How To Make Your Home Monsoon Ready? | Kotak Mahindra Bank
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03 JULY, 2023

With the monsoon season comes the desire to have that perfect cup of tea or hot chocolate while being cosy in your warm, safe home, enjoying the symphony of raindrops and the lush greenery. And for this, you may need to take some time and effort to prepare your home so that it can embrace the rainy season.

To get your home monsoon ready, you may have to undertake certain repairs and renovations and shake up the décor to transform your home into a perfect rainy retreat this season. Let’s start by looking at some of the important things you should consider to prepare your home for the season:

1. Check leaks and waterproofing

Imagine wanting to sleep in on a rainy Sunday afternoon with no care in the world, only to find water leaking through your roof or walls. Not so magical, right? It’s essential to seal all leaks and waterproof your home for an uninterrupted monsoon experience! Take some time to explore every nook and cranny in your house for sneaky cracks and gaps. Contact a waterproofing professional to patch up all the vulnerable spots in your home.

Just like the waterproofing professional needs their tools to repair leaks and waterproof your home, you may need a little financial boost for the repairs. And personal loans for home renovations are a great option as they provide easy access to sufficient funds so that you can protect your home against unpleasant monsoon surprises.

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2. Ensure electrical safety

It's crucial to ensure the safety of your electrical systems during this rainy season. Contact an electrician to identify and fix any potential hazards lurking in your wiring. Whether it’s loose wires or damaged switches, it’s important to fix them in time.

Sometimes when you call a professional like an electrician to check your home, you may realise that there is a bigger problem to be fixed than you assumed and the estimate they quote is one you weren’t prepared for. But with a home renovation loan, you don’t have to worry! You can apply for a home renovation loan in a few simple steps online and have the funds in your account within a few hours. This is a helpful feature of online personal loan for home renovation and repairs since you need to ensure timely repairs before the rainy season strikes.

3. Set up a rainwater harvesting system

The monsoon season gifts us with bountiful rainfall, so why not put it to good use? Embrace the magic of rainwater harvesting and let your home become a sanctuary of sustainability. Capture the raindrops from your roof, directing them into storage tanks that await their eco-friendly mission. With this abundant water supply, you can nourish your plants, wash away worries, and flush away unnecessary water bills. It's a win-win for you and Mother Nature.

When setting up sustainable frameworks like a rainwater harvesting system or a solar panel, there may be a high upfront cost. And to finance that, you can make use of a personal loan for home improvement. One of the great features of this loan is that it doesn’t restrict how you use the funds for your home. Whether it is to set up a rainwater harvesting system or to buy new furniture, you are free to use the proceeds from the personal loan in a way that your home most needs.

4. Adopt pest-control measures

One con of the monsoon season is that pests and insects seek refuge from the downpour and that makes your home a potential target for their unwelcome visits. To ensure a peaceful and pest-free living environment, it is important to adopt some effective pest-control measures.

For instance, conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify any cracks or gaps that may serve as entry points for pests. Seal them off to create a barrier against unwanted guests. Maintaining cleanliness in your home is another powerful weapon against pests. Regularly clean and declutter your living spaces, paying attention to areas that tend to accumulate moisture, such as kitchen and bathroom areas. Dispose of trash promptly and keep food items stored in airtight containers.

Give your home a monsoon makeover

In addition to the structural aspects, there are several measures you can take to ensure your home remains cosy, inviting and vibrant during the monsoon. Here are some tips:

  • Change the décor: During monsoon, everything can seem dull and gloomy and that can have an impact on your mood. So, try to change the décor in your home for the season to bring colour, warmth, and vibrancy to your space. This can mean anything from painting your walls a bright new colour to adding a bunch of throw pillows and rugs.

  • Maintain good ventilation: Ventilation in your home is central to minimising the build-up of humidity. Use exhaust fans, open windows during dry spells, and allow air to circulate freely. This will help prevent the growth of mold.

  • Use natural repellents: Planting mosquito-repellent plants such as basil and lavender in your garden or indoor pots can help keep mosquitoes at bay. Additionally, essential oils like neem, peppermint, or eucalyptus can be used to create natural sprays or diffusers that discourage insects from entering your home.

  • Protect wooden furniture is susceptible to moisture damage, so it's essential to protect your wooden furniture during the monsoon. Apply a coat of varnish or wax to create a barrier against moisture. Place moisture-absorbing packets or silica gel near your wooden furniture to prevent dampness.

  • Reposition plants: Excessive moisture can be harmful to indoor plants. Move them away from areas prone to water leakage or excessive humidity. Ensure proper drainage for potted plants and trim any overgrown branches to prevent them from touching windows or walls.

Wrapping up

Now that you're armed with the secrets to monsoon proofing your home, it's time to embrace the rainy season with open arms. Whether it is fixing leaks or buying new home décor to spruce up your place, remember, a personal loan for home renovations is your trusty companion on this journey.

Applying for a home renovation loan with Kotak is a simple and easy process. The personal loan eligibility is basic and the personal loan documents required are minimal, making the entire process hassle free and quick. You can also make use of the personal loan EMI calculator on Kotak’s website to assess what your loan’s Equated Monthly Instalments (EMIs) will look like and how you can make space for that in your budget.

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