Apply Corporate Platinum Credit Card for Frequent Flyers - Kotak Bank
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Corporate
  • Private Banking
  • Privy League
  • NRI Services
  • Investors

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I select a Kotak Credit Card?

Kotak Credit Cards symbolize the following guiding principles:


Kotak Credit Cards are simple to understand and use. We have taken special care to make them hassle free so that you can spend time on more important things in life that require your attention.


Kotak Credit Cards are transparent in communicating upfront what the card offers and what you would have to spend for it, if at all. We have taken care that there will be no hidden charges associated with this card.


Kotak Credit Cards have understood what you need the most from your credit card, and have been designed to give you only those benefits that are most relevant for you.

This promise from Kotak ensures that you only get the best from your credit card!

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Where can I get the application form from? Where can I submit the same?

Please write to us at [email protected] with below mentioned details and our Sales Representative will get back to you:

  • Name of your Entity
  • Name of contact person
  • Contact details
  • Number of cards

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Do I have to use this card only for my official expenses?

This card is specifically meant for official purpose. However you can use this card for personal expenses which will purely depend on the policy of your corporate who has availed the CORPORATE CARD OPTION.

This is more so as the consolidated bill will also include any personal spends done on a corporate card and the expenses for the same will have to be settled between you and your company.

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Is the cash withdrawal feature active on the card?

Cash withdrawal feature is not active on the card.

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How do I check the status of my application?

Visit -> Apply online -> Check online Application status

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