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24 NOVEMBER, 2022

Monsoons – a season that can be a synonym for happiness for some and annoyance for others. Sure, monsoons bring in lots of joy, happiness, freshness, and respite from the heat. But the fact that the season also brings with it dampness and moisture and makes things messy cannot be ignored. Whatever it be, we all need to be prepared for the monsoons before it knocks on our door and sweeps the dryness and warmth away. Rain can spoil your food, your clothes and books, and can be an open invitation for insects and slithery creatures. Therefore, it is crucial to be prepared for it. Undoubtedly, you would bring out umbrellas, raincoats, rain shoes, etc., from the closet and carry them along whenever you step out. However, equally important is preparing your house to withstand the monsoon downpours and the leakages, mould, cracks, and more the season may cause in its wake. Your home should be monsoon-proof so that it is protected from the worst rains of the season.

Here are some tips to help you monsoon-proof and maintain your house this rainy season. 

  • Get your house painted

    Before the monsoon arrives, ensure to get your walls painted. Waterproof paint on the exterior walls of the house protects them from heavy rains and prevents dampness and rains to seep inside. You must also ensure to use a water sealant and waterproofing before painting to avoid dampness from spoiling your walls. You must also fill in all cracks as they can further damage your walls. Moreover, if you have any metal doors or windows, they can rust from rainwater. Ensure that you also get them painted and let them dry completely. They also prevent rainwater from entering the house.

  • Fix leaks and drainage

    Get your taps, faucets, and drains checked by a plumber to identify any clogging or leakage. During a heavy downpour, if drains and downspouts are clogged, rainwater and debris will clog your roof and pipe. Repair your pipes, taps, and gutters and ensure they are clean before the first downpour hits.

  • Check electrical wirings

    The most crucial aspect of safeguarding against monsoons is your electrical wiring. Get your wiring checked through an electrician. Ensure to fix all loose or unattended wires and repair worn-out wirings. Experts suggest keeping silica gel packets around major electrical appliances as the gel absorbs moisture from the air. If any electric plugs or switchboards are near doors or windows where they can come in contact with water, ensure to cover them up to avoid any incident of short circuit or shock.

  • Invest in appliances

    Monsoon is the best time to invest in appliances that can help you manage the season better and reduce after-rains hassle. During monsoons, the air can become highly humid and heavy with moisture, causing irritation and excessive sweating. Purchase a dehumidifier that would keep away musty odour and reduce the damage caused to furniture and furnishing, due to mould and dampness. It will also help you keep allergies and dust mites away. Moreover, during monsoons, power cuts can hamper your daily schedule and work. An inventor could help you run basic appliances like fans and lights even during load shedding. 

  • Protect your house against pests

    Despite keeping windows closed, pests and insects often find a way to get in the house. Pests like cockroaches multiply in moisture and can be a nuisance during monsoons. Hire a pest control team to carry out cockroach and termite control services. Ensure that it is carried out periodically so that no cockroach eggs are left in the house before the monsoon. Moreover, keep all your food safe by investing in airtight packets and boxes as they cannot develop mould and fungus in moisture. 

    Always remember that avoiding maintenance to save a small amount of money can lead to a large expense later. Therefore, ensure to make all the requisite changes to your house before the rains damage things. If you are short on money, a home improvement loan can help you fund these crucial expenses. You can apply for it easily through your preferred lender’s website. However, ensure to check the home loan interest rates before proceeding.

Easy tips to maintain your house and keep it moisture-free

Apart from making changes in your home, a few tips can help you maintain the warmth of your house and avoid spoilage due to water and dampness.

  • Monsoons could mean power cuts or flooding. To save yourself, prepare an emergency kit. It should contain essential supplies like food, energy bars, clean drinking water, and necessary first aid. Also, include batteries, torches, extra umbrellas, UPS batteries, a knife, rope, etc., that can come in handy in extreme situations.
  • You must keep your documents and clothes safe. In monsoons, often clothes and documents are spoiled due to dampness. Keep them in air-tight packets to avoid them from coming in contact with damp air. You can also keep neem leaves or cloves inside the closets and cupboards to ensure freshness.
  • Ventilation is of utmost importance to fight the dampness caused by the rains. Ensure you have enough ventilation in the house to fight the musty odour. Replace heavy fabric curtains with cotton drapes. Keep windows and doors open when not raining to ensure circulation of sunlight and air inside the house.
  • Apply oil or wax on doors and windows to prevent them from swelling and getting stuck.
  • Avoid stagnant water around the house as it can be a breeding ground for insects and termites. Keep purifying plants and keep your house clean.


A home loan for improvement and renovation can help you enjoy the monsoon without worries. It can ensure that you and your family are safe inside your cosy and monsoon-proof house. However, before you opt for a loan for monsoon proofing, do check your home loan eligibility and ensure to use a home loan EMI calculator to check your loan affordability. Do enjoy monsoons but avoid getting drenched in the rain for too long and stay healthy and safe.

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