data is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend, terminate, or refuse your current or future use of netc@rd.


1. In order to generate or use netc@rd, you must provide certain information as may be required to the Bank to validate your identity and verify that you are the owner of / an authorized user of the specified Account(s). The information that you provide may be validated against information that is associated with you and available with the Bank.

2. If you are unable to provide adequate information to validate your identity, we have the right to not allow you to register for netc@rd. You warrant that the Registration Data is correct and that you have the legal right to use all of the accounts that you use for creating netc@rd.

3. In order to use netc@rd, you must have the ability to access the World Wide Web and must pay any service fees associated with such access. In addition, you must have the equipment necessary to make such a connection to the World Wide Web, including a computer and modem or other access device.

4. In the event you have a question regarding netc@rd registration process or a transaction using netc@rd, you can contact the Customer Call centre or email us at: netbankemail(); [email protected]

5. The bank may at any time incorporate additional security features such as Verified by Visa etc to further facilitate shopping on the Internet. Requisition for netc@rd and acceptance of this TOS signifies acceptance of such further TOS that may be required for Verified by Visa.


You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username, password, Registration Data and other verification information established by you with respect to netc@rd. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or other verification information, or any other breach of security. You acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in the Terms & Conditions applicable to the Account(s), we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this TOS.


Your Registration Data will not be shared with online retail merchants or merchants in other transactions for which netc@rd are used. You acknowledge and agree that the bank may keep your Registration Data and also may disclose your Registration Data if required to do so by Applicable Law, in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is permitted by Applicable Law, or as reasonably necessary to (i) comply with legal process or (ii) enforce this TOS.


1. Under no circumstances will the Bank be liable for consequential, incidental, special or indirect losses or other damages, such as any damage to your computer or telephone service resulting from your use/generation of netc@rd.

2. We assume no responsibility for and will not be liable for any damages to, or any viruses which may affect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or downloading from this web site.

3. The Bank shall not be liable if a transaction on the net does not materialize or is delayed or is incomplete through due to any whatever reasons whatsoever.

4. Kotak Mahindra Bank does not guarantee the quality or the serviceability of the goods / services bought online for which payment is made using Kotak Mahindra Bank netc@rd.


Your correspondence or business dealings with, or participation in promotions of, online retail or other merchants on or through netc@rd, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such merchant. You agree that, except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in Terms and Conditions applicable to the Account with you, we will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings. You understand that use of netc@rd does not, in any way, indicate that we recommend or endorse any merchant, regardless of whether the merchant participates in a transaction by honouring netc@rd. For example, netc@rd does not verify the identity of the merchant or the quality of the merchant's goods or services.


1. You expressly understand and agree that any software obtained through the use of netc@rd is downloaded and used at your own discretion and risk and that except as otherwise provided in this TOS Agreement, you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download or use of any such software or other materials through Verified by Visa and similar such verifications.



You may also be notified of changes to this TOS or other matters by notices displayed on or links to notices displayed on http://www.Kotak.com/


Except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in Terms and Conditions applicable to the Account, you understand that you are financially responsible for all uses of netc@rd by you and those authorized by you to use your Registration Data, your password or other verification information.

10(B) Authentication: Certain websites / the Bank at a later date may provide for any additional authentication in addition to what has been requested for. You agree to validate such requirements at a future date.


(a) Password

You agree and acknowledge to:

  • Keep the password totally confidential and not reveal the password to any third party.
  • Choose a password which shall be sufficiently long and shall consist of a mix of alphabets numbers and special characters which must not relate to any readily accessible personal data such as my name, address, telephone number, driver license, etc. or easily guessable combination of letters and numbers.
  • Commit the password to memory and not record them in a written or electronic form, and
  • Not let any unauthorized person to have access to your computer or leave the computer unattended while accessing the Net for making/using netc@rd.
  • In case the password is forgotten, to request for change of the password or change the same yourself.
  • Such replacement shall not be construed / deemed as the commencement of a new contract. The Bank shall not be responsible for interception/ misuse of netc@rd

(b) Misuses of Password:

You acknowledge that if any third person obtains access to your password, such third person would be able to carry out transactions via netc@rd or make and use netc@rd. You shall ensure that the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the password as contained in the TOS are complied with at all times.

(c) Internet Frauds:

The Internet per se is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuses, hacking, phishing and other actions which could affect making/use of netc@rd. Whilst the Bank shall aim to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any guarantee from such Internet frauds, hacking and other actions which could affect the making and use of netc@rd. You shall separately evolve/evaluate all risks arising out of the same.

(d) Technology Risks:

The technology for netc@rd offered by the Bank could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, program of macro. It may also be possible that the site of the Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request of the Customers. This could result in delays in the processing of Instruction or failure in the processing of instructions and other such failures and inability. You understand and acknowledge that the bank disclaims all and any liability, whether direct or indirect, whether arising out of loss of profit or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honor any customer instruction for whatsoever reason.

(e) Limits:

You are aware that the Bank may from time to time impose maximum and minimum funding and card-creation limits on netc@rd. You realize, accept and agree that the same is to reduce the risks on you. For instance, the Bank may impose transaction restrictions within particular periods or amount restrictions within a particular period or even limits on each transaction or limits on the total number of netc@rd that can be created during a particular interval. You shall be bound by such limits imposed and shall strictly comply with them.

(f) Indemnity:

You shall indemnify the Bank for and against all losses and damages that may be caused as a consequence of breach of any of netc@rd Terms and conditions and the terms and conditions mentioned herein above under.

(g) Withdrawal of Facility:

The bank shall be entitled to withdraw the above service at any time whatsoever.

(h) Charges:

You hereby agree to bear the charges as may be stipulated by the Bank from time to time for availing of these services. You hereby authorize the Bank to recover all charges related to netc@rd as determined by the Bank from time to time by debiting your account(s).

(i) Others:

Credit of unutilized amount:

In case of unutilized amount in netc@rd card, it will be credited back to the customer's source account post the expiry of the validity period of the netc@rd as follows: In case netc@rd card is cancelled the amount will be credited back to the customers source account, if it is completely unutilized, within with in 2 Mumbai working days from the day on which the card has been cancelled. In case the customer has used part amount for a transaction, the balance will get credited back to the customer's account approximately within 35 days from the date of transaction if the same is not claimed by Visa/Merchant establishment. Cancellation will not be allowed if the card has be partly been used. Refund will be basis the current date and not on the value date. Though on card the expiry date will be 3 months but it will be valid for 24-48 hours only.

Additional Debit to customer's account:

In case the amount of settlement request sent by VISA exceeds netc@rd card funding amount, the excess amount over and above netc@rd funding amount will be debited from the customer's account


You agree not to:

  1. Impersonate any person or entity using netc@rd
  2. Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment used by netc@rd
  3. Spam or flood netc@rd Website or service;
  4. Modify, adapt, sub-license, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of netc@rd Website or service or the software used in connection with netc@rd/ Verified By Visa;
  5. Remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices contained in netc@rd/ Verified By Visa;
  6. "frame" or "mirror" any part of netc@rd site or service without KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank's/ Visa's prior written authorization;
  7. Use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, "data mine," or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of netc@rd Website or service or its contents;
  8. otherwise interfere with, or disrupt, netc@rd or servers or networks connected to netc@rd, or violate this TOS or any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of netc@rd / Verified By Visa or of any networks connected to netc@rd; or
  9. intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international statute, regulation, regulatory guideline or judicial or administrative interpretation, or any rule or requirement established by KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank/Visa (all of which shall constitute "Applicable Law") in connection with your use of netc@rd.

The user understands and agrees that the Bank may offer this service directly or through any other partner agency.

Request for Do Not Contact: - This option is available to the customers of KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank Limited, where by they can discontinue receiving marketing calls, alerts & emails.

Terms and Conditions for Do Not Contact registry (DCNR) provided by KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank Limited

  • Registration in this site for "Do Not Contact" is applicable for marketing offers, SMS alerts, (on mobile phone, landline and email) for various features, promotional offers, products and services of Kotak Mahindra Bank India to its Customers, from time to time only. If any customer does not wish to be informed about such benefits through telephone calls/ SMS/E-mail, the Customer can register for the "Do Not Contact" service. Post registration for this service, customer will not receive marketing calls / SMS alerts / emails for the selected option.
  • Any change in the mobile number, landline number or email address should be informed to us by either updating your details under "My Profile" section or by placing a request in any of our branches.
  • After successfully placing Request for Do Not Contact, customer will still continue to receive account related alerts, emails or calls (for e.g. alerts for large credits, large debits, amount less that minimum AQB, home banking calls), provided the customer is registered for these services.
  • Registration for Do Not Contact will be with immediate effect; however it may take maximum of 30 days before customer stops receiving telemarketing Calls, SMS alerts or emails.
  • This updation is done on a best effort basis.
  • This Request for Do Not Contact is valid only for Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. and not for the group companies and associates.
  • Do Not Contact Registry (DNCR) just conveys your desire regarding calls received by you from Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. reserves the right to change or alter or revise the terms and conditions of this Do Not Contact Registry ( DCNR) at any time without any prior notice to users of this Don Not Contact Registry /list.
  • Registration in Do Not Contact Registry (DCNR) means that you agree to all our terms and conditions.

Online Account Opening Terms and Conditions

  • The opening of account and/or booking of Term Deposit is subject to realization of the cheque or the online payment received thru the Net Banking
  • The account number allotted to you is in debit freeze status to avoid any unauthorized transactions. Transaction will be allowed post activation of your account after completion of account opening formalities. In case the documents submitted along with the application do not comply with the KYC guidelines of the bank, the application is liable to be rejected and the bank will not be liable to pay any interest on the amount of deposit & the refund of amount deposited in the account will be refunded to the source account.
  • For corporate salary account, this facility is available for select corporates only
  • The Term Deposit will be booked with a value date of clear funds (RBI credit date) with the Bank on prevailing rate for the day.
  • This application is available for opening a savings account or Term Deposit booking by Resident Indian Individuals only.
  • In case the documents submitted along with the application do not comply with the KYC guidelines of the bank, the application is liable to be rejected and the bank will not be liable to pay any interest on the amount of deposit.
  • The particulars contained herein shall be valid for all accounts opened by me/us or to be opened by me/us hereafter either singly or with other(s) and/or by me/us in any representative capacity with the Bank unless informed to you otherwise. I/We have read/obtained and understood the Terms and Conditions and citizen charter governing the opening of an account with Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. (the Bank), and those relating to various Services including but not limited to (a) ATMs (b) Phone Banking (c) Debit Card (d) Net Banking (e) Payment Gateway (f) Kotak BillPay (g) SMS Banking (h) Alerts Service (I) Opening of an Investment Account.
  • I/We understand that the Bank may at it absolute discretion, discontinue any of the Services completely or partially without any notice to me/us. I/We agree that the Bank may debit my account for service charges as applicable from time to time.
  • I/We understand that investment products are not bank objects or other obligations of or guaranteed or insured by Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. or their affiliates. They are subject to risk and possible loss of principal. Past Performance is not indicative of future performance. I/We hereby declare the above information is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
  • I/We shall advise the Bank immediately in the manner as agreed by me/us and acceptable to the Bank, in case of any change in the above details and information given by me/us. I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions available at Bank's web-site www.kotak.com.
  • Credit Cards: I understand that the Bank may at its sole discretion to accept or reject this application. I further agree, liable and authorize the bank to debit my Kotak Mahindra Bank Credit Card account for all spends, fees and other charges, interest etc. on my Card. Service tax and surcharge at applicable rates will be charged on all fees, charges, interest etc. and I agree to pay the same. In case I have applied for an Add-On Card I will be billed separately for the Add-On Card in the monthly statement. I will be liable for all charges incurred on the Add-On Card. I undertake to notify the Bank immediately of any change in the information given for add-on card holders. I also confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions and I agree that I will be bound by these terms and conditions including those excluding / limiting the Bank's liability. I understand that Kotak Mahindra Bank will never ask me for a photo copy of the back of any credit card that I own.
  • Corporate Salary:
  • All new to bank customers can fund their account online, using any Indian Visa/Master Debit Card or from specific list of Net Banking/Payment Gateway options. The customer has option to fund between Rs. 10000/- to Rs. 50000/- . The amount will be credited into customer account post account activation and basis availability of clear funds.
  • In case the account is not activated within 30 days, full amount will be credited back to the customer via the same channel of funding and Bank is not liable to pay any interest on the amount if returned back to customer due to any reason. Refund process may take 6-8 additional working days.
  • Interest on the amount funded online will be paid from the date of account activation on availability of clear funds.
  • While transferring funds through online mode(s), the bank will not accept any responsibility or liability of whatsoever nature in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to the customer out of the decline due to:
    • lack of authorization for any transaction/s,
    • or exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by the customer and his/her remitting "Bank(s)",
    • or any payment issues arising out of the transaction,
    • or decline of transaction for any other reason/s.
  • Please Note:
    • Nomination facility is available.
    • Customer education brochure available on Bank's website provides you important information on Account opening and operations.
    • All service charges applicable to the product are available at the branch and on the Bank's & Kotak Securities website
    • Bank provides monthly statement of your bank account free of cost on customer visiting the branch personally.
    • Bank extends passbook facility in lieu of physical statement of Bank account.
    • Cheuque books are issued to all Current and Savings accounts customers.
    • The Net Banking, Phone Banking and Payment Gateway access, if applied for, is applicable for all Deposit Accounts and Investment Accounts, existing or to be opened in future.
    • Transaction rights on Direct Channel for Investment Accounts are subject to the customer executing a mandate in favour of the Bank.
    • All account(s) existing or to be opened in future will be linked to the Debit Card/payment Gateway. Customer to give specific instructions if he/she wishes to de-link any account(s).
    • Customer can avail SMS Banking Services to receive transaction details/information relating to your Bank account through SMS on the mobile number registered with the Bank
    • "Jointly held" Accounts would not be given transaction rights through SMS Banking and Net Banking Services.
    • All accounts will be opened in the same combination as provided in the Account Opening From by the Customer.
    • All account(s) existing or to be opened in future will get the account statement as per Account Statement Option chosen in this Account Opening From / as per the Bank policy from time to time.
    • The age considered for Minor is blow 18 years; for Senior Citizens as 60 years & above.
    • All alerts, e-newsletter and promotional mails will be sent to the preferred mobile number and e-mail ID.

JiFi Account Opening Terms and Conditions

Jifi digital account is a no minimum balance, non- interest bearing current account. Since this is a no minimum balance account, non- maintenance charges for this product would not be levied.

Jifi being a non-interest bearing digital current account, no interest would be for the balance maintained in the account. However, Jifi product has an Auto Sweep feature in cases of the amount being above Rs. 25,000, in the multiples of Rs. 5,000. The Sweep out is at Rs.25,000/- balance in the account, while Sweep in is at Rs. 25,000/-. The Auto sweep will earn the TD rate of interest applicable from time to time, depending on the tenure of the TD.

Jifi product has a Social & Transactional Loyalty as one of its feature.

The Social Loyalty points are earned by the customer right from the time the customer invites or applies for Jifi account and these points can be accumulated and redeemed against the voucher available from time to time on the website www.kotakjifi.com. The points table is available on website.

The Transactional Loyalty points are earned on your transactions or the referral who opens a JIFI account with us. For each transaction of either online Bill pay / Online purchase, using the Net banking or Debit card above Rs. 500, there  will be 25 Transactional points rewarded and 6 such transactions in a month are eligible for Transactional points , making it a maximum of 150 points per month. In case any of the transactions which are cancelled later, the rewards given for the same will be reversed.

Second way to earn Transactional point is through referral - All referrals have to be made on the website www.kotakjifi.com using the link provided on the website. The referred person has to use the same link to invite / apply for jifi for the customer to qualify for the Transactional Points.

Each successful referral  who opens a Jifi account  would be eligible for 250 Transactional points with a maximum such conversion capped at 25 in year and thus the maximum cap for transactional points thru referral in a year is 6250 points.

In a scenario that a same person is referred by more than 1 person, the rewards will be given to the person whose link the referred person has used to open the account.

The Transactional & Social points can be redeemed on the website www.kotakjifi.com - the T&C of the offers made for the voucher are from respective partners and Kotak shall not be held responsible for any deficiencies in the services provided by these partners.

The Transactional points earned by the user can be converted into Social points on the website www.kotakjifi.com - the conversion ratio for the same is mentioned on the website.

In case user wishes to share his social points with the friends whom he has invited, he can do so on the website after selecting the friend on the website.

In case the customer closes the relationship with the bank, the website www.kotakjifi.com will be accessible to the customer upto 15 days after closing the account, to redeem the points and in case there are any points left after that, it will lapse and they cannot be encashed.

The Jifi product offers Social Banking facility, where once they register for social banking using their Debit card or Net Banking, the customer would be able to use the registered twitter handle to ask for various services about their account. These response messages will be DM(direct message) to the customer’s connected twitter handle from Kotak Twitter Handle. The List of hashtags are given on the website www.kotakjifi.com

The Jifi account holders are eligible for One year Platinum subscription of Kotak Money watch - the personal finance Tool. The T&C of the usage of Kotak Money watch are available on website and have to agreed and accepted, while signing up at the website.

The decision for maturity of the self -invite rests with Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.

Kotak Mahindra Bank Social Media Guidelines for Jifi

Namaste, Greetings, Svagata, Sbagata, Namaskar and much more! We invite you to connect with us and join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter which are third party sites. We request you to respect the social media community and make note of the following:

If you need any information related to Kotak Mahindra Bank (“the Bank”), you can tweet us at @KotakJifi or write on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com\kotakjifi. You can also contact our 24x7 Contact Centre at 1860 266 2666 or write in to [email protected] .

Important Notification

Remember that your posts on this space will be public and you should not share or post any personal or sensitive information. The Bank will never ask for any personal information or any account related information on this space. For example, you should never post your customer relationship number (CRN), account related details or any personal information about yourself or others on this space. Please also note that your posts are subject to the website’s privacy and data security practices and policies. They are also governed by the respective sites policies.

Your posts should not be viewed as offensive, profane, insensitive or derogatory to any person, state, religion or caste. Please keep your comments appropriate and relevant to the conversation. Your posts should contain factual information based on your experiences and if possible with complete details excluding any personal or sensitive information. Your posts should never contain any unauthorized and/or unsolicited advertising, spam, hyperlinks or content protected by copyright, trademark or other rights. Please treat all participants with respect - even if you have a difference in your opinion about a post or comment.

Participants are responsible for their own comments or posts. The opinions, statements and viewpoints expressed by participants do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Bank. The Bank will not be responsible for any decision taken at your end basis any comment or post and does not endorse any such views.

All posts in all forms on our space can be reproduced with your name and profile picture (if applicable) for attribution purposes, in any medium, anywhere in the world, for our own business purposes, including for advertising and promotional purposes. You must never post any content that violates any law of the land.

We will not review every comment or post, but we reserve the right to remove any material which violates these guidelines and remove or suspend the participant from further interactions on this space. We will try to be as responsive as possible however we reserve the right to respond or remove any objectionable, or incorrect comment or post in our space.

If required by regulatory, legal authorities, we would be required to work with them. If you wish to report or flag a user post/comment as inappropriate yourself, you can do so on the same forum/channel you are observing the post/comment.

For any further T&C’s, you can visit us at www.kotak.com

Cheers and Enjoy Banking Socially!!

Following terms and conditions shall apply in respect of the process of confirming trade by the Customer, through electronic medium with the Bank (being a professional clearing member).

In this Agreement:

"Confirmation" shall mean a confirmation of trades done by the Constituent through a trading member or trading members on the relevant exchange.


The Bank, being a clearing member, has agreed to clear & settle the trades done by the Customer (also referred to as "the Constituent" hereunder) through a trading member or trading members subject to the terms and conditions of relevant agreements, and the rules, bye laws and regulations of applicable clearing corporations and relevant exchanges ("Rules").

Pursuant to the relevant agreements and in terms of the applicable Rules, the Constituent is required to communicate its Confirmation pertaining to various trade summary sent by the Bank in respect of Constituent’s trade/s on the relevant exchanges for the purpose of clearing and settlement with the applicable clearing corporations ("Trades").For this purpose, the Constituent has various options of confirming the trades through various modes including but not limited to e-mail and/or fax transmission.

The Constituent has requested the Bank to provide one more option of confirming such Trades through internet platform by using Bank’s net-banking facility.

The Constituent has represented that it is well versed in the use of computer systems and has understood to its complete satisfaction the process and working of the online systems of confirming such Trades under net-banking facility as the Bank may require from time to time.

The Bank has agreed to provide this net-banking facility which would inter-alia facilitate such Confirmations of Trades, however subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual covenants contained herein, the adequacy, receipt, and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


The Constituent hereby confirms, accepts, agrees/acknowledges:

1. that the report of Constituent’s trades at the relevant exchanges could be made available by the Bank in the electronic form on the secure system of the computer resource, for the Constituent to verify and confirm with the Bank Constituents’ trade/s which could be cleared in terms of the Relevant Agreements and Rules.

2. to ensure that the secure User Id and Passwords are used as per the Net Banking T&Cs on the secure system of computer resource.

3. to ensure that only the authorised personnel gives Confirmation on behalf of the Constituent on the internet platform.

4. that the Confirmations once provided by it would not be considered as duly submitted for acceptance by the Bank unless the Bank approves it on the electronic platform.


1. The Trades would be available on the secure system and would be visible to the authorized personnel of the Constituent who will have access to Net Banking facility of the Bank through a User id and Password.

2. The authorised personnel who will have access to the Net Banking facility would be able to view all the trades which are required to be confirmed/accepted by the Constituent but the person who have been authorised to accept/confirm the Trades on behalf of the Constituent as per its corporate authority or any other relevant authorization of the Constituent shall only confirm the Trades.

3. Non confirmation of Trades by the Constituent through the Net-Banking facility for any reason shall not in any manner affect the liability of the Constituent under the Relevant Agreements and applicable Rules.

4. A copy of the records of Confirmations generated by the Bank, shall be conclusive proof of the Constituent having confirmed relevant Trades.


The Constituent represents and warrants that:

3.1 all corporate and other permissions, approvals, licences, consents, registrations and authorisations (if any) required under law or under any contract or arrangement enabling the Constituent to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations herein are in full force and effect.

3.2 each of the following statements are true and accurate as on the date of this Agreement and shall continue to be true and accurate:

1. It has the power to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and each of the other documents referred to in this Agreement to which it is a party/ required to be a party;

2. it has all necessary consents, licences and approvals in connection with the entry into and performance of its obligations under this Agreement;

3. Being a party to this Agreement and performing its respective obligations under this Agreement will not violate or conflict with, or exceed any limit imposed by (i) any law or regulation to which such Party is subject, (ii) its Memorandum and Articles of Association or other applicable constitutional documents (iii) any other agreement, instrument or undertaking binding upon it; or (iv) any order, judgment and decree applicable to it.

4. the recitals to this Agreement are true and accurate insofar as they relate to it.

3.3 Each of the warranties shall be construed as a separate warranty and (save as expressly provided to the contrary) shall not be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other warranties or any other term of this Agreement.


1. The Bank does not guarantee the adequacy, accuracy, timeliness and/or the completeness of the internet and/or electronic platform or any data related thereto or any communication, including but not limited to, oral or written communication (including electronic communications) with respect thereto. The Bank shall not be subject to any damages or liability for any errors, omissions, or delays therein. The Bank makes no express or implied warranties, and expressly disclaims all warranties, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use or as to results to be obtained by the Constituent, or any other person or entity from the use of the internet and/or electronic platform or with respect to any data related thereto. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event whatsoever shall the Bank be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages including but not limited to, loss of profits, trading losses, lost time or goodwill, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. The Bank does not warrant that Net-Banking facility will be trouble free or uninterrupted. The Bank would be deemed to have delivered to the Constituent any document and/or report, if such document/report is uploaded on the internet platform or sent via electronic media. Failure to advise the Bank of any difficulty in opening a document so delivered within twenty-four (24) hours after delivery shall serve as an affirmation regarding the acceptance of the receipt of such document and/or reports.

2. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damage, costs, claims, expenses etc. whatsoever:

1. arising from mechanical or electrical or telephone or network breakdown or power failure or malfunction of any computer and/ or data transmission or software or receiving apparatus and/or auxiliary equipment or delay in operation or transmission, or computer virus or system failure or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, or

2. based upon direct, special, indirect, economic or consequential loss or damage including, but not limited to loss of profit, business revenue, opportunity costs, goodwill or anticipated savings, or

3. caused or contributed to by any event of force majeure, or

4. any other way arising due to reasons not being negligence or willful default of the Bank.

3. Neither the Bank nor the directors, managers, officers, employees of the Bank, guarantee the sequence, accuracy or completeness of information/data provided under the internet banking platform.

4. The Bank and the directors, managers, officers, employees of the Bank shall not be liable in any way to the Constituent or to any other persons, for any delays, inaccuracies, errors in or omissions from the information / data provided under internet banking facility, or in the transmission thereof, or any non-performance or interruption of service or for any damages, consequential or otherwise, arising therefrom or occasioned thereby.

5. The Constituent specifically agrees that, the internet platform and the Net-Banking facility provided for the purpose set herein, is only an alternative provided at the request of Constituent for convenience and by providing this facility, there shall be no responsibility or liability on the Bank for maintaining any standard of service. The Bank may at any time and without any notice to the Constituent withdraw or suspend the facility at its discretion without incurring any liability whatsoever. The Constituent acknowledges that there are other modes of confirming the Trades and by availing this facility, the Constituent shall not absolve itself from any liability under the Relevant Agreements and Rules and in absence of this facility the Constituent shall communicate its Confirmations from such other modes as may be required and acceptable to the Bank without any demur or protest. The Constituent expressly agrees that use of the website is at its sole risk. The website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.


In consideration of the Bank agreeing to provide this facility to the Constituent, the Constituent hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to indemnify and do hereby indemnify the Bank, its directors and officers (each an "Indemnified Party") and keep the Indemnified Party at all times saved, harmless and indemnified from and against all actions, suits, proceedings, costs, claims, demands, charges, expenses, losses and liabilities howsoever arising in consequence of or related to this Agreement or in any way arising from breach of this Agreement by the Constituent.

Terms and conditions for Cash withdrawal at Point of Sale (POS)

All debit card holders ("Cardholders") of Kotak Mahindra Bank ("Bank") shall be entitled for cash withdrawal ("Facility") at select point of sale (POS) i.e. designated merchant establishment subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • This Facility is available only against the debit cards issued by the Bank.
  • The maximum amount that can be withdrawn at POS terminals under this Facility is Rs. 1000/- ("Rupees One Thousand Only") per day.
  • This limit of Rs. 1000/- per day shall be over and above the existing ATM cash withdrawal & POS limit as specified by the Bank from time to time.
  • This Facility shall be made available at merchant establishment designated by the Bank. The list of the designated merchant establishment is available at www.kotak.com
  • The Cardholders can avail this Facility at the designated merchant establishment irrespective of whether the Cardholder makes a purchase at such merchant establishment or not.
  • In case the Facility is being availed by the Cardholder along with the purchase of merchandise at the designated merchant establishment, the receipt generated shall separately indicate the amount of cash withdrawn.
  • The Cardholder shall be responsible for preserving the receipt of the cash withdrawn availing this Facility.
  • The Bank shall not be responsible for any forged/mutilated notes that are given to the Cardholder by the merchant / POS under this Facility. Any disputes in this regard shall be taken by the Cardholder with the merchant directly.
  • The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss whatsoever caused to the Cardholder while availing this Facility.
  • Currently there are no charges levied on the customer availing this Facility. However, in the future, the Bank shall be entitled to levy charges on the customers availing the Facility and such charges shall be debited to the customer's respective bank account. The merchant establishment is not permitted to recover any charges from the Cardholder availing this Facility.
  • Existing POS chargeback redressal mechanism applicable to debit cards shall apply to the Cardholders availing this Facility.
  • Any change in the above terms and conditions shall be updated in the Bank's website www.kotak.com and the Bank shall endeavor to communicate the same to the Cardholders through various channels and the Cardholder shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted such modified terms and conditions governing the Facility.
  • This Terms and Condition shall be in addition to the existing terms and conditions applicable to debit cards.

All Cardholders availing the Facility shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited at its discretion but at the risk & responsibility, in all respects, of the Customer will extend the RTGS/NEFT service to the Customer on the following terms and the Customer agrees that:

  • Kotak Mahindra Bank will be referred hereinafter as the "Bank" and the customer proposing to avail RTGS/NEFT funds transfer facility will be referred to as "Customer".
  • All instructions relating to RTGS/NEFT operation would be signed by the authorized signatories of Customer strictly as per the operating instructions given to operate Customer‘s account.
  • Funds Transfer shall be effected by the Bank only when the destination Bank/ Branch participates in RTGS/NEFT. Customer should whilst giving the application will consider the same. The Bank will not be required or responsible to check the same.
  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure sufficient clear funds in their Account to carry out the payment instructions given by the Customer (including the applicable service charges, Govt taxes etc)
  • Application Form must be received before the cut off time. If application is received after cut off time, then transfer of funds shall be effected on the next working day. ‘Cut off time' will be available at the remitting Branch and the Customer shall take its due notice.
  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure the correctness of the details like IFSC code of the recipient bank branch & account number of the beneficiary.  The remitting bank as well as the receiving bank will get the valid discharge if the amount is credited to account number requested in RTGS/NEFT application even if the name of the beneficiary account holder differs in terms of spelling etc. the Bank shall not assume any liability arising out of incorrect IFSC code etc.
  • The Bank may but not be obligated to inform the Customer about refund of remittance by the recipient bank and the Customer will be required to check the same with the beneficiary.
  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure the genuineness of the transactions conducted through RTGS/NEFT & to ensure that no illegal transactions are conducted through RTGS/NEFT. The Bank shall not assume any liability to anyone just because such transactions are routed through the Bank. The Bank shall however have the right to not permit such transaction pass through if Bank is of the opinion that it is in breach/violation of any provision of any law/regulation or otherwise and the Bank shall not be liable for the same.
  • Customer would ensure that one day's prior intimation be given to remitting branch for remittance of Rs. 2.00 crore and above.
  • Once Customer's account is debited, the Customer cannot revoke the remittance instructions unless agreed upon by the Bank. Bank may accept request on best efforts basis and try to put through the payment cancellation request.  If that becomes successful, the Bank may credit the Customer's account within a reasonable time not exceeding one local working day.
  • If there is a holiday at the centre where the recipient branch is situated / or not open due to circumstances beyond  the reasonable control of the recipient branch/bank, then it is understood that  the credit will be passed on to the   beneficiary on next  local working day of the bank.
  • In respect of inward remittance the Customer would clearly inform counter party the IFSC code & the branch name where his account is maintained and full account number.
  • The Customer shall verify the statement/ Passbook and confirm the correctness. In case of any discrepancy Customer should intimate the bank immediately.
  • In the event of any transaction, which cannot be settled due to the fault of   Customer, the Bank will endeavour to advice Customer of such non-settlement over phone/ fax, but not obliged to do so. It is expressly understood that the Bank will not incur any liability to the Customer, or to any counterparty in such circumstances.
  • The Bank shall not be liable for delay/ non-payments to the beneficiary if -
  • Customer hereby confirms that he is aware of all the RTGS/NEFT rules set by RBI & to abide by all the guidelines issued by the RBI or any other regulatory authorities or as communicated by the  Bank applicable to the transactions relating to RTGS/NEFT whether directly or/ and indirectly.
  • The Customer hereby irrevocably authorizes the   Bank to debit his account with the applicable service charges (including taxes ,levies etc)
  • The provisions of this Agreement shall always be subject to any rules, terms, conditions and administrative guidelines issued by RBI or the government that may be enforced from time to time in respect of operations of RTGS/NEFT transactions.
  • The Customer hereby agrees and undertakes to indemnify and keep indemnified the  Bank from time to time against all losses, damages, costs (including legal fees), penalties and consequences arising in pursuance of providing the said RTGS/NEFT transactions or/ and by virtue of the Bank acting for and on behalf of the Customer in pursuance of this agreement.
  • Bank would be entitled to charge the Customer services charges on return remittances, representing return of funds from the other RTGS/NEFT member due to discrepancy in the account number/name of the beneficiary or in the event of closure of the account of the beneficiary with the recipient RTGS/NEFT member or any other reason except due to the input errors, if any, of the Bank.
  • The Customer will not hold remitting bank responsible, if the remitted funds have not been credited to beneficiary's account, for any reason nor returned by the recipient RTGS/NEFT member within time limit prescribed by RBI from time to time,.
  • These terms and conditions are in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions for accounts and services pertaining to opening and operations of the customer's account and the same shall, wherever applicable, be read in conjunction with these terms and conditions.
  • The Customer's PAN no. is required to be furnished in this application, when requesting for transfer of funds for Rs. 50,000 or more.
  • If the bank pays the Income Tax   ("TDS") or  any service tax, and / or any other charges, whether statutory or otherwise, incurred by the bank in extending the services, then it shall have right to pass on the same to the Customer.
  • Valid Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is mandatory for all payment transactions of value ₹50 crore and above (or as advised by regulator time to time) undertaken by entities (non-individuals) using Reserve Bank-run Centralized Payment Systems viz. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) or any other mode of payment as per direction from regulator. 
  • For Beneficiary Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) bank will rely on details provided by remitter / customer. 
  • The Bank shall not be liable for delay/ non-payments to the beneficiary if -
    • Incorrect and Insufficient details of beneficiary are provided by the Customer.
    • Dislocation of work due to the circumstances beyond the control of Remitting/ Destination Banks like non-functioning of computer system, disruption of work due to natural calamities, strike, riot etc or Netware or internet problem or other causes beyond the control of the Branch/ Bank resulting in disruption of communication. Delay in remittance on account of this Clause will be rectified only when disruption is set right.
    • The recipient bank/branch does not credit the beneficiary's account for whatsoever reason.
    • Valid LEI number not provided for remitter as well as beneficiary.
  • Customer hereby confirms that he is aware of all the RTGS/NEFT rules set by RBI & to abide by all the guidelines issued by the RBI or any other regulatory authorities or as communicated by the  Bank applicable to the transactions relating to RTGS/NEFT whether directly or/ and indirectly.
  • The Customer hereby irrevocably authorizes the   Bank to debit his account with the applicable service charges (including taxes ,levies etc)
  • The provisions of this Agreement shall always be subject to any rules, terms, conditions and administrative guidelines issued by RBI or the government that may be enforced from time to time in respect of operations of RTGS/NEFT transactions.
  • The Customer hereby agrees and undertakes to indemnify and keep indemnified the  Bank from time to time against all losses, damages, costs (including legal fees), penalties and consequences arising in pursuance of providing the said RTGS/NEFT transactions or/ and by virtue of the Bank acting for and on behalf of the Customer in pursuance of this agreement.
  • Bank would be entitled to charge the Customer services charges on return remittances, representing return of funds from the other RTGS/NEFT member due to discrepancy in the account number/name of the beneficiary or in the event of closure of the account of the beneficiary with the recipient RTGS/NEFT member or any other reason except due to the input errors, if any, of the Bank.
  • The Customer will not hold remitting bank responsible, if the remitted funds have not been credited to beneficiary's account, for any reason nor returned by the recipient RTGS/NEFT member within time limit prescribed by RBI from time to time,.
  • These terms and conditions are in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions for accounts and services pertaining to opening and operations of the customer's account and the same shall, wherever applicable, be read in conjunction with these terms and conditions.
  • The Customer's PAN no. is required to be furnished in this application, when requesting for transfer of funds for Rs. 50,000 or more.
  • If the bank pays the Income Tax   ("TDS") or  any service tax, and / or any other charges, whether statutory or otherwise, incurred by the bank in extending the services, then it shall have right to pass on the same to the Customer.

Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card


In this document the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

  • 'ATM' means an Automated Teller Machine worldwide (except in India, Nepal and Bhutan) that displays the Visa Electron logo at which, among other things, the Cardholder can use the Kotak Forex Card/ Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card to access funds in the Card Account subject to these Terms and Conditions.
  • 'Applicant' in relation to a Card means a person who applies for and receives the Card from the Bank.
  • 'Available Amount' means in relation to a Card, the amount available at a given point of time for use on the Card, being a sum of amount(s) deposited in the Card Account as reduced by a) the amount(s) utilized by using the Card for Transaction(s); and b) charges, costs and expenses on the Card charged by the Bank to the Card Account.
  • 'Bank' means Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited, a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and a banking company within the meaning of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered office at 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 and includes its successors and assigns.
  • 'Card' refers to to Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card which is loaded with a pre-defined currency as requested by the Cardholder for such permissible amounts issued by the Bank to a Cardholder in terms hereof.
  • 'Cardholder', 'you', 'your' means in relation to a Card, the customer of the Bank who has been issued and authorized to use the Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card.
  • Cross border currency conversion rate: It is the exchange rate applied by VISA for processing Cross Border Transactions where the billing currency is different from the card currency.
  • Cross border Transaction: A Cross border Transaction is a transaction for which the Merchant country code differs from the Issuer country code regardless of whether the transaction currency is different from the Cardholder's billing currency or not
  • 'EDC' means Electronic Data Capture terminal, printer, other peripheral and accessory and necessary software to run such device.
  • 'Electronic Media' includes (though not restricted to) ATMs; POS.
  • 'Merchant' or 'Merchant Establishment means an establishment which has an arrangement with Card program member bank(s) to accept and honour Cards for the sale of goods and services by the Merchant to the Cardholder. Merchant shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, airlines, (except in India, Nepal and Bhutan) advertised from time to time by the Bank, Visa International or the Merchant honouring the Card.
  • 'PIN' means the Personal Identification Number and means and includes any randomly generated secret and confidential number, allotted by the Bank to the Cardholder and/or subsequently changed by the Cardholder as per his choice, required for using a Card on an ATM allocated by the Bank.
  • 'POS' means Point of Sale (POS) electronic terminals at a Merchant Establishment abroad (except India, Nepal & Bhutan) at which the Cardholder can use the Card to make payments.
  • Single Currency Transaction: A cross border transaction for which the billing currency is same as the card currency.
  • 'Terms' shall mean Terms as may exist now and as may be amended from time to time.
  • 'Transaction' means an instruction or an inquiry or communication as appearing in the Bank's records, given or made by a Cardholder using a Card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction, whether via ATM, EDC, POS or any other device of the Bank or of the Bank's shared network.
  • 'Forex Card Kit' shall include a Card, ATM PIN, Usage guide and Terms and Conditions.
  • 'Visa' is the trade mark owned by Visa International and is displayed at Merchant Establishments of Visa International.
  • Nomenclature Kotak Forex Card can be used in lieu of Kotak Multi Currency Travel Card and vice-versa

Application for a Card:

  • Any person resident in India i.e. customers who maintain an account with the Bank, as well as non-customers who do not maintain an account with Kotak Bank, desirous of availing of a Card should apply to the Bank by submitting the Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card application Form prescribed by the Bank duly filled in together with proof of identification and residence and the amount to be deposited in the Card Account along with issuance charges prescribed by the Bank. The maximum amount shall be as per the RBI/FEMA guidelines applicable from time to time
  • In addition to the Issuance Fee, at the time of the purchase of the Kotak Forex Card /Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card, the amount of the initial loads, any reloads, will be converted from the local currency to the currency for the Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card using a conversion rate determined by the Bank.
  • Carry multiple currencies on just one Card. Please refer to www.kotak.com for updated list of currencies available for your Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card.
  • The list of the predefined currencies may be modified/ altered at the sole discretion of the Bank.
  • The Cardholders will be given the Multi Currency Travel Card Kit.
  • The Bank shall have the right to accept or reject any application at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.

Reloading the Card:

  • The Cardholder shall be entitled to reload the Card using Web Log-in, call our Customer Contact Centre or by submitting the Kotak Forex Card Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card reload form at any branch of Bank in India; however the reload facility can only be availed before the expiry period of the Card as may be specified in the Card, the total amount available on the Card after reload should not exceed the maximum amount/ limit permissible under the RBI/FEMA guidelines, applicable from time to time.
  • The Cardholder shall pay the requisite reload fees as prescribed by the Bank from time to time for providing this reload facility.
  • The amount will be loaded / reloaded in the Card Account within 48 working hour after realization of funds.

Applicability of Rules and Regulations:

  • The issuance and use of the Card is subject to compliance by the Cardholder of the provisions of applicable laws (including FEMA, 1999), rules, regulations, and directions as issued by the Reserve Bank of India or other appropriate authority under any law in force from time to time.
  • The card cannot be used for making payments towards foreign currency transactions in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
  • If the card is cancelled, whether on account of non -compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations or otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any attempted usage of the card, whether in India or abroad, resulting in the card being dishonored or otherwise.
  • Utilization of the card shall be in accordance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations (including Exchange Control/FEMA) in force time to time. In the event of non compliance of any of the same by the cardholder the Bank shall be entitled either at its discretion, or at the instance of the RBI/Law enforcing authorities, to debar the cardholder from holding the card including cancellation and withdrawal the card.
  • The card may be used within the foreign exchange entitlements as stipulated by FEMA or as prescribed by RBI from time to time for Cardholders going abroad for all bonafide personal expenses provided the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad does not exceed the entitlement. The entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from the authorized dealer branches of the Bank. The card cannot be used for effecting remittances, for which the release of exchange is not permissible under the extant regulations. Bank does not permit any payments / transactions using the card on Merchants registered in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The cardholder shall be solely responsible to the concerned authorities in the event of any violation of the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time. The Bank will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from or related to the non compliance by Cardholder with the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time.
  • The Cardholder hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the Bank indemnified against all actions, claims and costs, charges and expenses arising out of or as a consequence of Cardholder not complying with the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time.

Card Security:

  • The PIN is used for cash withdrawals and balance enquiry at ATMs. The PIN should be safeguarded carefully. Please note that the PIN cannot be changed by the Card holder at ATMs. PIN can be changed only after logging in to Net Banking and Mobile Banking. Usage of wrong PIN three times would invalidate the Card for the rest of the day. The Bank bears no liability for unauthorized use of the Card. It is the Cardholder's responsibility to ensure that the knowledge of the PIN/ PIN Mailer does not fall into any other person's hands.
  • The security of the PIN is very important and breach of any of the above requirement shall amount to unauthorized use.
  • The Card should be signed on the reverse of the Card. The signature on the reverse of the Card should only be of the Cardholder.

Card Validity & Usage:

  • The Card is not valid for payments in India, Nepal and Bhutan
  • The Card shall be valid till the valid thru date embossed on the card.
  • The Card will be active for use within two working days of receipt of the clear funds towards amount deposited by the Cardholder towards the Card in the Card Account. In case of payments made via cheque the card will be activated only after the cheque has been cleared.
  • Kotak Forex Card /Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card will work across the world other than restricted countries. Please refer to Travel Card section at www.kotak.com for latest list restricted countries.
  • The Card is acceptable at any of the following:
  • The Bank has the authority of the Cardholder to debit the Card Account of the Cardholder for all withdrawals effected by the Cardholder by using the Card as evidenced by Bank's records which will be conclusive and binding on the Cardholder.
  • The Bank also has the authority of the Cardholder to debit the Card account with service charges (if any) notified by the Bank from time to time.
  • The transaction record generated by the ATM or POS will be binding on the cardholder and it will be conclusive unless verified otherwise and corrected by the Bank.
  • The Card may be used for Transactions upto the Available Amount on the card subject to applicable laws, rules and regulations (including Exchange Control/FEMA) in force time to time.
  • The Card may be used by the Cardholder and no other person.
  • Card/Card amount is not transferrable.
  • Upon a Transaction utilizing an amount, such amount shall be reduced from the then Available Amount to arrive at a new Available Amount post such Transaction.
  • The Cardholder agrees that the Bank's record of transactions relating to his card is authentic and conclusive.
  • The Cardholder is advised to retain a record for transactions generated by the ATM/EDC terminals at Merchant Establishment with him.
  • The Cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw/purchase using the card unless sufficient funds are available on the Card. The onus of ensuring adequate card balance shall be entirely on the Cardholder.
  • The transactions on the card will be in the currency of the country in which it is transacted. However the debits to the Card Holder Account will be in the currency of the card. The exchange rate between the Transaction Currency and the Billing currency used for processing such Cross Border Currency Transactions as applied by VISA is:
    • A rate selected by VISA from the range of rates available in wholesale currency markets for the applicable Processing Date, which rate may vary from the rate VISA itself received or
    • The Government-mandated rate in effect for the applicable Processing Date, and plus or minus any adjustment that the issuers determine.
    • Any ATM of other Banks which are members of Visa network (except in India, Nepal and Bhutan)
    • Any VISA establishment (except in India, Nepal and Bhutan)

Currently the Bank has a mark-up of 3.5% over such cross border currency conversion rate, other than on Single currency transactions.

  • No interest or bonus will be earned on the balance lying in the card account.
  • Card deposit by Cardholder with the Bank does not entitle Cardholder to avail Overdraft /Credit facility.

Currency of the Card:

The Cardholder or any other person duly authorized shall have the option, to load/reload value on the Card in one or more currencies subject to these terms & conditions and under permissible threshold of the currency for the nature of travel undertaken by the Cardholder. The balance of currencies shall be herein be defined as Currency Wallet.

Carry multiple currencies on just one Card. Please refer to www.kotak.com for updated list of currencies available for your Kotak Forex Card /Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card.

Currencies listed at www.kotak.com are in the currency order of priority in which funds will be taken off your card if you don't have the currency or insufficient currency of the transaction on your Kotak Multi Currency Travel Card.

However the Bank reserves the right at its sole discretion, to increase or decrease the number of currencies available without any prior notice.

The Card and Currency Wallet may be loaded and/or reloaded with permissible value of foreign exchange during its validity period by the Cardholder, or any other person duly authorized by the Cardholder giving a load instruction in the format as required by the Bank from time to time.

Loading Instructions once given shall be final and binding on the Cardholder. In the event of any use of the Card abroad or any charge that is levied on the Card, the deductions to the amounts for such purpose shall happen in the following order:

  • First in case the use/charge is in a specific currency, the amount shall be deducted from the balance available in the corresponding Currency Wallet of that Currency.
  • In the event that no Currency Wallet has been created for that currency or there is insufficient balance in the relevant Currency Wallet, amounts would be deducted from the Currency Wallet denominated in United States Dollars (USD).
  • In the event that no Currency Wallet has been created for USD or there is insufficient balance in the USD Currency Wallet, the Bank would identify the Currency Wallet with sufficient balance from which the amount would be deducted.

It is clarified that in case amounts are deducted from a Currency Wallet of a currency, other than the currency relevant to the transaction the currency exchange rate as determined by the Bank for such conversion of currencies shall be applicable.

It is also clarified that in the event that no single Currency Wallet has sufficient balance for a particular transaction by the Cardholder, the Bank shall reject such transaction notwithstanding that sufficient amounts may be available across all the Currency Wallet in aggregate.

Merchant Location and Point of Sale Usage:

  • Cash withdrawal or deposit is not allowed at Point of Sale or Merchant locations.
  • The Card will normally be honoured by the Merchants, who display the Visa logo.
  • Card promotional material or the Visa symbol displayed on any premises is not a warranty that all goods and services available at those premises can be purchased with the Card.
  • The Card is for electronic use only and will be acceptable only at a Merchant having an EDC terminal. Any usage of the Card other than electronic use will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder shall be only responsible for such transactions. Electronic usage is construed as the charge slip/transaction slip printed electronically from the EDC terminal.
  • The Card will be honoured only when it carries the signature of the Cardholder.
  • Transactions are deemed authorized and completed once the EDC terminal generates a Charge Slip.
  • The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once for each purchase at Merchant location. The Charge Slip will be printed each time the Card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of the Card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
  • The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the Merchant including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Visa Electron Merchant Establishments, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve the Cardholder from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank immediately.
  • The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by a Merchant and debited to the Card Account.
  • The Cardholder must sign and retain the Charge Slip whenever the Card is used at Merchant Establishment. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the Charge Slip. Any Charge Slip not personally signed by the Cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorized by the Cardholder, will be the Cardholder's liability.
  • Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition was properly incurred at the Merchant in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card, except where the Card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the onus of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder.
  • In case a Cardholder wishes to cancel a completed Transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the Merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained by the Cardholder in his possession. All Refunds and Adjustments due to any Merchant/device error or communication link must be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa rules and regulations as applicable. The Cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time will be honored based only on the Available Balance on the Card without considering this Refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonoring the payment instructions.
  • The Card is not to be used at hotels during check-in and also at locations where paying arrangements is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.
  • The Card should not be used for any Mail Order/Phone Order purchases and any such usage will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder will be solely responsible.
  • The Card should not be used for the payment of subscription to foreign magazines/periodicals and any such usage will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder will be solely responsible.
  • Use of Card at any ATM/EDC/POS other devices may entail a service charge and/or Transaction fee and/or processing fee being levied on the Card.
  • All such charges will be deducted from the Available Amount whether or not prior notice of such charges is given to the Cardholder.
  • The Cardholder is advised to retain record of Transactions.

Cardholders Obligations & Covenants:

  • The Cardholder shall notify the Bank immediately in case of change of his address.
  • The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the Card is kept in a safe place.
  • The Card is the property of the Bank and must be returned to an authorized person of the Bank on request. The Cardholder shall ensure that the identity of the authorized person of the Bank is established before handing over the Card.
  • The Cardholder will be liable for all Transactions and for the related charges.
  • The Cardholder accepts that at his request and risk the Bank has agreed to provide him the Card and accepts full responsibility for all Transactions recorded by use of his Card.
  • An instruction given by means of the Card shall be irrevocable.
  • The Cardholder shall, in all circumstances, accept full responsibility for the use of the Card, whether or not processed with his knowledge or his authority, expressed or implied.
  • The Cardholder irrevocably authorizes the Bank to debit the amounts utilized by using the Card for Transactions to his Card Account.
  • The Cardholder should hold the Bank indemnified and harmless for its action in good faith and in the normal course of business based on Transactions.
  • The Bank will employ its best effort in carrying out the Transactions but will not incur any liability either to the Cardholder or any other person for any reason whatsoever including for its delay or inability to carry out a Transaction or an instruction.
  • The Cardholder agrees to bring all disputes about a Transaction or entry in the Card Account to the notice of the Bank within 7 days from the date of such Transaction or entry, in absence of which all Transactions and Card Account entries shall be construed as correct and accepted by the Cardholder.
  • The Cardholder shall return the Card to the Bank when not required or expired or upon its retrieval after being reported lost.

Net Banking:

With Travel Card Customer Web Login, the Cardholder shall be entitled to access the card account details which comprise of the following services:

  • Online Reloading
  • Account summary.
  • Statement of account through email.
  • Card Locking / Unlocking.
  • View Transactions.
  • ATM PIN reset.

Customer Contact Centre
Now you can reload your card over the call. SMS travel to 5676788 and we endeavor to call you as soon as possible, ideally within 30 minutes to process your card reload request. The customers can call our 24-hour Customer Contact Centre for queries, register their complaints and mist importantly, report lost card.The bank cannot be held responsible for non-receipt of SMS due to any technical reason and/or the bank is unable to contact the cardholder on the phone.

Lost / Theft / Misuse or Stolen Cards:

  • If the Card is lost /stolen, the Cardholder must immediately inform the Bank in person or by calling the Bank's Customer Care Centre or the Cardholder can block the Card through Kotak World Travel Card customer login section. If there is any delay in notification to Bank on loss or theft of the card, Cardholder will be responsible for any misuse on the card / losses incurred in the interim.
  • The Cardholder must file a report of Card loss with the police and send a physical true copy thereof to the Bank.
  • The Bank upon receipt of information and verification of Cardholder's identity hot list the Card.
  • The Cardholder will continue to be liable for all transaction carried out on his Card till he reports the loss of his Card to the Bank through the above prescribed modes. The Cardholder however continues to be liable for charges, if any, incurred post sending intimation by any other mode apart from prescribed modes as above till the same is actioned / hot-listed by the Bank.
  • In case of loss of card new replacement Travel Card Kit will be issued and Bank shall transfer the available Amount less applicable charges to the new Card.
  • Any instruction received by the Bank for hot listing of a Card cannot be revoked.

Surrender of Card:

  • The Card Holder wishing to surrender the Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card will give the Bank notice in writing and surrender the Card along with the notice.
  • The Card Holder will be entitled to receive balance in the Card after deducting the applicable charges and only if all the transactions are settled

Fees & Charges

  • "Card Issuance Fee" shall refer to the one time fee/s or charges, which is required to be paid by the applicant, at the time of making the Application of the card. Please visit to www.kotak.com and refer to Fees & Charges section of Kotak Forex Card / Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card for latest fees and charges.
  • "Card Reload Fee" shall refer to the fee/s or charges, which is required to be paid by the applicant. At the time of every reload required for the desired currency to be reloaded on the card. Please visit to www.kotak.com and refer to Fees & Charges section of Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card for latest fees and charges.
  • "Card Replacement Fee" shall refer to the fee/s or charges to be paid by the applicant for the replacement Card. Details of applicable fees and charges can be obtained from the Bank.
  • The Bank reserves the right at any time to charge the Cardholder any fees/charges to the transactions carried out by you on the Card. Details of applicable fees and charges can be obtained from the Bank and are subject to change from time to time.
  • Any government charges, or debts, or tax payable as a result of the use of the Card shall be Cardholder's responsibility.
  • The Cardholder authorizes the Bank to deduct from the balance on his Card, and agrees to indemnify the Bank against any expenses that the Bank may incur in collecting money the Cardholder owes the Bank in connection with his Card (including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees to the extent permitted by law).
  • Amount due and payable by the Cardholder, if not paid separately, be recovered by the Bank from the Available Amount or to the debit of any other account with the Bank of the Cardholder if any.

Change of facilities:

  • The Bank may at its discretion make available the use of a Card at more ATM's, EDC, POS and/ or other devices through shared networks. The Cardholder understands and agrees that such networks may provide different functionality, service offerings and different charges for different services and/or locations.
  • The Bank shall in its sole discretion at any time, without notice to the Cardholder, be entitled to withdraw, discontinue, cancel, suspend and/or terminate the facility to use the Card and/or services related to it, at an ATM/other devices and shall not be liable to the Cardholder for any loss or damage suffered resulting in any way from such suspension or termination.
  • Maintenance: While advance notice of maintenance work likely to affect the availability of services, shall be given, the Bank reserves the right to suspend, without any notice, access to ATM/other similar device or the provision of all or any of the services, at any time, if the Bank deems it necessary to do so, whether for routine maintenance or technical snags/force measure for any other reason.

Printed Transaction Records, Balance information Statement, Errors, Complaints:

  • The Cardholder may opt for a printed record of Transaction through an ATM and verify such record.
  • The Cardholder must inform the Bank in writing within 7 days, if any irregularities or discrepancies exist in the Transactions/particulars on the Card. If the Bank does not receive any information to the contrary within 7 days, the Bank may assume that the statement and the Transactions are correct.
  • All records maintained by the Bank, in electronic or documentary form, of the instructions of the Cardholder and such other details (including, but not limited to payments made or received) pursuant to this agreement, shall as against the Cardholder, will be deemed to be conclusive evidence of such instructions and such other details.
  • The ATM machine may capture the Card, if responses sought from the Cardholder by the machine are not provided by the Cardholder within a specific time. In circumstances when the Card is captured then the Cardholder shall have to apply for a new Travel Card Kit in the manner prescribed above.

Disclosure of Information:

  • The Bank reserves the right to disclose to other institutions, such information concerning the Card or the Cardholder as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with its participation in any Electronic Funds Transfer Network.
  • The use of the Card at ATM/EDC-POS/other devices shall constitute the Cardholder's express consent. To the collection, storage, communication and processing of identifying and Card balance information by any means necessary for the Bank to maintain appropriate Transaction records.
  • The Cardholder hereby expressly authorizes the Bank to disclose at any time and for any purpose, any information whatsoever relating to his personal particulars, Card transaction or dealings with the Bank, to the head office or any other branches, subsidiaries or associated or affiliated corporations of the Bank wherever located, any government or regulatory agencies or authorities in India or elsewhere, any agents or contractors which have entered into an agreement to perform any service(s) for the Bank's benefit, and any other person(s) whatsoever where the disclosure is required by law or otherwise to whom the Bank deems fit to make such disclosure.
  • The Cardholder agrees to provide the Bank information that the Bank requires from the Cardholder by law or regulation, or any other appropriate information that the bank may reasonably request from time to time.
    • To release and transmission to participants and processors ATM network/other network details of the Cardholder's account and Transaction information and other data necessary to enable the Card to be used at an ATM/other device.
    • To the retention of such information and data by the said participants and processors in the Bank/other networks.
    • To the compliance by the said participants and processors in the Bank ATM network/other networks with laws and regulation governing disclosure of information to which such participants and processors are subject.
    • To the disclosure of information to third parties about the Transactions where it is so necessary for completing Transactions or when necessary to comply with law or government agency or court orders or legal proceedings or when necessary to resolve errors or question the Cardholder has raised or in order to satisfy the Bank's internal data processing requirements.

Bank's Rights:

  • The Bank may at its sole discretion withdraw or suspend the Card or amend any of its features without notice to the Cardholder.
  • The Bank shall have discretion not to carry out a Transaction where it has reason to believe that the use of the Card is not authorized or the Transaction appears not genuine or unclear or such as to raise a doubt or it cannot be put into effect for whatsoever reasons.
  • The Bank may at its discretion, videotape or record on camera the Cardholder's access at ATM and rely on footage of such clippings as evidence in any proceedings.
  • Should any instruction given by the Cardholder be capable of being executed by the Bank in more ways than one, the Bank may execute the said instruction in any one of the said ways, at its sole discretion.
  • The bank can suspend the card for use temporarily or permanently, for specific purposes or all purposes, for specific usage points or all, and for specific geographies or all, depending on the banks internal requirements and at the sole discretion of the bank. The bank shall not be obliged to inform the cardholder of such suspensions and shall not be liable to the cardholder for any such suspension or its consequences.
  • The bank strongly urges the card holder to have alternate arrangements to the Forex Card in place well in advance of a foreign travel. The bank will not be liable for any damages or hardships caused to the customers from the absence of such alternate arrangements, nor shall it be liable to make good any losses, damages or hardships the customer may face from the use of such alternatives.
  • The cardholder has to make note of the expiry of the card and it is not the responsibility or an obligation of the bank to replace the card or intimate the customer of the expiry, even if such an act has happened in the past as a relationship gesture.
  • The Card is a prepaid instrument for specific usages, and the customer is advised to make himself completely aware and plan adequately in advance of such aspects including acceptability of the card, usage restrictions if any that may apply, adequacy of balances, ability to use in specific geographies, purposes or at usage points, expiry of the card and charges applicable. The bank shall not be liable for the customers failure to plan and prepare for such consequences

Cardholder disputes with Merchants:

  • A Charge Slip with the Cardholder's signature together with the Card number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder.
  • The Bank shall not be in any manner responsible for the quality, value warranty, and delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of any goods or services received by the Cardholder.
  • Merchant Establishments may reject the use of the Card for any reason whatsoever and Bank shall not be responsible for the same nor should be responsible in respect of goods or items supplied.
  • It must be distinctly understood that the Card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail of services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, quantity, value, delivery or otherwise, howsoever regarding the goods or services ,and any dispute should be resolved with the Merchant Establishment directly. However, the Cardholder shall report to the Bank about the dispute with the Merchant, detailing the name of locations, date and time of the transaction and other details that will assist the Bank in its investigations.
  • The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder's disagreement with the applicable charge indicated in the statement within 120 days of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including a copy of the Charge Slip or payment requisition along with charges if any.
  • The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the Card.

Insurance Benefits:

The Cardholder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided and that the insurance company will be solely liable for compensation if any in case of the death of a cardholder and/or loss of baggage and/or loss of passport and shall not hold the bank responsible for any matter arising from in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the insurance company.

The Cardholder agrees that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the Cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force and only so long as the Cardholder is and remains a Cardholder of the Bank with his maintained in good standing. On the Card being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently for whatsoever reason the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically discontinue from such date of cessation of card. The current insurance benefits offered on your Kotak Forex Card Kotak Multi Currency World Travel Card are in association with Insurance Service Provider for more details refer to www.kotak.com.

Exclusion from Liability:

  • Without prejudice to the foregoing the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Cardholder in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of.
  • The Bank accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage for any service failures or disruptions (including but not limited to loss of data) attributable to a system or equipment failure or due to reliance by the Bank on third party, products or interdependencies including but not limited to electricity or telecommunication.
  • The Bank accepts no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of the interruption of its business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections wars or any other causes beyond its control, or by any strikes or lockouts.
  • If an ATM or similar device malfunctions, resulting in loss to the Cardholder of some or all amount of a transaction, and such a loss is confirmed by the Bank through a verification of the Bank's records, the Bank will correct that loss by making any adjustments to the Card including any adjustments for service charges, if any.
  • The bank shall not be responsible/ liable for failure of any ATM to dispense cash or if the cardholder is unable to withdraw cash for any reason whatsoever or if unable to avail the facility.
  • The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the Card holder by reason of any failure to comply with the Cardholder's instructions, when such failure is caused due to reason beyond the control of the Bank, the opinion of the Bank being final in this regard.
  • By applying for and availing the Card facility, the Cardholder grants express authority to the Bank or carrying out the Transactions performed by use of the Card. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of a transaction made other than by means of the PIN.
  • The Bank shall under no circumstances be liable for any claims for losses or damages whatsoever whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the Cardholder or any other person.
  • The Bank shall not be liable for non-availability of the funds credited to the Card due to restrictions on convertibility or transferability, requisitions, involuntary transfers acts of war or civil strife or other similar causes beyond the Bank's control, in which circumstance no other branch, subsidiary or affiliate of the Bank shall be responsible thereof.
    • Any defect in goods or services supplied.
    • The refusal of any person to honour or accept the Card.
    • Any statement made by any person requesting the return of the Card or any act performed by any other person in conjunction.
    • The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure the surrender of the Card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or any person or computer terminal.
    • The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card.
    • Any injury to the credit character and/or reputation of the Cardholder alleged to have been caused by the re-possession of the Card and/or any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the Card.
    • Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed to the Bank. Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant location ATM

Ability to refuse payment:

  • Except as otherwise required by law, if the Bank receives any process, summons, order, injunction, execution, distrait, levy, lien, information or notice which the Bank in good faith believes calls into question the Cardholder's ability to transact on the Card the Bank may, at its discretion and without liability to the Cardholder or such other person decline to allow the Cardholder to obtain any portion of his funds, or the Bank may pay such funds over to an appropriate authority and take any other steps required by applicable law.
  • The Bank reserves the right to deduct from the Available Amount on the Card a reasonable service charge and any expenses the Bank incurs, including without limitation reasonable legal fees, due to legal action involving the Card.

Termination of Card:

  • In the event the Cardholder decides to terminate the use of the Card, the Cardholder shall give the Bank not less than 15 days prior notice in writing and forthwith return the Card to the Bank after cutting the card into 4 pieces and obtain a valid receipt thereof. Such termination shall also be deemed a termination of all facilities accorded by the Bank to a Cardholder.
  • In the event charges are incurred on the Card after the Cardholder claims to have destroyed the Card, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable for the charges incurred on the Card whether or not the same are result of misuse and whether or not the bank has been intimated of the destruction of the Card.
  • The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by canceling the Card with or without assigning any reason whatsoever and by giving 15 days notice and shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 15 days of posting to the Cardholder's address in India, last notified in writing to the Bank.
  • If Cardholder uses the Card at any unauthorized location or for any purpose other than as stated under these Terms and conditions or for strictly prohibited purposes, it may result in cancellation of the Card by Bank.
  • In the event the Cardholder fails to comply or adhere terms and conditions mentioned therein.
  • In the event of pendency of any bankruptcy insolvency proceeding or proceedings of a similar nature against the Cardholder, it may result in cancellation of the Card by Bank.
  • In the event if Cardholder fails to furnish the necessary Know Your Customer (KYC) documents which is also subject to verification by Bank, it may result in cancellation of the Card by Bank.


The Cardholder agrees to and shall indemnify and hold the Bank and each of the employee agents, consultants contractors, content providers or representatives of the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, liabilities, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees and court / adjudicating body costs whatsoever, which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of,

  • breach of the Cardholder's representations and warranties;
    the improper use of the Card by the Cardholder or any other person with/without the consent of the Cardholder; or
  • the breach by Cardholder or any other person with/without the consent of the Cardholder of any of the provisions of these Terms or any other agreement with the Bank by the Cardholder or,
  • fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the Cardholder or his employees/agents
  • by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on any instruction given by the Cardholder due to acts or omissions of the Cardholder, including but not limiting to :
    (a) Failure to intimate/inform the Bank when he/it suspects or knows that his/its Passwords are known to third parties or when third parties use his/its Passwords for carrying out unauthorized or illegal transactions;
    (b) Failure to keep confidential and secure the PIN from third parties;
    (c) Failure to inform the Bank regarding any changes in his/its personal information;
    (d) Failure to comply with the Law;
    (e) Failure to comply with the usage guidelines issued by the Bank in respect of the Card as may be applicable at the relevant time;
    (f) Failure to comply with these Terms and any agreement between the Bank and the Cardholder.

Terms and Conditions and Changes:

  • The Cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted these terms and conditions by signing the Card application form.
  • The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the Card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of such alterations in any manner it thinks appropriate. The Cardholder will be bound by such alterations unless the Card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
  • These Terms form a contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By accessing the service, the Cardholder accepts these terms and conditions.
  • The Bank could make changes including (but not limited to) the purposes reasons listed below:
    • Impose or increase charges relating solely to the use of the Card.
    • Increase the Cardholder's liability for losses relating to transactions with his Card.
  • The Bank may also make a change without notice if the change is necessary to maintain or restore the security of the electronic system or equipment used for the Card transactions.
  • Notification of these and any other changes may be given by the Bank by posting it to the Cardholder's latest address recorded with the Bank or displayed at the Bank's branch or on the website of the Bank. The Cardholder must notify the Bank of any change to his address promptly. Proof of posting to such last notified address shall be conclusive proof of the notification at the time when it ought to be delivered in due course by the post even if the notification may be returned through the post undelivered.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction:

These Terms/Transactions/Services and obligations of the Bank shall be governed by and be subject to Indian law and guidelines as may be issued by the RBI from time to time. The courts in Mumbai shall have the exclusive jurisdiction as regards any claims or matters arising out of the use of the Card.

Compliance with law:

The Cardholder must be either by himself or through legally authorized representative eligible and capable by law to avail of the Card. The Bank shall not be liable to the Cardholder or any third party for any loss or damage suffered due to the ineligibility or incapacity of the Cardholder. The Cardholder agrees that he is aware of and shall comply with any law that may be applicable to any of the transactions he carries out, through the Card. The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to any third party for the Cardholder's violation of any law.

Contact us for Queries or Complaints and Grievance Redressal:

In case of any complaints / queries in connections with Card Account, Card Holder may contact at Bank's Phone Banking Number 1860 266 2666 (local call rates apply) or can write a letter to us at Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. P.O. Box: 16344, Mumbai - 400013 or click here to email us.”. If Cardholder disputes remain unresolved, he/she may directly approach the Banking Ombudsman for redressal of grievance


These Terms & Conditions apply to and regulate the issuance/usage of Kotak ItzCash Prepaid Card ("Prepaid card/Card") facility offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank ("Bank") to its Customers ("Cardholder/s")

The Cardholder acknowledges that he/she has read the Prepaid Card terms and conditions carefully before using the Prepaid Card and unconditionally accepts the same.

The Cardholder acknowledges that he/she shallbe bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable to Card and accepts the onus of ensuring compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and RBI guidelines as amended / modified / applicable from time to time and any other corresponding enactment in force from time to time.

Use of the Card and Cardholder Obligations

  • The Prepaid Card is valid for 5 years and in India only.
  • The issue and use of the card shall be subject to the rules and regulations in force from time to time as issued by Bank & the Reserve Bank of India and other Regulators /Statutory Authority from time to time.
  • The Prepaid Card shall be valid only for transaction options, as permitted by the Bank from time to time in India, at Point of Sale (POS), Payment Gateway & all Visa ATMs.
  • The Prepaid Card is the property of Bank and shall be returned to Bank unconditionally and immediately upon Bank's request. Usage of Prepaid Card shall be subject to the Terms & Conditions mentioned herein and any additional conditions stipulated by Bank, from time to time.
  • The Prepaid Card is non-transferable and/or non-assignable by the Cardholder under any circumstances.
  • The Cardholder shall sign on the signature panel on reverse side of the Prepaid Card immediately upon receipt.
  • The Cardholder must not permit any other person to use it and should safeguard the Prepaid Card from misuse by retaining the Prepaid Card under his/her personal control at all times.
  • The personal identification number (PIN) issued to the Cardholder will be known only to the Cardholder for the personal use of the Cardholder.
  • The Cardholder understands and accepts that the PIN number is non-transferable and strictly confidential. The Cardholder undertakes that a written record of the PIN number should not be kept in any form, place or manner that may facilitate its misuse by a third party.The PIN should not be disclosed to any third party, either to staff of the bank or to merchant establishments, under any circumstances or by any means whether voluntary or otherwise.
  • The Cardholder undertakes to take necessary actions to prevent the illegal use of the Prepaid Card.
  • The Cardholder understands and accepts that the Prepaid Card shall be debited immediately with the amount of the withdrawal, transfer and other transactions effected by the use of the Prepaid Card. The Cardholder acknowledges that transaction amount such as tips; surcharge or exceptional transaction amount would be debited to Cardholder account subsequently / at a later date. The Cardholder shall ensure that the he has sufficient balance on the Prepaid Card to meet any such transaction.
  • The Cardholder shall not be entitled to withdraw funds by the use of the Prepaid Card in excess of amount available in the card. Cash withdrawal facility may not be permitted for semi-closed and closed system cards (Depending on Corporate/Institution requirements).
  • The Cardholder undertakes to act in good faith at all times in relation to all dealings with the Prepaid Card and the Bank. The Cardholder accepts full responsibility for wrongful/unauthorized use of the Prepaid Card or related PIN in contravention of the Terms and Conditions contained herein and, undertakes and agrees to indemnify the Bank to make good any loss, damage, interest, conversion, any other financial charge that the Bank may incur and/or suffer, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of the Cardholder committing violations of the provisions thereof including any penal action arising there from on account of any violation of RBI guidelines or any other law being in force in India and / or state continent / territory law being in force in India.
  • The Cardholder understands and accepts that the Prepaid Card is valid till the last day of the month and year indicated on the front side of prepaid card and hereby undertakes to destroy the Prepaid Card when it expires/closed by cutting it into 4 pieces through the magnetic strip.
  • The Cardholder agrees that the Bank reserves the sole right to renew the Prepaid Card on expiry of the card.
  • The Cardholder undertakes to inform ItzCash for any irregularities or discrepancies that exist in the transaction details at an ATM / merchant establishment / online transactions within 30 days of the transaction processed. If no such notice is received during this time period, ItzCash will assume the correctness of transaction. The Bank shall have no responsibility towards the same.
  • The Cardholder understands and agrees that ATMs / EDC (Electronic Data Capture) terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. Cardholder understands that bank shall have no responsibility for such machine/mechanical errors/failures and agree to indemnify the Bank for any such machine/ mechanical errors/failures.


Cardholder acknowledges following Fees and Charges applicable to Prepaid Card:

Description of Fees


Issuance Fees

Rs. 100

Reload Fees

Charges applicable basis slabs (Minimum charge of Rs. 10 & maximum of Rs. 35)
1-1500 - Rs. 10
1501-2500 - Rs. 15
2501-12000 - Rs. 25
12001 & above - Rs. 35

Annual Fees

Rs. 20 per year (will be levied monthly Rs. 1.85 inclusive of taxes)

Inactive Card Fees (for 6 months)

Rs. 25

Balance Statement

Click on www.itzcash.com

Card Replacement Fee

Rs. 70

Card Closure Fees

Rs. 50

ATM PIN and IPIN re-generation Fees

Rs. 30

Charge slip retrieval fee

Rs. 100

Card Issuance after expiry

Rs. 100

Cash withdrawal at non-Kotak ATM

Rs. 22 (inclusive of taxes)

Balance Enquiry at non-Kotak ATM

Rs. 10 from other ATM (Inclusive of tax)

Payment Gateway charges

As advised on various websites and payment gateways

The Cardholder agrees that these fees are not refundable and are subject to change from time to time. Charges for other services shall be levied to the Prepaid Card, at prevailing rates Transaction fees/charges for cash withdrawals / balance inquiry and / or other transactions wherever applicable, shallbe debited to the Prepaid Card. The charges / fees applicable on the usage of the Prepaid Card maybe revised/changed by Bank/ItzCash from time to time and Cardholder(s) will be informed 30 days prior to the revision.

Any charges / fees appearing in this terms and conditions do not include service tax and or any other cess/taxes as applicable from time to time.

Lost or stolen card:

  • In the event that the Card is lost or stolen, the occurrence must be reported to ItzCash call centre at 07666155220 immediately. The Cardholder shall take cognizance of the fact that once a Card is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the Card cannot be used again, even if found subsequently.
  • The Cardholder undertakes to indemnify ItzCash and Bank against any liability / (civil or criminal), loss, cost, expenses or damage that may arise due to loss or misuse of the Prepaid Card  in the event that it is lost and not reported to ItzCash and Bank, or lost and misused before ItzCash and Bank is informed. Provided Cardholder in all respects complied with the terms and conditions, a replacement card may be issued at the sole discretion of Bank as per the applicable fee/charge.
  • If it is determined that Cardholder grossly negligent or fraudulent in the handling of the Prepaid Card, Bank and ItzCash would not entertain any request for refund / reimbursement of the amount of such fraudulent usage of the lost / stolen card.
  • If any amount is credited to Cardholder's Prepaid Card based on chargebacks/representations and / or upon any information provided by the cardholder, the Bank would recover the amount from Cardholder without any prior notice in case Cardholder is not entitled for said chargeback/representation. The cardholder hereby undertakes to indemnify ItzCash/Bank fully against any liability, loss, cost, expenses, damage that may arise due to cardholder'snegligent or fraudulent handling of the card.
  • Should Cardholder subsequently recover the lost card that has been hot listed, he/she shall destroy the old Prepaid Card by cutting it into 4 pieces through the magnetic strip, and return to the Bank for cancellation.
  • However, in case of any dispute relating to the time of reporting and/ or transaction/s made on the Card, post reporting of the said Card as being lost/ stolen/ misused, Bank shall reserve the right to ascertain the time and/ or the authenticity of the disputed transaction.


  • In case of purchase transactions, a sales slip with the signature of the Cardholder together with the card number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of the liability incurred by the Cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the Cardholder has received the goods purchased / availed of the service to the Cardholder's satisfaction.
  • ItzCash shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve Cardholder's disagreement with an applicable charge/s or any issue pertaining to Card services provided by ItzCash and Bank indicated in the account statement or as otherwise determined the customer within two months of the receipt of notice of disagreement. If after such effort ItzCash or Bank determines that the charge is correct, and then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder.
  • Bank/ItzCash accepts no responsibility for the refusal of any establishment to honor the Prepaid Card.
  • All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts in Mumbai only and the laws applicable shall be Indian laws.
  • The Cardholder shall be liable for all the cost associated with the collection of dues, legal expense (should it become necessary to refer the matter to any agent), or where legal resources have been utilized in the resolution of a dispute.

Governing law:

These terms and conditions and/ or the operations of the Prepaid Card issued by the bank and / or the use of the services provided that the Card shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India. The customer and the bank agree to submit to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these terms and conditions. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that any service can be accessed through internet, mobile or phone by a customer in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these terms and conditions and / or the operations in the said accounts of the customer and / or the use of any of these services.

Verified by Visa (VBV):

Description of (VBV) - Verified by Visa provides Cardholder with a way of increasing security for online transactions by reducing the chances of fraud for those transactions. Registering for Verified by Visa involves providing personal information by Cardholder, which is then used to confirm Cardholder identity in connection with future online transactions for which Verified by Visa is used. Verified by Visa also may be used for record keeping and reporting purposes, as well as to help resolve transaction disputes. Cardholder registration data and other personal information are not shared with the merchant.

Limitation of liability:

  • The Cardholder acknowledges and agrees that, except as otherwise provided by any applicable laws or for the services provided by the bank to the cardholder in respect of Prepaid Card, Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from Cardholder's failure to comply with the applicable Terms and Conditions Cardholder agrees that Bank/ItzCash shall not be liable to Cardholder or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance by Verified by Visa security feature.
  • Under no circumstance will Bank / ItzCash be liable for consequential, incidental, special or indirect losses or other damages, such as any damage to Cardholder's computer or telephone service resulting from Cardholder use of Verified by Visaor other property on account of Cardholder's access to, use of, or downloading from, any  web site while doing online transaction on merchant's website.
  • The Cardholderagrees that online alerts are sent by the ItzCash/Bank to the mobile number registered for SMS alerts and Cardholder shall take steps to get registered for SMS alerts to receive alerts for transactions done on Cardholder's Prepaid Card.

Disclaimer of Warranties:

The Cardholder expressly understand and agree that any software obtained through the use of Verified by Visa is downloaded and used at Cardholder own discretion and risk and that except as otherwise provided in this Terms of Use Agreement, the Cardholder shall be solely responsible for any damage to his/her computer system or loss of data that results from the download or use of any such software or other materials through Verified by Visa.


For detailed and updated terms and conditions please refer www.itzcash.com and www.kotak.com
The above terms and conditions are subject to change periodically at the discretion of ItzCash/ Bank.


The terms and conditions shall be applicable to all Clients availing Cash Management Services from Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here


To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here

Merchant Acquiring Services - Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions  mentioned herein below are to be read and understood in conjunction with the Merchant Processing Application Form as executed by Merchant Establishment (hereafter referred as “ME”) in favour of Kotak Mahindra Bank (hereafter referred as “Bank”) for receiving payment processing facilities and services (“Services”). The General Terms including the Privacy statement and consent and the operating guide are available on the link (www.Kotak.com)

  1. Service Description: Features provided under this Services consist of:
    • Authorization of card and UPI  transactions.
    • Electronic data capture (or collection of sales slips) of card and UPI transactions as well as notifications through a soundbox.
    • Out clearing of card transactions to the appropriate Card Associations and /or card issuers.
    • Provision of information to Bank to effect settlement of such transactions.
    • Dispute resolution with the cardholders'/account holders’ banks; and.
    • Transaction related reporting, statements and products.
  2. ME must be an Indian citizen/Entity having office in India which shall be declared and confirmed by ME in the Application Form.
  3. Transaction Procedure: ME must follow all procedures and requirements relating to card and UPI transaction documents, including complying with the Operating Guide and applicable Card Scheme Rules and NPCI Circulars, as amended from time to time. Merchant will permit cardholders of valid cards (cards which are authorized by Issuing Banks / Authorities under a Valid Scheme like VISA/ Mastercard/ RuPay/ Other Networks) bearing the symbols of the cards authorized to be accepted by Merchant hereunder to charge purchases or lease of goods and services, provided that such card transaction compiles with the terms and conditions a transaction information) and such other information applicable for this Service. Each such transaction will be evidenced by a valid transaction record in an approved form such as a sales slip. Merchant will not present any sales slip that does not arise out of a card transaction between a cardholder and merchant.
  4. Transaction Reports: ME must provide the Bank with its records, and all information and assistance that Bank may reasonably require, relating to any Card and UPI transactions as and when the Bank requests them.
  5. Compliance and Data Security Standards: ME shall comply with provisions contained in Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standards ("PCI-DSS") PA DSS and PCI PED, as published on www.paymentcardindustry.com. As part of PCI DSS obligations among other things, ME shall not store card authentication information (Track2, CVV, PIN and PIN Block) and shall also eliminate/minimize storage of Valid Card Information (Name, Expiry date) in electronic or paper form. In addition, ME shall carry out quarterly vulnerability scans as prescribed by PCI Security Standard Council ("PCI SSC") in approved scan vendor scan procedures and send scan report to the Bank. As per regulations issued by Visa/MasterCard/Amex/Discover/JCB, the High Risk Merchants and Merchants carrying on transactions above the limits, decided by PCI SSC will have to get their controls validated through an external audit by a qualified security assessor. ME will not divulge cardholder information to any other entity/individual except law enforcement agencies and regulators under any circumstances.
  6. ME Site (Location): ME shall keep the site prepared with requisite telephone line(s) and relevant power supplies as needed for setting up the POS terminals or sound box. The site must be at the same address as mentioned on the application form. ME shall be solely responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing equipment (equipment refers to infrastructure items like Power, telephone, modems etc. owned by Merchant), and ME indemnifies the Bank against any losses, liabilities, damages and expenses arising out of the use of the equipment. ME is required to mandatorily display the Bank's logo / any promotional material related to merchant acquiring business provided by the Bank at its site / location. The Merchant site / location should be among an acceptable business location within India, where the Bank does business and is not counted as a Negative Area by the Bank.
  7. Bank / Agent of Bank provided Equipment: Equipment supplied by the Bank (or its representatives/partners) remain the property of the Bank and ME shall not claim any right on those equipment whatsoever. ME shall ensure that the equipment is operated in accordance with the operating guidelines of the equipment. ME shall notify the Bank immediately in case of any damage or loss of the equipment by the merchant.ME shall not lease/sublease the equipment and/or shall not give any rights of the equipment to any other entity. ME to allow the Bank or its agents/partners staff to enter ME's premises at any time to install, inspect/audit the condition, replace or repair the equipment and any Software update. On request, ME shall be required to provide to any Regulator / Statutory or Competent Authority including the Reserve Bank of India/ associations namely Visa, MasterCard, Rupay, access to, inspection rights and access to examine, at its premises or any premises related to the conduct of its business, books, records, documents (including but not limited to Card/UPI transaction information) and such other information, systems, procedures and protocols as may be required by the Regulator / Statutory or Competent Authority.
  8. ME Information: (a) ME authorizes the Bank to obtain from third parties financial and credit information relating to it, its directors, officers and principals in connection with Bank's determination whether to accept the ME application and Bank's continuing evaluation of the financial and credit worthiness of ME, its directors, officer and principals (b) Bank will handle any information it collects about the ME, its directors, officers and principals in accordance with the Privacy Laws, privacy collection statements and privacy policies. Bank will implement all data security measures required by such laws and policies (c) ME, its directors, officers and principals acknowledge that the information that is collected about ME, its directors, officers and principals held by us may be shared by the Bank and its respective related bodies corporate which may be located inside or outside India in connection with the terms of the application and Terms and Conditions and in accordance with Bank's privacy collection statements and privacy policies, and the consent to such sharing of information (d) ME authorizes the Bank to share information from the Application between ME and the Bank and Bank's respective related entities, service providers, persons under a due confidentiality to the Bank, and also with the third party, affiliates and Associations as relevant to the transaction (e) ME authorizes the Bank to share any information about ME, its directors, officers and principals with any court, tribunal, regulatory, supervisory, government or quasi - government authority which has jurisdiction over the Bank or its related entities (f) ME irrevocably authorizes the Bank to discharge and /or release to the relevant card schemes/and NPCI all or any of the documents (including but not limited to the form and the content of the application, figures, codes, data and information of whatever nature which from time to time or at any time ME discloses or release to the Bank and /or Bank may have access to under or by virtue of ME's participation in the card schemes and NPCI, any transaction contemplated under the services and /or in relation to or in connection with the services, and /or which a Card Schemes/and NPCI may lawfully require the Bank to provide to it from time to time or at any time.
  9. ME agrees:(a) to follow the operating guide as available on www.kotak.com and for time being in force, which is incorporated into and made part of this Terms and Conditions (b) To be bound by the operating regulations and rules of the Card association and NPCI, including without limitation any rules and regulations related to cardholder/accountholder and transaction information security, such as Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards, Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program and MasterCard's Site Data Protection Program (c) Bank may, from time to time, issue written direction (via mail, email or website notification ) regarding procedures to follow and forms to use to carry for providing the Services. These directions and the terms of the forms are binding as from the date of the application for the services and shall form part of this terms & conditions.
  10. Fees: ME will pay to the Bank the fees and other dues ("Fees") along with applicable taxes for the services as set out in the Application and the General Schedule of Features and Charges (GSFC) or updated in the website of the Bank or informed to the ME subsequently through email or phone, as well as any additional fees or pricing set out in the Terms and Conditions. Fees and other amounts paid by ME to the Bank for services provided will be paid along with applicable taxes. Any communication received by ME from the Bank related to pricing shall be binding on ME. Bank reserves the right to revise the Fees, MDR and/or other service charges after providing 30 days' notice to ME. Charges/Fees will be debited from the merchant's account held with the Bank. In case of insufficient balance in the account such that Bank cannot deduct full Fees from the account or terminal damaged/lost at the ME location due to merchant neglect, Bank reserves the right to place a lien in the account upto a value of the outstanding Fees.
  11. Refunds / Credits: The Bank may charge ME a fee for the service of processing a credit. ME's refund policy for purchases on the Card and UPI must be disclosed to card and UPI members at the time of purchase. ME must issue credits to the card and UPI account used to make the original purchase unless it was made with a prepaid card that is no longer available, in which case ME may apply refund policy. Refund should preferably be made against the transaction reference number of the original payment transaction. Charges and credits will be deemed accepted on a given business day if processed by Bank before its cut off time for that day at the relevant location. It should be noted however that facility for the ME to provide Refund on the terminal will be evaluated and assigned by Bank on the basis of creditworthiness of ME. Any decision taken by Bank for Refund facility on the terminal shall be final and binding on ME.
  12. Credit Submissions: ME must submit credits to the Bank within seven (7) days of determining that a credit is due to create a record of credit that complies with Bank's requirements (Credit Record). ME must submit a credit only for the value of corresponding charge, excluding the Merchant service fee. Bank shall be entitled to deduct the full amount of the credit from the payment to ME or debit MEs account / other account with same authorized signatories as the ME, but if Bank is unable to deduct/debit, then ME must pay the Bank promptly upon receipt of invoice. Each charge and credit must be submitted under the Establishment Number of the Establishment where the charge or credit originated.
  13. If Bank suspects, on reasonable grounds, that ME has committed or is about to commit a breach of these Terms, any illegal activity (including, without limitation, money laundering) or dishonesty or fraud against the Bank, or in view that Bank's interest is jeopardized then Bank shall be entitled to suspend/revoke all payments under these Services to ME pending enquiries by the Bank.
  14. Chargebacks and Other liabilities: ME must compensate and indemnify the Bank for any actions, claims, costs, loss, damages expenses or liability made against or suffered or incurred by any one or more of us either directly or indirectly arising out of (i) a card and UPI transaction between ME and any card holder and account holder (ii) all Card and UPI  transactions submitted by ME that are charged back (iii) ME's failure to produce clear, legible and valid card and UPI transaction details or transaction with wrong transaction time any of MEs employees processing a transaction with wrong transaction information (iv) any error, negligence, willful misconduct or fraud by ME or its employees (vi) any dispute over goods or services between ME and a card holder and account holder (vii) any warrant or representation whatsoever in relation to any goods or services supplied by ME (viii) ME's failure to comply with any of its obligations under this terms and conditions (ix) Any fines or penalties imposed by the Card Schemes or NPCI in connection with ME's use of the services (x) any losses suffered by Bank as a result of that one of us indemnifying the other for ME's failures to meet ME's obligations under the terms of the Transaction Documents.
  15. Debits and set off: Bank shall itself as relevant, may reserve the right to (a) debit ME's settlement account and /or (b) deduct and set off from settlement funds due to ME, and / or (c) invoice /raise a debit note to recover from ME separately for any amounts then due from ME to the Bank, arising out of or in relation to the payment processing services.
  16. Interest: Bank shall also charge interest at the rate of 3 % per month above the MCLR as published by Bank from time to time or such other charges as notified to ME on amounts outstanding to the Bank from the ME and where there were insufficient funds in ME's account to satisfy the above amounts.
  17. Security Deposit: Bank may from time to time request security deposit / lien on assets from ME or a guarantor to secure performance of ME's obligations. ME agrees to provide such security deposit/ lien on asset or provide a guarantor when requested by the Bank. Bank also reserves a right to put a lien into the merchant account upto the cost of POS terminal calculated @ INR 12000 per GPRS POS terminal , @ INR 9000 per PSTN POS terminal and @ INR 2000 per sound box in case Bank finds the merchant profile to be high risk as per its polices, ME carrying out suspicious transactions/activities, notice from a competent third party or on own vigilance of Bank staff, request for De-installation of POS terminal raised or merchant remaining inactive for 45 days, without any prior intimation.
  18. Funds Settlement: Bank will credit settlement funds after necessary deduction of MDR/MSF, Network charges, Chargeback amount (if any), Penalty (if any) and Bank fees (if built in the transaction). Generally these funds will be credited to ME's designated settlement account on the next working day after the settlement of funds on the terminal by ME. However, basis ME credit profile or nature of business, Bank may decide to provide settlement funds in the ME account with a delay of few days / specified period in each case. This decision will be informed to the ME at the time of onboarding the ME.
    Also, in case of merchants who have opted for instant settlement on UPI transactions, the merchant current account will be settled instantly. In case merchants have opted for same day settlement service, settlement will happen same day as per the cycle selected if batch closure initiated by the merchant. Both same day settlement & instant settlement on UPI is available only for Kotak current account merchants. In both cases, Merchant agrees to pay the applicable charges, as communicated while opting for the respective service. For merchants who have opted for instant UPI settlement : In case of transactions timed out, where bank has not received instant confirmation from NPCI, the merchant will receive payment after 2 working days from the date of transaction subject to the confirmation of NPCI. .
  19. Financial and Other Information: Upon request or as part of application, ME will provide the Bank with copies of financial accounts and other such documents or information concerning ME's business / promoters to help the Bank in evaluation of ME's financial and credit status. Further, ME must advice the Bank immediately of any change in circumstances affecting its business including any insolvency event, change in control or change in business name, business address, legal status or other business details. ME agrees to retain copies of all paper and electronic transaction records and credit slips submitted to the Bank for a period of 12 months from submission, or such longer period of time as may be required by the operating rules or regulations of the Card Associations, and NPCI by law or by the Bank as specifically requested in writing in individual cases.
  20. Capital usage/ Cash funding - ME understands and agrees that if the Bank identifies any transaction where ME has used its own/family member’s card on the terminal then the payment will be refunded to cardholder by the Bank and Bank shall reserve its right to suspend/terminate the POS /UPI/sound box facility given.
  21. Return of Equipment: Upon termination / expiration of the Services, ME is obliged to return the terminal / supplied equipment to the Bank. For each item supplied, Equipment that ME fail to return to the Bank, ME agree that the Bank shall be entitled to debit Terminal Recovery charges as mentioned in the GSFC. ME also agrees that the Bank may retrieve the supplied equipment from ME and ME authorizes the Bank to access their premises for that purpose. Upon termination/expiration, ME shall be liable to pay all outstanding dues to the Bank with regards to the service provided by the Bank as per the Fee schedule. Merchants will be charged with rentals as applicable till the time machine is de-installed. Also, the Bank reserves the right to replace / recall the terminal from the merchant at any point of time without giving advance notice. Bank also reserves the right to terminate the services arrangement with ME.
  22. Copyright: ME acknowledges that some equipment provided to it by the Bank under this Arrangement is embedded with proprietary technology ("Software"). ME shall not obtain title, copyrights or any other proprietary right to any software / hardware provided by the Bank or any of its affiliates. At all times, the Bank or its suppliers/affiliates retain all rights to such software / hardware, including but not limited to updates, enhancements and additions. ME shall not disclose such software to any party, convey, copy, license, sub- license, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, taper with, or create any derivative work based on such software. Merchant's use of such software shall be limited to that expressly authorized by the Bank.
  23. Waiver: No provision in this terms & conditions shall be deemed waived by any party unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement sought. No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of any party hereto any right, power or privilege under this terms & conditions shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege under this terms & conditions preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.
  24. Dispute Resolution/Choice of law/collection fees/Jurisdiction: Should it be necessary for the Bank to defend or enforce any of its rights under this arrangement in any collection or legal action, ME agrees to reimburse the Bank, for all costs and expenses, including reasonable collection agency and attorney's fees as a result of such collection or legal action. The Bank and Merchant agree that this arrangement and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Services shall be referred to Arbitration before a Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Bank. The venue of the Arbitration shall be at Mumbai. The Arbitration proceedings shall be in English, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Mumbai courts.
  25. Use of Merchant's Name: Upon agreeing to avail the Services by executing the Merchant Processing application, the Bank shall have the right to include the Merchant's name in any directory or promotional material produced in connection with the acceptance of the Card and UPI Transaction.
  26. Warranties and Representations: Merchant warrants and represents to The Bank:
    That each card and UPI transaction submitted hereunder will represent a bonafide sale to a card holder and account holder by Merchant for the amount shown on the related transaction record as the total sale and constitutes the binding obligation of the card holder and account holder free from any claim, demand, defense, setoff or other adverse claim whatsoever.

    That each transaction record or other evidence of a transaction will accurately describe the goods and services which have been sold and delivered to the cardholder and account holder or in accordance with the cardholder's instructions.

    That merchant will comply fully with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to it and its business.

    That Merchant will fulfil completely all of its obligations to the cardholder and will resolve any card holder and account holder dispute or complaint directly with the card and UPI holder.

    That the signature on the sales slip will be genuine and authorized by cardholder and account holder not forged or unauthorized by anyone.

    That each Card and UPI transaction submitted hereunder shall have been consummated and the related transaction record prepared in full compliance with the provisions of the Card and UPI acceptance guide and the operating regulations and rules of the applicable card association and NPCI.

    That none of the card transactions submitted hereunder represent sales by telephone, or mail, or internet, or where the card is not physically present at the Merchants location and processed through Merchant's terminal, unless Merchant is specifically authorized in writing by the Bank Merchant services to submit such transaction records.

    That, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each card and UPI transaction submitted hereunder and the handling, retention, and storage of information related to cardholder/account holder and transaction information security, including without limitation those referred to in this Terms and Conditions.

    That all of the information contained in or provided pursuant to this arrangement is true and correct.

    That Merchant shall keep strictly confidential the provisions applicable to the Services and all information and materials received from the Bank in connection with their respective businesses and instrument provided by them or either of them, and will disclose the same only to such of its employees who require such information for the purposes of performing merchant's obligations under this arrangement, merchant shall procure that its officers, employees and agents, shall not without the prior written consent of the bank use or disclose any such information to any person (except to the Merchant's agents for the sole purpose of assisting merchant to complete or enforce card and UPI transactions or to Merchant's insurers and professional advisers) unless such disclosure is compelled by law or rules and regulations of the Card association and NPCI.

    That merchant shall not submit any card/UPI transaction which is for the supply of gambling or pornographic goods or services without prior consent of the bank Merchant services.

    That Merchant shall not submit or receive any cash payment from the cardholder/account holder with respect to charges for goods and /or services included in a card and UPI transaction; and.

    That merchant shall not engage in acceptance practice or procedures that discriminate against or discourage the use of a card type selected to be accepted by it hereunder in favour of any other competing card brand, and shall not promote any other means of payment more actively than promoting payment with a card of such card type (except for any privilege card issued by Merchant solely for the purpose of making purchases at the Merchant or under any temporary promotion programme)

    In the event of any warranties or representations in these Terms and Conditions are breached, the affected card and UPI  transactions or transaction records may be refused, or prior acceptance revoked and charged back to Merchant.

    Merchant must obtain prior written consent from the Bank for availing Merchant Acquiring Services from any other Bank or Merchant Acquirer.

    Neither the bank Merchant services, nor any of their respective suppliers makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for the particular purpose, with respect to any equipment (including imprinters, authorization terminals, data capture terminals or printers) or any of the services furnished hereunder.

  27. High Risk Merchants: There are certain industry categories which the Bank considers to be high fraud risk in relation to which Bank have rights of Full Recourse for any charge that the Bank is unable to collect due to fraud, including but not limited to the following industries : Auction Sales, Card member activated terminal (Airlines, Drugs, Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Cruise Lines, Clubs, Pawn shops, Direct Marketing Businesses, Religious Goods, Salons & Spas, Manpower agencies, Counselling services, Video Game Arcades, Civil Associations, Road tolls, car parking stations and garages, petrol pumps, cinema kiosks, railway self- service ticketing Airline, Telephone, Insurance, Time share). Bank reserves the right to add additional business categories to this list from time to time.
  28. Full Recourse: When Full Recourse Applies - All Bank payments are subject to Bank's right to full recourse. Bank has rights to full recourse (i) whenever a card member or account holder informs it of a disputed charge or has rights under law to withhold payments (ii) in cases of actual or alleged fraud relating to charges (iii) where an ME is subject to Bank Fraud Full Recourse Programme; (iv) if ME does not comply with the terms & conditions applicable to the Services including all procedures in the schedules; or (v) as specifically provided elsewhere in this terms & conditions. The Bank shall give the ME prior notice if Bank takes action under this clause. Bank's right to Full Recourse remains even if Bank had notice of the above facts when the Bank paid the ME.
  29. How Bank exercises its Full Recourse: Bank shall recover full amount of each charge that is subject to Full Recourse by deducting, withholding, recouping from, or offsetting against the payments to ME (or debiting MEs account); notifying the ME of its obligation to pay the Bank in which case ME must pay within seven (7) days of any notification; or reversing a charge for which Bank has not paid ME. Bank's failure to demand payment does not waive its rights to Full Recourse.
  30. Submitting charges and settlement of batch: Merchant Establishment must submit the charges and settle batch everyday by end of day. Delay in any batch settlement beyond 3 days will attract a penalty as mentioned in the list of charges. Additionally, You must compensate and indemnify us for any actions, claims, costs, loss, damages, expenses or liability made against or suffered or incurred by us directly or indirectly arising out of card and UPI transaction between you and any cardholder/ account holder, card and UPI transactions you submitted that are charged back due to delay in batch settlement. You are required to comply with all the specifications provided by us from time to time. We shall have the right to full recourse in case of any chargeback due to non-compliance of network rules.
  31. Fraud Full Recourse Programme: Bank may put ME or any of its establishments onto a Fraud Full Recourse programme for all charges, charge ME a fee or create a Reserve, if ME is in a high risk industry category or if ME experience a disproportionately high number or amount of Disputed charges or Fraud relative to prior history or industry standards. If ME is on a Fraud Full Recourse Programme, Bank will have the right to Full Recourse for all charges which are for any reason uncollectible due to fraud. Bank is not obliged to contact ME first or give the ME the opportunity to provide a written response to any dispute for which Bank has exercised this right. Bank will have this right even if Bank had notice of such defect at the time of payment, ME has received an Authorisation and has compiled with all other provisions of the Agreement.
  32. No third party beneficiaries: Unless otherwise provided herein, this arrangement does not and is not intended to confer any rights or benefits on any person that is not a party to the application or this arrangement otherwise as agreed between ME and the Bank.
  33. Access Grant: ME accepts that it may not get access to all services or facilities or transaction limits which it has requested for. Bank reserves the right to provide the access selectively on the basis of its own assessment of the merchant application/credit worthiness/merchant business requirements.
  34. Inactive account: If ME has not submitted any charge within a period of twelve (12) consecutive months, Bank will deem this an offer by ME to terminate this service arrangement which Bank may accept by blocking ME's access to Bank services under this arrangement. Bank reserves the right to terminate the Services provided. An offer to terminate under this clause does not preclude ME from exercising any other rights of termination ME may have under the terms & conditions applicable for the Services. If the Services provided are terminated, Bank may create a Reserve in relation to all amounts owing to it and its affiliates. ME and ME's successors and permitted assigns shall remain liable for any unpaid amounts immediately upon termination. ME must also remove all displays of Bank Marks and any third party marks, return Bank materials and equipment immediately, and submit to Bank any charges and credits incurred prior to termination. All direct debit and set off rights will also survive until such time as all credits and debits permitted under these Services and relating to transactions prior to the effective date of termination, have been made. Notwithstanding anything in this terms & conditions, Bank may require ME to discontinue acceptance of any third party product by ME.
  35. Merchant Declaration: If ME has applied for using Merchant Acquiring Services provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank, the application shall be subject to acceptance by the Bank and to ME's payment of relevant/requisite fees to the Bank.

    ME warrants that any individual authorized signatory can execute the Merchant Processing Application on their behalf. ME agree with these terms and conditions and provide their consent to it.

    The 'Fees' and list of services on www.kotak.com indicates the types of payments and services ME will receive from the Bank.

    In case of acceptance of the application, ME shall confirm that it has obtained, read, understood and it agrees to these General Terms and Conditions applicable for payment processing facilities and account which are also available on www.kotak.com and which may be amended from time to time by the Bank.

    In case of acceptance of the application and the subsequent commencement of the payment processing facilities and services, if ME submits a transaction to the Bank, then ME will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions applicable for payment processing facilities and services offered by the Bank.

    In case of acceptance of the application, ME shall also commit and undertake the care and maintenance of the EDC Terminal / Digital QR Code display in good condition and shall also authorize the Bank to charge ME / Promoters of the ME the complete cost of the said EDC Terminal in case there is any damage to the said terminal.

    By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions below, the ME.

    • Certifies that all information provided in by the merchant is true and accurate.
    • shall authorize the Bank to initiate debit entries to any of ME's accounts / ME's promoter accounts with the Bank in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.
    • shall authorize the financial institution with which ME maintains the settlement account to honour such debit entries initiated by the Bank.
    • shall authorize the Bank to access credit reports pertaining to ME and / or ME's principals as part of credit assessment process.

    In case of any change in the details and information given by ME, it shall advise the Bank immediately in the manner as agreed by ME and acceptable to the Bank.

    In case of acceptance of the application, ME shall warrant that any individual authorized signatory is authorized to execute the Merchant Processing Application on behalf of the ME. ME shall also agree with these terms and conditions and provides its consent to them. ME shall also agree that in consideration for the Bank providing the services to the ME, the ME shall unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees performance by itself, of its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, and payment of all sums due under the these General Terms and Conditions.

    In case of acceptance of the application, ME shall understand that Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves all rights to change MDR, fees or charges after giving ME a notice of 30 days.

    ME understands that this is a guarantee of payment and not of collection and that the Bank relies on this guarantee for them to accept the transaction documents executed by the Merchant. ME will also submit the Debit Mandate Form overleaf.

    ME acknowledges that if ME ticks the ’No’ check box in the ’Update in KYC Required’ field, ME existing account details will remain unchanged.

    ME agrees that ME will not levy any surcharge on the card holder while accepting digital payments through POS / Bharat QR / UPI.ME confirms that ME does not deal with Virtual Currency / Crypto Currency business. ME hereby gives consent to mark lien or hold in their account maintained with Kotak Mahindra Bank to the extent of the cost of the POS terminals installed under my relationship & due charges as per the terms & conditions without any prior intimation.

    ME understands and confirms that in the event of any dispute, difference and/or claims arising out of/ in connection with/in relation to this agreement, the matter shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and subsequent statutory amendments to the Act, if any, by a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Bank.

    ME accepts that any arbitration award/direction passed shall be final and binding on the parties. The language of the Arbitration shall be English and the venue of such arbitration shall be at Mumbai or Chennai.

    ME authorizes the Bank to create a Virtual Payment Address usable and tagged to their Kotak Account/Non Kotak Account on their behalf using their mobile number registered with the Bank. ME agrees to this UPI being used while transacting and making payments.

    ME authorizes the Bank to use existing KYC details, bank & financial details available to it to provide with new banking services as and when available.

    System generated TnC basis ME consent taken digitally, does not require additional signature of ME confirming the same. ME agrees to the applicability of same for the facility availed.

    ME understands and agrees that above Terms & Conditions are subject to change and such change by Bank will be made from time to time as new service is or existing modified.

  36. Notice Address: Unless Bank notify ME otherwise, ME to send notices to Bank at :

    Kotak Mahindra Bank
    Business Head - Merchant Acquiring Services
    4th Floor, 4th Zone
    Building no 21, Infinity IT Park,
    Malad East, Mumbai
    PIN 400097

    Notices to Merchant: ME agrees that Bank may notify ME in person, in writing or electronically, or through information provided on its website depending on the nature of the matter being notified. ME must notify the Bank prior to any change in its address.

EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) facility:

  1. The activation of EMI conversion facility shall be dependent on the approval from the respective issuer banks. Kotak Mahindra Bank is a mere facilitator in this arrangement and has no role to play in EMI conversion.
  2. The enablement of facility shall be done post payment of the respective fees as undersigned by the merchant, who is authorizing the Bank to debit the respective charges from merchant’s account.
  3. The merchant has the responsibility to maintain sufficient account balance in his respective account maintained with Bank for the payment of the one time and the recurring fees, failing which, Bank has the right to discontinue the services with a prior notice to the merchant.
  4. Any request, approval, demand, waiver or other notice hereunder shall be in writing and deemed to be given on the date on which it is delivered in hand, received via registered mail and addressed to the respective addresses of Parties set forth above unless such addresses are changed by written notice to the other.
  5. Bank reserves the right at all times to amend the terms and conditions hereof in writing (including procedures stated hereunder) without any prior intimation, which will become effective upon such amendment.
  6. All costs, charges, expenses, taxes, duties (including stamp duty) in relation to this facility and any document executed pursuant hereto and in relation to the enforcement of this facility shall be borne and paid by the Merchant alone. Bank shall debit these charges from the account maintained by the merchant with the Bank.
  7. Survival of Provisions: Not withstanding any other provision to the contrary herein, shall bind the merchant following termination of this facility.
  8. The Merchant shall not in any form or manner whatsoever use or allow the use of the Trade Marks, Service Marks, Domain Names or brand names of Bank or other card issuing banks unless expressly authorized by the Bank in written.
  9. Merchant understand and agree that it shall be liable and responsible for any kind of damage or loss to POS terminal and shall compensate the Bank upon occurrence of such loss and damage.
  10. Merchant understands and agrees that the Bank will collect and share the PAN number with the respective vendor in case merchant has opted for DC EMI facility.
  11. The settlement to the merchant for Debit Card EMI transactions will be done by the respective vendor in T+2 days after deducting applicable MSF/MDR charges.
  12. The respective vendor is liable for MPR (Merchant Payout Receipt) delivery, Settlement for Debit card EMI transactions and the Bank has no liability in case of cancellation of DC transaction by issuing bank/cardholder post settlement.

DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) facility:

  1. I/We acknowledge and accept that the Dynamic Currency Conversion (henceforth termed “DCC”) option can be selectively offered to cardholders as a valuable tool to make informed payment choice while traveling outside their respective home country, and that the DCC option will be only offered as a choice and not as the default selection.
  2. I/We agree & undertake to ensure that the Cardholder/s will be appropriately and suitably informed that DCC is an optional service, highlighting the choice of currencies that they get.
  3. I/We also undertake that we shall not use such language or procedures that will make paying in Indian Rupees difficult or improbable by the Cardholders, or otherwise cause Cardholders to choose DCC by default.
  4. I/We unequivocally agree and undertake to inform the Cardholder of the exchange rate used in DCC transaction/s.
  5. I/We agree & undertake to inform the Cardholder that the choice of currency decided between the Merchant and the Cardholder is Final and binding.
  6. I/We agree & undertake to inform and explain to the Cardholder that the DCC service is being provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank as Acquiring Bank.
  7. I/We understand and agree to that Kotak Bank will Charge certain % as MDR on international card (with DCC) for the DCC transactions done on the Kotak Bank POS terminal and certain % as MDR for international card transactions (without DCC) as mentioned on POS account opening form.
  8. I/We understand that the foreign currency (FX) rate for every transaction will appear on the terminal at the time of making payment by the cardholder. The Rate will be an approximate markup of ­­certain % on IBR Rate applicable on the day of the transaction as mentioned on POS Account Opening Form.
  9. I/We understand that Kotak Bank currently provides DCC service for following currencies. The list of currencies is subject to change from time to time.


Retail Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before enabling and accessing the Digital Rupee Service being offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank in partnership with “National Payments Corporation of India” and “Reserve Bank of India”.

These Terms & Conditions apply to and regulate the Digital Rupee Service (“facility”) offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank (“Bank”) to its Merchant/s more fully defined here under.

The Merchant acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the terms and conditions carefully before availing the facility and unconditionally accepts the same.

The Merchant acknowledges that he/she shall be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable to facility availed and accepts the onus of ensuring compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and RBI guidelines as amended / modified / applicable from time to time.

These terms and conditions govern Merchant’s use and access of Digital Rupee Services (defined hereinafter) for the purpose of accepting Digital Rupee Transaction through Digital Rupee Wallet services on the Digital Rupee­ QR. Merchant accessing and/or accepting the Digital Rupee Transaction through Digital Rupee QR indicates that Merchant has read, understood, accepted and agreed to be bound by these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions. ]

Use of the Digital Rupee Wallet is only available to a Merchant who is (a) competent to contract under the prevailing laws of India, (b) has an Account with Kotak Mahindra Bank; and consequently, has agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of use that are a prerequisite for installing the Digital Rupee QR at outlet, accessing and using the Digital Rupee service (referred to as “Digital Rupee wallet Terms and Conditions’). The Merchant agrees that the Digital Rupee wallet Terms and Conditions are applicable to Merchant in addition to other guidelines prescribed and updated by Reserve Bank of India, NPCI and/or Bank from time to time shall be applicable to each Digital Rupee Transaction.

  1. Definitions:

    In these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires or any terms are defined and used in parenthesis in these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, capitalised terms used in these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions.

    • Account” shall mean current account(s) held and maintained with Kotak Mahindra Bank, to be used for Digital Rupee Transaction.
    • “Customer”shall mean any person holding a savings/current account with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other bank and is using the Digital Rupee to undertake Digital Rupee Transaction. “Digital Rupee Services” shall mean the acceptance of payments by a Merchant through Digital Rupee QR issued and linked to Digital Rupee Wallet using Digital form of physical currency denomination issued by the Reserve Bank of India which is an electronic version of cash primarily meant for retail transactions. It would be potentially available for use by all private sector, non-financial consumers, and businesses.
    • “Digital Rupee Transaction”shall mean accepting payment, redeeming and transfer of Digital Rupee from customer wallet to the merchant wallet.
    • “Digital Rupee Wallet”shall mean the wallet set up during registration of service and which shall hold the Digital Rupee (s) received via a transfer by the Customer.
    • “Merchant/s” shall mean and include all offline, online and app based merchants who provide goods and services in exchange for payment done by customer through Digital Rupee and maintains a current account with Bank.
    • “Kotak Mahindra Bank” shall mean Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited a company incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 and a banking company under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered 27 BKC, C27, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051.
  2. Acceptance and Applicability of Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions:
    • These Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions are an electronic record, in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules framed thereunder, as applicable and amended from time to time. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.
    • The Merchant hereby acknowledges that the Merchant has read and understood these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions and agrees that the E-Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions in so far as it relates to the Merchant shall be binding on the Merchant with regard to every Digital Rupee Transaction accepted by the Merchant and the usage of the Digital Rupee service. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, all terms and conditions stipulated by Kotak Mahindra Bank in connection with the Accounts, Unified Payments Interface and any other payment solution/product shall continue to apply.
    • The Merchant acknowledges and agrees that the Bank may at its sole discretion add to, modify or amend the Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions from time to time and such changes shall be display on the website, but individual communication regarding such changes/modification/amendment to terms may not be sent to him.
    • The Merchant agrees that it shall be required to abide RBI such rules and regulations issued by such authorities related to payments and settlement systems in India, from time to time.
    • Merchant’s usage of the Digital Rupee service to accept Digital Rupee Transactions shall be construed as Merchant’s consent for receiving calls and messages including auto-dialled and/or pre-recorded messages, from NPCI, Bank or third party vendors authorised by NPCI at any time, on the telephone number / contact information that may be provided by the Merchant. Merchant hereby unconditionally consent that such communications via SMS and/ or voice call is (a) upon Merchant request and authorization, (b) ‘transactional’ and not an ‘unsolicited commercial communication’ as per the guidelines of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and (c) in compliance with the relevant guidelines of TRAI or such other authority in India and abroad.
  3. Merchant’s Account
    • In order to avail the Digital Rupee Wallet services and accept Digital Rupee Transactions through the Digital Rupee QR, Merchant shall provide the consent for enabling the Digital Rupee Wallet service to Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • On the consent of the Merchant, the Kotak Mahindra Bank will set up/configure the merchant’s Digital Rupee Wallet and allow Digital Rupee Transactions using Digital Rupee Services in accordance with the technological interface and functionalities provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank, RBI and/or NPCI from time to time. Merchant understands that Digital Rupee service can only be used if the Merchant has an Account with Kotak Mahindra Bank. Digital Rupee Services can be received from customers who hold Digital Rupee Wallet provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • Merchant shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of details associated with Digital Rupee Wallet Transactions,   Merchant agrees to notify NPCI and Kotak Mahindra Bank immediately about the suspicious/ unidentified / unauthorised transaction or any other breach of security related to Digital Rupee Transactions on Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, NPCI and Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to deny the enablement of Digital Rupee Wallet Services to any Merchant, suspend access to or terminate Merchant’s account or take any other necessary action at any time in its sole discretion and without any notice or liability to anyone.
  4. Terms and Scope Of Digital Rupee Wallet Services
    • The Merchant can accept Digital Rupee Transaction through Digital Rupee QR code subject to Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions.
    • The Merchant’s consent to avail Digital Rupee Services shall constitute  consent to Kotak Mahindra bank to  set up/configure Merchant’s Digital Rupee Wallet and allow transactions using Digital Rupee Services in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by Kotak Mahindra Bank, RBI and NPCI from time to time.
    • Only current account Merchants shall be eligible for Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • In case the Digital Rupee Wallet is inactive because of no transactions in Digital Rupee Wallet for a specific period of time Kotak Mahindra Bank shall have the right to terminate or suspend the Digital Rupee Wallet Services.
    • The Bank reserves the sole right to apply transaction limits to the Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • Kotak Mahindra bank reserves sole right(s) to redeem the Digital Rupee denomination token(s) available in merchant Digital Rupee wallet and to credit the proceeds in the merchant Account which is linked to the Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • No interest shall be paid on the fund balance available in the Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • Any refund or reversal of funds under a transaction will appear in your Digital Rupee Wallet account only.
    • By agreeing to the Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, Merchant understands that a Digital Rupee Wallet transaction may or may not be displayed in the official statement of Merchant’s Account due to technical considerations in enablement of Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • Any disputes pertaining to enablement, fund transfer between Merchant’s Digital Rupee Wallet and Merchant’s Account or disablement of Digital Rupee Wallet Services shall be referred to and handled by Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    • Merchant further understands that the Digital Rupee denomination Token is a ‘bearer instrument’ and that whoever owns the Digital Rupee Token at a given point in time, such Digital Rupee would be assumed to be owned by them.
  5. Merchant Covenants and Obligations:
    • Merchant shall keep Kotak Mahindra Bank harmless and indemnified at all times against any consequence and risk that may arise due to USE OF Digital Rupee Wallet and Transaction undertaken by the Merchant through Digital Rupee QR.
    • The Merchant further agrees and acknowledge that:
      1. NPCI and Kotak Mahindra Bank are only a facilitator of the Digital Rupee Transaction accepted by the Merchant and shall not be responsible for any transaction accepted basis the instructions and information provided by the Merchant.
      2. Kotak Mahindra Bank and NPCI will not be responsible for the products, services or any other transaction in respect of which Digital Rupee Transaction is used to receive payments and the Merchant shall not have any claim against NPCI and/or Kotak Mahindra Bank in this regard.
      3. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be liable and responsible for any refund, chargeback or other disputes between the Customer and the merchant and/or their respective banks arising out of use of Digital Rupee Transaction.
      4. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be liable to share any data with any entity in case of a dispute or claim.
    • The Digital Rupee Wallet services and Digital Rupee Transaction shall be subject to the applicable guidelines, circulars issued by the Reserve Bank of India and/or NPCI as may be amended from time to time.
    • The Merchant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the particulars given in the instruction and shall be liable to compensate Kotak Mahindra Bank for any loss arising on account of any error or, negligence in the instruction.
    • The Merchant authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to fetch the Merchant’s Account details for the purposes of creation of the Digital Rupee Wallet and to link the Account to the Digital Rupee Wallet and further authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to debit/credit Merchant’s Account(s) and/or the Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • The Merchant hereby authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to debit the Account(s) and/or Digital Rupee Wallet of the Merchant for any liability incurred by Kotak Mahindra Bank on behalf of the merchant for execution of the instruction issued by the Merchant.
    • The Merchant shall provide correct and accurate details to enable the Digital Rupee service in the format prescribed by Kotak Mahindra Bank.
  6. Prohibited Uses
    • The Merchant agrees and undertakes to use the Digital Rupee Wallet only for genuine and legitimate transactions and shall not use the same for any illegal transactions / activities including sale or purchase of banned products. Kotak Mahindra Bank and NPCI shall not be responsible for reviewing or checking into the compliance by the Merchant of these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions. Kotak Mahindra Bank and NPCI reserve the right to suspend or terminate your use of Digital Rupee Wallet if it suspects, at its sole discretion, that the Merchant is using Digital Rupee Wallet for any illegitimate or fraudulent purposes. Further Kotak Mahindra Bank may at its discretion debit the Account of the Merchant if any penalty or charge is levied on Kotak Mahindra Bank or if any loss or damage is caused to Kotak Mahindra Bank due to any act or omission of the Merchant.

      Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to hold or reject the Digital Rupee Transaction if it believes it to be suspicious, fraudulent or unusual and report the Digital Rupee Transaction, Digital Rupee Wallet details and Account(s) details to legal enforcement agencies or other regulatory authorities as applicable or notified by law.

    • Merchant agrees not to use Digital Rupee Wallet:
      • In a manner that violates any local, state, national, foreign, or international statute, regulation, rule, order, treaty or other law (each a “Law”);.
      • To impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;.
      • To upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;.
      • To reverse engineer, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the Digital Rupee Wallet; or.
      • To interfere with or disrupt the Digital Rupee Wallet or servers or networks connected to the Digital Rupee Wallet.
    • Merchant further agrees not to:
      • Use any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering or extraction methods in connection with Digital Rupee Wallet;.
      • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion of Digital Rupee Wallet services or any other accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to Digital Rupee Wallet, whether through hacking, password mining, or any other means.
  7. Modifications To Platform

    Kotak Mahindra Bank and NPCI reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue Digital Rupee Wallet and associated services at any time without prior notice to Merchant.

  8. Ownership And Intellectual Property Rights

    Unless otherwise provided in the Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, Kotak Mahindra Bank expressly reserves all intellectual property rights in Digital Rupee Wallet, including the Digital Rupee Wallet interface and any associated services, text, photographs, images, illustrations, designs, icons, programs, video clips, products, processes, technology, content and any other materials, which form a part of Digital Rupee Wallet. Access to Digital Rupee Wallet interface or the Digital Rupee Application in general does not confer and shall not be considered as conferring upon anyone any license under Kotak Mahindra Bank or any third party's intellectual property rights. All rights, including copyright, in Digital Rupee Wallet are owned by or licensed to Kotak Mahindra Bank. Any use of Digital Rupee Wallet services or contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the permission of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

  9. Indemnification

    The Merchant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Kotak Mahindra Bank from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that Kotak Mahindra Bank may incur as a result of or arising from Merchant or anyone using  or availing the Digital Rupee Services including but not limited to:

    • Breach or violation of these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions (including without limitation or representation, warranties and or covenant); or.
    • Misrepresentation with respect to Merchant’s information; or
    • Any Loss arising out of Merchant’s breach/violation of any applicable laws, regulations including but not limited to intellectual property rights, payment of statutory dues and taxes, fraudulent transactions or other rights.
    • Any fraud, error, inadequate financial capacity to fulfil obligations; or.
    • Any legal risks including but not limited to exposure to fines, penalties, or punitive damages resulting from supervisory actions, as well as private settlements due to omissions and commissions of Merchant; or.
    • Against any losses which may be suffered or incurred by the NPCI or RBI and that the NPCI or RBI compels Kotak Mahindra Bank to pay, and which must arise out of or in connection with such events that are directly or indirectly caused by the acts or omissions of the Merchants.

      This clause shall survive the expiry or termination of these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions.

  10. Termination

    The Merchant may request for termination of the Digital Rupee service by contacting Kotak Mahindra Bank. The Merchant will remain responsible for all the Digital Rupee Transaction made through the Digital Rupee Services even after such termination and said liability shall survive termination of the services. Kotak Mahindra Bank may suspend or terminate the provision of the Digital Rupee service to the Merchant at any time without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

    Upon termination for any reason, all rights granted by Kotak Mahindra Bank with respect to Digital Rupee Wallet shall immediately cease and the merchant agrees to cease the use of Digital Rupee services immediately upon termination.

  11. Disclaimers
    • The digital rupee wallet services and interface are provided "as is", "with all faults" and “as available” basis and the entire risk as to the quality and performance of digital rupee wallet services are with you. Kotak Mahindra bank expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, with respect to the digital rupee wallet services (including, but not limited to, any implied or statutory warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, and non-infringement of intellectual property rights). without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Kotak Mahindra bank makes no warranty that the digital rupee wallet services will meet merchant’s requirements or that the access to digital rupee wallet services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free or that defects in digital e-rupee wallet services will be corrected. Kotak Mahindra bank makes no warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of digital rupee wallet services or as to the accuracy, quality or reliability of any data, instructions, information and advice obtained through digital rupee wallet services. no advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the merchant through the use of the digital rupee wallet services or from kotak Mahindra bank, its parents, subsidiaries, or other service providers (or the respective officers, directors, employees, or agents of any such entities) (collectively, "kotak parties’) shall create any warranty. Kotak Mahindra bank disclaims all equitable indemnities.
    • Kotak Mahindra bank shall not be liable for any loss, claim or damage suffered by the merchant and/ or any other third party arising out of or resulting from failure of any transaction initiated via digital rupee wallet, on time out transaction i.e. where no response is received from Kotak Mahindra bank or any other bank to the transaction request. Kotak Mahindra bank shall also not be liable for any loss, damage and/or claim arising out of or resulting from wrong beneficiary details, mobile number and/or account details being provided by the merchant.
    • Kotak Mahindra bank shall not be liable for delays or inabilities in performance or non-performance in whole or in part of Kotak Mahindra bank’s and or associated bank's obligations due to any causes that are not due to its acts or omissions and are beyond its reasonable control, such as acts of god, fire, strikes, embargo, acts of government, acts of terrorism, climatic conditions, labour unrest, insolvency, business exigencies, government decisions, change of laws, operational and technical issues, route issues, acts of third parties or other similar causes and problems.
    • Kotak Mahindra bank shall not be liable and shall in no way be held responsible for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental or consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, interruption of business, transaction carried out by the merchant and processed by Kotak Mahindra bank information provided or disclosed by Kotak Mahindra bank regarding merchant’s account(s) or  digital rupee wallet or any loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the merchant or by any other person. while Kotak Mahindra bank shall endeavour to promptly execute and process the digital rupee  transactions as proposed to be made by the merchant, Kotak Mahindra bank shall not be responsible for any non-response or delay in responding due to any reason whatsoever, including due to failure of operational systems or any requirement of law. All the records of Kotak Mahindra bank in relation to the digital rupee transaction arising out of the use of the digital rupee wallet, including the time the transaction is recorded shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and accuracy of the digital rupee transaction.
  12. Limitation Of Liability
    • In no event will Kotak Mahindra Bank be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of revenues, lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data, cost of procurement of substitute services, business interruption, or other intangible losses), arising out of or in connection with the Digital Rupee wallet services (including, without limitation, use, inability to use, or the results of use of  wallet, unauthorized access to or alteration of Digital Rupee wallet, the statements or conduct of any third party in relation to Digital Rupee wallet (including third party vendors), or any other matter relating to Digital Rupee  wallet), whether such damages are based on warranty, contract, tort, statute, or any other legal theory and even if Kotak Mahindra Bank has been advised (or should have known) of the possibility of such damages.
    • Subject to applicable law, use of Digital Rupee wallet services is at the sole risk of the Merchant. The services made available on Digital Rupee wallet are subject to conditions imposed by Kotak mahindra Bank, including but not limited to tariffs and government regulations.
  13. Governing Law And Jurisdiction

    These Digital Rupee wallet Terms and Conditions and the relationship between the Merchant and Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited shall be governed by the laws of India. The Courts at Mumbai, Maharashtra shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any proceedings arising out of the use of Digital Rupee Wallet, the Rupee Application, these Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions. Kotak Mahindra Bank may, however, in its absolute discretion commence any legal action or proceedings arising out of these Digital Rupee Wallet and Conditions in any other court, tribunal or other appropriate forum, and the Merchant hereby consents to that jurisdiction.

  14. General

    These Digital Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions and any other additional terms to which the Merchant agrees when using particular elements of the DIGITAL Rupee Services, constitute the entire and exclusive and final statement of the agreement between the Merchant and Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding any prior agreements or negotiations between the Merchant and Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited with respect to such subject matter. Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited shall neither be liable to the other nor shall be in default if, and to the extent that, the performance or delay in performance of any of its obligations under these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions is prevented, restricted, delayed or interfered with due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Kotak Mahindra Bank or any force majeure event. The failure of Kotak Mahindra Bank to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any provision of these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of prohibition or unenforceability but shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions or affect such provision in any other jurisdiction. The Clause titles in these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. These DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination of Merchant’s use of the DIGITAL Rupee Wallet. These DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions will be interpreted without application of any strict construction in favour of or against Merchant or Kotak Mahindra Bank. These DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by the Merchant, but may be assigned by Kotak Mahindra Bank without restriction. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future on the deposits held in the Account(s) of Merchant to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the Digital Rupee Transaction. In the event of any attachment/recovery order received from statutory authority (ies)/court in respect of the Account(s) of the Merchant, the Digital Rupee Wallet of the Merchant shall also be attached besides attaching the Account(s) of the Merchant in compliance of the orders received and Kotak Mahindra Bank shall be no way liable for the same.

  15. Modifications To These Terms And Conditions

    Kotak Mahindra Bank may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions from time to time. Kotak Mahindra Bank may post such modified DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions on the DIGITAL Rupee Wallet. If Merchant objects to any such changes, Merchant’s sole recourse shall be to cease using the Digital Rupee Wallet functionality and the all related DIGITAL Rupee Wallet services. Merchant’s continued use of Digital Rupee Wallet following notice of any such changes shall indicate Merchant’s acceptance and acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the modified terms and conditions. Certain provisions of these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions may be superseded by expressly-designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages of the DIGITAL Rupee Wallet and, in such circumstances, the expressly-designated legal notice or term shall be deemed to be incorporated into these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet Terms and Conditions and to supersede the provision(s) of these DIGITAL Rupee Wallet that are designated as being superseded.

  16. Grievance Redressal

    For grievances in relation to Digital Rupee Transaction, the Merchant can raise a dispute by calling Kotak Mahindra Bank Customer care at Toll Free No - 1860 266 2666. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall make best efforts to resolve the grievances and provide appropriate response in the event the grievance is attributable to a default by Kotak Mahindra Bank.


The terms and conditions shall be applicable to all Clients availing Cash Management Services from Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here


To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here


To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here


To read the detailed terms and conditions, please click here

BHIM UPI (Unified Payment Interface)

BHIM UPI is a mode of fund transfer payment in 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application offered to customers and non-customers ("customer/User/s") by Kotak Mahindra Bank ("Bank") which facilitates to send & receive money. By using 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application customer/User hereby agrees to the terms & conditions which forms the contract between the customer/User and Bank for availing such facility. These terms and conditions form the contract between the Customer/User and the Kotak Mahindra Bank and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of other terms and conditions of any account or any other facility/services offered by the Bank and/or such other terms and conditions as may be specified by the Bank.


The following words and phrases shall have the meanings set out herein below in this document unless repugnant to the context:

"Application" or "Mobile Payment Application" refers to  '811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application’ mobile application by Kotak Mahindra Bank which can be downloaded from Google Play store for Android and iOS  mobile operating systems to avail products and services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank through this mobile application.

"Account(s)" shall mean an operative bank account maintained by the User with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Account which User provide at the time of authentication process of Application, for availing the facility which is being offered.

"Account Holder" shall mean a User holding an Account, excluding Non-Resident Indians, Corporate Account Holders and Foreign Account Holders.

"Bank" and "Kotak Mahindra Bank" shall mean Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and licensed as a bank under Banking Regulation Act, 1949 having its registered office at 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400051. 

"Debit Card" shall means and includes the debit card issued to the User in respect of an operative bank account maintained by the User with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Account.

"Facility" shall mean 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank to facilitate User to send or receive money via UPI platform, through said Mobile Payment Application.

"Issuing Bank" shall mean member banks participating in UPI network to identify the bank account basis Mobile No in case of customer is registering through any PSP App.

"Mobile Phone Number" shall mean the mobile number of the User used during registration for Mobile/ SMS Banking via secured channel with Kotak Mahindra Bank or for the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application, for the purpose of availing the facility. 

"UPI" shall mean unified payments interface is a service provided by NPCI that allows transfer of money using a Virtual Payment Address that is mapped to an account of the User after complete validation. 

"NPCI" shall mean National Payment Corporation of India. The funds transfer feature (send and collect) is provided using UPI service of NPCI. 

"Virtual Payment Address (VPA)" shall mean an identifier that can be uniquely mapped to an individual account using a translation service.

"Mobile Phone" shall mean a valid SIM card enabled smartphone (running on Android and iOS operating system), which is owned by the User.

"Personal information" shall mean any information about the User provided by the User to and obtained by Kotak Mahindra Bank in relation to the facility.

"Services" shall mean all the products and services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application.

"Transaction" shall mean the fund transfer service to send or receive money; offered under the said facility on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application; "User" shall mean an Account Holder of Kotak Mahindra Bank as well as any other person (not necessary having any relationship with Bank) who has downloaded the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application and who is eligible for availing fund transfer facility to send or receive money offered thereunder.

"User" shall mean and includes the existing Customer of Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank Customer who has downloaded the Application.

For the purposes of this document all reference to the User in masculine gender shall be deemed to include feminine gender also.

Eligibility and Usage: 

This facility shall be available to the Users in India, subject to the condition that he downloads the Application, successfully installs it and thereafter authenticate himself with the applicable credentials and sets his MPIN "eligibility criteria". 

The User should have his/her Mobile Phone Number registered with his/her Bank for SMS/Mobile Banking and should have existing relationship with his/her Bank for availing this Facility and services thereunder, using this Mobile Payment Application. 

This facility shall be made available only to the Users satisfying the eligibility criteria and shall be provided at the sole discretion of Kotak Mahindra Bank and may be discontinued/suspended/withdrawn by Kotak Mahindra Bank at any time, with or without prior intimation to the Users.

The User understands, accepts and agree that any other condition that is a pre-requisite to access and avail the benefits under the facility, including, but not limited to a Mobile Phone, Data Connection, etc. will be the sole responsibility of the User.


The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to access his Account and the Personal details registered while authentication of Application for availing the service including effecting Banking or other transactions of the user through the facility. 

The User expressly authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to disclose to the service provider or any other third party, all user information in its possession, as may be required by them to provide the services offered under the said facility to the User. 

The authority to record the User’s details and transaction details is hereby expressly granted by the User to Kotak Mahindra Bank. All records generated by the transactions arising out of use of the facility, including the time of the transaction, beneficiary details, etc.; recorded shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and accuracy of the transactions. 

The User authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to send any message or make calls to his mobile phone Number or display banners or any other communication on 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application to inform him about any promotional offers including information regarding Banks' new products either now available or which Kotak Mahindra Bank may come up with in the future, greetings, banners or any other promotional massages or any other message that Kotak Mahindra Bank may consider appropriate to the User. 

The User irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that such calls or messages made by the Kotak Mahindra Bank and/or its Agents shall not be construed as a breach of the privacy of the User and shall not be proceeded against accordingly. 

The User authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to send any rejection message or to reject any transaction/request, if it finds that the request sent by the User is not as per the requirements stipulated by Kotak Mahindra Bank for availing the facility. 

Kotak Mahindra Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the User’s information is kept confidential. 

The User expressly authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to carry out all request(s) or transaction(s) for and/or at the request of the User as are available to the User through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application without the Bank having to verify the authenticity of any request or transaction purporting to have been received from the User through Application. 

Kotak Mahindra Bank shall have the option to introduce any new services through this facility at any time in future and the User shall be deemed to have expressly authorized Kotak Mahindra Bank to register the User for such new services.

Liabilities and Responsibilities of the User:

  • The User shall be responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of any information/instructions provided by the user for availing the facility.
  • The USER shall be solely responsible for fund transfer through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application to the correct Beneficiary/ Virtual Payment Address.
  • The USER shall also be responsible to comply with the applicable Anti-Money Laundering (AML) norms governing such funds transfers as stipulated by Reserve Bank of India ("RBI"), from time to time.
  • The USER shall be liable and responsible in case of any discrepancy found in the information/details provided by him for availing fund transfer service offered through the Application.
  • If, the USER suspects that, there is an error in the information supplied to Kotak Mahindra Bank, he shall inform the Bank immediately. Kotak Mahindra Bank will endeavour to correct the error promptly wherever possible on a best effort basis.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be held liable for any loss suffered by the User due to disclosure of the Personal information to any service provider or third party by the Bank, for reasons including but not limited to participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network, in compliance with any legal or regulatory directives, for statistical analysis or for credit rating or for any legal or regulatory compliance.
  • The User shall be solely responsible for protecting his Mobile Phone and MPIN for the use of the said facility.
  • The User shall be liable to the Bank for any kind of unauthorized or unlawful use of any of the above mentioned MPIN/passwords or of the said Application or any fraudulent or erroneous instruction given and any financial charges thus incurred shall be payable by the User only.
  • The User accepts that for the purposes of the said facility any transaction emanating from the Mobile Phone Number registered by User shall be assumed to have initiated by the User at his sole discretion.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the User to request the Bank, to suspend the said facility due to change of his registered Mobile Phone Number or if his Mobile Phone has been lost or has been allotted to some other person. The User shall also be obliged to inform the Bank, if any, unauthorized transaction in his account, of which he has knowledge.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the User to update him with regard to any information relating to the services as Kotak Mahindra Bank may decide to provide certain other additional services under the said facility. Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be responsible for any disregard on the part of the User.
  • The User shall be liable for all loss if he/she has breached the Terms and conditions contained herein and other applicable terms & conditions or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions or a failure on his part to advise Kotak Mahindra Bank within a reasonable time about any unauthorized access made on his behalf in the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application.
  • The User shall agree that by use of this facility, he shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to all the above terms and conditions and such terms and conditions shall be binding on me/us in the same manner as if he has agreed to the same in writing.


Terms of Service: 

These terms & conditions are in addition to the general terms & conditions of any account or any other facility provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank to its Customers.

  • This facility is available only to the User having a bank account with any bank in India providing Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), Unified Payment Interface (UPI), including the fund transfer service.
  • User shall register him for using the Application in such manner and through such modes as may be specified and made available by Kotak Mahindra Bank from time to time for availing and using the facility.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves right to charge the User for the services offered under the said facility. User agrees that charges, if any, for the facility offered by the Bank will be at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank is at the liberty to withdraw/modify/vary the same from time to time, without giving any notice to me/us.
  • This facility will be provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank at the request of the User to enable them to Send or receive the funds through Application to the accounts/Virtual Payment Addresses added in the application based on the instructions received from User.
  • The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes Kotak Mahindra Bank to debit or Credit his account/s with the Bank registered for availing the facility.
  • For the purpose of availing this facility, User shall take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized and illegal use of Application and services offered through the facility.
  • The User will be required to register his details including bank account details after downloading the Application to Send and receive the funds through said facility and all linked bank account will also be reflected in BHIM Kotakpay (with same VPA).
  • The User shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of MPIN/ OTP/Code/password and for all the consequences which may arise due to use or misuse of such MPIN/OTP/Passcode/password.
  • The User shall be responsible and liable for any and all the fund transferred to beneficiaries at their request or received by using the Application.
  • The User shall be liable for all loss caused due to negligent actions or a failure on his part to immediately notify Kotak Mahindra Bank within a reasonable time, about any unauthorized use/access made on his behalf in the Application or misuse of MPIN/ OTP/Passcode/password or any other breach of security regarding the facility, of which he has knowledge.
  • The User irrevocably and unconditionally authorise Kotak Mahindra Bank to access all the necessary information for effecting transactions executed by him under the facility and to share his necessary information with any third parties for the purpose of accepting/ executing such requests.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank may keep records of the transactions in any form it wishes. In the event of any dispute, Bank's records shall be binding as the conclusive evidence of the transactions carried out through the said Application.
  • The User shall not to use/access the Application and/or services offered through the same in any manner other than as authorized by Kotak Mahindra Bank. In case the User uses the Application for any purpose which is illegal, improper or which is not authorised under these terms /other specified terms & conditions then Kotak Mahindra Bank has a right to take all reasonable measures in order to prevent such unauthorised access by the User.
  • The User confirms that, any instructions given by him shall be effected only after validation of authentic MPIN/ OTP/Passcode/Password used by him for availing such facility.
  • The User agrees and confirms that, once the transaction is materialized, any stop payment instructions given by him cannot be accepted and acted upon by Kotak Mahindra Bank.
  • The User shall while utilizing the facility ensure that :
    a) He has authority to access and avail the services obtained and shall duly comply with the applicable laws and regulations prevailing in India.
    b) He shall provide Kotak Mahindra Bank with such information and/or assistance as is required by Kotak Mahindra Bank for the performance of the service anD /or any other obligations of Kotak Mahindra Bank under this facility.
     c) He shall be responsible for providing the accurate and authentic information/instructions to Kotak Mahindra Bank for availing such facility.
     d) he shall not at any time provide to any person, with any details of accounts held by him with Kotak Mahindra Bank or any other Bank including the passwords, account number which are allotted, from time to time. 
  • The User acknowledges that, the services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility shall be availed by him at his own risk and these risks shall include the following risks:
    a) Any technical error, failure, glitch, network failure, legal restraints and other reasons which is beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank and for which Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not hold in any manner
    b) Any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred/suffered by User, for the reason that the information provided by him turns out to be wrong/incorrect/inaccurate, for which Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be held responsible.
    c) For the performance of any service provider/other third party/entity involved in the process; and for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by User for any error, defect, failure or interruption of the service or consequences arising out of delayed fund transfer.
    d) any loss of damage arising or resulting from delay in transmission delivery or no delivery of online/electronic instructions or any mistake, omission or error in transmission or delivery thereof or in decrypting the instructions from any cause whatsoever or from its misinterpretation received or any act or even beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    e) The technology for enabling the transfer of funds and the other services offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank under the said facility over the 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, program or macro. It may be possible that the said Application/ server of Kotak Mahindra Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request/transaction of the Users. This could result in delays in the processing of instructions or failure in the processing of instructions and other such failures and inability. User understand that Kotak Mahindra Bank disclaims all and any liability, whether direct or indirect, whether arising out of loss or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honour any User instruction for whatsoever reason.
    f) The User shall be entering all his sensitive information including such as account details, debit card details, OTP or MPIN and any personal information in NPCI library for authorizing any transaction initiated by the User and the final authorisation of any such transaction which will be done by the Issuing bank only after confirmation received from the Issuing bank from the User. User agrees and confirms that, he shall be alone responsible for use/disclosure of his details as mentioned herein, for initiating/authorizing any transaction through 811/ Kotak Mobile Banking Application via NPCI and the Issuing bank and shall keep Kotak Mahindra Bank indemnified, harmless and absolved from any liability in this regard including from any loss, cost, penalty, charges, including legal fees/charge, etc; which may cause to Kotak Mahindra Bank due to use/disclosure of User’s details mentioned herein by User, over NPCI Library and to the Issuing bank for seeking their confirmations, in respect of any transaction initiated/authorized by the User. Therefore, the User shall be solely liable and responsible, in such case if any loss, cost, penalty, charges, including legal fees/charge, etc; incurred to the User, in any manner whatsoever in this regard.
  • The User agree that Kotak Mahindra Bank shall assume no responsibility in respect of:
    a) Transactions carried out under the service in good faith relying on User’s instructions and information provided.
    b) Not carrying out transactions where Kotak Mahindra Bank has reason to believe in its sole discretion that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague or doubtful.
    c) For any loss or damage incurred or suffered by User for any error, defect, failure or interruption of the service or consequences arising out of delayed transfer/remittance and for any reason which is beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    d) User acknowledge and agree that Kotak Mahindra Bank remains a mere facilitator for this service and that Kotak Mahindra Bank does not warrant or claim any responsibility for this facility nor does Kotak Mahindra Bank endorse any such service and/or its standing or reputation whatsoever and Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not liable for any deficient or bad services in any manner whatsoever and for any loss, whatsoever that User may suffer. The risk in this regard is entirely on the User.
    e) Unauthorized access of any third party to the information/instructions given by user to third party using said facility.
    f) For any direct, indirect or consequential damages occurred to User while availing this facility, arising out of any error in the facility and which are beyond control of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
    g) When Kotak Mahindra Bank acted in good faith.
    h) Any loss, damage, liability caused or suffered by User due to disclosure of all information of confidential nature
  • in respect of UPI System, as the connectivity to UPI System is extended to the Kotak Mahindra Bank only and any/all secure credentials that are required to process the transaction shall be provided by the User which will be captured and encrypted as per the construct and requirement of UPI only, by NPCI. Therefore, the secure mechanism or interface will be extended by NPCI through UPI system to Kotak Mahindra Bank including but not limited to secured credentials or sensitive information such as User’s MPIN, Account details, Debit card Number, Expiry date, OTP, etc. in encrypted manner. User agree that, charges if any for the facility offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank will be at the sole discretion of Kotak Mahindra Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank is at the liberty to withdraw/modify/vary the same from time to time, without giving any notice to me/us.
  • The Bank at its sole discretion reserves the exclusive right to block, temporarily or permanently, virtual payment address (es) of the User, if it identifies that the user-name or words used in the virtual payment address (es), as misleading, offensive, prohibited, promotional or brand-names, trademark or copyright pertaining to any third party, with or without prior intimation to the User, for which the Bank shall not be held liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever.
  • The User agree that, if his bank account is closed/ blocked pursuant using the facility, for any reason whatsoever, user shall settle the issue directly with his Bank and shall not hold Kotak Mahindra Bank any way responsible for the same.
  • The User shall remain responsible for any and all the transactions made through the facility. Kotak Mahindra Bank may withdraw or terminate the facility anytime or in case of breach of terms by me/us without a prior notice; or if Kotak Mahindra Bank learns of demise, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the User or for any reason whatsoever.
  • The User agree that, User is not entitled to consolidate amounts available in his different bank accounts maintained with his bank(s) for making payments using said Application. Therefore, at one given point of time User is entitled to use funds available in particular bank account which he has chosen for making payment using the said Application.
  • The Bank may at any time add/modify/vary these terms and conditions from time to time, without giving any notice to the User and the same shall be binding on the User.
  • The User agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Kotak Mahindra Bank and its directors, officers, owners, agents, co-branders or other partners, employees, information providers, licensors, licensees, consultants, contractors and other applicable third parties (collectively "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, debt or liability, including reasonable attorney's fees, and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties arising out of, related to, or which may arise from :
    a) any breach or non-compliance by User of any term of these Terms of Service or any other additional terms & conditions and policies of Kotak Mahindra Bank;
    b) any dispute or litigation caused by Users actions or omissions;
    c) any negligence or violation or alleged violation of any law or rights of a third party by the User.

Kotak Mahindra Bank may provide the any services through this Application, directly or through its associates or contracted service providers on its behalf.

Limitations on transactions:

There will be transaction limits as mandated by NPCI from time to time and also subject to limits as may be prescribed from time to time by other banks where the user holds a bank account and have linked the said Bank account in the Application.  

Banking Services on WhatsApp

These T&C are applicable to the subscriber/User of Kotak Mahindra Banking services on WhatsApp (defined hereinafter) and shall be deemed to include any subsequent changes/amendments/ modifications thereto from time to time by the Bank (“Terms and Conditions”).

In these Terms, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context thereof, the words and expressions listed below shall have the following meanings;


“Account” means any account of the User opened with the Bank including the savings and/or current account and/or fixed deposit and/or loan account and/or cards or any other type of account.

“Approved Third Party Channel” means any digital/electronic channel, which:

  • is provided by a party other than the Bank to the Subscriber/User;
  • is designed to deliver application services (Apps) to subscribers/Users of such Apps, and
  • has been made available by the Bank as a means for Subscribers/Users to communicate with the Bank regarding their Accounts.

“Account Related Services” means the services related to the Account of the Bank’s Customer such as general enquiry, account balance, statement request, etc., which may be made available by the Bank, from time to time.

"Bank" means Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited;

“Banks Number” is the phone number of the Bank, registered with WhatsApp for the purposes of providing Banking Services herein.

“Customer” shall mean any person holding any Account including the savings and/or current account and/or fixed deposit and/or loan account and/or cards or any other type of account.

“Customer’s Registered Mobile Number” is the mobile number which the Customer has registered with the Bank for receiving communication. 

"Device" means computer terminals, personal computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phone, smart phones, virtual assistants, smart home devices (including without limitation Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit), wearable devices (including without limitation watches, fitness trackers), connected car system devices and any other devices that may be connected to the internet which enable provision of the WhatsApp Banking Services by the Bank to the Subscriber/User;

“Push service messages” means the messages for the service provided by the Bank to the subscriber/User on WhatsApp where the Bank sends the messages through the Banks Number in the nature of transaction alerts, important information, alerts, updates, etc. in relation to the Customer’s account and such other communications as the Bank may enable from time to time.

“Privacy Policy” means Kotak Mahindra Bank’s privacy policy;

 “Pull service messages” means the messages for the service provided by the Bank to the Subscriber/Users on WhatsApp where the Subscriber /User communicates with the Bank by sending messages in the form of requests, enquires, information seeking, queries etc. to the Bank and in reply the Bank responds, but limited only to the requests, enquires, information seeking, queries, question asked by the customer.

“Service(s)” shall mean the Push and Pull services provided by the Bank by itself or through any of its service providers, to a Subscriber/User on WhatsApp.

“Subscriber/User” means a Customer of the Bank to whom the Services are provided by the Bank through WhatsApp.

“subscriber/User Information” refers to the personal data or information or such other data or information including any sensitive personal data in relation to the User such as information in relation to the account balance of the User, shared by the User or provided to the User by the Bank or collected or obtained from the User or from WhatsApp or from any such source in the course of the User availing the Services hereunder.

“WhatsApp” is the application provided by WhatsApp Inc.,1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025.

Reference to the masculine gender includes reference to the feminine, neuter and vice versa.


It is a condition precedent for the use of WhatsApp/ Digital Banking Service that the Subscriber/User maintains an Account with the Bank. In the event where the Account relationship is terminated for any reason or in the event of any breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Bank shall be entitled to cancel WhatsApp/Digital Banking Service without any notice. The Subscriber/User agrees and confirms that he/she shall use the Services only if he/she fulfills the eligibility as given below and shall otherwise not use the Services: (i) The User is an individual; (ii) The Subscriber/User is a major; (iii) The User is of sound mind, solvent and competent to contract; (iv) The Subscriber/User is a resident of India and present in India while utilizing the services.


The Subscriber/User agrees and accepts that the Bank has the right to provide or to withdraw any or all of the services, facilities under the Digital Banking Service/WhatsApp, without assigning any reason, at the sole discretion of the Bank.

The Subscriber /User agrees that he shall not hold the Bank responsible for not replying to the questions / information sought by the Subscriber/User or not providing a response to the satisfaction of the Subscriber/User or not processing any request of the Subscriber/User, in case such a message sent by the User in case the Bank does not receive an instruction to this effect in its systems or the message sent by the User is not in the required format provided by the Bank or does not fall under the Services being offered by the Bank at the time or the Bank does not receive such a message for technical reasons or otherwise or for any reason whatsoever. In case the Bank permits any Service in the nature of a transaction, the User agrees that such a Service shall be subject to statutory/ regulatory limits and/or any limits that may be imposed by the Bank, from time to time.


For availing the Push service messages or Pull service messages, the Subscriber/User shall be deemed to have read and accepted the Privacy Policy of the Bank applicable to the Subscriber /User for availing the Services mentioned herein. The Bank at its discretion may modify the process for authentication, registration and/or verification of the subscriber/User, for Push and/or Pull services. Provided however that the Bank shall not be required to authenticate the Customer or User, if any request for the Services comes on WhatsApp to the Banks Number, and in case of a Customer, if the 3 number reflected in the requestor’s mobile is a Customer’s Registered Number, the Bank shall be entitled to presume that it is the Customer itself which is interacting through WhatsApp and in case of any other User the Bank shall be entitled to presume that the number reflected in the WhatsApp profile is the User’s number and it is the User itself and not any other person who is interacting with the Banks Number, unless otherwise communicated by the customer in writing to the Bank. 

The Subscriber/User may request for de-registration/ unsubscription of the Services any time. which may take such time to come in effect. The Subscriber /User agrees that  at all times he/she will remain responsible for any requests made/ messages sent to the Bank using the Services prior to the time such cancellation of the Services is effected by the Bank. The Bank will be at liberty to discontinue/ suspend/ terminate the Subscriber/User’s use of the Services at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever. Further incase of any breach of the terms and conditions the Bank will discontinue or suspend or terminate Services/ facilities without prior notice.


The Subscriber/User hereby accepts, agrees and confirms that all Services and communications (both Push and Pull service) on WhatsApp, either by the Bank or the Subscriber/User, will be governed by and subject to these Terms and Conditions. The Subscriber /User hereby grants express authority to the Bank for carrying out the Services requested by the Subscriber/User on WhatsApp on its Bank Number. The Bank shall have no obligation to authenticate the User or to verify the identity of any User once the registration for Push or Pull service is made or once it receives any request/ communication to its Bank Number from any WhatsApp Subscriber/User through WhatsApp. The Bank's own record or logs of activities maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be accepted as conclusive and binding for all purposes.


The Subscriber/User undertakes not to disclose any password, authentication code and/or identification code relating to his/her Accounts and/or its use of the Digital Banking Service/WhatsApp to any other person. In the event of any such information becoming known to someone other than the Subscriber/User, that person may be treated by the Bank as an agent of the Subscriber and the Subscriber undertakes to indemnify the Bank against all loss or damage which may occur as a result of that agent's use of the relevant information. The Subscriber/User agrees to treat the access rights, documentation or any other information related to the Digital Banking Service/WhatsApp as strictly private and confidential at all times and shall not copy or reproduce any of the foregoing in any form whether in whole or in part or allow access to any other party without the Bank's prior consent in writing. The Subscriber/User undertakes not to share any Devices which are used to access the Digital Banking Service/WhatsApp with any third party and to use passwords to protect against the unauthorized use of such Devices where possible. The Subscriber undertakes to indemnify the Bank against all loss or damage which may occur as a result of allowing any third party to access a Device which is able to connect to the Digital Banking Service. The Subscriber acknowledges that there is a risk that they may be overheard by an unauthorized third party in the course of the Subscriber using a smart home device and that the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Subscriber caused as a result.

7. Essential Terms:

The Subscriber/User irrevocably agrees and accepts that the Services provided to him are subject to applicable law and the rules, regulations, notifications, circulars and guidelines introduced or amended from time to time by any regulatory/ statutory/ governmental authority. The Subscriber/User shall provide the Bank with such information and/or assistance as is required by the Bank for the performance of the Services and/or any other obligations of the Bank. Account Related Services including in relation card, loan etc. (at the discretion of the Bank) shall be provided to the Customers through WhatsApp platform only to a WhatsApp account associated with the Customer’s Registered Number. That the Bank may advise from time to time the versions of the operating systems on the Devices which are required for availing the Services and/or registration of the Services. There will be no obligation on the Bank to support all the versions of the operating systems. The subscriber/User agrees that the User shall be responsible for upgrading any software, hardware and the operating system at his cost from time to time so as to be compatible with that of the Bank. The Bank shall be at liberty to change, vary or upgrade its software, hardware, operating systems, etc. from time to time and shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems used by the User and that the same shall be the User’s sole responsibility to be able to continue his use of the Services. The User shall not reproduce, copy, or redistribute for commercial purposes any materials or design elements of this service. That the User shall not submit or transmit any content through this Service that is: 1 Obscene, vulgar, or pornographic, immoral, illegal, illicit, unethical, anti-social etc.; 2 Encourages the commission of a crime or violation of any law; 3 Violates any state or federal law in India and/or the jurisdiction in which you reside; 4 Infringes the intellectual or copyrights of a third party; or 5 Constitutes confidential information and/or personal or sensitive information/ data belonging to the User or to any other person. Bank reserves the right to remove or otherwise delete any content or submissions made by user that violates the rules or which are inappropriate, as per Bank’s sole discretion, without any liability or giving warning to user. The responses sent by the Bank on WhatsApp are based on a program running at back-end. This program has been developed and regularly enhanced to handle the queries in best possible manner. However, for any answers that the User may not find satisfactory or for any inaccuracies arising therefrom, the Bank shall not be held responsible. The User may call 1860 266 2666 or 1860 266 0811 (for 811 customers) in case of any clarifications. By subscribing to the Bank’s Push service, the User agrees to get its personal notifications/alerts/acknowlegements via WhatsApp including portfolio holding, transaction details, value added subscriptions, alerts, notification services etc. The User also agrees to receive notifications including Account and transaction alert notifications, regulatory updates, personalized offers, new product features etc. on his mobile number registered with the Bank via WhatsApp. Further, by registering to the Push service on WhatsApp, the User authorizes the Bank to send the aforementioned alerts to the User on WhatsApp and/or SMS at the Bank’s sole discretion and the Bank also may stop sending these alerts on SMS or any other channel, at its sole discretion. The User understands that using WhatsApp may carry extra risks. Further, any message and information exchanged on WhatsApp shall be subject to the risk of being read, interrupted, intercepted, or defrauded by third party or otherwise subject to manipulation by third party or involve delay in transmission. The Subscriber/User is aware that it may not be possible for the Bank to give detailed information on the Service functionalities. The Subscriber/User is aware that authentication and security measures are required for using mobile applications such as WhatsApp. The User undertakes to ensure that the User shall not reveal his password to any third party including employees and dealers of the Bank. The User shall be solely responsible for all the communication exchanged between the User and the Bank while utilizing these Services. The User understands that his Device is vulnerable to the threats such as but not limited to unauthorized 1) Access by intruders to the data /information 2) Identity theft 3) Privacy violations 4) Planting of stealth software and viruses 5) Disablement or distortion of operations 6) Interception of the transmission of encrypted data/message etc. subscriber/User shall immediately notify Bank in writing if user discovers/ suspects unauthorized access.. The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to you or any third party for the consequences arising out of or in connection with using of this Service. The User shall immediately opt-out of the Services by de-registering process, i.e. typing “Stop” on WhatsApp for Push Services or typing “Block WhatsApp” for Pull services). The User is responsible for keeping security safeguard of his account on his WhatsApp linked to his registered mobile number. The User shall ensure appropriate network connection and the receipt of messages by the User shall be subject to the network connection and the Bank shall not be held responsible for any delay or non-receipt of the responses from the Bank. User is aware that using Mobile app involves many uncertain factors and complex software, hardware, systems, etc. which are susceptible to interruptions and dislocations. The Bank does not make any representation or warranty that the Services will be available at all times without any interruption and that the Bank shall not be responsible for any variation, reduction or imposition of the terms or the User’s inability to use WhatsApp for any reason whatsoever. User agrees that user shall not have any claim against Bank on account of any suspension, interruption, non-availability or malfunctioning of the service due to any link/mobile/system failure at Bank’s end for any reason thereof.  The Bank has the right to retract the service anytime it deems fit.  These terms and conditions may be withdrawn/ superseded/ modified at any time as required, by Bank without any prior notice.


The Subscriber/User irrevocably agrees that he/she shall: a) keep the passwords of his instrument/device strictly confidential and Protect your Password and Personal Information(s) to any other person; b) commit the password to memory and not record any of them in a written or electronic form; c) not let any unauthorized person have access to his Device or leave his Device unattended while accessing his WhatsApp; d) put in place a passcode or password or PIN or a security key of similar nature to lock/ restrict access to his Device and secure it from any unauthorized access and not share such passcode/ password/ PIN/ security key with any other person; e) . Avoid logging into the Digital Banking/Whatsapp Services from unknown devices, devices which have unknown applications installed or from locations like internet cafes, libraries or other public sites. f) not remove the restrictions that may be imposed by the Device provider on the Device; g) Always close the window once you have logged out of your Digital Banking/whatsapp Services session. Also, always close and kill the application when you log out from any mobile devices; h) take adequate precautions from any ransomware, malware, virus or any other security threat from entering the Device, including installing adequate anti-virus protection. The subscriber/User hereby agrees and accepts that he shall at all times be solely responsible for the protection and safekeep of his SIM card, Device and the applications installed thereon, specifically WhatsApp, login ids, User Information, security details and passwords as mentioned hereinabove and hereby fully agrees that the Bank shall in no manner be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential or other loss occurring on out of any action or omission because of compromise of the same. Further the User agrees that he understands the risks of losing his SIM card or transferring his SIM card to another device. The Bank strongly advices the User, for the purpose of using the Services on WhatsApp, to delete the WhatsApp application when changing his device. Further the User understands the risks of compromise of his QR code and the implications that it may have on his WhatsApp, including access by a third party to the User’s WhatsApp and the Services. The Subscriber/user and understands that WhatsApp can also be logged on more than one device at the same time, including by using web log in and the User is aware of the risk in this regard while availing the Services such as compromise of User Information, breach of security of the User’s WhatsApp account from a device other than the Users etc. and the User undertakes to be vigilant and careful and takes full responsibility for the security of his WhatsApp account. The User also agrees, accepts and confirm that any person having access to any such email/phone number/authentication form factor/Customer’s Registered Mobile Number, shall be deemed to be duly authorised by the User and acting for and on behalf of the User, with the authority and intention to bind the User irrevocably with any actions pursuant thereto including the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, vis-à-vis the Bank. Provided however that the Bank shall not be required to authenticate the Customer or User, if any request for the Services comes on WhatsApp to the Banks Number, and in case of a Customer, if the number reflected in the requestor’s Device is a Customer’s Registered Number, the Bank shall be entitled to presume that it is the Customer itself which is interacting through WhatsApp and in case of any other User the Bank shall be entitled to presume that the number reflected in the WhatsApp profile is the User’s number and it is the User itself and not any other person who is interacting with the Banks number Number.


9. RISKS :

Subscribers/Users acknowledge and agree that all use of the services via an approved third party channel is at their own sole risk. Subscribers/user assume all risk for their use of the approved third party channel and that the services provided via such approved third party channels are provided by the bank "as is" and that the bank makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied about the availability, quality, accuracy or otherwise of the services so provided. Apart from the risks mentioned herein, these risks would include but not be limited to the following: a) Misuse of Password: The User acknowledges that if any third person obtains access to the User's Device or SIM card or the User’s WhatsApp, such third party may be in a position to access User Information including Account related information of the User, which may be confidential in nature such as account balance, mini bank statements, etc. of the Subscriber/User. The User shall at all times ensure that the Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of the password and security of WhatsApp and the Device of the User are strictly complied with at all times. b) Internet Frauds: The internet per se is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuse, hacking, phishing and other actions which could threaten the security of the information available to the User while availing the Services. While the Bank shall aim to provide security to prevent the same, it cannot guarantee any safeguard from such internet frauds, hacking, phishing and other actions which could affect any instruction(s) given to the Bank for availing the Services. The User has evolved/ evaluated all risks arising out of the same. c) Mistakes and Errors: For availing any Service(s), the Bank would require proper, accurate and complete details to be provided to the Bank. In the event of any inaccuracy in this regard, the User acknowledges that the User may be sent responses or shown information which may not be applicable to him or may not be sent a satisfactory response, and the User agrees that in such a scenario the Bank shall not be liable for any loss to the User in this regard. The User shall therefore take all care to ensure that there are no mistakes and errors and that the message sent/ request made/ query asked by the User to the Bank in this regard is error free, accurate, proper and complete at all points of time. The User agrees that the Bank is providing the Services at the User’s sole risk. The User agrees that the Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damages or consequences whatsoever arising due to any erroneous or incomplete information or any delay in executing the instructions for reasons beyond the control of the Bank. The User shall be liable and responsible to Bank and accede to accept the Bank's instructions without questions for any unfair or unjust gain obtained by him in the course of availing of the Services. d) Technology Risks: The technology for enabling the Services offered by the Bank could be affected by ransomware, virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro or any other security threat. It may also be possible that the site of the Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request of the Users. This could result in delays in the processing of instructions or failure in the processing of instructions and other such failures and inability. The Subscriber/User is aware and agrees that the Bank disclaims all and any liability, arising out of loss of profit or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honour any User instruction for whatsoever reason.


Subscriber/Users acknowledge that Devices may also run other software that the Bank has not tested or authorized. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions Subscribers/Users understand and agree that the Bank is not responsible for any inaccuracies or corrupted communications with the Bank due to incompatibility with the Bank’s systems. Your interactions with the Bank via any Approved Third Party Channel are subject to the Banks "Privacy Policy". By installing the relevant App and using the relevant Approved Third Party Channel, Subscribers/Users are authorizing the Bank to perform the actions and/or share with the Approved Third Party Channel owner the information communicated to the Bank, or requested from the Bank. Subscribers/Users agree to the Bank sharing that information with the owner of the relevant Approved Third Party Channel, which will then be transmitted via the internet. For example, if a Subscriber makes a request via an Approved Third Party Channel for an Account balance on an credit card, the Subscriber authorizes the Bank to release that information to the owner of the relevant Approved Third Party Channel. Messages between the Bank and Subscribers will be encrypted where determined by the bank.

The subscriber/User agrees that he is responsible for the correctness of information supplied to the Bank in the course of availing the Services. The subscriber/User further agrees that he/she shall fully indemnify the Bank against any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred or suffered, if the information is inaccurate/incorrect.

The Bank accepts no liability for the consequences arising out of erroneous information supplied by the User. The Subscriber/User agrees that if he notices any error in any information supplied to the User by the use of any of the Services, the User shall inform the Bank of the same, as soon as possible. The User agrees that all outputs of statements that may appear on WhatsApp, upon making a request to that effect, are information extracted from a computer system back up maintained by the Bank and may not be continuously be updated in real time. The Bank will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, the Bank is not liable for any error and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any loss incurred or action taken by the User by relying on such information.


The Subscriber/User agrees to fully indemnify the Bank and its officers/employees against all costs and expenses (including legal fees) arising in any way in connection with his/her/their account, against breach of any of the terms & conditions, statements, undertakings representations and warranties of these Terms and Conditions as also of any of its representations or warranties not being found to be true at any point of time, including any actions, notices, suits, claims, proceedings, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses, costs or taxes faced, suffered or incurred by the Bank including from any third parties or in any legal proceedings of whatever nature.

The Bank will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any malfunction or failure of the Digital Banking Services/WhatsApp. The Subscriber/User  acknowledges that the Bank is not liable to the Subscriber/user for failure to provide any or all of the facilities available under the Digital Banking Service/whatsApp where such failure is attributable, either wholly or partly, to reasons beyond the Bank's control, including any technical malfunction or breakdown.

The Subscriber/User agrees that he shall be liable for all loss or exposure  of personal data incase of loss of phone or from unauthorized use of desktop or his WhatsApp and/or for requests made while availing the Services and/or for any breach(es) of these Terms and Conditions or if he has in any way contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions including the following: a) unlawful exposure to subscriber/User’s Device password; b) failing to take necessary and reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of the subscriber/User’s WhatsApp and/or QR code and/or failing to advise the Bank of such disclosure within reasonable time. c) Losing the SIM card on which the User’s WhatsApp is registered; d) Transferring the SIM card on which the User’s WhatsApp is registered to another device without deleting the WhatsApp application from the previous device. e) Not advising the Bank in a reasonable time about unauthorized access to or erroneous transactions/ use of Services on his WhatsApp. The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to the User or any third party for the consequences arising out of or in connection with using of this Service, including for any reasons aforesaid and the entire liability and responsibility due to any of the aforesaid shall completely be on the User above. The User agrees that the Bank shall in no circumstances be held liable to the User if the Services or if the User is unable to register for the Services in the desired manner/ in the manner provided for herein for reasons including but not limited to force majeure event or other unforeseen circumstance. The Bank shall under no circumstance be liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the User or any other person. Further, the Bank shall not be liable for any damages, losses (direct or indirect) whatsoever, due to disruption or non-availability of any of Services/facility/s due to technical fault/error or any failure in telecommunication network or any error in any software or hardware systems.  The User further agrees that the WhatsApp application is owned and controlled by an independent third party which is unaffiliated with the Bank. The Bank is not responsible for the privacy or security policies of WhatsApp and any other entity that may be linked to/ from/ within it, and does not assume liability for any damage incurred by the User from the use of said application. The User fully understands that the Bank is not endorsing the products or services of WhatsApp or of any advertisement etc. appearing thereon.

11. Data Policy:

The Subscriber/User acknowledges and agrees that while the Bank has deployed processes and technology to prevent unauthorized use or accidental disclosure of the User Information or any other data pertaining to the User on WhatsApp, the User understands and accepts that by using the Services, the User Information and any other data of the User in relation to the Services may also be stored on the application/ website/webpage and server of WhatsApp, which are outside of the control of the Bank and the Bank cannot guarantee the security of the User Information or any other data which is stored on therein. The User unconditionally and irrevocably agrees and accepts that the Bank is not responsible for any compromise in such User Information/ data outside the control of the Bank and acknowledges that the User is providing the User Information at his own free will and risk. The User hereby expressly consents to and authorises the Bank (whether acting by itself or through any of its service providers, and whether in automated manner or otherwise), to do and undertake any of the following, in relation to the User Information whether about me/us or not as may be deemed relevant by the Bank for its purposes: i) to collect the User Information from me and other physical or online sources including WhatsApp accessing the same from credit information companies, to get the authenticity, correctness, adequacy, etc. of the User Information verified from any sources and persons including from online data bases; and to act for and on my/our behalf for such accessing, collecting or verifying of the User Information including using my/our log in and password credentials on the online platforms; such collection, access and verification may be done without any notice to me/us; ii) process User Information including by way of storing, structuring, organising, reproducing, copying, using, profiling, etc. as may be deemed fit by the Bank; iii) to store the User Information for such period as may be required for contract, by law or for Bank’s evidential and claims purposes, whichever is longer; iv) to share and disclose the User Information to service providers, consultants, credit information companies, other banks and financial institutions, affiliates, subsidiaries, regulators, investigating agencies, judicial, quasi-judicial and statutory authorities, or to other persons as may be necessary in connection with the contractual or legal requirements or in the legitimate interests of the Bank or as per the consent; v) any of the aforesaid may be exercised by the Bank for the purposes mentioned above, for the purposes of credit appraisal, fraud detection, anti-money laundering obligations, for entering into 10 contract, for direct marketing, for developing credit scoring models and business strategies, for monitoring, for evaluating and improving the quality of services and products, for other legitimate purposes or for any purposes with consent. The User acknowledges the Bank has engaged/ may engage a service provider from time to time , for various aspects related to Services, storage, software/ hardware requirements, processing of requests, engines, responses, etc. The User has no objection to the same. The User hereby confirms that all the authorisations and rights in any of (i) to (v) above also extend to and are given above to the service providers of the Bank, including for all the sharing and disclosures amongst the Bank and its service providers. The User hereby expressly agrees to the Bank and/or its affiliates for using the User Information and for other products customer is interested in from time to time.


The subscriber/User agrees that he has read, understood and accepted the Banks Privacy Policy, to know more about the Banks privacy policy click on https://www.kotak.com/en/privacy-policy.html (Privacy policy) and to know more about WhatsApp privacy policy click on https://www.whatsapp.com/legal?eea=1#privacy-policy.  Any changes from time to time by the Bank shall be binding on the Subscriber /User.

13. Suspension OF SERVICES:

The Bank shall be entitled to withdraw/ change/discontinue/ suspend/ disallow the use of any of the Services at Bank’s discretion without any notice.

14. Important TERMS :

The Subscriber/User agrees that by using the the Push and/or Pull Service, sending any communication/ message to the Banks Number on WhatsApp, completing the registration process, accepting these Terms and Conditions and/or accepting the Privacy Policy, the User shall be deemed to have read, understood and irrevocably and unconditionally accepted and agreed to all these Terms and Conditions and such Terms and Conditions shall be binding on the User in the same manner as if the User has agreed to the same in writing.


The Subscriber/User acknowledges that the Applications, Digital Banking Services, software are the property of the Bank. The Bank’s IPR, trademarks and graphics used in connection with the Services are the property of the Bank. The Subscriber/User agrees that he shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer such Application, software or create any derivative product based on the software.


Any notice can be given under these terms and conditions by the Bank or the Subscriber/User  and may be delivered by post with acknowledgement due, courier or registered post to either Party to the following addresses 27BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051.  Any notice sent in accordance with this Section 17 shall be effective: (i) through WhatsApp (ii) if by courier or registered post after receipt of delivery to the other Party, (iii) if sent by messenger, upon receipt of delivery, (provided, however, that any notice of change of address shall only be valid upon receipt). In addition, the Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all Subscriber/Users using the Services on its web site. Such notice/s shall have the same effect as a notice served individually to the Subscriber/User.

17. Arbitration:

The Banks accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than India. The fact that the Service may be accessed through the internet by a Customer in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions and/or the use of the Services. .  The venue of such arbitration shall be Mumbai.  All proceedings of such arbitration, including, without limitation, any awards, shall be in the English language.


These Terms and Conditions and/or the use of the Services provided through WhatsApp shall be governed by and construed and interpreted exclusively under the laws of India and, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai over disputes relating to these Terms and Conditions.    

19. GENERAL Terms:

The Bank reserves the right to alter, add to or cancel any or all of these Terms at any time by posting the relevant information on this website, digital mode and in the Bank's branches and other premises. Such changes are deemed to be binding on the Subscriber/User whether or not he has received specific notice of them.

The Subscriber/User shall not assign this terms to any other person. The Bank may subcontract and employ agents to carry out any of the Services or for any incidental purposes. The Bank may assign, transfer, any of its rights and/or obligations or any part thereof to any persons at its sole discretion without any notice.


The Subscriber/User hereby expressly acknowledges and confirms that the User has read, verified, understood, irrevocably agreed to and accepted and delivered all the terms and conditions contained herein online by sending a message/ sending any communication on WhatsApp on the Banks Number. The User hereby expressly acknowledges and confirms that at the time of accepting and signing these Terms and Conditions as above, the User fulfills the eligibility to utilize the Services as provided in these Terms and Conditions and that the User is (i) The User is an individual; (ii) The Subscriber/User is a major; (iii) The User is of sound mind, solvent and competent to contract; (iv) The Subscriber/User is a resident of India and present in India while utilizing the services. The Bank may print paper copies of the electronic record or produce in any such form at its discretion this document and the User’s signing as aforesaid, and the same shall be fully binding on the User and the User has no objection to such print-outs or any such other form (in the discretion of Bank) being produced by the Bank in evidence in any court, tribunal or otherwise, to prove the acceptance, execution as well as the contents of the contract.

Privy League Programme Terms and Conditions:

  • Entry to the said programme is by invitation and at the sole discretion of the bank. Meeting the programme eligibility criteria is not an implicit invitation to the programme. The customer reserves the right to decline the invitation by submitting a written request at the bank branch or through e-mail at [email protected].
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to appoint / change the Relationship Manager of the customer.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to amend, alter, modify, change of vary all or any of the benefits / services offered and the eligibility criteria to the programme.
  • The benefits of the programme are applicable till the time the customer is a part of the programme. Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to withdraw the membership to the program without prior consent from the customer. In the event of withdrawal of programme entitlement service charges applicable shall be as applicable prior to invitation to the programme.
  • The benefits of the programme are subject to prevailing regulatory guidelines for various customer types (Resident Individuals, NRIs, Exporters, Importers, Business entities, etc.)
  • Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions accepted by the Customer at the time of opening the account.
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank shall not be liable for any loss /complaint arisen out of any transaction or interaction with any alliance partner.
  • The programme benefits may be extended to members under the customer’s business and/ or family relationship at the discretion of the bank. However, this does not imply that the customers bear any financial liability towards the said members when programme benefits are extended or withdrawn unless specified otherwise in an agreement between the customers and Kotak Mahindra Bank.
  • The customers’ contact details (addresses, contact numbers, e-mail IDs etc.) are to be provided by the customer and the responsibility to intimate the bank of any change lies with the customer.


Terms & Conditions of Grouping:

  • One CRN has to be maintained as ‘Key CRN’. The Key CRN will be the first and single point of contact for the whole group regarding management of this grouping and for any communication to the group. Addition or deletion of any CRN to the group requires the written consent of the Key CRN included the CRN being added / deleted.
  • Following Relatives of the Key allowed to be grouped: Spouse, Parents, Mother / Father-In-law, Children and Son / Daughter-in-law, Grandchildren and Grandparents. Relationship is to be authenticated by the customer. No relationship proof is required.
  • Non-Individual CRNs can be grouped, where any of the individual group members are in owner-ship position (proprietor, partner, director).
  • CRNs of Public charitable institutions, NGOs, Government bodies and Clubs cannot be grouped. HUF CRN can be grouped if the Karta is part of the group in the capacity of an individual or as a Karta.
  • Minors can be grouped, but cannot be the ‘Key CRN’.
  • Key and all Associates to be included in this letter should be valid CRN holders with the Bank.

General Terms and Conditions for accessing Kotak Mahindra Banking services on KEYA Chatbot


These terms and conditions apply to the Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. (KMBL) Chatbot (Keya) (referred to herein as the “Chatbot”) of Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (referred to herein by “we”, “us” and “our”). Please read these terms and conditions carefully before accessing or using the Chatbot. By accessing Keya chatbot, you agree to be bound by these terms of use, if you do not agree with these terms of use, please do not access keya chatbot.

Chatbot is an interactive platform for customers/users to raise queries and seek solutions for banking facilities and products offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd on the official website (www.kotak.com), Mobile App and on Net Banking too. Keya chatbot is a virtual, automated assistant that will answer your questions about our products and services in real time. It helps deliver solutions to customers in a more efficient manner and facilitate ease of banking services.

1. Definitions:

  • “KMBL” means Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
  • “Chatbot” means an interactive platform for customers to raise queries and seek solutions for banking services and products offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
  • "Customer" means all natural persons (including legal entities), whose personal information is either collected/ received/ possessed/ stored/ dealt in/ handled by the Bank/ who visit the site kotak.com and provide information to the Bank through the Chatbot.
  • “Personal information” means any information that relates to any person, which either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with the Bank, is capable of identifying such person. Privacy policy of the Bank as available on kotak.com com
  • “Sensitive information” of a person means personal information which contains information relating to:
    • Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
    • Physical, physiological and mental health condition;
    • Date of birth, Nominee details, Biometric information, PIN or MPIN or Password, etc.
    • Any such details required to carry a financial transaction. Provided that, any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as sensitive personal data or information for these purposes
  • “Terms & Conditions" shall mean the Terms & Conditions of KMBL as available on kotak.com
  • Reference to the masculine gender includes reference to the feminine, neuter and vice versa.

2. Chat Facility

Keya Chatbot is an interactive platform wherein customer will be able to chat on the kmbl’s website and/or the mobile app and seek clarity on various Banking services and products. The customer /user agrees that he shall not hold kmbl responsible for not replying to the questions / information sought by the Customer/User or not providing a response to the satisfaction of the Customer /User or not processing any request of the Customer /User, in case such a message sent by the User in case kmbl does not receive an instruction to this effect in its systems or the message sent by the User is not in the required format provided by kmbl or does not fall under the Services being offered by kmbl at the time or kmbl does not receive such a message for technical reasons or otherwise or for any reason whatsoever. Keya only responds to questions asked in English and will only reply in English. In case kmbl permits any Service in the nature of a transaction, the User agrees that such a Service shall be subject to statutory/ regulatory limits and/or any limits that may be imposed by kmbl, from time to time.

The Customer/User agrees and accepts that kmbl has the right to provide or to withdraw any or all of the services, facilities under keya chatbot, without assigning any reason, at the sole discretion of kmbl without any notice.

The Customer/User agrees and accepts that if found that he/she violate the responsibilities as mentioned in these Terms and Conditions, or at our discretion for any reason, we may terminate/end the ongoing keya chat at any time without prior notice and we may delete or restrict your access to the Chatbot. Kmbl will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses caused to you.


 The Customer/User hereby accepts, agrees and confirms that all Services and communications on Keya, either by kmbl or the customer/User, will be governed by and subject to these Terms and Conditions. The customer /User hereby grants express authority to the kmbl for carrying out the Services requested by the customer /User on keya on his kmbl account Number if any. Kmbl shall have no obligation to authenticate the User or to verify the identity of any User. Kmbl’s own record or logs of activities maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be accepted as conclusive and binding for all purposes.

4. Essential Terms

That kmbl may advise from time to time the versions of the operating systems on the Devices which are required for availing the Services. There will be no obligation on kmbl to support all the versions of the operating systems. The customer /User agrees that the User shall be responsible for upgrading any software, hardware and the operating system at his cost from time to time so as to be compatible with that of kmbl. kmbl shall be at liberty to change, vary or upgrade its software, hardware, operating systems, etc. from time to time and shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems used by the User and that the same shall be the User’s sole responsibility to be able to continue his use of the Services. The User shall not reproduce, copy, or redistribute for commercial purposes any materials or design elements of this service. That the User shall not submit or transmit any content through this Service that is: 1 Obscene, vulgar, or pornographic, immoral, illegal, illicit, unethical, anti-social etc.; 2 Encourages the commission of a crime or violation of any law; 3 Violates any state or federal law in India and/or the jurisdiction in which you reside; 4 Infringes the intellectual or copyrights of a third party; or 5 Constitutes confidential information and/or personal or sensitive information/ data belonging to the User or to any other person. kmbl reserves the right to remove or otherwise delete any content or submissions made by user that violates the rules or which are inappropriate, as per kmbl’s sole discretion, without any liability or giving warning to user. The responses sent by kmbl on WhatsApp are based on a program running at back-end. This program has been developed and regularly enhanced to handle the queries in best possible manner. However, for any answers that the User may not find satisfactory or for any inaccuracies arising therefrom, kmbl shall not be held responsible. The User may visit www.kotak.com in case of any clarifications. Further, any message and information exchanged on keya shall be subject to the risk of being read, interrupted, intercepted, or defrauded by third party or otherwise subject to manipulation by third party or involve delay in transmission. The customer /User is aware that it may not be possible for kmbl to give detailed information on the Service functionalities. The User undertakes to ensure that the User shall not reveal his password to any third party including employees and dealers of kmbl. The User shall be solely responsible for all the communication exchanged between the User and kmbl while utilizing these Services. The User understands that his Device is vulnerable to the threats such as but not limited to unauthorized:

- Access by intruders to the data /information

- Identity theft

- Privacy violations

- Planting of stealth software and viruses

- Disablement or distortion of operations

- Interception of the transmission of encrypted data/message etc. customer /User shall immediately notify kmbl in writing if user discovers/ suspects unauthorized access. Kmbl shall not be responsible or liable to you or any third party for the consequences arising out of or in connection with using of this Service. The User shall ensure appropriate network connection and the receipt of messages by the User shall be subject to the network connection and kmbl shall not be held responsible for any delay or non-receipt of the responses from kmbl. User is aware that using Mobile app/website involves many uncertain factors and complex software, hardware, systems, etc. which are susceptible to interruptions and dislocations. Kmbl does not make any representation or warranty that the Services will be available at all times without any interruption and that kmbl shall not be responsible for any variation, reduction or imposition of the terms or the User’s inability to use keya for any reason whatsoever. User agrees that user shall not have any claim against kmbl on account of any suspension, interruption, non-availability or malfunctioning of the service due to any link/mobile/system failure at kmbl’s end for any reason thereof.  Kmbl has the right to retract the service anytime it deems fit.


The Customer agrees to indemnify, without delay or demur, KMBL and its directors, employees, officers, representatives and agents and keep KMBL and its directors, employees,  officers, representatives and agents indemnified and harmless at all times from and against any and all claims, damage, losses, costs and expenses (including attorney fees) which KMBL may suffer or incur, directly, arising from or in connection with KMBL providing Chatbot facility to the customers, including but not limited to:

  • Any loss, mishandling, counterfeit, forged or misuse of the Chatbot.
  • Non-compliance with applicable laws or court or statutory order or any action by any statutory administrative or regulation body;
  • Any inaccuracy, error or omission of any data, information or message provided by the Customer;


Keya chatbot applies technical safety measures of the highest standards to protect the provided Personal Data against loss, destruction, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure. Generally accepted industry standards are followed to protect the Personal Data both during transmission and once received by kmbl. No method of data transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, the absolute security cannot be guaranteed. No data transmission via the Internet, however, can guarantee 100% safety. Kmbl disclaims and does not guarantee any liability regarding any of the information provided on keya. However, all necessary steps and measures shall be taken to update and modernize its data protection system. To the extent permitted as per the guidelines of the regulatory authority and the applicable laws, by accessing or using the keya chatbot or banking Services, you understand and agree that kmbl may collect and retain all the personal or other information about you or the device you use to access the keya chatbot or banking Services.
We at kmbl value your relationship and will at all times strive to ensure your privacy. The Customer/User agrees that he has read, understood and accepted kmbls Privacy Policy, to know more about the privacy policy click here (https://www.kotak.com/en/privacy-policy.html). Any changes from time to time by kmbl shall be binding on the customer /User


The customer/User agrees that he is responsible for the correctness of information supplied to kmbl in the course of availing the Services. Customer /User further agrees that he/she shall fully indemnify kmbl against any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred or suffered, if the information is inaccurate/incorrect. Kmbl accepts no liability for the consequences arising out of erroneous information supplied by the User. The customer/User agrees that if he notices any error in any information supplied to the User by the use of any of the Services, the User shall inform kmbl of the same, as soon as possible. The User agrees that all outputs of statements that may appear on keya chatbot, upon making a request to that effect, are information extracted from a computer system back up maintained by kmbl and may not be continuously be updated in real time. Kmbl shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, kmbl is not liable for any error and shall not hold kmbl responsible for any loss incurred or action taken by the User by relying on such information. Further keya has limited capacity and may not be able to reply your questions or provide the details/information that you are seeking. We are not responsible if information made available by the Chatbot is not accurate, complete or current as applied to your specific inquiry, since the Chatbot is for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any sole reliance on the responses provided by keya is at your own risk. Further, the responses/replies of keya provided should not be considered as official statements of kmbl.


KMBL takes reasonable measures to protect security and confidentiality of the Customer Information and its transmission through the World Wide Web. You are required to follow the Terms and Conditions (https://www.kotak.com/en/terms-conditions.html) while using this website (www.kotak.com) including the instructions stated therein and as part of Dos and Don’ts (https://www.kotak.com/en/terms-conditions.html) in respect of security and confidentiality of your Log-in and Password.


Kmbl reserves the right to alter, add to or cancel any or all of these Terms at any time by posting the relevant information on this website, digital mode and in the Bank's branches and other premises. Such changes are deemed to be binding on the Customer/User whether or not he has received specific notice of them. Kmbl may subcontract and employ agents to carry out any of the Services or for any incidental purposes. Kmbl may assign, transfer, any of its rights and/or obligations or any part thereof to any persons at its sole discretion without any notice.

10. Customer Undertaking

  • I/We understand that this is an interactive platform and meant to address standard banking grievances, in no way shall KMBL and its directors, employees, officers, representatives and agents be held accountable for any information provided by the Keya Chatbot.
  • I/We hereby declare that no Sensitive personal data or information shall be divulged by me/us on the Keya Chatbot.
  • I/we undertake that the platform shall only be used by me/us to seek redressal of banking queries, issues, complains and support from Kotak Mahindra Bank.


The customer/User acknowledges that the Applications, Digital Banking Services, software are the property of kmbl. Kmbl’s IPR, trademarks and graphics used in connection with the Services are the property of kmbl. The customer/User agrees that he shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer such Application, software or create any derivative product based on the software.

12. Arbitration

Kmbl accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than India. The fact that the Service may be accessed through the internet by a Customer in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions and/or the use of the Services. The venue of such arbitration shall be Mumbai.  All proceedings of such arbitration, including, without limitation, any awards, shall be in the English language.

13. Jurisdiction

This terms shall be construed and governed in accordance with and governed by the laws of India. The Parties hereto expressly agree that all disputes arising out of and /or relating to this terms, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts/Tribunals of the place/ governing the place having territorial jurisdiction over the place in which the Branch Office is situated. Provided this clause shall not restrict kmbl and kmbl shall be entitled to initiate/take proceedings relating to a dispute in any Courts/Tribunals of any other place which has jurisdiction.

14. Miscellaneous

Customer/user hereby expressly acknowledges and confirms that the User has read, verified, understood, irrevocably agreed to and accepted the terms of use of keya chatbot. The User hereby expressly acknowledges and confirms that at the time of accepting and signing these Terms and Conditions as above, the User fulfils the eligibility to utilize the Services as provided in these Terms and Conditions and that the User is (i) The User is an individual; (ii) The Customer /User is a major; (iii) The User is of sound mind, solvent and competent to contract; (iv) The Customer /User is a resident of India and present in India while utilizing the services. kmbl may print paper copies of the electronic record or produce in any such form at its discretion this document and the User’s signing as aforesaid, and the same shall be fully binding on the User and the User has no objection to such print-outs or any such other form (in the discretion of kmbl) being produced by kmbl in evidence in any court, tribunal or otherwise, to prove the acceptance, execution as well as the contents of the contract.

Terms and Conditions for kotak.biz

Terms & conditions (hereafter referred to as "Terms") mentioned herein below apply to and regulate the Merchant Acquiring Services facility ("Facility") offered by Kotak Mahindra Bank ("Bank") to Merchant Establishment (hereafter referred as “ME”).

Before availing of the facility the Merchant must acknowledge that he/she has carefully read and understood the Terms and accepts them unconditionally.

The ME must also acknowledge that he/she shall be bound by these Terms and accepts the onus of ensuring compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and RBI guidelines as amended/modified/applicable from time to time.

The ME seeks to receive the Bank’s Merchant Acquiring Services in accordance with the terms set out in the General Terms and Conditions applicable for Merchant Acquiring Services that are available on https://www.kotak.com/en/customer-service/terms-and-conditions.html#24.

The ME must read, understand, accept and agree to the Bank’s Online Acquiring Services in accordance with the terms set out in the Terms and Conditions governing Online Acquiring Services/ SMS Pay that are available on www.kotak.com/content/dam/Kotak/Customer-Service/terms-and-conditions/terms-and-conditions-for-cash-management-services.pdf.

  1. Services to be rendered by the Bank

    The Bank agrees to provide the following Acquiring Services at the ME’s request and subject to the conditions specified and fulfilled by ME as mentioned in the following annexures:

    • Tap on Phone Acquiring Services: As per Annexure 1
    • Unified Payments Interface (UPI) Transactions: As per Annexure 2
    • Online Acquiring Services/ SMS Pay: As per Annexure 3
    • Internet Banking Transactions: As per Annexure 4
    • Bharat QR Code Transactions: As per Annexure 5
  2. Merchant Declaration

    I /We have applied to avail of the Merchant Acquiring Services provided by Kotak Mahindra Bank (hereafter referred to as “Bank”). The application is subject to approval by the Bank and my/our agreeing to pay the relevant/requisite fees for the Bank’s services. By signing this Merchant Acquiring Services Application Form, I/ We seek to receive the Bank’s Merchant Acquiring Services (with/without the EDC Terminal) in accordance with the terms set out in this application and the General Terms and Conditions applicable for Merchant Acquiring Services that are available on https://www.kotak.com/en/customer-service/terms-and-conditions.html#24.

    I /We seek to receive the Bank’s Online Acquiring Services in accordance with the terms set out in the Terms and Conditions governing Online Acquiring Services that are available on www.kotak.com/content/dam/Kotak/Customer-Service/terms-and-conditions/terms-and-conditions-for-cash-management-services.pdf.

    The ‘Fees’ section of this Application and the list of services on www.kotak.com indicate the types of payments and services I/we will receive from the Bank.

    I / We confirm that I / We have obtained, read, understood and agree to the General Terms and Conditions applicable for Merchant Acquiring Services that are available on www.kotak.com and which may be amended from time to time by the Bank.

    If I / We submit a transaction to the Bank, then I / We, the Merchant, will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions applicable for Merchant Acquiring Services offered by the Bank.

    I / We also commit and undertake to take care and maintain the EDC Terminal / Digital QR Code Display in good condition and hereby authorize the Bank to charge us, the Merchant / Promoters of the Merchant, the complete cost of the said EDC Terminal in case there is any damage to it.

    By signing below, I / We, the Merchant hereby:

    • Certify that all information provided in this application is true and accurate
    • Authorize the Bank to initiate debit entries to any of our accounts /our promoter accounts with the Bank in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions
    • Authorize the financial institution with which I / We maintain the settlement account to honour such debit entries initiated by the Bank
    • Authorize the Bank to access credit reports pertaining to us and / or our principals as part of the credit-worthiness assessment process. I / We shall advise the Bank immediately in the manner as agreed upon by me /us and acceptable to the Bank, in case of any change in the above details and information given by me / us

    I / We warrant that any individual authorized signatory can execute the Merchant Processing Application on my/our behalf. I / We agree with these terms and conditions and provide my/our consent to it.

    I / We also agree that in consideration for the Bank providing the services to me/us, the Merchant, I / We unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee performance by us, the Merchant, of its obligations under the General Terms and Conditions and payment of all dues under the application and/or General Terms and Conditions.

    I / We understand that this is a guarantee of payment and not of collection and that the Bank relies on this guarantee for them to accept the transaction documents executed by me/us, the Merchant.

    I / We understand that Kotak Mahindra Bank reserves the right to change MDR, fees or charges after giving me / us a notice of 30 days.

    I / We acknowledge that if I / We tick the 'No' check box in the 'Update in KYC Required' field, my / our existing account details will remain unchanged.

    I / We agree that I/We will not levy any surcharge on the card holder while accepting digital payments through POS / Bharat QR / UPI / Tap on Phone.

    I/We confirm that I/we do not deal with Virtual Currency / Crypto Currency business. I /We hereby give my /our consent to mark lien or hold in my/our account maintained with Kotak Mahindra Bank to the extent of the cost of the POS terminals installed under my relationship & due charges as per the terms & conditions without any prior intimation.

    I / We understand and confirm that in the event of any dispute, difference and/or claims arising out of/ in connection with/in relation to this agreement, the matter shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and subsequent statutory amendments to the Act, if any, by a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Bank.

    I/We accept that any arbitration award/direction passed shall be final and binding on the parties. The language of the Arbitration shall be English and the venue of such arbitration shall be at Mumbai or Chennai.

    I/We hereby authorize the Bank to create a Virtual Payment Address usable and tagged to my Kotak Account/Non Kotak Account on my behalf using my mobile number registered with the Bank. I agree to this UPI being used while transacting and making payments.

    I/We, hereby also authorize the Bank to use my existing KYC details, and the bank & financial details available to it to provide me/ us with new banking services as and when available.

Annexure 1

Tap on Phone Acquiring Services Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions for Tap on Phone, the following words shall, unless the context requires otherwise, hold the meanings as set out herein below:

  • “Card” shall mean any valid prepaid, credit card or debit card that is issued by a card issuer designated to issue cards of any card network, provided that such card is not listed in a current warning or restricted card bulletin or notice.
  • “Card Issuer” refers to the bank or financial institution that has issued a card to a customer.
  • Card Network(s)” shall mean any of Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Diners, Rupay, Discover or Maestro or any other card network as may be specified by the Bank from time to time.
  • Card Network Operating Guidelines” means any policies or procedures provided by the card network which may regulate the operation of the card including but not limited to the operating rules, clearing and settlement and transaction processing rules, standard chargeback process, dispute management rules and regulations, by-laws, user instructions, technical literature and all other related materials.
  • Card Transaction” shall mean any transaction effected by a customer for making payment in favour of the ME by using a card on Tap on Phone.
  • Chargeback” shall mean the requirement to reverse a card transaction effected in favour of the ME. The process of a chargeback is set out in the Card Network Operating Guidelines.
  • Chargeslip” shall mean the electronic receipt, produced by Tap on Phone on successful completion of a card transaction.
  • “Tap on Phone” shall mean the Bank software installed on the ME’s smartphone or that enables ME to accept card payments from customers by tapping contactless card on the device.

2. Features of Tap on Phone

  • Currently available only for Android OS
  • Maximum limit per transaction is Rs 5000 without any PIN Available on NFC enabled devices
  • Available for Txn with NFC enabled Debit card, Credit Card and Prepaid card

3. ME Undertakings and Covenants

  • ME must be an Indian citizen/Entity having an office in India which shall be declared and confirmed by ME in the Digital Application Form.
  • Transaction Procedure: ME must follow all procedures and requirements relating to card transaction documents, including complying with the Operating Guide and applicable Card Scheme Rules, as amended from time to time. Merchant will permit cardholders of valid cards (cards which are authorized by Issuing Banks / Authorities under a Valid Scheme like VISA/ Mastercard/ RuPay/ Other Networks) bearing the symbols of the cards authorized to be accepted by the Merchant hereunder to charge purchases or lease of goods and services, provided that such card transaction complies with the terms and conditions. Each such transaction will be evidenced by a valid transaction record in an approved form such as a charge slip. Merchant will not present any sales slip that does not arise out of a card transaction between a cardholder and merchant.
  • Transaction Reports: ME must provide the Bank with its records, and all information and assistance that Bank may reasonably require, relating to any Card transactions as and when the Bank requests them
  • Compliance and Data Security Standards: ME shall not store card authentication information (Track2, CVV, PIN and PIN Block) and shall also eliminate/minimize storage of Valid Card Information (Name, Expiry date) in electronic or paper form. ME will not divulge cardholder information to any other entity/individual except law enforcement agencies and regulators under any circumstances.
  • ME Site (Location): ME shall operate Tap on Phone in the same location as provided by the ME to the Bank while registration for Merchant Acquiring Services. ME is required to mandatorily display the Bank's logo / any promotional material related to merchant acquiring business provided by the Bank at its site / location. The Merchant site / location should be among an acceptable business location within India, where the Bank does business and is not counted as a Negative Area by the Bank.
  • Bank / Agent of Bank provided Payment Services: ME to allow the Bank or its agents/partners staff to enter ME's premises at any time to install and update Tap on Phone. On request, ME shall be required to provide to any Regulator / Statutory or Competent Authority including the Reserve Bank of India/ associations namely Visa, MasterCard, Rupay, access to, inspection rights and access to examine, at its premises or any premises related to the conduct of its business, books, records, documents (including but not limited to Card transaction information) and such other information, systems, procedures and protocols as may be required by the Regulator / Statutory or Competent Authority.
  • ME Information: (i) ME authorizes the Bank to obtain from third parties financial and credit information relating to it, its directors, officers and principals in connection with Bank's determination whether to accept the ME Digital Application and Bank's continuing evaluation of the financial and credit worthiness of ME, its directors, officer and principals (ii) Bank will handle any information it collects about the ME, its directors, officers and principals in accordance with the privacy Laws, privacy collection statements and privacy policies. Bank will implement all data security measures required by such laws and policies (iii) ME, its directors, officers and principals acknowledge that the information that is collected about ME, its directors, officers and principals held by us may be shared by the Bank and its respective related bodies corporate which may be located inside or outside India in connection with the terms of the Digital Application and Terms and Conditions and in accordance with Bank's privacy collection statements and privacy policies, and the consent to such sharing of information (iv) ME authorizes the Bank to share information from the Digital Application between ME and the Bank to Bank's respective related entities, service providers, persons under a due confidentiality to the Bank, and also with the third party, affiliates and Associations as relevant to the transaction (v) ME authorizes the Bank to share any information about ME, its directors, officers and principals with any court, tribunal, regulatory, supervisory, government or quasi - government authority which has jurisdiction over the Bank or its related entities (vi) ME irrevocably authorizes the Bank to discharge and /or release to the relevant card schemes all or any of the documents, including but not limited to the form and the content of the Digital Application, figures, codes, data and information of whatever nature which from time to time or at any time ME discloses or release to the Bank and /or Bank may have access to under or by virtue of ME's participation in the card schemes, any transaction contemplated under the services and /or in relation to or in connection with the services, and /or which a Card Schemes may lawfully require the Bank to provide to it from time to time or at any time.
  • ME agrees: (i) to follow the operating guide as available on www.kotak.com and for the time being in force, which is incorporated into and made part of this Terms and Conditions (ii) To be bound by the operating regulations and rules of the Card association, including without limitation any rules and regulations related to cardholder/accountholder and transaction information security, such as Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards, Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program and MasterCard's Site Data Protection Program (iii) Bank may, from time to time, issue written direction (via mail, email or website notification) regarding procedures to follow and forms to use to carry for providing the Services. These directions and the terms of the forms are binding as from the date of the Digital Application for the services and shall form part of these terms & conditions.
  • Fees: ME will pay to the Bank the fees and other dues ("Fees") along with applicable taxes for the services as set out in the Digital Application and the General Schedule of Features and Charges (GSFC) or updated in the website of the Bank or informed to the ME subsequently through email or phone, as well as any additional fees or pricing set out in the Terms and Conditions. Fees and other amounts paid by ME to the Bank for services provided will be paid along with applicable taxes. Any communication received by ME from the Bank related to pricing shall be binding on ME. The Bank reserves the right to revise the Fees, MDR and/or other service charges after providing 30 days' notice to ME. Charges/Fees will be debited from the merchant's account with the Bank. In case of insufficient balance in the account Bank reserves the right to place a lien in the account up to the value of the outstanding Fees.
  • Refunds / Credits: The Bank may charge ME a fee for the service of processing a credit. ME's refund policy for purchases on the Card must be disclosed to cardholder at the time of purchase. ME must issue credits to the card used to make the original purchase unless it was made with a prepaid card that is no longer available, in which case ME may apply refund policy. Refund should preferably be made against the transaction reference number of the original payment transaction. Charges and credits will be deemed accepted on a given business day if processed by the Bank before its cut off time for that day at the relevant location. It should be noted however that the facility for the ME to provide Refund on the terminal will be evaluated and assigned by Bank on the basis of creditworthiness of the ME. Any decision taken by Bank for Refund facility on the terminal shall be final and binding on ME.
  • Credit Submissions: ME must submit credits to the Bank within seven (7) days of determining that a credit is due to create a record of credit that complies with the Bank's requirements (Credit Record). ME must submit a credit only for the value of the corresponding charge, excluding the Merchant service fee. Bank shall be entitled to deduct the full amount of the credit from the payment to ME or debit MEs account / other account with same authorized signatories as the ME, but if the Bank is unable to deduct/debit, then ME must pay the Bank promptly upon receipt of invoice. Each charge and credit must be submitted under the Establishment Number of the Establishment where the charge or credit originated
  • If the Bank suspects, on reasonable grounds, that ME has committed or is about to commit a breach of these Terms, any illegal activity (including, without limitation, money laundering) or dishonesty or fraud against the Bank, or in view that Bank's interest is being jeopardized then the Bank shall be entitled to suspend/revoke all payments under these Services to ME pending enquiries by the Bank.
  • Chargebacks and Other liabilities: ME must compensate and indemnify the Bank for any actions, claims, costs, loss, damages expenses or liability made against or suffered or incurred by any one or more of the parties either directly or indirectly arising out of (i) a card transaction between ME and any card holder and account holder (ii) all Card transaction submitted by ME that are charged back (iii) ME's failure to produce clear, legible and valid card transaction details or transaction with wrong transaction time any of MEs employees processing a transaction with wrong transaction information (iv) any error, negligence, willful misconduct or fraud by ME or its employees (vi) any dispute over goods or services between ME and a card holder and account holder (vii) any warrant or representation whatsoever in relation to any goods or services supplied by ME (viii) ME's failure to comply with any of its obligations under these terms and conditions (ix) Any fines or penalties imposed by the Card Schemes in connection with ME's use of the services (x) any losses suffered by Bank as a result of that one of either Bank or ME indemnifying the other for ME's failures to meet ME's obligations under the terms of the Transaction Documents.
  • Debits and set off: Bank shall itself as relevant, may reserve the right to (a) debit ME's settlement account and /or (b) deduct and set off from settlement funds due to ME, and / or (c) invoice /raise a debit note to recover from ME separately for any amounts then due from ME to the Bank, arising out of or in relation to the payment processing services
  • Interest: Bank shall also charge interest at the rate of 3 % per month above the MCLR as published by the Bank from time to time or such other charges as notified to ME on amounts outstanding to the Bank from the ME and where there were insufficient funds in ME's account to satisfy the above amounts
  • Security Deposit: Bank may from time to time request security deposit / lien on assets from ME or a guarantor to secure performance of ME's obligations. ME agrees to provide such security deposit/ lien on asset or provide a guarantor when requested by the Bank. ME carrying out suspicious transactions/activities or merchant remaining inactive for 45 days, can receive notice from a competent third party or on own vigilance of Bank staff for De-installation of Tap on Phone terminal raised, without any prior intimation.
  • Funds Settlement: Bank will credit settlement funds after the necessary deduction of MDR/MSF, Network charges, Chargeback amount (if any), Penalty (if any) and Bank fees (if built in the transaction). Generally these funds will be credited to ME's designated settlement account on the next working day after the settlement of funds on the terminal by ME. However, based on the ME credit profile or the nature of business, the Bank may decide to provide settlement funds in the ME account with a delay of a few days / specified period in each case. This decision will be informed to the ME at the time of onboarding the ME
  • The ME acknowledges and agrees that the Bank shall, without prejudice to its other rights as set out herein, prior to transmitting the settlement amounts in respect of the completed card transactions to the bank account be authorized and entitled to deduct therefrom any authorized debits.
  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Bank shall be entitled to refuse the process and/or withhold payment in respect of any card transaction if (i) the ME is in breach of any of the Terms; (ii) the Bank has reason to believe or suspect that a card transaction is suspicious, fraudulent, contrary to applicable law; (iii) the Bank so determines on an assessment of the risk involved in processing any card transaction. To avoid doubts, it is clarified that the Bank shall not be required to pay any interest or other sum whatsoever on such amounts withheld pursuant to this paragraph.
  • Financial and Other Information: Upon request or as part of the digital application, ME will provide the Bank with copies of financial accounts and other such documents or information concerning ME's business / promoters to help the Bank in evaluation of ME's financial and credit status. Further, ME must advice the Bank immediately of any change in circumstances affecting its business including any insolvency event, change in control or change in business name, business address, legal status or other business details. ME agrees to retain copies of all electronic transaction records and credit slips submitted to the Bank for a period of 12 months from submission, or such longer period of time as may be required by the operating rules or regulations of the Card Associations, and by the Bank as specifically requested in writing in individual cases.
  • Capital usage/ Cash funding - ME understands and agrees that if the Bank identifies any transaction where ME has used its own/family member’s card on the terminal then the payment will be refunded to cardholder by the Bank and Bank shall reserve its right to suspend/terminate the Tap on Phone facility given.
  • De-installation of Tap on Phone Service: Upon termination/expiration, ME shall be liable to pay all outstanding dues to the Bank with regards to the service provided by the Bank as per the Fee schedule. Bank also reserves the right to terminate the services arrangement with ME without giving advance notice.
  • Copyright: ME acknowledges that software provided by the Bank under this Arrangement is embedded with proprietary technology ("Software"). ME shall not obtain title, copyrights or any other proprietary right to any software provided by the Bank or any of its affiliates. At all times, the Bank or its suppliers/affiliates retain all rights to such software, including but not limited to updates, enhancements and additions. ME shall not disclose such software to any party, convey, copy, license, sub- license, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, taper with, or create any derivative work based on such software. Merchant's use of such software shall be limited to that expressly authorized by the Bank.
  • Waiver: No provision in this terms & conditions shall be deemed waived by any party unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement sought. No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of any party hereto any right, power or privilege under these terms & conditions shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege under these terms & conditions preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.
  • Dispute Resolution/Choice of law/collection fees/Jurisdiction: Should it be necessary for the Bank to defend or enforce any of its rights under this arrangement in any collection or legal action, ME agrees to reimburse the Bank, for all costs and expenses, including reasonable collection agency and attorney's fees as a result of such collection or legal action. The Bank and Merchant agree that this arrangement and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Services shall be referred to Arbitration before a Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Bank. The venue of the Arbitration shall be at Mumbai. The Arbitration proceedings shall be in English, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Mumbai courts.
  • Use of Merchant's Name: Upon agreeing to avail the Services by executing the Merchant Processing application, the Bank shall have the right to include the Merchant's name in any directory or promotional material produced in connection with the acceptance of the Card Transaction
  • Warranties and Representations: Merchant warrants and represents to The Bank -

    That each card transaction submitted hereunder will represent a bonafide sale to a card holder and account holder by Merchant for the amount shown on the related transaction record as the total sale and constitutes the binding obligation of the card holder and account holder free from any claim, demand, defense, setoff or other adverse claim whatsoever.

    That each transaction record or other evidence of a transaction will accurately describe the goods and services which have been sold and delivered to the cardholder and account holder or in accordance with the cardholder's instructions

    That merchant will comply fully with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to it and its business

    That Merchant will fulfil completely all of its obligations to the cardholder and will resolve any card holder and account holder dispute or complaint directly with the card holder.

    That the signature on the sales slip will be genuine and authorized by the cardholder and account holder and will not be forged or unauthorized by anyone.

    That each Card transaction submitted hereunder shall have been consummated and the related transaction record prepared in full compliance with the provisions of the Card acceptance guide and the operating regulations and rules of the applicable card association

    That none of the card transactions submitted hereunder represent sales by telephone, or mail, or internet, or where the card is not physically present at the Merchants location and processed through the Merchant's terminal, unless Merchant is specifically authorized in writing by the Bank Merchant services to submit such transaction records

    That, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each card transaction submitted hereunder and the handling, retention, and storage of information related to cardholder/account holder and transaction information security, including without limitation those referred to in this Terms and Conditions

    That all of the information contained in or provided pursuant to this arrangement is true and correct

    That Merchant shall keep strictly confidential the provisions applicable to the Services and all information and materials received from the Bank in connection with their respective businesses and instrument provided by them or either of them, and will disclose the same only to such of its employees who require such information for the purposes of performing merchant's obligations under this arrangement. Merchant shall procure that its officers, employees and agents, shall not without the prior written consent of the bank use or disclose any such information to any person (except to the Merchant's agents for the sole purpose of assisting merchant to complete or enforce card transactions or to Merchant's insurers and professional advisers) unless such disclosure is compelled by law or rules and regulations of the Card association

    That merchant shall not submit any card transaction which is for the supply of gambling or pornographic goods or services without prior consent of the bank Merchant services

    That Merchant shall not submit or receive any cash payment from the cardholder/account holder with respect to charges for goods and /or services included in a card transaction;

    That merchant shall not engage in acceptance practice or procedures that discriminate against or discourage the use of a card type selected to be accepted by it hereunder in favour of any other competing card brand, and shall not promote any other means of payment more actively than promoting payment with a card of such card type (except for any privilege card issued by Merchant solely for the purpose of making purchases at the Merchant or under any temporary promotion programme)

    In the event of any warranties or representations in these Terms and Conditions are breached, the affected card transaction records may be refused, or prior acceptance revoked and charged back to the Merchant.

    Merchants must obtain prior written consent from the Bank for availing Merchant Acquiring Services from any other Bank or Merchant Acquirer.

    Neither the bank Merchant services, nor any of their respective suppliers makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for the particular purpose, with respect to any equipment (including imprinters, authorization terminals, data capture terminals or printers) or any of the services furnished hereunder.

  • High Risk Merchants: There are certain industry categories which the Bank considers to be high fraud risk in relation to which Bank have rights of Full Recourse for any charge that the Bank is unable to collect due to fraud, including but not limited to the following industries : Auction Sales, Card member activated terminal (Airlines, Drugs, Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Cruise Lines, Clubs, Pawn shops, Direct Marketing Businesses, Religious Goods, Salons & Spas, Manpower agencies, Counselling services, Video Game Arcades, Civil Associations, Road tolls, car parking stations and garages, petrol pumps, cinema kiosks, railway self- service ticketing Airline, Telephone, Insurance, Time share). Bank reserves the right to add additional business categories to this list from time to time.
  • Full Recourse: When Full Recourse Applies - All Bank payments are subject to the Bank's right to full recourse. Bank has rights to full recourse (i) whenever a card member or account holder informs it of a disputed charge or has rights under law to withhold payments (ii) in cases of actual or alleged fraud relating to charges (iii) where an ME is subject to Bank Fraud Full Recourse Programme; (iv) if ME does not comply with the terms & conditions applicable to the Services including all procedures in the schedules; or (v) as specifically provided elsewhere in this terms & conditions. The Bank shall give the ME prior notice if the Bank takes action under this clause. The Bank's right to Full Recourse remains even if Bank had notice of the above facts when the Bank paid the ME.
  • How Bank exercises its Full Recourse: The Bank shall recover the full amount of each charge that is subject to Full Recourse by deducting, withholding, recouping from, or offsetting against the payments to ME (or debiting MEs account); notifying the ME of its obligation to pay the Bank in which case ME must pay within seven (7) days of any notification; or reversing a charge for which Bank has not paid ME. The Bank's failure to demand payment does not waive its rights to Full Recourse
  • Submitting charges and settlement of batch: ME must compensate and indemnify the Bank for any actions, claims, costs, loss, damages, expenses or liability made against or suffered or incurred by us directly or indirectly arising out of card transaction between ME and any cardholder/ account holder. ME is required to comply with all the specifications provided by the Bank from time to time. The Bank shall have the right to full recourse in case of any chargeback due to non-compliance of network rules.
  • Fraud Full Recourse Programme: The Bank may put ME or any of its establishments onto a Fraud Full Recourse Programme for all charges, charge ME a fee or create a Reserve, if ME is in a high risk industry category or if ME experience a disproportionately high number or amount of Disputed charges or Fraud relative to prior history or industry standards. If ME is on a Fraud Full Recourse Programme, The Bank will have the right to Full Recourse for all charges which are for any reason uncollectible due to fraud. The Bank is not obliged to contact ME first or give the ME the opportunity to provide a written response to any dispute for which Bank has exercised this right. Bank will have this right even if Bank had notice of such defect at the time of payment, ME has received an Authorisation and has complied with all other provisions of the Agreement.
  • No third party beneficiaries: Unless otherwise provided herein, this arrangement does not and is not intended to confer any rights or benefits on any person that is not a party to the arrangement as agreed between ME and the Bank
  • Access Grant: ME accepts that it may not get access to all services or facilities or transaction limits which it has requested for. Bank reserves the right to provide the access selectively on the basis of its own assessment of the merchant application/credit worthiness/merchant business requirements
  • Inactive account: If ME has not submitted any charge within a period of twelve (12) consecutive months, Bank will deem this an offer by ME to terminate this service arrangement which Bank may accept by blocking ME's access to Bank services under this arrangement. The Bank reserves the right to terminate the Services provided. An offer to terminate under this clause does not preclude ME from exercising any other rights of termination ME may have under the terms & conditions applicable to the Services. If the Services provided are terminated, the Bank may create a Reserve in relation to all amounts owing to it and its affiliates. ME and ME's successors and permitted assigns shall remain liable for any unpaid amounts immediately upon termination. ME must also remove all displays of Bank marks and any third party marks, return Bank materials, and submit to Bank any charges and credits incurred prior to termination. All direct debit and set off rights will also survive until such time as all credits and debits permitted under these Services and relating to transactions prior to the effective date of termination, have been made. Notwithstanding anything in these terms & conditions, the Bank may require ME to discontinue acceptance of any third party product by ME.

Annexure 2

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) Transactions - Terms & Conditions

  1. Services to be rendered by the Bank

    At the specific request of the ME, the Bank has agreed to provide services pertaining to UPI transactions, as availed by the ME.

  2. Additional Definitions:

    In addition to the definitions set out in the conditions above, the following terms shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have meanings set out herein:

    • “Merchant Application” shall mean the software of the Bank installed on the smartphone or tablet of the ME that enables ME to accept UPI transactions from customers by scanning QR, as provided by the Bank through the Application.
    • “Beneficiary” shall mean the ME receiving money through UPI.
    • “Beneficiary Bank” shall mean the bank where the beneficiary of the transaction maintains an account.
    • “NPCI Guidelines” shall mean the guidelines, rules, directions, standards and technical specifications issued by NPCI in respect of UPI, as the same may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated, from time to time.
    • “Payment Service Provider (PSP)” shall mean the banks providing the PSP app or interface to the remitter and/or beneficiary for carrying out UPI transactions.
    • “Payer PSP” shall mean the bank providing the PSP app to the remitter.
    • “Payee PSP” shall mean the bank providing the PSP app to the beneficiary of the transaction
    • “PSP App” shall mean the interface/front end by way of a mobile application provided by the PSP to the customers for carrying out UPI transactions.
    • “Remitter Bank” stands for the bank where the remitter maintains the bank account.
    • “Remitter” shall mean the customer and/ or any person desirous of remitting/transferring money through UPI.
    • “UPI” shall mean unified payments interface which is a service is provided by the NPCI that allows the transfer of money using a Virtual Payment Address that is mapped to the accounts of a remitter and / or beneficiary after complete validation.
    • “Virtual Payment Address (VPA)” shall mean the payment address generated for the remitter and the beneficiary by the Payer PSP and the Payee PSP respectively. The payment address may include but will not be limited to the mobile number, Aadhaar number, bank account number, IFSC and virtual address of parties.
  3. Provision of the Services
    • The ME understands that the provision of services shall be based on the operating and settlement guidelines for UPI issued by NPCI or amendments and modifications thereto. The ME understands that the Bank’s role in providing these services is subject to the various system participants/third party service providers participating in the UPI transactions. Neither the Bank, nor any of its affiliates, nor their directors, officers and employees will be liable to or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss that the ME incurs due to matters/things outside the control of the Bank in providing this service.
    • The customers of the ME shall use PSP app to make payments to the ME through the UPI route and such transactions shall be processed by the Bank and the money shall be credited to the bank account of the ME.
  4. Obligations of the ME
    • The ME shall ensure compliance with and shall act in accordance with the Applicable Law and shall follow all rules, guidelines and directions issued by the Bank or any Governmental Authority with reference to Transactions effected through UPI including without limitation the NPCI and the NPCI Guidelines.
    • The ME hereby acknowledges and agrees that during the course of utilisation of the UPI facility, all collect requests initiated by the ME shall be initiated as merchant payment transactions and not as peer to peer transactions.
    • ME shall provide the Bank with its records, and all information and assistance that the Bank may require, relating to any UPI transactions as and when the Bank requests them.
  5. Other Conditions
    • The ME shall submit to the Bank the Digital Application form as provided by the Bank to avail UPI facility.
    • The ME shall open an account (in case the ME does not already have a current account) with the Bank to collect money paid by its customers or to make payments to them.
    • The Bank shall compile and send the payment details in a mutually agreed format to the ME’s designated email addresses.
    • The ME hereby undertakes and agrees that it shall not hold the Bank liable for any delay, loss, costs, expenses, damages, outgoings, claims, proceedings and actions that may be suffered or incurred by the ME in relation to:
      • Non-availability of UPI facility owing to reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank;
      • Non-eligibility of customers to utilize the UPI facility to make payments to the ME;
      • Technical disruptions/outages which delay or lead to a failure in processing payments under UPI;
      • Any other reason beyond the reasonable control of the Bank owing to which any transaction under the UPI facility is delayed or fails.
    • In case of ME has opted for instant settlement on UPI transactions, the merchant current account will be settled instantly. In case merchants have opted for same day settlement service, the settlement will happen the same day as per the cycle selected if batch closure initiated by the merchant. Both same day settlement & instant settlement on UPI is available only for Kotak current account merchants. In both cases, the Merchant agrees to pay the applicable charges, as communicated while opting for the respective service. For merchants who have opted for instant UPI settlement : In case of transactions timed out, where the bank has not received instant confirmation from NPCI, the merchant will receive payment after 2 working days from the date of transaction subject to the confirmation of NPCI.
  6. Indemnity

    The ME hereby agrees to and shall indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless, at its own expense, the Indemnified Parties, on demand from and against any and all Losses which may be made, claimed or brought against or suffered or incurred by the Bank due to:

    • Any failure to comply with the Terms, including without limitation, terms and conditions set out in this Annexure 2;
    • Any claims which may be raised against the Bank by any Customer or any Governmental Authority, which is not a direct result of any breach by the Bank of its obligations hereunder

Annexure 3

Online Acquiring Services/SMS Pay Terms & Conditions

At the specific request of the ME, the Bank agrees to provide Online Acquiring Services/ SMS Pay (as hereinafter defined) under these Terms and this Annexure 3.

  1. Additional Definitions

    In addition to the definitions set out in these Terms, the following words shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the meanings as set out herein:

    • Account” shall mean the bank account or card account or any other type of account in the name of and held by the customer that can be operated through internet banking or mobile banking or by use of a card.
    • Online Acquiring Bank Services”/ “SMS Pay” shall mean the services provided by the Bank to the ME to facilitate payments by customers through availed channels on Internet Payment Gateway, towards the purchase of the products offered by the ME. The services also include providing authorization (from third party clearing house networks) and settlement facilities in respect of the aforesaid payment process initiated by the customers.
    • Acquiring Services” shall collectively mean the Acquiring Bank Services and the Payment Gateway Services including ALLPAY Payment Gateway and Smart Payment Gateway.
    • Authorised Debits” with reference to any particular transaction’s settlement shall mean and include: (i) the fees payable by the ME for acquiring services provided in respect of the relevant transaction; (ii) any taxes that are accrued in respect of the fees referred to in (i) above; (iii) any other money required to be paid or returned by the ME, in terms hereof; and (iv) the amount (if any) collected from the customer towards the processing of the transaction.
    • Availed Channel” shall mean the various channels or any variations thereto as the Bank may grant to the ME, as requested by the ME from time to time, to enable the customer to make a payment in favour of the ME.
    • Card Network(s)” shall mean any of the following: Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Diners, Rupay, Discover or Maestro or any other card network as may be specified by the Bank.
    • Card Network Operating Guidelines” means any policies or procedures provided by the card network that regulates the operation of the card including but not limited to the operating guidelines, clearing and settlement and transaction processing rules, standard chargeback processes, dispute management rules and regulations, by-laws, user instructions, technical literature and all other related material.
    • Chargeback” shall mean the requirement to reverse a transaction effected in favour of the ME.
    • Payment Gateway Services” mean facilities (including the provision of the Payment Gateway) that shall enable customers to make online payments through their respective accounts towards the purchase of the products offered by ME through Bank’s software application. . Such facilities, in whatever nature and form they may be, will either be provided by the Bank itself or by a third party appointed by the Bank.
    • “Transaction” shall mean the transactions conducted by the customers through the availed channels including but not limited to the payment for the products by the customer, the receipt/consumption of the same by the customer serviced, the chargeback transactions which the customer has disputed for not having received the products as per the purchase orders or/and terms and conditions from the ME, and the issues or complaints with the quality of the products.
    • Transaction Receipt” shall mean the receipt to be displayed or sent by the ME to the customer through the Bank’s software application on the successful completion of a transaction. This receipt shall contain details that the Bank may require from time to time.
  2. Services
    • Subject to the terms and conditions, the Bank may at the request of the ME provide online acquiring services/ SMS Pay and Net Banking on SMS Pay, in relation thereto, in the manner and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Terms, this Annexure 3 and Annexure 4 relevant to SMS Pay.
    • This Annexure 3 together with Annexure 4 for Net Banking on SMS Pay shall constitute the entire understanding between the parties. Annexure 4 shall form an integral part of this Annexure and these Terms.
    • The ME agrees and undertakes that they shall, in consideration of the Bank providing online acquiring services/ SMS Pay, make payment of such fees and charges as the Bank may stipulate from time to time. The fees shall be payable in respect of each transaction, in such a manner and upon such terms and conditions as is determined by the Bank.
    • The settlement cycles for the online acquiring services/ SMS Pay may be provided by the Bank, in terms hereof, shall be as may be specified by the Bank in writing (including by way of electronic mails) from time to time.
    • The ME acknowledges and agrees that the Bank shall, without prejudice to its other rights as set out herein, prior to transmitting the settlement amounts in respect of the completed transactions to the bank account of the ME be authorized and entitled to deduct therefrom the authorized debits.
    • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Bank shall be entitled to refuse to process and/or withhold payment in respect of any transaction if (i) the ME is in breach of any of these Terms; (ii) the Bank has reason to believe or suspect that any transaction is suspicious, fraudulent, contrary to applicable law; (iii) the Bank so determines on an assessment of the risk involved in processing any transaction. For avoiding doubts, it is clarified that the Bank shall not be required to pay any interest or other sum whatsoever on such amounts withheld pursuant to this paragraph.
  3. Processing and Settlement
    • Upon the debit of the amount from the customer’s account, the Bank shall credit the ME account for a like amount on a T+1 basis and transfer the funds to the ME.
    • In case of a refund, once the refund has been processed by the ME, the amount will be credited to the customer account by the Bank.
    • The ME should issue necessary instructions to the Bank with a view to ensure refunds to the accounts of the customers, as the case may be, shall be effected within the prescribed settlement cycle as per the prevailing laws and regulations issued by the RBI.
    • The ME understands that all refunds must be routed from the same bank and payment gateway through which the transactions were made. In the event that the ME initiate refunds through any other mode, the ME are fully liable for all chargebacks raised in respect of the transaction refunded. The ME shall and further ensure that (a) maintains a fair return, cancellation or adjustment policy in accordance with the type of business; (b) discloses its return or cancellation policy to customers at the time of purchase, (c) not give cash refunds to a customer in connection with a card sale, unless required by law, and (d) not accept cash or any other item of value for preparing a card sale refund.
    • The ME understands that the amount of the refund/adjustment must include any associated taxes required to be refunded and cannot exceed the amount shown as the total on the original sales data except by the exact amount required to reimburse the customer for postage (if any) that the customer paid to return the product. The ME understands that if the refund policy prohibits returns or is unsatisfactory to the customers, the ME may still receive a chargeback relating to the disputed transaction.
    • The ME agrees that payment made in respect of any transaction, which proves to be uncollectible from the customer and/or in respect of which the Issuing Bank raises a claim, demand, dispute or chargeback on the ME or the Bank for any reason whatsoever, the financial responsibility shall be of the ME. The ME agrees to the payment of the chargeback amount of such uncollectible charge as the case may be without any demur or protest, dispute or delay.
  4. Chargeback

    The ME hereby agrees that all chargebacks shall be the sole responsibility and liability of the ME. The ME further agrees and acknowledges that the Bank shall be entitled to, require the ME to repay the amounts received by the ME in respect of any transaction, in the event that the Bank, in its sole discretion determines that a chargeback should be ordered. The ME shall be obliged to make payment of the same. Without prejudice to the obligation of the ME as aforesaid, the ME agree and acknowledge that the Bank may recover the chargeback money by either: (i) deducting the same as part of the authorized debits; (ii) deducting the same from any account held or deposit made by the ME with the Bank. The ME shall be required to maintain account reserves to cover these payments as informed by the Bank from time to time.

  5. Refund
    • The ME shall process the returns of products sold and refund adjustment of corresponding payment collected, if the need arises, in accordance with these Terms, the Bank’s instructions, Card Network Operating Guidelines, guidelines issued by any governmental authority and/or applicable law.
    • If the Bank is intimated in respect of any transaction whether by the card network or governmental authority or by the card issuer of the customer requiring a refund of the transaction amount, the Bank shall notify them of the same by providing such details, data or information regarding the relevant transaction as submitted by the ME. The Bank does not hold any role except the one stated above in the chargeback transaction and refund process. The Bank shall not be responsible for any chargebacks or refunds/or any indirect or direct claims/ disputes arising out of the transactions between the ME and its customers. It shall be the ultimate responsibility of the ME to resolve and settle the claims arising out of the chargeback transactions and refunds in accordance with the relevant Card Network Operating Guidelines, guidelines issued by any governmental authority and/ or applicable law.
  6. Additional Representations, Warranties, Undertakings and Covenants

    The ME hereby represents, warrants, agrees, covenants and undertakes as follows:

    • The sale of the goods and services by the ME is in compliance with the applicable law and the Card Network Operating Guidelines. The ME undertakes to ensure that the Online acquiring Services/ SMS Pay are not utilized in connection with the sale of any goods and/or the provision of services that are not compliant with applicable law and Card Network Operating Guidelines.
    • The ME shall act in accordance with (i) applicable law including, without limitation, the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the applicable rules thereunder (including the Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011), (ii) the Card Network Operating Guidelines, and (iii) all rules and issued by the bank or any government authority with reference to transaction including.
    • The ME shall not levy any amount towards the customer and/or otherwise seek to transfer the incidence of the merchant discount.
    • The transaction receipts, proof of delivery of the products and other records of the transactions shall be maintained by the ME for a period of at least 12 months from the date of the relevant transaction and shall be submitted to the Bank as and when requested by the Bank. The Bank shall be entitled to inspect all data and records relating to the transactions and take copies of or extracts from the same or any part thereof, during usual business hours of the ME.
    • The ME shall follow such technological standards, system certifications, security procedures and technical requirements prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
    • The ME hereby represents that it is PCI-DSS, PCI-PTS and PA-DSS compliant and has obtained the necessary certifications in this regard. The ME shall ensure that it remains PCI- DSS, PCI-PTS and PA-DSS compliant during the tenure of these Terms and shall take all actions as may be necessary for this purpose.
    • The ME shall not seek to effect a transaction in favour of itself.
    • The ME hereby agrees and undertakes that it shall ensure that all commitments made by it to the customers at the time of purchase of the products including in connection with any offer of discounts, cash back schemes or any other incentives shall be honoured and fulfilled.
    • The ME using the Online Acquiring Services/ SMS Pay shall comply and ensure compliance with such instructions as may be issued by the Bank from time to time for securing the transmission of data.
    • The ME shall not enter into any agreements/ contracts which contain provisions that are contrary to or in conflict with the provisions of these Terms, this Annexure 3 and the Annexure 4 hereto which are applicable to the ME.
    • The ME hereby undertakes and agrees not to describe itself as an agent or representative of the Bank, or to give warranties which may require the Bank to undertake to or be liable for, directly or indirectly, any obligation and/or responsibility to the customer or any third party. The ME shall not at any time require the customer to provide them with any details of the bank accounts with the Bank including the password, account number, and Customer ID that may be assigned to the customer by the Bank, other than the details as required for the purposes of these Terms.
    • The ME further agrees that the liability of the Bank for the transaction between the ME and the customer is restricted to the settlement of payments only and confirms that the transactions conducted using the online acquiring services/ SMS Pay are in conformity with applicable law.
    • The ME hereby undertakes, affirms and agrees that it shall not breach the customer’s privacy of the customers during the course of the performance of its obligations herein.
    • The ME shall comply with and ensure compliance with the non-disclosure of customer information to third parties, except when required by applicable law.
    • The ME must notify the Bank of any changes in ownership or any other changes in business practices or sales methods or before adding and performing mail order, telephone order, and/or making changes to the products being sold by the ME.
    • The ME agrees and understands that the Bank may at its discretion determine that the ME is incurring an excessive amount of chargeback transactions and that the Bank may establish controls or conditions governing the transactions contemplated under this Annexure 3.
    • The ME shall deliver and ensure delivery of all products in accordance with the instructions provided by the customers and as per the terms and conditions of the ME accepted by the customers. The ME shall maintain sufficient records evidencing delivery with respect to each transaction initiated through the ME. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Bank reserves the right to call for proof of delivery, at any time, before and/or after settlement of the transaction amounts to the bank account and the ME agrees to comply with such requests forthwith. The Bank has the right to reverse and/or reject the transaction amount to the ME if the proof of delivery is not provided in accordance with this paragraph.
    • All risks associated with the delivery of the product shall be solely borne by the ME and not the Bank. Any and all disputes regarding quality, merchantability, non-delivery and delay in delivery or otherwise will be resolved directly between the ME and the customer without making the Bank a party to such disputes.
    • The ME shall forthwith put up such notices, disclaimers or warranties as the Bank may require upon the receipt of such request by the Bank and/or ensure the compliance with the same.
    • The ME shall provide the documents as may be required by the Bank from time to time with regards to the acquiring services offered.
    • The ME shall comply with all Applicable Laws and/ or directions issued from time to time by any Governmental Authority. The ME shall permit the authorized representatives of the Bank to carry out physical inspections of the place(s) of business of the ME by giving reasonable prior notice to verify whether the ME complies with its obligations hereunder.
    • The ME, its employees and its representatives shall not use the Intellectual Property of the Bank in any sales or marketing publication or advertisement, or in any other manner without the prior written consent of the Bank.
    • In case the Online Acquiring Services/ SMS Pay becomes inaccessible due to any break-down or other reasons directly attributable to the ME, the ME shall appraise the Bank, in writing, of such inaccessibility / break down and the ME shall use commercially reasonable efforts to rectify /fix the problem at its own cost. Any liability, including any liability to Customers, arising out of inaccessibility of the Availed Channels due to any reason attributable to the ME, shall be borne by the ME and the Bank shall not entertain any complaint or query from the Customers in this regard.
    • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if the Bank suspects that the ME has/have committed a breach of these Terms or Applicable Law or dishonesty or fraud against the Bank, any Customer, as the case may be, the Bank shall be entitled to suspend all payments under this Annexure 3 to the ME. The Bank shall not be liable to pay any interest upon the suspended payouts during or after the pendency of the inquiry.
    • In case the customer commits fraud against the ME in the course of using the availed channels, the ME shall be entitled to suspend the payouts of the disputed amount until the issue is resolved between the ME and the customer. The Bank shall not be liable to pay any interest upon the suspended payouts during or after the pendency of the inquiry.
    • The ME acknowledges that the card networks and/ or Bank and/ or governmental authority have the right to enforce any provision of the standards and to prohibit the ME from conducting business in a way that may injure or may create a risk of injury to the card networks, governmental authority and/or Bank, including injury to reputation, or that may adversely affect the integrity of the card networks, governmental authority and Bank’s core payment systems, information or both. The ME agrees that it will not take any action that might interfere with or prevent the exercise of this right by the card networks and/or the Bank and/ or governmental authority.
    • The ME agrees that in the event the ME commits a breach of any terms of this Annexure 3 and/ or Card Network Operating Guidelines and/ or Applicable Law or fails to comply with any statutory provision as a result of which the reputation of the Card Network and/ or the Governmental Authority and/ or the Bank is adversely affected, the relevant Card Network and/ or the Governmental Authority and/ or the Bank shall have an unconditional and unfettered right to levy such additional charges upon the ME as the Card Network or the Governmental Authority may deem proper.
    • The ME shall take all precautions as may be feasible or as may be directed by the Bank to ensure that there is no breach of security and that the integrity of the Bank’s systems and/ or Availed Channels is maintained at all times during the term of this Annexure 3. The ME shall also take appropriate steps to ensure that all Customers upon accessing the SMS sent by the ME are properly directed to the payment gateway. The ME shall ensure proper encryption and robust security measures to prevent any hacking into the information of the Customers, information of the Bank and/or any other data. In the event of any loss being caused as a result of the ME causing a breach of the Bank’s systems and/ or Availed Channels or being in violation of the provisions of this paragraph, the loss shall be to the account of the ME and the ME shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank from any loss as may be caused in this regard.
    • The Bank may from time to time upgrade, modify, alter or perform maintenance services. During the performance of such maintenance services, the Bank shall use its best endeavours and work with the relevant bank(s) / vendors/ service providers, to ensure that the payment gateway is available for utilization as soon as may be possible.
    • The Bank shall be entitled to use hardware, software and/or such other equipment as it deems necessary or appropriate for the provision of the Acquiring Services and to enhance the security of transactions and the ME agrees to comply and ensure compliance with the directions and/or instructions issued by the Bank in respect of the use of such hardware, software and/or equipment. The ME also agree to suitably modify/upgrade its systems to comply with the standards as communicated by the Bank and the Bank may accordingly modify its software application and/ or systems in such manner as may deem fit.
    • The ME hereby agrees and understands that the ME shall be allotted a merchant category code (“MCC”) by the Bank in accordance with the relevant Card Network guidelines and/ or Applicable Law and as per the projected category of business informed by the ME to the Bank and the ME agrees and undertakes that the ME shall not sell any products which do not fall within the MCC which has been assigned by the Bank to the ME. The ME further agrees and understands that the MCC allotted to the ME shall be subject to the relevant pricing guidelines issued by the Card Networks and/ or Governmental Authority from time to time. The ME hereby further agrees and understands that the said merchant classification of the ME may be changed or revised from time to time by the relevant Card Network and/ or Governmental Authority which shall be informed to the Bank. The Bank shall thereafter inform the ME of any such change and on the basis such change reserves the right to review the pricing structure previously communicated to the ME.
    • The ME hereby agrees and understands that its onboarding as a merchant with the Bank and the MCC shall be in accordance with the Bank’s merchant onboarding policy and be at the sole discretion of the Bank.
    • The Bank shall be entitled to set off and deduct any amount placed in the fixed deposit against any payment due and payable to the ME and/ or against any liability accruing out of the non-performance or breach of its obligations under this Annexure 3.
  7. Rights of the Bank
    • The Bank shall compile and send the payment details for each business day to the ME in the format stipulated by the Bank.
    • In case remittance instructions from the ME are received by the Bank on a day other than a business day such payment instructions shall be processed by the Bank on the next business day.
    • The Bank shall, as reasonably as possible, endeavour to resolve all the queries raised by the ME relating to the receipt of the amount in the ME Account with the Bank.
    • The Bank shall have the right to inspect and/or audit all records of the ME that relate to the arrangement captured in this Annexure 3, at any time and for such purposes the ME shall permit the Bank entry into premises where the records are maintained consequently to prior written notice. In the event of any statutory or regulatory audit with or without notice, both the parties shall co-operate and submit all the required records for such audit without any delay.
    • The Acquiring Services may not be uninterrupted or error-free or virus-free and the Bank disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, written or oral, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness of the Acquiring Services for a particular purpose. The Bank shall not be liable to the ME for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused or arising, directly or indirectly, including without limitation, as a result of loss of data; interruption or stoppage of the ME’s access to and/or use of the Acquiring Services; The Bank’s sole obligation in the event of an interruption in the Acquiring Services shall be to use all reasonable endeavours to restore the said Acquiring Services as soon as reasonably possible.
    • The Bank is entitled to freeze or hold deposits in the ME Account with the Bank whenever fraudulent activity is suspected and the Bank must investigate the same and take necessary action.
    • In case the Acquiring Services becomes inaccessible due to any break-down on account of reasons directly attributable to the Bank, it shall use commercially reasonable efforts to rectify/fix the problem at its own cost. The Bank shall not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of (i) any such data, information or message, or (ii) the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (A) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (B) non-performance, or (C) interruption in any such data, information or message, due to any force majeure event or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Bank (D) any liability arising out of the Acquiring Services becoming inaccessible due to any break-down on account of reasons attributable to any other third party.
    • The Bank shall have no liability for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this facility if such failure or delay:
      • Is caused by the ME’s acts or omissions; or
      • Results from actions taken by the Bank in reasonably good faith to avoid violating any applicable law or to prevent fraud on card holders/accounts.
  8. Data Security
    • The ME agrees and undertakes that the ME shall implement and maintain such safeguards (including physical and technical safeguards) and develop and maintain such procedures and policies as may be required under applicable law, Card Network Operating Guidelines and such safeguards, policies and processes which may be mandated by the Bank, from time to time to (i) ensure the safety, security and veracity of all information which is received from any customer in relation to a transaction, and (ii) to prevent any hacking/ unauthorised access/ alteration to systems of the Bank or the systems of the ME.
    • The ME further agrees and undertakes that it shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of all customer information which is being received by its own systems, which is being stored on its systems or which is being transmitted from its systems.
  9. Indemnity

    The ME hereby agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless, at its own expense, the indemnified parties, on demand from and against any and all losses which may be made, claimed or brought against or suffered or incurred by the Bank due to:

    • Any hacking, alteration or breach in the safety and security of customer information when the same is (i) being received by the systems of the ME, (ii) being stored on the systems of the ME or (iii) being transmitted from the systems of the ME
    • Any chargeback or refund in respect of any transaction previously settled by the Bank;
    • And/ or breach by the ME of any of the Card Network Operating Guidelines, these terms or any other standards, guidelines and/or rules issued by the Bank from time to time.

Annexure 4

Internet Banking Transactions Terms & Conditions

At the ME's request and subject to the terms and conditions of Annexure 3 read together with Annexure 4 hereunder, the Bank has agreed to offer to the ME Acquiring Services in respect of Net Banking Facility, in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set out in the Terms, Annexure 3 and this Annexure 4.

  1. Services to be rendered by the Bank

    At the specific request of the ME, the Bank has agreed to provide the Acquiring Services pertaining to the Net Banking Facility.

  2. Additional Definitions
    • “Participating Bank” shall be used to refer to the banks with whom the customers maintain their accounts, those accounts that are used to effect payments in favour of the ME;
    • “Net Banking Facility” is provided by the Bank to the ME that enables customers of the ME to use their accounts maintained with respective participating banks and the services provided by such banks to effect payments in favour of the ME.
  3. Terms and Conditions
    • The ME agrees and acknowledges that the Bank shall utilize the services of any one or more service providers for the provision of the Net Banking Facility and accordingly, in the event of any termination of the relationship between the Bank and its service providers or between the service provider and any one or more Participating Banks, the Bank may require to withdraw the provision of the Net Banking Facility (or any part thereof).
    • The ME further agrees and acknowledges that the Bank has not provided any representation or warranty in respect of the continued provision of the Net Banking Facility and/or the availability of any Participating Banks in relation thereto and the Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused as a result of the same.

Annexure 5

Bharat QR Code Transactions Terms & Conditions

At the ME's request and subject to the terms and conditions of Annexure 5, the Bank has agreed to offer to its ME Acquiring Services in respect of the transactions effected through Bharat QR Code in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set out in the Terms and Annexure 5.

  1. Services to be rendered by the Acquiring Bank

    At the specific request of the ME, the Bank has agreed to provide the Acquiring Services pertaining to Bharat QR Code Transactions.

  2. Additional Definitions
    • “Bank Switch System” stands for the switch of the Bank for the validation of the ME.
    • “Bharat QR Code” means the common QR code jointly developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), MasterCard, Visa and American Express under instructions from RBI and shall include the Static QR and Dynamic QR. It will be provided by the Bank to the ME.
    • “Card Association Operating Guidelines” means any policies or procedures provided by the card associations that regulate the operation of Bharat QR including but not limited to the operating guidelines, clearing and settlement and transaction processing rules, standard charge back process and dispute management rules and regulations, by-laws, user instructions, technical literature and all other related materials.
    • “Card Association switch” shall mean the relevant card association’s gateway which provides routing services from the Issuing Bank switch to the Bank switch.
    • “Merchant Application” shall mean the software of the Bank installed on the smartphone or tablet of the Merchant that enables Merchants to accept card payments from customers using Bharat QR.
    • “Quick Response Code” (QR) shall mean a quick response code i.e. (a 2-dimensional black & white square that has the Master Merchant and Transaction information (optional)
    • “Static QR Code” shall mean a QR being displayed by the ME containing merchant specific data such as merchant identifier and other mandatory and optional fields for the generation of the QR in accordance with the Merchant QR Code specifications. This is issued by the Bank and NPCI for the customer to scan and make the payment by entering the amount.
    • “Dynamic QR Code” shall mean a QR being generated for each transaction by the ME containing merchant specific data such as merchant identifier and other mandatory and optional fields for the QR in accordance with the Merchant QR Code specifications issued by the NPCI for the customer to scan the QR and make the payment. The amount does not need to be entered by the customer.
  3. Obligations of the ME
    • The ME shall not destruct or tamper with the physical decals being installed at the ME’s store or shop. The ME shall undertake responsibility to ensure that physical decals are kept in good condition for effective and timely processing of transactions through Bharat QR. The Bank shall not be responsible in any manner once the physical decals are handed over to the ME.
    • The ME will be liable for any sales transaction receipt charged back to the Bank if the transaction was not performed in accordance with the terms of this agreement. In such an event the chargeback amount will be directly debited from the account or from the reserves maintained with the Bank, as the case may be. The ME shall be required to maintain reserves in the account to cover these payments as informed by the Bank from time to time.
    • The ME hereby agrees that the MCC shall be in accordance with the Bank’s merchant onboarding policy and be at the sole discretion of the Acquiring Bank.
    • The ME shall ensure that it complies with the following:
      • Shall not disclose cardholder account information to third parties, except when needed to complete a transaction or when required by applicable law.
      • Not undertake any laundering of sales transaction receipts or any transaction that is specifically prohibited by the Bank or as per the applicable regulations issued by the card association from time to time.
      • Not be allowed to set minimum or maximum transaction amounts as a condition of honouring the transactions.
      • Not impose surcharges on transactions, unless expressly required by applicable law.
      • Clearly use the brand or logo of the card association (“Intellectual Property”) on the ME’s promotional materials to indicate that Bharat QR Code is only accepted as payment for business goods and services and not be used, either directly or indirectly, to imply that the card association endorses the ME’s goods or services; nor may the ME refer to the card association when stating eligibility requirements for purchasing its products, services, or memberships.
      • Use or display the Intellectual Property of the Bank in accordance with the guidelines of the card association.
      • Cease all use of the Intellectual Property immediately upon termination of this agreement or upon notification by the Bank and/ or the card association to discontinue such use or display.
      • Must honour all transactions without discrimination when properly presented for payment.
      • Must maintain a policy that does not discriminate among customers seeking to make purchases with Bharat QR Code.
      • Must not engage in any acceptance practice that discriminates against or discourages the use of Bharat QR Code in favour of any other acceptance brand.
      • Must not directly or indirectly ask any customer to pay a surcharge or any part of any ME discount or any contemporaneous finance charge in connection with a transaction.
      • Must not impose, as a condition of the acceptance of the Bharat QR Code, a requirement that the customer waives the right to dispute a transaction.
      • Must not submit to the Bank a transaction that the ME knows or should have known to be fraudulent or not authorized by the customer.
      • The ME, its employees, and its representatives shall not use the Intellectual Property of both the Bank and/ or the card association in any sales or marketing publication or advertisement, or in any other manner without the prior written consent of the Bank.
      • The use or display of any Intellectual Property does not give the ME any ownership or interest in the Intellectual Property. Any use of Intellectual Property by the ME in advertising, acceptance decals, or signs, must be in accordance with the guidelines of the card association, including the card association’s reproduction, usage and artwork standards as may be in effect from time to time.
    • The ME shall comply with the applicable Card Association Operating Guidelines. The ME shall be responsible for all its acts of omission and commission. The ME acknowledges the receipt of the Card Association Operating Guidelines from time to time and the Bank shall notify the Master Merchant of such modifications as and when the same are made to the Card Association Operating Guidelines.
    • ME shall use the Software application of the Bank in the manner prescribed by the Bank. Any loss to Bank due to negligent and misuse of software application by ME shall be compensated by ME to Bank.
  4. Other terms and conditions
    • In the event that the customer approaches the Bank, the Bank shall intimate the same to the ME for taking appropriate actions as per this agreement. The ME shall ensure that while resolving any dispute pertaining to the customer’s queries and/or discrepancies, whatsoever, in any transactions through the usage of the Bharat QR Code as raised by the Bank to the ME, it shall follow and comply with the standard charge back process as prescribed by the Card Association and any amendment to it.
    • The ME confirms and agrees that for any dispute pertaining to this arrangement, the parties shall settle the dispute in accordance with the prevalent dispute management rules and regulations of the card association and any amendment to it.

In no event will the card association/ Bank be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, for loss of profits, or any other cost or expense incurred by a customer or any third party arising from or related to use or receipt of the services whether in an action in contract or in tort, and even if the customer or any third party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.